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A Study on Domination in Signed Graphs
Signed graphs, which represent the positive and negative interactions between networks, have gained signifcant attention in various felds, particularly social network analysis. Domination, a fundamental concept in graph theory, is important in understanding the structural characteristics of graphs and determining the minimum number of vertices needed to cover the entire graph. However, research on domination in the context of signed graphs has been limited, with most studies focusing on graphs. This thesis explores a variant of domination called restrained domination in signed graphs and investigates the characteristic properties of these signed graphs in relation to the restrained domination number. Throughout the thesis, we establish exact values and bounds for the restrained domination number in diferent classes of signed graphs. Additionally, we examine the restrained domination property in various derived signed graphs, including the line signed graph, semi-total point signed graph, semi-total line signed graph, and total signed graph. Additionally, we study criticality concepts associated with the restrained domination number in signed graphs. Specifcally, we analyze the efects of removing edges or vertices from signed graphs, as well as adding edges in signed graphs, on the restrained domination number. Further, we extend the concept of restrained domination number to encompass various variants, namely connected restrained domination number, restrained double domination number, and total restrained domination number for signed graphs. We derive relevant results and newlinefindings for these parameters, contributing to a deeper understanding of domination newlinein signed graphs. -
A study on effect of branding on customer buying behaviour with reference to Vellore
We set out to discover how consumers really feel about different branded items by conducting this study. This research aims to examine what variables impact consumers when they buy a product. There are a lot of aspects that affect a product's brand value these days, but consumers are especially sensitive to the product's reputation when making purchases. Another important factor in how people perceive a brand is advertisements. The study was conducted with a sample size of 50 and was confined to the Chennai area. All of the tests performed here made use of SPSS statistical software, and the data used is primary data. 2024 AIP Publishing LLC. -
A Study on Emotion Identification from Music Lyrics
The widespread availability of digital music on the internet has led to the development of intelligent tools for browsing and searching for music databases. Music emotion recognition (MER) is gaining significant attention nowadays in the scientific community. Emotion Analysis in music lyrics is analyzing a piece of text and determining the meaning or thought behind the songs. The focus of the paper is on Emotion Recognition from music lyrics through text processing. The fundamental concepts in emotion analysis from music lyrics (text) are described. An overview of emotion models, music features, and data sets used in different studies is given. The features of ANEW, a widely used corpus in emotion analysis, are highlighted and related to the music emotion analysis. A comprehensive review of some of the prominent work in emotion analysis from music lyrics is also included. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
A study on emotional intelligence and work life balance of employees in the information technology industry in Bangalore, India /
Emotional Intelligence is a set of qualities and competencies that captures a broad collection of individual skills and dispositions, usually referred to as soft skills or inter and intra-personal skills, that are outside the traditional areas of specific knowledge, general intelligence, and technical or professional skills. Emotions are an intrinsic part of our biological makeup, and every morning they march into the office with us and influence our behavior. Emotional intelligence consists of five factors: Knowing one's emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotions in others, and handling relationships Goleman (1995). Researchers today are interested in finding the effects of emotional intelligence on employees and thereby, organizations, and analyzing the various other facets of EQ. Emotional intelligence improves individual and organizational performance. -
A study on emotional intelligence and work life balance of employees in the information technology industry in Bangalore, India /
Emotional Intelligence is a set of qualities and competencies that captures a broad collection of individual skills and dispositions, usually referred to as soft skills or inter and intra-personal skills, that are outside the traditional areas of specific knowledge, general intelligence, and technical or professional skills. Emotions are an intrinsic part of our biological makeup, and every morning they march into the office with us and influence our behavior. -
A Study on emotional labour and job embeddedness amongst the frontline employees in hotel industry in bangalore
In various studies, researchers have pointed out that there exists a high turnover in the hotel industry. It is also found that employees in the hotel industry practice high emotional labor. However, the researcher, wanted to understand if people leave the industry or the organisation and how emotional labor plays positively in this phenomena. It was also curious to understand if Pride in work and Social Intelligence plays a role between Emotional Labor and Job newlineEmbeddedness. The present study investigated the emotional labor along with pride in work and social intelligence, experienced by employees of different hotels as a factor affecting their Job Embeddedness. A descriptive study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires among 341 frontline employees of different five-star and five-star deluxe hotels of Bangalore. newlineThe results exhibited a significant impact of Emotional Labor, Pride-in-Work, Social Intelligence on Job Embeddedness as well as significant differences in perceptions of variables based on demographic factors of the employees. The implications and suggestions for the hotel industry were discussed in the study. -
A Study On Employee Retention Practices and Its Effectiveness In IT Sector
This project is done on human resource management topic in the area of A study on employee retention practices and its effectiveness in IT sector. The most challenging job for any present manager is to retain their employees. Employee retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lot of problem in employee retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer. Employee recruitment and retention are one of the major issues facing the IT Sector. But retention is even more important than hiring. There is no end of opportunities for talented person. There is ample number of choice around employees. In olden days salary was all that matters, but today its just one among the components. Some of the other elements are like work environment, relationship, freedom to work etc. Due to high level of attrition it is important to know whether the employees are satisfied with their job and organization, if not the reason for leaving. This project will specify the effectiveness of various retention practices used retain the employees. The study also include various trends of practice followed by the organizations and its effect on the problem of attrition. Retention is a top business priority for more than one third of the organizations. More than one third of HR professionals in IT Sector views retention as one of their pressing issues. It is not very often that the management would be aware of the true reason as to why an employee would be leaving their organization. To be successful in knowing the reason, an effective exit interview procedure is very essential. This would help the organization to an extent to get a clear picture of what is going wrong. -
A study on employees' engagement level in travel organisations with reference to Karnataka /
Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.134-141, ISSN No: 2249-0310. -
A Study on Enhancing E-Governance Applications Through Semantic Web Technologies
International Journal of Web Technology, Vol-1 (2), pp. 53-59. ISSN-2278-2389 -
A study on entropy generation and heat transfer in a magnetohydrodynamic flow of a couple-stress fluid through a thermal nonequilibrium vertical porous channel
The effect of local thermal nonequilibrium (LTNE) on the entropy generation and heat transfer characteristics in the magnetohydrodynamic flow of a couple-stress fluid through a high-porosity vertical channel is studied numerically using the higher-order Galerkin technique. The Boussinesq approximation is assumed to be valid and the porous medium is considered to be isotropic and homogeneous. Two energy equations are considered one each for solid and fluid phases. The term involving the heat transfer coefficient in both equations renders them mutually coupled. Thermal radiation and an internal heat source are considered only in the fluid phase. The influence of inverse Darcy number, Hartmann number, couple-stress fluid parameter, Grashof number, thermal radiation parameter, and interphase heat transfer coefficient on velocity and temperature profiles is depicted graphically and discussed. The entropy generation, friction factor, and Nusselt number are determined, and outcomes are presented via plots. The effect of LTNE on the temperature profile is found to cease when the value of the interphase heat transfer coefficient is high, and in this case, we get the temperature profiles of fluid and solid phases are uniform. The physical significance of LTNE is discussed in detail for different parameters' values. It is found that heat transport and friction drag are maximum in the case of LTNE and minimum in the case of local thermal equilibrium. We observe that LTNE opposes the irreversibility of the system. The corresponding results of a fluid-saturated densely packed porous medium can be obtained as a limiting case of the current study. 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC -
A Study on Experimental Analysis of Best Fit Machine Learning Approach for Smart Agriculture
By 2050, the population is projected to exceed nine billion, necessitating a 70% increase in agricultural output to meet the need. Land, water, and other resources are running out due to the growing world population, making it impossible to maintain the demandsupply cycle. The yield of cultivation is also declining as a result of people's ignorance of the growing crop illnesses. Given that food is the most basic human requirement, future research should focus on revitalizing the agricultural sector. Farming may be made more productive for farmers by applying the right artificial intelligence technologies and datasets. Agronomics can benefit greatly from artificial intelligence. So that we can farm more effectively and be as productive as possible, we need to adopt a better strategy. The objective of this paper is to experimentally analyze the machine learning algorithms and methods already in use and forecast the most effective approach to use in each agricultural sector. In this article, we will present the challenges farmers face when using traditional farming methods and how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing agriculture by replacing the traditional methods. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Study on Factors Enhancing Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
The objective of this study is to identify the various influential factors of immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences and examine the relationship between the immersion factors (technology, visuals, sound, interaction, and sound) and virtual reality experiential outcomes (satisfaction and loyalty). The survey comprises 412 participants who experienced VR games at the Orion Mall in Bangalore. The study has identified the prominent factors for enhancing the immersive experience. The factors are technology, visuals, sound, interaction, and sound. It also identified that there exists a positive association between VR experiential satisfaction and technology, visuals, sound, interaction, and sound. The results imply that service providers should focus on elevating immersive experience as it is closely associated with VR experiential satisfaction and VR experiential loyalty. This will increase the revisit intention and spread positive word of mouth about the virtual experiences. This paper provided valuable insights that pay way to analyze the association between immersion factors and VR experiential outcomes. 2024 IEEE. -
A study on factors impeding online buying of household items in Bangalore city
The tremendous growth of the Internet in India has fuelled the growth of e-commerce in the country. The retail business has been affected like all other businesses. This research paper attempted to study the factors responsible for impeding the online buying of household items by customers. The study was limited to Bangalore city only. The study was conducted during June 2013 and December 2014. The data was collected through questionnaires which were distributed among 500 respondents. Among these, 25 questionnaires were partially filled, and were not included as final responses; 280 completely filled questionnaires were utilized for this study. The non online respondents' profile and descriptive statistics were analyzed. Factor analysis was carried out to find the important factors involved in the non online buying decisions of customers. Some recommendations have been made on the strategies which online retailers can adopt to convert non - online buyers to online buyers of household items by addressing some of their concerns. 2016. -
A Study on Factors Impeding Online Buying of Households in Bangalore City
Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 46, Issue 4, pp. 7-23, ISSN No. 0973-8703 -
A Study on Financing of SMES in Bangalore
Ushus Journal of Business Management, Vol-10 (2), pp. 20-52. ISSN-0975-3311 -
A Study on Foreign Direct Investment in Multi-Brand Retail to Develop a Business Model for Domestic Supermarkets in the Convenience Stores Format.
The main focus of this research is in the area of organised retail specifically in the convenience stores format in India. The Indian organised retail is growing rapidly but is still in the nascent stage. There are many challenges in terms of infrastructure, supply chain efficiencies, cost structure and customer adaptability to the emerging retail formats. India is perceived to be a lucrative destination for retail and with opening up of foreign direct investment imminent many multinational giants are eyeing India. Indian companies are grappling with many challenges and experimenting with many formats in retail. This study attempts to understand the present scenario and the preparedness of domestic companies in consolidating their existing position to evolve a business frame work model for domestic companies to not only consolidate their existing position but also counter threats from multinationals entering into India. The research revealed that there are not many integrated business models, though there are models on different components of supply chain and retail, Indian companies will certainly benefit from creation of integrated business model which can assist them in taking strategic decisions in terms of managing cost and revenue structure and expansion plans. Scope of this study is Grocery and staples and fruits and vegetables business as food contributes to almost 63% in the organised retail business and was bifurcated into back end and front end operations. This study is intended to understand the drivers and factors influencing the back end operations in the area of supply chain efficiencies and the front end operations particularly in respect of costs, revenues and key drivers to create an integrated business model frame work to drive optimisations at all levels. Sample of this study was two major organised retail companies in Bangalore catering to about seventy outlets in Bangalore and having distribution centres. Tools used in this study was data observation sheets for all the key parameters for both back end and front end operations, in addition to unstructured in depth interview with expert group. However the protocol for the interview was predetermined to capture all key data and elements and involved some qualitative aspect and Linear programming for simulation and trying out various permutation combinations. Some of the major findings were: Stock keeping units, cost of procurement and secondary freight emerged as significant drivers to be controlled for efficiency and optimisation link in the back end grocery and staples. Cost of procurement, net sales value and operations cost emerged as the key drivers of efficiency and optimisation link in the back end Fruits and Vegetables. Rentals, Sales, Cost of goods sold, Total personnel cost and Total facilities cost had significant influence on EBIDTA in the front end super market. Break even point for same size stores differed depending upon the location and other cost drivers. Sensitivity analysis revealed that manpower, rent and total facilities cost had significant impact on EBIDTA in the front end. Limitations and future areas of research have also been discussed.