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Review - Electrochemical Strategies for Selective Fluorination of Organic Compounds
The conventional methods for carrying out fluorination of organic compounds are typically conducted using a pre-modified starting material, usually expensive and toxic reagents. In this regard, electrochemical fluorination has been recognized as a sustainable and scalable strategy. Electrofluorination has proven to be an environmentally benign, highly effective, and versatile platform for the synthesis of selective organofluorine compounds under mild conditions. This review provides an overview on the use of anodic electrochemical methods for vicinal difluorination, iodofluorination, fluoroalkynylation, fluorodecarboxylation, fluoro desulfurization, radiofluorination, and synthesis of fluorinated heterocycles. Modern advances in the field of electrochemical fluorination, such as ionic liquids mediated electrochemical fluorination, triethylammonium halides, mixed non-aqueous solvents, alkali-metal fluoride, and split-bipolar electrodes in the field of electrochemical fluorination are also discussed. 2021 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited. -
The FPTC act, 2020 a blinkered vision
In the name of empowering farmers, the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 has displayed a blinkered vision of an integrated supply chain-by undermining the importance of Agricultural Produce Market Committee markets in a competitive and inclusive agri-food market system. By overlooking many important aspects, the law has taken a quantum leap in the wrong direction. 2021 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
Probiotics and its applications: A systematic review
The digestive system of human beings contains a large group of microbes which help in controlling the host's internal environment and thereby assist in maintaining the health of the host. These microorganisms exist in a mutual relationship with the human host which has led to extensive research in this particular field. Most of these microorganisms have become resistant to day-today drugs and antibiotics. These organisms control various functions like defense, eupepsia, catabolism, anabolism and also help in brain-gut responses. Probiotics assist in improving gut bacteria and are found to be effective in controlling various diseases. Prescribing probiotics to children with malnutrition in underdeveloped countries can reduce the death of many children. This review outlines the importance of probiotics in human health and in the treatment of several metabolic disorders. 2021 World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
Dietary nutrients and their control of the redox bioenergetic networks as therapeutics in redox dysfunctions sustained pathologies
Electrons exchange amongst the chemical species in an organism is a pivotal concomitant activity carried out by individual cells for basic cellular processes and continuously contribute towards the maintenance of bioenergetic networks plus physiological attributes like cell growth, phenotypic differences and nutritional adaptations. Humans exchange matter and energy via complex connections of metabolic pathways (redox reactions) amongst cells being a thermodynamically open system. Usually, these reactions are the real lifeline and driving forces of health and disease in the living entity. Many shreds of evidence support the secondary role of reactive species in the cellular process of control apoptosis and proliferation. Disrupted redox mechanisms are seen in malaises, like degenerative and metabolic disorders, cancerous cells. This review targets the importance of redox reactions in the body's normal functioning and the effects of its alterations in cells to obtain a better understanding. Understanding the redox dynamics in a pathological state can provide an opportunity for cure or diagnosis at the earlier stage and serve as an essential biomarker to predict in advance to give personalized therapy. Understanding redox metabolism can also highlight the use of naturally available antioxidant in the form of diet. 2021 Elsevier Ltd -
Genetic causes of male infertility and emerging potential of stem cell therapeutics
Infertility has haunted mankind from ancient times. In 40 to 50% of the cases resulting in failure to conceive, the cause can be attributed to male infertility. The rates of infertility have risen in the past few decades among both among men and women. The reasons can be attributed to life style changes and environmental pollution apart from genetic causes. Scientists have found out few possible causes of male infertility and there are few treatment measures currently being carried out. The success of these depends on the primary cause of the infertility problem. In the past few decades, a number of genes playing roles in different stages of sperm development and differentiation were functionally analysed. This knowledge coupled with the advancements in stem cell technology and in vitro gametogenesis has led to new frontiers in possible therapeutic measures of male infertility, especially those with genetic causes. The present study focuses on the causes and treatment of male infertility focussing mainly on important genetic regulations and emerging stem cell-based therapeutics. 2021 World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
Phytochemical, pharmacological and tissue culture studies of some important species of the genus Barleria L. (Acanthaceae) - a review
Ayurvedic sciences helped the early humans to overcome chronic dangerous diseases. There are thousands of varieties of herbs and medicinal plants used to overcome such dreadful diseases. The genus Barleria L. belongs to family Acanthaceae, a medicinally significant group of plants having diversified phytochemicals used for different pharmacological properties. It has been utilized since ancient times for medicinal purposes. It has many plant secondary metabolites such as terpenes, flavonoids, lignins, alkaloids, particularly the iridoid glycosides. The secondary metabolites extracted from Barleria spp. show potential pharmacological activities viz., anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fertility, anti-arthritic and anti-ulcer activity. In view of these, present review is focused on the phytochemistry, pharmacology and tissue culture studies of some of the important species of the genus Barleria L. Sudheer & Praveen (2021). -
Procedural Justice, Perceived Organisational Support, and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in Business School
Background/Purpose: The effectiveness of a Business School depends on the extra role behaviours or Organ-isational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) of its committed academics. The social exchange theory postulates that employees tend to display OCB when they know how their organisation would treat them. As B-School academics' inclination towards OCB is less understood, this study examines the interaction between Procedural Justice (PJ), Perceived Organisational Support (POS) and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) among B-School academics. Methods: A survey was carried out to collect data from B-School academics, 378 responses were collected from B-Schools from the state of Kerala, India. Data validity and reliability analyses, and direct and indirect effects of research variables were tested using Partial Least Square (PLS) path modelling. Results: The results indicate PJ positively influences POS as well as dimensions of the OCB for B-School academics. Contrary to previous OCB studies, this study finds that POS do not significantly relate to Courtesy. The findings also show that POS fully mediates PJ's relationship with Altruism, Conscientiousness and Civic Virtues of B-School academics. Conclusion: This research explains the dynamics of PJ and POS towards OCB in a B-School setting. The academic setting of this study provides more insight into the relationships and provides insights into enhancing the organisational citizenship behaviour of academics in enhancing educational outcomes. Further, it also adds to existing understanding of organisational behaviour theory. 2021 Elizabeth Dominic et al., published by Sciendo. -
Synthetic Approaches of Prelactone and Its Analogues: A Review
In this review we have discussed the synthetic approaches of prelactones and their epimers from 1997 to date. The presence of unique molecular architecture and its high biological importance enhanced the research activity over the last two decades. Most of the syntheses involve either a chiral auxiliary, chiral pool or catalytic enantioselective approaches as a key step. Overall this review highlights the contribution from different research groups in the total synthesis of various prelactones. 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH -
Regulation of cryptocurrency: An Indian perspective
Cryptocurrency is a currency created and held electronically in the virtual world. In the absence of a proper legal framework, cryptocurrencies are unregulated in many countries, including India. This article attempts to delve into the concept of cryptocurrency and the issues and challenges they face. It also discusses the current legal and regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies in India and offer suggestions for their better regulation. 2021 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
Light-induced advanced oxidation processes as pfas remediation methods: A review
PFAS substances, which have been under investigation in recent years, are certainly some of the most critical emerging contaminants. Their presence in drinking water, correlated with diseases, is consistently being confirmed by scientific studies in the academic and health sectors. With the aim of developing new technologies to mitigate the water contamination problem, research activity based on advanced oxidation processes for PFAS dealkylation and subsequent mineralization is active. While UV radiation could be directly employed for decontamination, there are nevertheless considerable problems regarding its use, even from a large-scale perspective. In contrast, the use of cheap, robust, and green photocatalytic materials active under near UV-visible radiation shows interesting prospects. In this paper we take stock of the health problems related to PFAS, and then provide an update on strategies based on the use of photocatalysts and the latest findings regarding reaction mechanisms. Finally, we detail some brief considerations in relation to the economic aspects of possible solutions. 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
A Journey toward the Syntheses of ?-Amino-?-hydroxybutyric Acid (GABOB) and Carnitine
In this review, we discuss the synthetic approaches to ?-amino-?-hydroxybutyric acid (GABOB) and carnitine from 1980 to date. The unique structure and biological importance of these molecules have created much interest in various synthetic approaches over the last four decades by organic chemists from across the world. Most of the syntheses are asymmetric methods that involved chiral pool, enantioselective synthesis, enzyme resolution, or a chiral auxiliary as a source of chirality, and the biological significance of the molecules was also discussed. The compiled synthetic methods may fill the existence gap, simplify the complexity involved in the synthesis, and allow the best synthetic route to be found by comparison of all the methods. However, this review also will be useful to prepare similar kind of scaffolds present in various complex natural products. 2021 American Chemical Society -
2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidinyloxyl (TEMPO) Radical Mediated Electro-Oxidation Reactions: A Review
Over the last few decades, the interest in green and sustainable chemistry has led to the development of different synthetic methodologies which utilize clean reagents. In that direction, the electro-oxidation reactions are considered as one of the most interesting and promising methods. This is predominantly due to their environmentally benign nature, as oxidation can be achieved without the need for commonly used oxidizing agents. 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidinyloxyl radical commonly known as TEMPO is a stable aminoxyl radical utilized for the oxidation of various classes of alcohols to carbonyl compounds by using cyclic voltammetry. The present review focuses on the various electrochemical reactions utilizing TEMPO as a mediator such as the oxidative conversion of alcohols, carbohydrates, amines, sulphur-containing compounds, and alkenes in both laboratory as well as industrial scales and covers literature from 1950 till present date. The properties, reactivity, and yield percentages of these reactions would provide a basis for better electrocatalyst design in future studies involving TEMPO and its derivatives as mediators. 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH -
Factors affecting luxury brand consumption and its impact on consumer purchase intentions: An India fashion luxury goods sector perspective
This study identifies and analyses the psychographic and demographic factors that influence luxury brand purchase intention in the Indian context. It discusses the existing knowledge pertaining to luxury brand consumption and a conceptual framework is developed based on the review of literature. India's favorable demographic profile, the growing middle class, high disposable income and young population, has helped the Indian luxury market witness a tremendous growth. The research identifies what drives the luxury brand purchase intention for the Indian consumers amidst this growth and analyses how it differs based on demographic variables such as age, gender and income. Based on the model thus created, the research seeks to segment the Indian luxury fashion brand consumers according to the significant demographic and psychographic variables thus identified. A questionnaire on a Likert scale was administered to 250 respondents of different age, income and gender groups within the city of Bangalore. The data was then analyzed using correlation, regression, cluster and frequency analysis in SPSS. The functionality is the major value factors effecting purchase intention of Indian luxury fashion consumer. The other identified value factors are correlated to self and others directedness. Age and income also have a significant influence of purchase intention. It was also found that purchase intention varies between different age and income groups. Finally, it was found that Indian consumers can be segmented as Superficial Luxury seekers, Luxury-Indulgers, Luxury-Avoiders, Attention and approval seekers. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
Fluorescein Based Fluorescence Sensors for the Selective Sensing of Various Analytes
Fluorescein molecules are extensively used to develop fluorescent probes for various analytes due to their excellent photophysical properties and the spirocyclic structure. The main structural modification of fluorescein occurs at the carboxyl group where different groups can be easily introduced to produce the spirolactam structure which is non-fluorescent. The spirolactam ring opening accounts for the fluorescence and the dual sensing of analytes using fluorescent sensors is still a topic of high interest. There is an increase in the number of dual sensors developed in the past five years and quite a good number of fluorescein derivatives were also reported based on reversible mechanisms. This review analyses environmentally and biologically important cations such as Cu2+, Hg2+, Fe3+, Pd2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Mg2+; anions (F?, OCl?) and small molecules (thiols, CO and H2S). Structural modifications, binding mechanisms, different strategies and a comparative study for selected cations, anions and molecules are outlined in the article. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Study of the personal factors influencing voluntary turnover amongst women
In a country where the economic and social independence of a woman is dependent on the way households are structured and organised, the rise in their education and decline in their workforce participation rate is an indication of their paradoxical situation. In this study we evaluate the direct effect of the factors in the personal domain of women on her career break decision. The data from 402 Indian women was analysed using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, which was then followed by Structural Equation Modelling to check the conceptual model developed through literature review. In present study support personal predictors to turnover intention outcome model, confirming the influence of role conflict, role expectation, role perception, stress, financial soundness, role overload and guilt. Role perception and expectation of women were most significant factors influencing turnover intention of women, implying that the most important change needed is for a change in their own mindset and those around them to arrest their exit from the workforce. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
A novel survey for young substellar objects with the W-band filter III: Searching for very low-mass brown dwarfs in Serpens South and Serpens Core
We present CFHT photometry and IRTF spectroscopy of low-mass candidate members of Serpens South and Serpens Core (?430 pc, ?0.5 Myr), identified using a novel combination of photometric filters, known as the W-band method. We report SC182952+011618, SS182959-020335, and SS183032-021028 as young, low-mass Serpens candidate members, with spectral types in the range M7-M8, M5-L0, and M5-M6.5, respectively. Best-fitting effective temperatures and luminosities imply masses of < 0.12M? for all three candidate cluster members. We also present Hubble Space Telescope imaging data (F127M, F139M, and F850LP) for six targets in Serpens South. We report the discovery of the binary system SS183044-020918AB. The binary components are separated by ?45 AU, with spectral types of M7-M8 and M8-M9, and masses of 0.08-0.1 and 0.05-0.07 M. We discuss the effects of high dust attenuation on the reliability of our analysis, as well as the presence of reddened background stars in our photometric sample. 2021 The Author(s). -
Randomized Trials of Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Psychogenic Seizures: Scoping Review
Background: Psychotherapy improves seizure frequency and psychosocial aspects in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). Although randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on different psychotherapies have been conducted for almost two decades now, no review has exclusively assessed RCTs of different psychotherapies. Methods: The objective was to review RCTs of psychotherapy for PNES, to understand the impact of different psychotherapies. Eligibility criteria included full-text articles, English articles, published between years 2000 and 2020, randomized trials of psychotherapy, and the adult population. Databases included PubMed, ProQuest, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, PsycINFO, Cochrane, and a random google search was conducted. Rayyan software was used to include articles that met our eligibility criteria. The search was carried out independently by two researchers Results: Based on the eligibility criteria, seven studies were found. Amongst them, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was the most researched and seemed more effective when paired with standard medical care (SMC) or sertraline. Comparisons of CBT and brief psychodynamic therapy did not reveal significant differences. Other psychotherapies included motivational interview+psychotherapy, which significantly reduced seizure frequency and improved psychosocial functioning. Paradoxical intention therapy also reduced PNES symptoms; however, it has not been researched in the last 15 years. Group psychoeducation seems to have an impact only on psychosocial functioning and not on seizure frequency. Conclusion: CBT paired with SMC or sertraline and MI along with psychotherapy yields the most effective results for PNES in reducing seizure frequency and improving psychosocial functioning. 2021 Indian Psychiatric Society - South Zonal Branch. -
The Renaissance of Electro-Organic Synthesis for the Difunctionalization of Alkenes and Alkynes: A Sustainable Approach
Electro-organic reactions are now considered as one of the most efficient and environmentally benign methodologies to synthesize highly functionalized motifs like difunctionalized unsaturated compounds from readily available substrates. Excellent regioselectivity, functional group tolerance and broad range of substrates are the main advantages of electrochemical difunctionalization reactions. Alkenes and alkynes readily accept radical or ionic derivatives which makes it vital precursors for the electrochemical synthesis of industrially relevant and biologically active molecules through difunctionalization. This review aims to provide the readers an excellent coverage of the different electrochemical difunctionalization of alkenes and alkynes such as 1,2-homodifunctionalization, 1,2-heterodifunctionalization, rearrangement, ipso-migration, cyclization and dehydrogenative annulation reactions. 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH -
Usage data for predicting user trends and behavioral analysis in E-commerce applications
Reviewing and buying the right goods from online websites is growing day by day in todays fast internet environment. Numerous goods in the same label are available to consumers. It is thus a difficult job for consumers to pick up the correct commodity at a decent price under different market conditions. Therefore, it is important for owners of online shopping websites to better understand their customers needs and offer better services. For these reasons, the access log documented a vast amount of data related to user interactions with the websites. This access log therefore plays a key role in predicting user access trends and in recommending the best product to consumers. This research work therefore focuses on one such methodology for evaluating the pattern and behavioral analysis of users in e-commerce websites. Copyright 2021, IGI Global. -
Recent advances in carbon nanotubes-based biocatalysts and their applications
Enzymes have been incorporated into a wide variety of fields and industries as they catalyze many biochemical and chemical reactions. The immobilization of enzymes on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for generating nano biocatalysts with high stability and reusability is gaining great attention among researchers. Functionalized CNTs act as excellent support for effective enzyme immobilization. Depending on the application, the enzymes can be tailored using the various surface functionalization techniques on the CNTs to extricate the desirable characteristics. Aiming at the preparation of efficient, stable, and recyclable nanobiocatalysts, this review provides an overview of the methods developed to immobilize the various enzymes. Various applications of carbon nanotube-based biocatalysts in water purification, bioremediation, biosensors, and biofuel cells have been comprehensively reviewed. 2021 Elsevier B.V.