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Qualitative and quantitative test of digital micromirror device for next generation UV multi-object spectroscopy
The coming decade in astronomy focuses on large wide field imaging and spectroscopic surveys. No wide field imaging facility extends to the UV region, which represents an important window into a wide variety of astrophysical problems. Also, spectroscopy would be essential to understand the physical and chemical properties of several stars, star forming regions and galaxies. Multi object spectroscopy (MOS) would be an efficient way to obtain these parameters for a large number of objects at a much shorter timescale. Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) acts as a programmable slit mask and can be used to achieve this goal in an MOS. This paper discusses different ground tests conducted on DMD to be used for the above said application. Numerical simulations for the diffraction effects on DMD is also carried out and the results are shared in this paper. 2020 SPIE -
Residual stresses analysis on thermal barrier coatingsndt tool for condition assessment
Improvement in the engine efficiency follows reduction in fuel consumption which is possible by increasing the engine combustion temperature. Coating the piston of diesel engine with a high temperature-resistant material, known as thermal barrier coating, generally 68% Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2, is a popular method to reduce the temperature it experiences in service and to increase engine efficiency. Whether bare or coated component, fabrication and different thermal expansion coefficients of the ceramic coating and piston metal cause generation of residual stresses in them. These hidden residual stresses (tensile or compressive) play a significant role in governing the failure mechanism of the different sections of the components and their important role (also developed in service) is mostly neglected in engineering practices. Residual stresses analysis of components in service may throw light on the condition of the components without destroying them. In this work, portable X-ray residual stress analyzer was used to evaluate the condition of AlSi alloys piston flat plates that were coated with 250-m-thick 68% Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 and subjected to thermal treatments. The analysis revealed (a) residual stress-free pattern for uncoated AlSi substrate, (b) compressive residual stress at the substrate (AlSi)coating (TBC) interface and (c) tensile residual stress at the substrate (AlSi)coating (TBC) interface of a thermal shocked coated substrate. The analysis method exhibited good possibility for using this as a tool for non-destructive testing for predicting the onset of failure at the coating substrate interface, without destroying the component in service. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2020. -
A critical review of Cr(VI) ion effect on mankind and its amputation through adsorption by activated carbon
A toxic heavy metal is a one which is plausibly dense metal or metalloid that is eminent for its prospective toxicity, particularly in environmental context. Heavy metal poisoning may crop up as an upshot of air or water contamination, exposure to industrial activities, foodstuffs, medicines, coarsely coated food containers, etc. The present review highlights various issues related to the effects of Cr (VI) heavy metal toxicity to human health and its adsorption from wastewater using low cost adsorbents. Many researchers have lay their endeavor to ascertain low-priced adsorbents that are effortlessly available and have power over the sensible adsorption capacity. It is perceptible from the literature survey that the revealed adsorbents have established stupendous removal capabilities for Cr (VI) metal ions. As the convention of heavy metal Cr (VI) is increased, it is implicit that there is a strong need for research to remove Cr (VI) heavy metal ions from wastewater to trim down the problem of soaring anthropogenic pressure and burly tendency to mount up in living organisms. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Protecting Medical Research Data Using Next Gen Steganography Approach
In this paper our main aim is to protect medical research information, when data either images or information shared via internet or stored on hard drive 3rd person cant access without authentication. As needs be, there has been an expanded enthusiasm for ongoing years to upgrade the secrecy of patients data. For this we combined different techniques to provide more security. Our approach is a combination of cryptography, Steganography & digital watermarking we named this technique as Next Gen. We used cryptography for encrypting the patients information even if they find image is stegonized and digital watermarking for authenticity and for Steganography we used most popular least significant bit algorithm (LSB). The experimental outcomes with various inputs show that the proposed technique gives a decent tradeoff between security, implanting limit and visual nature of the stego pictures. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Artificial Intelligence based Semantic Text Similarity for RAP Lyrics
Data mining is the primary method of gathering large volumes of knowledge. To make use of such data to implementation requires the use of effective machine learning strategies. Semantic Textual Similarity is one of the primary machine learning strategies. At its core, semantic textual similarity is the identification of words with similar context. Initial work in STS involved text reuse, word search among others. The proposed research work uses a specific method of determining textual similarity using Google's Word2Vec framework and the Continuous-bag-of-words algorithm for identifying word similarity in rap records. A large data set consisting of over 50,000 rap records is used. The key aspect of proposed methodology is to determine the words with similar context and cluster them into different word clusters also called bags. To achieve the desired result, the dataset is first processed to obtain the features. Once the features are selected, a model is generated by passing the data onto the Word2Vec framework. The research work on semantic textual similarity was repeated across three different runs, with the data set size changing in every run. At the end of each the accuracy of similarity obtained by the model was determined. The current research work has achieved average accuracy as 85%. 2020 IEEE. -
The Effect of Bloom's Taxonomy on Random Forest Classifier for cognitive level identification of E-content
With the advancement in internet, the efficiency of e-learning increased and currently e-learning is one of the primary method of learning for most learners after the regular academics studies. The knowledge delivery through e-learning web sites increased exponentially over the years because of the advancement in internet and e-learning technologies. The learner can find many website with lots of information on the relevant domain. However learners often found it difficult to Figure out the right leaning content from the humongous availability of e-content. In the proposed work an intelligent framework is developed to address this issue. The framework recommend the right learning content to a user from the e-learning web sites with the knowledge level of the user. The e-contents available in web sites were divided in to three cognitive levels such as beginner, intermediate and advanced level. The current work uses Blooms Taxonomy verbs and its synonyms to improve the accuracy of the classifier used in the framework. 2020 IEEE. -
Real-Time Application of Document Classification Based on Machine Learning
This research has been performed, keeping a real-time application of document (multi-page, varying length, scanned image-based) classification in mind. History of property title is captured in various documents, recorded against the said property in all the countries across the world. Information of the property, starting from ownership to the conveyance, mortgage, refinance etc. are buried under these documents. This is by far a human driven process to manage these digitized documents. Categorization of the documents is the primary step to automate the management of these documents and intelligent retrieval of information without or minimal human intervention. In this research, we have examined a popular, supervised machine learning technique called, SVM (support vector machine) with a heterogeneous data set of six categories of documents related to property. The model obtained an accuracy of 88.06% in classifying over 988 test documents. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
A structured approach to implementing Robotic Process Automation in HR
Technological innovations are changing the industrial landscape. As technology transforms the world, the HR function needs to focus on embracing automation and other technologies that promise efficiency, service effectiveness and cost savings. Deployment of robotic process automation (RPA) can help (a) to offer better service to employees and managers (b) ensure compliance of HR processes with standards and regulations (c) facilitate rapid initiation and completion of HR processes (d) enhance efficiencies by digitizing data and auditing process data (e) improve HR productivity and cost savings by automating manual and repetitive tasks. A robust and structured approach needs to be in place to identify HR processes that can be automated using the RPA approach. In this paper the authors (a) suggest a four step approach - validation, assessment, evaluation and classification - to analyze processes and verify their suitability for automation using RPA (b) identify HR processes that has relevance for the RPA approach within the broad areas of HR Strategy, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development & Performance Management, Compensation & Benefits, HR Operations and Employee Relations (c) recommend a process for mapping HR RPA propensity. A case study is also presented for greater clarity on adoption of RPA in HR processes. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Internet of things based metaheuristic reliability centered maintenance of distribution transformers
The transformer is a vital component of the power system. Continuous stress on the transformer due to overload, transient and faults will lead to physical damages. The isolation of the transformer causes significant revenue loss and inconvenience to the consumers at the distribution level. This invites the need to achieve a reliable power supply to the consumers and to perform maintenance activity appropriately. Optimized and predictive maintenance strategies are evolved to improve power availability for consumers. The model considers dispersive generation at the customer end, namely solar photovoltaics standalone system, diesel generation, and vehicle to load capabilities. Incipient or critical status of transformers' functional parameters are observed through the transformer terminal unit and sent to the internet of things platform. The remote processing unit acquires the information from all the distribution transformer and generates the optimized and reliability-centered maintenance schedule. In the proposed work, new reliability indices concerning the consumer dispersive generation are defined. The maximization of the reliability problem is solved using the coconut tree optimization technique. The highest reliability of power supply to the consumer and maintenance schedule are obtained. Economic facet of the estimated maintenance schedule exhibit benefit for both utility and consumer as it encapsulate time of use tariff. The heuristic dataset is used to synthesize the trained model by the machine learning algorithm and future maintenance schedule is predicted. The comparative study is made for the outcome of time-based optimized and predicted maintenance schedules against reliability. 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. -
An Approach to Introduce Mobile Application Development for Teaching and Learning by Adapting Allans Dual Coding Theory
This paper reveals around methodology that could be powerful to teach mobile applications in a class by including a decent utilization of innovative technology alongside a system. Appraisal instruments within the cloud were utilized to encourage this sort of methodology toward teaching application development. The new methodology is executed by teaching in the lab with desktops or in the classroom with students laptops. It adapted Allans dual code Theory. The adequacy of this methodology is obvious through an examination of outcomes. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Harnessing technology for mitigating water woes in the city of Bengaluru
Industrialization has caused most of the world's environmental problems like climate change, water security issues, biodiversity issues among others. Water-related issues like water scarcity, lack of water quality, water sanitation issues, lack of proper water resources management are some of them. Urbanization, population increase, pollution has led to an increase in water demand. Water being the elixir of life, is essential for the day-to-day living of an individual. The Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies like AI, IoT, Blockchain, Machine Learning have the capability of bringing solutions to these issues. The current study focuses on the water woes of Bengaluru, a fast-growing urban city, due to its migrating population. The woes are also due to the irresponsible behaviour of builders converting lakes into real estate infrastructure leading to clogged drains, excess sewage creation and flooding. A huge mismatch between demand and supply of water is created due to these issues. Before the city hits the Day Zero - no water day, it is significant to set up water infrastructure along with technology implementation which will help resolve this burning issue at the earliest. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Improved Crypto Algorithm for High-Speed Internet of Things (IoT) Applications
Modern technologies focus on integrated systems based on the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT based devices are unified with various levels of high-speed internet communication, computation process, secure authentication and privacy policies. One of the significant demands of present IoT is focused on its secure high-speed communication. However, traditional authentication and secure communication find it very difficult to manage the current need for IoT applications. Therefore, the need for such a reliable high-speed IoT scheme must be addressed. This proposed title introduces an enhanced version of the Rijndael Cryptographic Algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard AES) to obtain fast-speed IoT-based application transmission. Pipeline-based AES technique promises for the high-speed crypto process, and this secure algorithm targeted to fast-speed Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware. Thus, high-speed AES crypto algorithms, along with FPGA hardware, will improve the efficiency of future IoT design. Our proposed method also shows the tradeoff between High-Speed communications along with various FPGA platforms. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Sustainability Concepts in the Design of Tall Structures
Construction industry is a rapid growing industry with various new technologies coming into practice. Sustainability concept is also a call for the present generation as many natural resources are getting exhausted. Thus the new era of development of Tall Structures with respect to Sustainability concept is being studied by concentrating on the Structural systems that can be adopted for construction of the same. In the present study we have considered two different 3D RC frame structural systems i.e., normal Beam-Column structural system and Outrigger structural system. The following two systems were modelled in ETABS 15.2 software in seismic zone V with three different heights that is 150m (50 storeys), 240m (80 storeys) and 300m (100 storeys). Response spectrum analysis is carried out considering Earthquake forces and the results are tabulated for maximum storey displacement and maximum storey drift. Then finally the structural system which is sustainable in construction of Tall structures is identified. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
A Revised Study of Stability Issues in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Adhoc or short live network has developed tremendously in the recent time, which can work without any access point or mobile towers. That means it is an infrastructure less network. Mobile Ad-hoc Networks can be referred as MANETs. The locations can be changed, and it can discover the path dynamically. In other words, the nodes move dynamically leading to the update of the topology, frequent change in topology, optimization of routing and fading the interference of multiuser are few issues connected with MANETs that affects the efficiency of the data transfer. The purpose of this survey is to reveal the various types of mechanisms which can be used to resolve the problem of routing performance related issues in MANETs. This paper also presents the classification of link stability, route repair and stable path algorithms in tabular format. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Rough Set Based Ant-Lion Optimizer for Feature Selection
As the area of computational intelligence evolves, the dimensionality of any sort of data gets expanded. To solve this issue, Rough Set Theory (RST) has been successfully used for finding reducts as it requires only supplied data and no additional information. This paper investigates a novel search strategy for minimal attribute reduction based on rough sets and Ant Lion Optimization (ALO). ALO is a nature-inspired algorithm that mimics the hunting mechanism of ant lions, and this is inspired to find the minimum reducts. Datasets from the UCI repository are used in this paper. The experimental results show that the features selected by the proposed method are well classified with reasonable accuracy. 2020 IEEE. -
Differences in perceptions of employees towards knowledge management strategies in selected information technology companies in Bangalore
In older days, knowledge was passed verbally from one person to another. The industrial revolution changed the scenario and the emergence of factories and industries paved the need for systematic knowledge and it became more and more specialized as time passed. Since then, there has been an exponential growth in scientific and practical knowledge. In the twenty-first century, this process has taken rapid speed due to the improvements in information and communication technologies. Employees of the organizations have a varied opinion towards practicing knowledge management strategies in an organization. Some employees consider knowledge management as an opportunity and a few others like a burden. This article focuses on identifying and analyzing the differences in perceptions of employees towards knowledge management strategies in selected Information Technology companies in Bangalore. 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
CPAODV: Classifying and Assigning 3 Level Preference to the Nodes in VANET Using AODV Based CBAODV Algorithm
Vehicles communicate with nearby vehicles to share high routing and traffic information in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) environment. Congestion and Delay in the transmission may occur due to the density of the nodes in the network. Traffic condition depends on the vehicles in Rural and Urban environment. Increase or Decrease in vehicles speed makes significant network changes when compared to the MANET environment. Road Side Terminals (RSTs) plays a major role in bridging the connection between the sender and the receiver nodes. The traditional AODV algorithm performs better when there are shortest path and link lifetime between the nodes in VANET. Giving 3 Level Preference to the nodes as High Preference (HP), Average Preference (AP) and Less Preference (LP) gives chances to nodes that have High Preference when compared to Less Preference. CPAODV model is proposed by implementing Classifying and giving preference to the RREQ to mitigate latency to the nodes. RST sends RREQ wisely based on the early model of Route Discovery stage itself. NS2 Simulator is used to analyze the strength of the proposed algorithm using QoS metrics like Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio and End to End delay. This proposed CPAODV method performs better when compared to traditional AODV and CBAODV algorithm. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Comprehensive Study on Sentiment Analysis: Types, Approaches, Recent Applications, Tools and APIs
Sentiment analysis can be considered a major application of machine learning, more particularly natural language processing (NLP). As there are varieties of applications, Sentiment analysis has gained a lot of attention and is one among the fastest growing research area in computer science. It is a type of data analysis which is observed from news reports, user reviews, feedbacks, social media updates etc. Responses are collected and analyzed by researchers. All sentiments can be classified into three categories-Positive, Negative and Neutral. The paper gives a detailed study of sentiment analysis. It explains the basics of sentiment analysis, its types, and different approaches of sentiment analysis. The recent tools and APIs along with various real world applications of sentiment analysis in various areas are also described briefly. 2020 IEEE. -
Synthesis of UWB Pulse Shaper for Efficient Pulse Propagation in Human Tissue
In this paper, a filter based pulse shaper is proposed for efficient Ultra-wideband (UWB) pulse transmission through human tissues. A bandpass Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter is synthesized and its closed form expression for the impulse response coefficients is obtained. The filter shapes the basic UWB pulse, to closely fit the desired Federal Communication Commission (FCC) mask specifications, to achieve high spectral utilization efficiency. In this approach, the effects due to Gibb's phenomenon are minimized thereby resulting in lower dominant sidelobe of the resultant UWB pulse. The interference between adjacent pulses of the UWB data stream is minimized thus it allows shorter duration UWB pulses to be synthesized leading to higher data rate transmission compared to some techniques in literature. 2020 IEEE. -
Ideal co-secure domination in graphs
A set S ? V of a graph G = (V, E) is a co-secure dominating set if for every u ? S, there exists v ? V \ S such that uv ? E and (S \ {u}) ? {v} is a dominating set of G. The minimum cardinality of a co-secure dominating set of G is the co-secure domination number and is denoted by ?cs(G). In this paper we initiate the evaluation of a domination parameter known as the ideal co-secure domination and is defined as follows: A set D ? V is an ideal co-secure dominating set of a graph G = (V, E) if for every u ? D and for every v ? V \ D such that uv ? E, (D \ {u}) ? {v} is a dominating set of G. The minimum cardinality of an ideal co-secure dominating set of G is the ideal co-secure domination number and is denoted by ?ics(G). We look to determine the ideal co-secure domination number of some families of standard graphs and obtain sharp bounds. We also provide the conditions necessary for the trees to have ideal co-secure domination number equal to n - 2. 2020 Author(s).