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Mid-infrared variability of ?-ray emitting blazars
Using data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, we studied the mid-infrared (mid-IR) 3.4 ?m (W1-band) and 4.6 ?m (W2-band) flux variability of ? -ray emitting blazars. Our sample consists of 460 flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and 575 BL Lacertae (BL Lac) objects. On intraday time-scales, the median amplitude of variability (? m) for FSRQs is 0.04+0.03?0.02 and 0.05+0.03?0.02 mag in W1 and W2 bands. For BL Lacs, we found median ? m in W1(W2) bands of 0.04+0.01?0.02 (0.04+0.02?0.02) mag. On long time-scales, for FSRQs we found a median ? m of 0.44+0.28?0.27 and 0.45+0.27?0.27 mag in W1 and W2 bands, while for BL Lacs, the median values are 0.21+0.18?0.12 and 0.22+0.18?.011 mag in W1 and W2 bands. From statistical tests, we found FSRQs to show larger ? m than BL Lacs on both intraday and long time-scales. Among blazars, low synchrotron peaked sources showed larger ? m compared to intermediate synchrotron peaked and high synchrotron peaked sources. The larger ? m seen in FSRQs relative to BL Lacs on both intraday and long time-scales could be due to them having the most powerful relativistic jets and/or their mid-IR band coinciding with the peak of the electron energy distribution. BL Lacs have low power jets and the observational window too traces the emission from low-energy electrons, thereby leading to low ? m. In both FSRQs and BL Lacs predominantly a bluer when brighter behaviour was observed. No correlation is found between ? m and black hole mass. 2020 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society -
Digital Marketing Strategies: Effectiveness on Generation Z
The paper examines the constructs of digital marketing strategies on two aspects. Exploring the numerous digital marketing strategies related to Generation Z through a comprehensive desk review and archival research and confirming the explored factors to create a valid and measurable instrument.It is important to quantify and develop a scale to measure the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies on Generation Z. The first section of the study is exploratory factor analysis (EFA), establishing the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies on Generation Z. The second section deals with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), confirming the factors coined through exploratory factor analysis. The dimensions identified in the research can help marketers create exclusive digital marketing strategies to target Generation Z. 2020 SCMS Group of Educational Institutions. All rights reserved. -
Classification of extragalactic point sources and flux variability characteristics of blazars
Classification of different types of astronomical objects in large surveys usually done through spectroscopy requires enormous amounts of time. Hence, many attempts have been made using broad band photometric magnitudes and spectroscopic observations to classify the sources, particularly extragalactic sources such as active galactic nuclei (AGNs), starburst galaxies and normal galaxies. However, a method which does not involve spectroscopic data would be ideal. -
Classification of extragalactic point sources and flux variability characteristics of blazars
Classification of different types of astronomical objects in large surveys usually done through spectroscopy requires enormous amounts of time. Hence, many attempts have been made using broad band photometric magnitudes and spectroscopic observations to classify the sources, particularly extragalactic sources such as active galactic nuclei (AGNs), starburst galaxies and newlinenormal galaxies. However, a method which does not involve spectroscopic data would be ideal. With this in view, in this work we have made an effort to classify a sample of 37,492 point sources into Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs), galaxies and stars using template fitting technique and multiwavelength photometric magnitudes from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and newlinethe Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) with coverage from the optical (z: 8931 to the far ultraviolet (FUV: 1516 . Templates for QSOs, galaxies and stars were used to fit the data of the objects to the seven photometric bands of SDSS and GALEX. The results were compared with SDSS spectroscopic classification. Two UV bands (NUV and FUV) were included to remove the possible degeneracies in the classification based only on optical bands or in color-color method. UV bands play a crucial role in the classification and characterization of astronomical objects that emit over a wide range of wavelengths, especially for those that are bright at UV. Classification using template fitting method is consistent with spectroscopic methods, provided UV information of the objects is available. UV bands are particularly important for separating quasars and stars, as well as spiral and starburst galaxies. We have achieved the efficiency of 89% for QSOs, 63% for galaxies and 84% for stars. Objects for which spectroscopic data is not available can also be classified using this method which does not require spectroscopic information. -
QSRP Studies of Chemical Compunds Using Topological Indices
In this study, we explore the intersection of graph theory and chemistry, focusing on how graph theory s principles can model molecular structures and predict their physiochemical properties. Specifcally, it applies topological indices (mathematical descriptors) derived from the graph-theoretic representation of molecules to establish quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) for octane isomers and polychlorobiphenyls. The investigation encompasses 30 topological indices, including the Harary, Wiener, Zagreb, and connectivity indices, and assesses their correlation with key physiochemical properties. Through rigorous analysis, the study successfully develops QSPR models capable of predicting properties like BP, HVAP, DHVAP, HFORM, AcenFac, TSA, and RRT signifcantly advancing newlinethe predictive accuracy of chemical properties. The study of inverse problems about topological indices and QSPR is a testament to the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientifc research, bridging gaps between mathematics, chemistry, and computer science. Inverse problems in graph theory newlinehold a special place due to their capacity to address fundamental questions about the structure and behavior of graphs based on given properties. They are often more complex and challenging than direct problems. The study of inverse problems in our research contributes to the theoretical foundations of chemical graph theory by characterizing trees and unicyclic graphs with specifc topological indices and oand#64256;ering novel insights into the inverse problem for Zagreb indices. The newlineinclusion of Python programs for calculating various topological indices further bridges theoretical chemistry with practical application, highlighting the thesis s newlineaim to enhance both the efciency and accuracy of predicting chemical compound properties. This work not only demonstrates the profound impact of graph theory on chemical informatics but also opens new avenues for research in the feld. -
Unlocking the Antimicrobial, Antifungal, and Anticancer Power of Chitosan-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have become a research focus due to its antimicrobial, anticancer applications and cost-effective properties. In this study the effectiveness of green synthesis of NPs using biological macromolecule chitosan which isacting as a reducingcum stabilizing agent is carried out. An in-depth analysis of the synthesized AgNPs was conducted using a variety of sophisticatedcharacterization techniques such as UV-visible spectroscopy, particle size analysis, zeta potentialmeasurements, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photoluminescence, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The antimicrobialactivity of the formulated AgNPs were inspected against two human pathogenic strains. In the antimicrobial activity, the synthesized AgNPs exhibited a reduction in the growth of both themicrobes. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 1.22 M was observed for both Candida albicans and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Consequently, AgNPs may be used as an opportunity for modern-day antibiotics to treat infections due to human pathogens. Antiproliferative analysis revealed that AgNPs showed antiproliferative characteristics against MDA-MB-231 cells compared to the control. Such AgNPs have an anticancer effect and are likely to be used as smart drug delivery mediators to treat late-stage cancer. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Ion-imprinted chitosan-stabilized biogenic silver nanoparticles for the electrochemical detection of arsenic (iii) in water samples
Arsenic is one of the most harmful heavy metals, and needs constant monitoring and control. A susceptible and selective sensor for arsenic (iii) detection in polluted water samples has been developed by using chitosan-stabilized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). A glassy carbon electrode (GCE) is modified with chitosan-stabilized silver nanoparticles, which provides sufficient sites for interaction with the analyte. The synthesized silver nanoparticles are characterized using different characterization techniques, such as UV-Visible spectroscopy, transmission electron spectroscopy (TEM) and particle size distribution. The particle size and polydispersity index (PDI) value of the chitosan stabilized silver nanoparticles are found to be 6 nm and 0.3, respectively, which enhances the electroactive surface area and hence the sensor sensitivity. The ion imprinting technique is used to improve the selectivity of the sensor. The arsenic sensor is found to be very selective in the presence of other possible interferents like Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ag+ and Fe2+. The detection of As(iii) was performed using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) and the detection limit was found to be 11.39 pM. The developed sensor is successfully tested for the picomolar level detection of arsenic (iii) in different water samples. 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry. -
Advanced Electrochemical Detection of 2,4-dichlorophenol in Water with Molecularly Imprinted Chitosan Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles
2,4-Dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) is a hazardous chemical that can be passed down to offspring. Because 2,4-DCP degrades slowly and can be passed down to future generations, its a pesticide that needs to be continuously monitored and managed. With the use of chitosan-stabilized AuNPs on a glassy carbon electrode and the molecular imprinting technique, an effective electrochemical sensor has been built for the selective determination of 2,4-DCP in different aqueous samples. The analytes electroactive surface area and number of interaction sites are both increased by the AuNPs. The formulated AuNPs were characterized using several material characterization techniques. Molecularly imprinted nanomaterials provided the selectivity against other interfering chlorophenols. With a detection limit of 6.33 nM and a broad linear dynamic range of 21.09 to 310 nM, 2,4-DCP was found using differential pulse voltammetry. Without interference from structural analogs, the sensor was effectively evaluated in a variety of contaminated water samples. 2024 The Electrochemical Society (ECS). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited. All rights, including for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies, are reserved. -
Recent Advances in Nanomaterials Based Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Sensors
Nanotechnology and molecular imprinting both are omnipresent in the modern scientific world. Molecular recognition in the biological systems was mimicked to an extreme extent with its difficulties through molecular imprinting. Solving the problems related to this mimicking was the goal of science and technology. Some challenges like difficulties with the imprinting of protein, poor compatibility with aqueous environments, template leakage, and heterogeneous populations of binding sites in the polymers that contribute to a high level of nonspecific binding sites were addressed with recent advancement in the modern era. These issues were solved later with nano level instrumentations and inventions. Different types of nanomaterials were employed for this research on molecular recognition through MIPs to enhance selectivity, sensitivity and stability to specific systems such as sensors. This review paper attempts to give all the recent advances in molecular imprinting and the potential of nanomaterials in electrochemical sensors. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
An extensive review on transition metal catalyzed indole C[sbnd]H activation: Catalyst selection and mechanistic insights
The present review article explores the expansive synthetic methodologies facilitated by C[sbnd]H activation of indoles using transition metal catalysts. The strategic utilization of catalysts such as palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and manganese has revolutionized organic synthesis by enabling selective alkynylation, acylation, and annulation reactions. These transformations are pivotal in pharmaceuticals, particularly in the synthesis of antihistamines and potential antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, these catalysts play a crucial role in perfumery and other chemical industries, enhancing the efficiency and precision of compound synthesis. The choice of transition metal catalysts is informed by their affordability and compatibility with both traditional analytical methods and innovative techniques like microwave synthesis and LED irradiation. Furthermore, this review underscores the interdisciplinary impact of transition metal-catalyzed C[sbnd]H activation on indoles, highlighting its significance in advancing both fundamental organic chemistry and applied sciences essential for modern technological advancements and drug discovery efforts. 2024 The Author(s) -
Effectiveness of blended classroom among varied streams of undergraduate language learners An Experimental Study
Technology has become an integral part of learners today and keeping with the time, researchers have developed learning methods that address this issue. There have been several methods developed to address this issue. One of the most successful techniques that has in the recent past contributed largely to active learning is flipped classroom. Communication skills is the need of the hour, to ensure an employable community this study endeavours to develop a learning technique that will nurture active learners and improve their communication skill in a technology oriented community. Hence the paper aims at finding and deliberating the efficacy of implementing flipped classroom to improve communication skills among undergraduate learners from science and humanities majors. BEIESP. -
Molecularly Imprinted Nanomaterials for the Electrochemical Sensing of Environmental Pollutants
ntegrating molecularly imprinted nanoparticles, environmental contaminants are detected electrochemically on a glassy carbon electrode that caters as the transducer host. The modification of electrodes using different noble nanoparticles resulted in enhanced electrooxidation of analytes. The allocation of chitosan as a reducing and stabilizing agent in the green synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles enhances the sensor's efficiency. Different characterizations like UV-Visible Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Dynamic Light Scattering analysis further confirm the synthesized nanoparticles' morphology, stability, and size. The different experimental conditions needed for effective detection, like electrolytes, potential window, scan rate, and pH, were optimized with utmost careful examination. The morphological characterization of the electrodes were executed utilizing Scanning Electron Microscopy and Optical profilometry, whereas the electrochemical characterization was performed using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. The Nyquist plot showcased the low resistance and high charge transfer of modified imprinted electrodes with enhanced surface area. Using Differential Pulse Voltammetry, the sensor was validated with nano to femto-level detection limits and a wide linear range with good sensitivity. The imprinting factor displays the superior electroactivity of imprinted sensors compared to non-imprinted sensors. The molecularly imprinted electrode effectively detected environmental pollutants in different water samples. Hence, all the works point to the exceptional approach of imprinted nanomaterials in electrochemical detection with its simplicity and facile preparation. It may be used to develop a susceptible voltammetric sensor for researching environmental pollutants. -
Comprehensive strategies of Lignocellulolytic enzyme production from microbes and their applications in various commercial-scale faculties
Activities of anthropological organisms leads to the production of massive lignocellulosic waste every year and these lignocellulolytic enzymes plays crucial role in developing eco-friendly, sustainable and economical methods for decomposing and pre-treating the biomass to produce biofuels, organic acids, feeds and enzymes. Lignocellulolytic enzymes sustainably hydrolyse the biomass and can be utilized in wide range of applications such as personal care, pharmaceutical, biofuel release, sewage treatment, food and beverage industries. Every year a significant ton of biomass waste is released and insight on these crucial enzymes could establish in all the industries. However, due to the increased demand for compost materials, biomass degradation has resulted in composting processes. Several methods for improving compost amount and quality have been explored, including increasing decomposer inoculums, stimulating microbial activity, and establishing a decomposable environment. All of these prerequisites are met by biotechnological applications. Biotechnological procedures are used to improve the activity of enzymes on biomass. It leads to an adequate supply of compost and base materials for enterprises. In terms of effectiveness and stability during the breakdown process, lignocellulolytic enzymes derived from genetically modified species outperformed naturally derived lignocellulolytic enzymes. It has the potential to increase the quality and output of byproducts. This review discussed the development of lignocellulolytic enzyme families and their widespread applications in a variety of industries such as olive oil extraction, carotenoid extraction, waste management, pollution control, second-generation bio-ethanol production, textile and dyeing, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, animal feed, food processing industries, detergent, and agricultural industries. 2022 Visagaa Publishing House. -
SPP1, a potential therapeutic target and biomarker for lung cancer: functional insights through computational studies
NIH reported 128 different types of cancer of which lung cancer is the leading cause of mortality. Globally, it is estimated that on average one in every seventeen hospitalized patients was deceased. There are plenty of studies that have been reported on lung cancer draggability and therapeutics, but yet a protein that plays a central specific to cure the disease remains unclear. So, this study is designed to identify the possible therapeutic targets and biomarkers that can be used for the potential treatment of lung cancers. In order to identify differentially expressed genes, 39 microarray datasets of lung cancer patients were obtained from various demographic regions of the GEO database available at NCBI. After annotating statistically, 6229 up-regulated genes and 10324 down-regulated genes were found. Out of 17 up-regulated genes and significant genes, we selected SPP1 (osteopontin) through virtual screening studies. We found functional interactions with the other cancer-associated genes such as VEGF, FGA, JUN, EGFR, and TGFB1. For the virtual screening studies,198 biological compounds were retrieved from the ACNPD database and docked with SPP1 protein (PDBID: 3DSF). In the results, two highly potential compounds secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (-12.9 kcal/mol), and Hesperidin (-12.0 kcal/mol) showed the highest binding affinity. The stability of the complex was accessed by 100 ns simulation in an SPC water model. From the functional insights obtained through these computational studies, we report that SPP1 could be a potential biomarker and successive therapeutic protein target for lung cancer treatment. 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Wearable Leaf-Shaped Slotted Antenna Including Human Phantom for WBAN Applications
A 5.8 GHz leaf-shaped slotted antenna for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) applications is presented in this piece of content. The leaf structure includes tri leaves, having a complete ground plane at the lowest floor and a central circle slot. The suggested antenna is 60 mm by 60 mm by 1.16 mm in total dimensions. The ISM (Industrial Science and Medical) band frequency of 5.8 GHz is covered by this antenna's radiation range of 5.5 to 6.4 GHz. The radiated pattern, efficiency, S11 magnitude and gain were the different attributes of the leaf-patterned slot antenna. The creation of a stylish leaf-shaped antenna that can be incorporated into clothing designs is the main goal of this project. This antenna may be used in difficult situations because of its flexible base and conductive fabric. The method considers the needs of wearable antennas, such as the impact of human interactions on this antenna, as well as the opposite. 2023 IEEE. -
Internet of things-based virtual private social networks on a text messaging strategy on mobile platforms
A virtual private social network (VPSN) allows a device to communicate securely with a network via the internet. Confidential data may be sent more securely thanks to the encrypted connection; it allows the user to operate remotely and prevents unauthorised parties from listening in. A mobile messaging platform is a text-enabled mailbox on the web. They enable companies and organisations to communicate with clients via text message. Social networking organisations may now use compute resources as a utility instead of creating and managing their computer infrastructures thanks to cloud computing (CC). An example of how a distributed sensor-actor environment might be used in a sociology-technical network is shown in this paper. The results are obtained as regular media access actively is 85.7%, security services in IoT is 85.37%, text attackers is 83.6%, loss of information is 82.8%, and blocking text messages is 91.48%. Copyright 2024 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
A virtual private social network (VPSN) is generated automatically amongst peers using a social media app to build ties. One of the most significant repercussions of students' excessive usage of social networking sites is a decline in their academic performance. In a study of medical students, social media and the internet were shown to harm students' academic performance and classroom attentiveness. An increasing number of studies link the use of social media to poorer academic performance, such as fewer students doing their assignments and lower test scores. Students who receive specialised training in deep learning will have the superior cognitive abilities needed to succeed in today's more cognitively demanding workplaces. It teaches children to be critical thinkers, productive members of society, and active participants in a democratic society. As a perceptron used in image recognition and processing, a convolutional neural network (CNN) processes pixel data from social networks. A CNN uses multiplayer perception to lessen the processing needs of pupils. Humans and neurons make up the VPSN-CNN network, which the article explains. Neurons generate dendrites and axons to receive and transmit signals, while humans engage with long-reaching telecommunication equipment or biological communication systems. These will help remember, learn, unlearn, and relearn what has already been learned. In courses where social networking sites were utilised in addition to traditional teaching methods, most students reported feeling more socially engaged and more positive about their educational experiences. Students' and instructors' concerns regarding the educational usage of social media are addressed with recommendations for further study and practice in better performance and accuracy for student's data secure and comparison with existing methods. 2023 Little Lion Scientific. All rights reserved.