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ChIPSeq Analysis with Bayesian Machine Learning
ChIP-sequencing, otherwise called ChIP-seq, is a technique used to identify protein co-operations with DNA. A crucial advancement to the field of bio-informatics, ChIP sequencing is conducted in research labs around the world to get a better understanding of the way transcription factors and other associated proteins influence the gene in many biological processes and in tackling disease states. ChIP-seq is predominantly a field under the domain of biotechnology, however recent advancements and development of tools to process ChIP data have turned the study into one involving bio-informatics, allowing computer scientists and lab technicians to work on an otherwise scholarly field of biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology and biomedicine. This report illustrates the predominant work-flow undertaken to sequence chromatin from a cell and to gain insights on the gene/protein of interest. Another aspect added is to use Machine Learning with Bayesian statistical techniques for Peak Calling. The different stages enumerated in this paper have been completed either with the R language or on a Web Server titled 2019 IEEE. -
Alzheimer's disease : A challenge in the face of modern era /
Mapana Journal of Sciences, Vol.12, Issue 2, pp.19-36, ISSN No: 0975-3303. -
Will the antioxidant supplements impact the mitigation of oxidative stress in Parkinsons disease?
Parkinsons disease is a frequent neurodegenerative condition marked by both non-motor and motor symptoms. It is brought on by the selective depletion of dopamine neurons from the substantia nigra region of the midbrain. Numerous variables, including lifestyle, environment, age, smoking, and underlying medical disorders, affect the occurrence of Parkinsons disease. The free radicals created by oxidative stress have an impact on the morphology and function of neuronal cells and are a factor in many neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinsons and Alzheimers, disorder. Although the pathophysiological mechanism causing neuronal degeneration is still unknown, oxidative stress plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of idiopathic Parkinsons disease. It also has an association with numerous proteins, including ?-synuclein, amyloid, DJ-1 protein and several signalling pathways like extracellular regulated protein kinases. Reactive oxygen species also contribute to complex Is mitochondrial respiratory activity. The naturally occurring antioxidants are the phenols, anthocyanins, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins, and lignans. These antioxidants retain the reactive oxygen species generation and plays a role in several biological effects. As a result, natural plant antioxidants may have an impact on Parkinsons disease and offer an alternative therapy that minimises oxidative stress and slows down the evolution of the disease. 2024 Visagaa Publishing House. -
Harnessing the Power of Simulation Games for Effective Teaching in Business Schools
This research delves into the effectiveness of simulation games, in business education specifically focusing on how they improve decision making skills, critical thinking, real world business applications, student engagement and problem-solving abilities. While simulation games are widely recognized as cutting edge tools that provide learning experiences beyond traditional methods there remains a gap in empirical research assessing their overall impact on educational outcomes. Using a combination of analysis and qualitative case studies this study seeks to address this gap by examining how simulation games influence factors in business education. The methodology involves using a one-way ANOVA to compare learning outcomes across business disciplines and conducting detailed case studies for context. The results reveal effects of integrating simulation games into curricula on the mentioned learning outcomes. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating simulation games into business education to enhance students learning experiences effectively. By offering insights on optimizing and tailoring the use of simulation games in education settings this study contributes to improving teaching practices in business schools and encourages research into the interaction, between educational technology and learning efficacy. 2024 IEEE. -
Chandra X-ray analysis of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) stars are intermediate-mass pre-main-sequence stars, characterized by infrared (IR) excess and emission lines. They are observed to emit X-rays, whose origin is a matter of discussion and not settled yet. X-ray emission is not expected in HAeBe stars, as they lack the subsurface convective zone. In this study, we retrieved observations from the Chandra archive for 62 HAeBe stars, among which 44 sources (detection fraction ?71 per cent) were detected in X-rays, with 7 being new detections. We use this sample as a test bed to conduct a comparative analysis of the X-ray properties of HAeBe stars and their low-mass counterparts, T Tauri stars (TTSs). Further, we compare the X-ray properties of HAeBe stars and TTSs with optical and IR properties to constrain the X-ray emission mechanism in HAeBe stars. We found no correlation between X-ray emission and disc properties of HAeBe stars, confirming that X-rays are not related to accretion shocks. About 56 per cent of HAeBe stars without any known subarcsec companions have lower plasma temperatures (kT ? 2 keV). We observe flaring/variability in HAeBe stars with confirmed low-mass companions. These stars show plasma temperatures > 2 keV, similar to TTSs. Guided by this information, we discuss the role of a T Tauri companion for X-ray emission seen in our sample of HAeBe stars. From the results obtained in this paper, we suggest that X-ray emission from HAeBe stars may not be related to accretion shocks or hidden TTS, but rather can be due to magnetically driven coronal emission. 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. -
A meta-analysis on the effects of haphazard motion of tiny/nano-sized particles on the dynamics and other physical properties of some fluids
Decline in the theoretical and empirical review of Brownian motion is worth noticing, not just because its relevance lies in the field of mathematical physics but due to unavailability of statistical technique. The ongoing debate on transport phenomenon and thermal performance of various fluids in the presence of haphazard motion of tiny particles as explained by Albert Einstein using kinetic theory and Robert Brown is further clinched in this report. This report presents the outcome of detailed inspections of the significance of Brownian motion on the flow of various fluids as reported in forty-three (43) published articles using the method of slope linear regression through the data point. The technique of slope regression through the data points of each physical property of the flow and Brownian motion parameter was established and used to generate four forest plots. The outcome of the study indicates that an increase in Brownian motion corresponds to an enhancement of haphazard motion of tiny particles. In view of this, there would always be a significant difference between the corresponding effects when Brownian motion is small and large in magnitude. Maximum heat transfer rate can be achieved due to Brownian motion in the presence of thermal radiation, thermal convective and mass convective at the wall in three-dimensional flow. In the presence of heat convective and mass convective at the wall, and thermal radiation, a significant increase in Nusselt number due to Brownian motion is guaranteed. A decrease in the concentration of fluid substance due to an increase in Brownian motion is bound to occur. This is not achievable in the case of high entropy generation and homogeneous-heterogeneous quartic autocatalytic kind of chemical reaction. 2019 The Physical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan) -
Comparative analysis between 36 nm and 47 nm aluminawater nanofluid flows in the presence of Hall effect
White crystalline powder (aluminum oxide- Al 2 O 3 ) and water are the products often formed after the heating of aluminum hydroxide. In this report, boundary layer flow of two different nanofluids (i.e., 36nm Al 2 O 3 -water and 47nm Al 2 O 3 -water) over an upper horizontal surface of a paraboloid of revolution under the influence of magnetic field is presented. The combined influence of magnetic field strength, electric current density, electric charge, electron collision time, and the mass of an electron in the flows are considered in the governing equations. Three-dimensional transport phenomenon was considered due to the influence of the Lorentz force (F?) along the z-direction as in the case of Hall currents. In this study, the dynamic viscosity and density of the nanofluids are assumed to vary with the volume fraction ?. The dimensional governing equations were non-dimensionalization and parametrization using similarity variables. The corresponding boundary value problem was transformed into initial value problem using the method of superposition and solved numerically using fourth-order RungeKutta method with shooting technique (RK4SM). Magnetic field parameter is seen to have dual effects on the cross-flow velocity profiles of both nanofluids. The maximum cross-flow velocity is attained within the fluid domain when 36nm nanoparticles alumina is used. The cross-flow velocity gradient at the wall increases with magnetic field parameter (M) and also increases significantly with Hall parameter at larger values of M. 2018, Akadiai Kiad Budapest, Hungary. -
A Note on the Significance of Quartic Autocatalysis Chemical Reaction on the Motion of Air Conveying Dust Particles
Little is known on the significance of fluid-particle interaction for velocity and temperature as in the case of centrifuge for separating particles of different types, launching of rockets, and motion of space shuttle through the air when there exist chemical reactions between the flow and the wall. The aim of this study is not only to explore the significance of quartic autocatalytic chemical reaction on the flow of dusty fluid in which the transmission of energy in form of electromagnetic is nonlinear but also to unravel the effects of buoyancy on the velocity of the dust and temperature of the dust. The nonlinear partial differential equations that model the transport phenomenon was transformed, nondimensionalised, and parameterised using suitable variables. The corresponding boundary value problems were converted to an initial value problem using the method of superposition and solved numerically. The outcome of the study indicates that enhancement of buoyancy is a yardstick to increase the vertical velocity, horizontal velocity, and shear stress within the fluid domain; increase the velocity of the dust particles; increase the temperature distribution across the flow of dusty fluid; increase the concentration of dusty fluid; and decrease the concentration of the catalyst. It is worth noticing that utmost velocity of the dust occurs at a minimum value of fluid-particle interaction for velocity in the flow over a larger thickness of paraboloid of revolution. 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2019. -
Significance of Lorentz Force and Thermoelectric on the Flow of 29 nm CuO-Water Nanofluid on an Upper Horizontal Surface of a Paraboloid of Revolution
Combination of electric and magnetic forces on charged molecules of flowing fluid in the presence of a significant electromagnetic fields on surfaces with a nonuniform thickness (as in the case of upper pointed surface of an aircraft and bonnet of a car which are examples of upper horizontal surfaces of a paraboloid of revolution - uhspr) is inevitable. In this study, the influence of imposed magnetic field and Hall effects on the flow of 29 nm CuO-water nanofluid over such object is presented. Suitable similarity variables were employed to nondimensionalize and parameterize the dimensional governing equation. The numerical solutions of the corresponding boundary value problem were obtained using Runge-Kutta fourth-order integration scheme along with shooting technique. The domain of cross-flow velocity can be highly suppressed when the magnitude of imposed magnetic strength and that of Hall parameter are large. A significant increase in the cross-flow velocity gradient near an upper horizontal surface of the paraboloid of revolution is guaranteed with an increase in the Hall parameter. Enhancement of temperature distribution across the flow is apparent due to an increase in the volume fraction. 2019 by ASME. -
On the Motion of Non-Newtonian EyringPowell Fluid Conveying Tiny Gold Particles Due to Generalized Surface Slip Velocity and Buoyancy
In the painting industry, space science and biomedical science, the nature of relaxation in the flow of non-Newtonian fluid (i.e. blood) containing gold (Ag) suits the characteristics of EyringPowell fluid flow induced by generalized surface slip velocity and buoyancy. However, flow of various non-Newtonian fluids on the horizontal surface of a slanted paraboloid of revolution objects (i.e. rocket, as in space science), over a bonnet of a car and over a pointed surface of an aircraft is of importance to experts in all these fields. In this article, the analysis of the motion within the thin layer formed on a horizontal object which is neither a perfect horizontal nor vertical and neither an inclined surface nor a cone/wedge is presented. The transformed governing equations which model the flow was non-dimenzionalized, parameterized and solved numerically using a well-known RungeKutta integration procedure along with shooting technique. The influence of increasing the magnitude of major parameters on the temperature distribution, local heat transfer rate, concentration of the fluid, local skin friction coefficient and velocity of the flow are illustrated graphically and discussed. Velocity slip parameter is found to be a decreasing function of temperature distribution across the flow. Heat transfer rate (NuxRex-1/2) at the wall (?= 0) is an increasing function of velocity slip parameter. Maximum coefficient of concentration of homogeneous bulk fluid at the wall exists at larger values of the emerged velocity slip and volume fraction parameters. 2018, Springer Nature India Private Limited. -
Significance of thickness of paraboloid of revolution and buoyancy forces on the dynamics of EryingPowell fluid subject to equal diffusivity kind of quartic autocatalysis
The flows of non-Newtonian fluid over upper horizontal surfaces of rockets, over bonnets of cars, and pointed surfaces of aircraft are of great importance to the experts in the field of space sciences, automobile construction, and aerodynamic industry where efficiency is dependent on the thickness of paraboloid of revolution, buoyancy, and autocatalysis. The purpose of this study is to present not only the nonlinear governing equation which models the transport phenomenon, but also to analyze the non-Newtonian EryingPowell fluid flow within a thin layer formed on an object which is neither a perfect horizontal nor a vertical, and neither an inclined surface nor a cone/wedge. The governing equation suitable to model the transport phenomenon above for the case of equal diffusivity during quartic autocatalytic kind of chemical reaction was non-dimensionalized and solved numerically. The velocity of the flow along x?direction can be enhanced when thickness increases negligible but buoyancy forces increase significantly. The rate of increase in the velocity of the flow along the y?direction from the wall to the free stream is optimal when the thickness of the paraboloid of revolution is zero (objects with a uniform thickness) and buoyancy force is sufficiently large. The concentration of EryingPowell fluid at the wall G(0) is a decreasing function of Prandtl number but an increasing property of Schmidt number. 2020 Elsevier B.V. -
Analysis of the Performance of VAR Models as a tool for Market Risk
The International Journals Research Journal of Social Science & Management Vol.2, No.10 pp.74-83. ISSN No. 2251-1571 -
Configuration of Streamlines of a Rotating Fluid Flows with Variable Viscosity
Volume 2, issue 8, ISSN 23938374 -
Evaluation of cytotoxicity and antioxidant properties of some zingiberaceae plants /
International Journal of Green Pharmacy Supplementary Issue, Vol.12, Issue 4, pp.870-875, ISSN No: 1998-4103. -
Advancements in Sybil Attack Detection: A Comprehensive Survey of Machine Learning-Based Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in various healthcare and military surveillance applications. As more sensitive data is transmitted across the network, achieving security becomes critical. Ensuring security is also challenging because most sensors are deployed in remote areas, making them vulnerable to many security attacks. Sybil attacks are one of the most destructive attacks. Security against Sybil attackers can be attained by implementing effective detection techniques to distinguish attackers from genuine nodes. This paper reviews existing machine learning-based approaches for detecting Sybil attacks, and their performance is compared based on different parameters. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Smart remote garbage monitoring system on IOT /
Patent Number: 201941050085, Applicant: Dr. E.A.Mary Anita.
The present invention relates to a smart system with the capability of giving information about the level of garbage to the in-charge for collecting garbage. This information helps the corporation to allocate employees and decide the efficient route for garbage collection. The smart garbage collection system based on loT measures the level of garbage and uploads it to the cloud which can be viewed dynamically through the mobile, app and enables the corporation employee to monitor garbage collection system
remotely. -
A low cost and high actuation speed 3D printed prosthetic arm /
Patent Number: 202241047867, Applicant: Sujatha A K. -
The Evaluation of Security and Privacy Components in the Context of Peer-To-Peer Power Trading Methodologies using Network Intelligence
The widespread implementation of renewable energy sources, along with a more proactive approach to managing electricity use, is causing a shift in the way power systems operate and electricity is traded in the market. The P2P economy in particular is benefiting from this change. To efficiently handle the fast changes in renewable power generation at the distribution network level, a local market mechanism that can adapt is required. The efficient and safe operation of the distribution network is also bound to be affected by the extensive adoption of P2P energy trading. This study presents a new paradigm for P2P power trading that accounts for constraints imposed by distribution network security. Specifically, the design makes use of the generalised quick dual ascent method. The article lays out the groundwork for an event-based local peer-to-peer market, which would facilitate rapid and efficient energy swaps inside a certain region. The next step in making sure the distribution system is secure is to evaluate the impact of peer-to-peer transactions on the network using the nodal voltage and network loss in relation to nodal power injections. This allows for an internal determination of how to distribute the costs of P2P energy trading and the incorporation of the external operating constraints. Distributed market-clearing is also applied efficiently by means of a universal quick dual ascent technique. The numerical results show that the proposed model can implement P2P energy trading securely into the distribution system. Furthermore, the method for solving the problem shows remarkable efficiency in achieving convergence. 2024, Auricle Global Society of Education and Research. All rights reserved. -
Human-Computer Interaction: Innovations and Challenges in Virtual Reality
In an effort to shed light on the advances and difficulties that are shaping the area of Virtual Reality (VR), this research paper digs into the ever-evolving world of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) within the context of VR. We have found important insights with theoretical and practical applications via a careful research technique comprising mathematical modelling, data collecting, and empirical analysis. Through our investigation of new technologies, we have shown the revolutionary potential of haptic feedback systems in VR settings. Our results, backed by a solid mathematical model, provide light on the measurable effect of haptic feedback and suggest it has the potential to radically alter user experiences in fields as diverse as gaming, instruction, and treatment. At the same time, we have overcome a number of obstacles inherent to virtual reality human-computer interaction, including motion sickness. Our mathematical model of motion sickness and its treatment lays the groundwork for creating VR experiences that are both enjoyable and safe for a wider range of users. This study highlights the ethical implications of VR HCI, highlighting the importance of responsible development and deployment in addition to advances and problems. To make sure that the advantages of this gamechanging technology are used in a responsible manner, we discuss issues like privacy, informed consent, and the possibility for addiction in VR. Our results, as we reach the end of our trip, are both a celebration of potential and a guide for where VR HCI is headed. They motivate more research into inclusive and human-centered design, personalized motion sickness prevention, and cutting-edge haptic feedback technologies. To further lead the development of VR HCI, we advocate for continuous multidisciplinary cooperation and the adoption of thorough ethical rules and regulations. 2024 IEEE.