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Antecedent Factors in Adolescents Consumer Socialization Process Through Social Media
The research paper attempts to find the antecedent factors that influence in adolescents consumer socialization process through social media and its impact on family purchase. Consumer socialization of adolescents through social media has become a key indicator in the area of marketing because of predominant online interaction of consumer. Socialization process framework is adopted to investigate among 254 respondents. The results show there is positive influence of antecedent variables like age, social media and peer identification on Purchase Intention and the variable social media also influences Product Involvement in family decision making. The outcome of this research benefits the academicians and marketers to explore the impact of social media on adolescent in their family decision making. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
Geometry of Variably Inclined Inviscid MHD Flows
A steady plane variably inclined magnetohydrodynamic flow of an inviscid incompressible fluid of infinite electrical conductivity studied. Introducing the vorticity, magnetic flux density, and energy functions along with the variable angle between magnetic field and velocity vector, governing equations are reformulated. The resulting equations are solved to analyze the geometry of the fluid flow. Considering streamlines to be parallel, stream function approach is applied to obtain the pattern for magnetic lines and the complete solution to the flow variables. Next considering parallel magnetic lines, magnetic flux function approach is applied to obtain streamlines and the complete solution of the flow. A graphical analysis of pressure variation is made in all the cases. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Survey on Various Handoff Methods in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environment
Communication has never been the same since the advent of cellular phones and numerous applications with different functionalities seem to crop up on a daily basis. Various applications seem to crop up on a daily basis. Ad hoc networks were developed with the intent of creating networks made up of interconnected nodes, on-the-go. Ad hoc networks have numerous applications, the most popular being vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). In VANETs, moving vehicles are considered to be the mobile nodes and mobile vehicular nodes move at high speeds. Mobility of the nodes makes it difficult to maintain stable communication links between the nodes and the access points. A process known as handoff is used to bridge this gap and is considered to be one of the solutions for unstable communication links over larger distances. Handoff can usually be seen when the nodes are mobile and start to move away from the access points. This paper discusses and compares various handoff methods that were proposed by various researchers with an intent to increase positive attributes while negating the rest of the components that do not support in increasing the efficiency of the handoff process. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Sentimental analysis on voice using AWS comprehend
Sentimental analysis plays an important role in these days because many start-ups have started with user-driven content [1]. Sentiment analysis is an important research area in natural language processing. Natural language processing has a wide range of applications like voice recognition, machine translation, product review, aspect-oriented product analysis, sentiment analysis and text classification etc [2]. This process will improve the business by analyse the emotions of the conversation. In this project author going to perform sentimental analysis using Amazon Comprehend. Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to extract the content of the document. By using this service can extract the unstructured data like images, voice etc. Thus, will identify the emotions of the conversation and give the output whether the conversation is Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. To perform this author going to use some services from Aws like s3 which is used for the data store, Transcribe which is used for converting the audio to text, Aws Glue is used to generate the metadata from the comprehend file, Aws Comprehend is used to generate the sentiment file from the audio, Lambda is used to trigger from the data store s3, Aws Athena is used to convert text into structured data and finally there is quick sight where he can visualize the data from the given file. 2020 IEEE. -
Business and Environmental Perspectives of Submarine Cables in Global Market
If an individual uses any of the social media networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and the like, a subsea cable is involved there. Submarine cables are considered as critical global communications infrastructure. These cables are used by various telecom providers and content provider companies such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft to provide seamless transmission of data for their services. Growing internet users and increasing internet traffic for various social media sites is the major reason for the growth of this market. Submarine cables enable data services such as the email, internet banking, social media networking, search engines and all other aspects related to internet that are taken for granted in daily life. These submarine cables scales up the ubiquity of cloud computing and builds digitization of activities. Undersea cable network is the new economic trade route and acts a commodity in Information age. This paper reviews the business and environmental impacts of submarine cables in the global market. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
A GPS-Gradient Mapped Database-Based Fuzzy Energy Management System for a SeriesParallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle
The Energy Management System developed for the hybrid electric vehicle operates using a database with GPS co-ordinates and corresponding altitudes mapped, thereby giving a predictive control to optimize the operation of the seriesparallel hybrid system. The system aims at extracting the maximum potential of the seriesparallel hybrid power train architecture. The mapping of the latitude and longitude obtained from a global positioning system (GPS) to the altitude measured to create a database which generates a predefined driving cycle prior to the actual motion of the vehicle. The created database is then used in a MATLAB/Simulink model to simulate the operation of the seriesparallel hybrid system and implement the Energy Management System. The validated data is then tested in a Raspberry Pi (RPi)-based prototype. The Energy Management System regulates the vehicle dynamics based on the input drive cycle. The fuzzy logic-based control mechanism is implemented in the RPi to optimize the load sharing between the IC engine and the brushless DC motor. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Impact of Meltdown and Spectre Threats in Parallel Processing
[No abstract available] -
Secure Data Processing System Using Decision Tree Architecture
[No abstract available] -
Nano ZnO@PEG catalyzed one-pot green synthesis of pyrano[2,3-d] pyrimidines in ethanol via one-pot multicomponent approach
A facile one-pot multicomponent protocol for the synthesis of bio-active Pyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives by a one- step condensation reaction of substituted aldehyde, malononitrile/methyl cyanoacetate, barbituric acid has been demonstrated using nano ZnO@PEG as a catalyst at room temperature. The present approach offers several advantages, such as shorter reaction time, higher yields, and environmental friendliness. Easy isolation of products, absence of column chromatographic purification, use of commercially available low-cost starting materials and reusability of the catalyst make the methodology viable in organic synthesis. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International Symposium ''Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academy - Industry Meet''. -
Effect of basalt fiber hybridization on mechanical properties of silk fiber reinforced epoxy composites
Poor mechanical properties and constraints on production presently limit the utilization of bio-based reinforcing agents to non-structural and structural automotive elements. The conjugation of natural fibre with volcanic rock fibre provides a way to improve the mechanical properties of composites over natural fibre alone. In this study, physico-mechanical properties of hybrid fibre (silk and basalt) reinforced epoxy composites were found by experimentation following acceptable ASTM standards. Hybrid composites were produced by combining silk/basalt fibres in the ratio of 50:0, 25:25 and 30:20, whereas overall weight fraction was maintained at 0.5. The experimental results showed that the performance of combined fibres were superior compared to that of silk fibre bolstered epoxy composites. Among the 2 varieties of hybrids, the silk/basalt (25:25 by weight ratio) combination offered the very best hardness, strength, modulus, and toughness to the epoxy matrix owing to the similar modulus and synergistic interaction between the two reinforcing fibres. The results also steered that the morphology and surface adhesion affected the strength of the hybrid composites. These observations give insight into the advantages of various fibre reinforcements to the mechanical performance of epoxy matrix which is considered to be brittle. The failure mechanisms and the adhesion between fibres and matrix were studied by analysing the photomicrographs of broken coupons. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. -
Response surface optimization and process design for glycidol synthesis using potassium modified rice husk silica
Glycerol, an inexpensive by-product from biodiesel production can be converted into many useful products notably glycidol, which has a wide range of uses. In this study, glycidol synthesis has been done using a biowaste mediated catalyst in a single step process. Silica and potassium incorporated silica were synthesized from biowaste rice husk. These catalysts were characterized by different spectroscopic techniques. Basic sites in the catalysts were estimated using temperature-programmed desorption study. Four operational parameters were optimized using Box Behnken Design (BBD) of response surface methodology (RSM). Potassium incorporated rice husk was found to be one of the best catalysts for glycidol production with 60.8% glycerol conversion and 62.9% selectivity within one hour of reaction time. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Impact of air pollution in health and socio-economic aspects: Review on future approach
Air contamination is mainly induced by human activity and environmental pollution. Consumption of Air pollution in fewer amounts leads to a significant range of harmful effects on public safety. Nevertheless, with the accelerated pace of economic growth and modernization and the high quantity of electricity need results in huge amounts of pollutants and waste creates significant air pollution. The latest research has shown that because humans only use a tiny part of their day to drive, their constant air quality intake is primarily attributed to the commuting microenvironment. The nature of life on this planet is dependent on clean air. This article presents the literature to include a review of the effect on different facets of human existence of air emissions. The effect is narrowly classified into health and climate change. The study shows that air contamination has a broad variety of consequences, from infectious illnesses and life-threatening disorders and the breakdown of particular organ systems and psychological health. There is no question that this problem has to be addressed with the utmost focus. Such results should be used to prompt further work and to deliver clean air initiatives to officials. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Dielectric performance of graphene nanostructures prepared from naturally sourced material
Cost-effective and environmentally benign approach was adopted for the synthesis of oxidized graphene nanostructures from the precursor coke via Improved Hummers' method. The surface states of oxygen functional groups provided strong polarization for enhanced dielectric properties. Occurrence of dipole and interfacial polarizations in the low frequency region contributed to the dispersive behaviour of ?', ?", and tand.The relaxation phenomenon of the structure lead to an augmented electrical conductivity with increase in frequency. Our finding reveals the advantageous fabrication of graphene nanostructure having high dielectric constant (1 0 5) but with low loss which can be used in advanced nanodielectrics. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Sulphuric acid supported silica gel (H2SO4-SiO2) as an efficient catalyst for one-pot multicomponent synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazol-amines under ultrasonication
In this study, the catalytic potential of a novel heterogeneous catalyst-sulphuric acid supported on silica gel (H2SO4-SiO2) has been assessed for the one-pot cyclo condensation reaction of aromatic aldehydes, 4-nitrophenylacetonitrile, ethyl acetoacetate and hydrazine/phenyl hydrazine to furnish poly functionalized pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazol-amine scaffolds under ultrasonication. Notably, within the framework of green chemistry, this divergent and step-economic approach has many benefits such as (i) use of water as solvent in the reaction, (ii) creation of up to five bonds in one sequence, (iii) avail of US irradiation as an efficient source of energy, (iv) application of nontoxic and reusable catalyst. Besides these, simple workup procedure, low catalyst loadings, shorter reaction time, high functional group compatibility, readily accessible starting materials and excellent yields without column chromatography render this protocol novel and greener towards the synthesis of poly functionalized pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazol-amines. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International Symposium ''Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academy - Industry Meet''. -
Strength and ductility behaviour of FRC beams strengthened with externally bonded GFRP laminates
The repair and rehabilitation of structural members are perhaps one of the most crucial problems in civil engineering applications. One of the advanced techniques of strengthening the reinforced concrete members is done by fiber-reinforced polymer composites. FRP is very effective to repair and strengthen the structural members that have become structurally weak over their life span. FRP repair system provides an economically viable alternative to traditional repair systems and materials. This experimental study focuses on the flexural strengthening of fiber reinforced concrete beams externally bonded with FRP laminates of different thicknesses. Six beams were cast for the study and tested under a four-point bending system. Out of which two beams were served as a control beam, one beam was considered as a reinforced concrete beam and the other was fiber reinforced concrete beam. The fibers used in this investigation were steel fiber. The beams were strengthened with GFRP of 3 mm and 5 mm of woven roving type. The study parameters of this investigation included yield load, ultimate load, deflection, yield load deflection, ultimate load deflection, deflection ductility, energy ductility, and the beam was found to be very effective in the load-carrying capacity, deflection, and ductility when compared to the control specimen. The fiber-reinforced concrete beam exhibit an increase in ultimate deflection by 79.3% when compared to the control specimen. GFRP strengthened beams showed an increase in ultimate deflection by 18.75% to 94.06%. GFRP strengthened fiber reinforced concrete beams showed an increase in ultimate deflection by 7.8 to 13.125%. GFRP strengthened beams showed an increase in ultimate deflection by 54.7% to 81.88%. GFRP strengthened fiber reinforced concrete beams showed an increase in ultimate load-carrying capacity by 36.9% to 48.7%. The ductility for the specimens increases by 1.27% to 1.34%, compared to the controlled specimen. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Design, development, and analysis of segment support system for TMT primary mirror
The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) adopts a recently developed technology known as Stressed Mirror Polishing for the polishing of its 492 mirror segments. In this process, first the meniscus type spherical shape glass blanks are converted in to a desired aspheric shape by the application of forces around the edges using warping arms followed by spherical polishing in the stressed condition. After that, the blank edges will be cut in to its final hexagonal shape. These warping as well as the hex cutting process generate significant stress within the glass which in later stage, will cause the propagation of micro cracks and results in blank breakage. So prior and after the hex cutting process, it is essential to ensure that the glass blanks are free from stress accumulation. Hence the glass blanks need to be stress relieved before the hex cutting process. To achieve this stress relaxation, the glass blanks need to be kept over a platform or a support system which will provide a zero gravity condition for a time period of at least 48 hours. As a part of this, we designed, developed and analyzed a whiffletree based support system which will equally distribute the entire mirror blank mass into three points which are equally separated by 120 from each other and thus balance itself as if it is in a floating condition. This support system which additionally gives optimized support for the glass blank which in turn minimizes the surface deformation due to its self weight sagging. This paper also discusses the positional sensitivity, reaction force sensitivity and alignment sensitivity analyses which are essential to obtain the tolerance values in the fabrication point of view. 2020 SPIE. -
Enhanced Geographical Information System Architecture for Geospatial Data
[No abstract available] -
Formation and photoluminescence of ZnS:Tb nanoparticles stabilized by polyethylene glycol
ZnS nanoparticles doped with 1 mol.% of Tb have been prepared at 70 C by simple chemical precipitation method using poly ethylene glycol (PEG) as capping agent. The synthesized nanoparticles have been analysed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), photoluminescence (PL) and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. From X-ray diffraction analysis, it was found that nanostructured ZnS:Tb particles exhibited cubic structure with an average crystallite size of 2.75 nm. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the doped sample exhibited broad emission in the visible region with multiple peaks at 395 and 412 nm due to 5D3?7F6and 7F5transitions and 492, 536, 600, 653 and 680 nm due to 5D4?7F67F57F4,7F1and 7F0transitions. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Design, development and characterization of polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes for potential filtration applications
The present work projects to modify the surface of commercially available microfiltration membranes using polyelectrolyte multilayer assembly. This polyelectrolytic modification changes the nature and properties of the membrane such as porosity, absorption capacity, charge etc. which can be used for potential environmental application such as herbicide removal from water. Chitosan (CHI) and polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) were incorporated into nanostructured polymeric films on polyamide membrane using layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. The developed polyelectrolyte multilayer assembly were characterized by using UV-vis spectroscopy, attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
The effect of airline service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty in India
Indian Aviation Industry has been one of the world's fastest-growing aviation industries with private airlines representing more than 75 percent of the domestic aviation industry. With an 18 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) and 454 airports and airstrips in place in the country, 16 of which are designated as international airports, it has been stated that by 2011 the aviation sector will be witnessing a revival. In 2009, with traffic movement rising and revenues rising by nearly US$ 21.4 million, India's Airports Authority appears expected to earn better margins in 2009-10, as indicated by the Civil Aviation Ministry's latest estimates. The most crucial step in identifying and providing high-quality service is to understand exactly what customers expect. Quality of service is one of the best models for measuring customer expectations and perceptions. A company's performance results in customer satisfaction with a product or service. Passenger satisfaction is important to customer sovereignty. Customers can be loyal without being highly satisfied and being highly satisfied and yet not being loyal. Companies are required to gain a better understanding of the online environment relationship between satisfaction and behavioural intention, and to assign online marketing strategies between satisfaction initiatives and behavioural intention programme. In addition, the findings of this research will assist airline managers to better serve their customers, track and improve quality of service and achieve the highest level of satisfaction for their passengers. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.