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Wireless Technology for Providing Safety in Vanets
Both the safety and efficiency of our present transportation systems might benefit greatly from the implementation of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). In this book chapter, the author investigates the significance of wireless technology in improving VANET security. Before discussing the numerous wireless technologies that form the backbone of VANET security, this chapter digs into VANET architecture and communication paradigms. These can be anything from tried-and-true standards like IEEE 802.11p (WAVE) to forward-thinking concepts like 5G cellular networks ability to link vehicles to other objects. Collision avoidance, cooperative adaptive cruise control, junction collision alarms, and pedestrian safety are just some of the real-world applications of V2V communication that have been shown. The importance of security mechanisms, such as authentication, encryption, and data integrity, is discussed at length in this chapter. The narrative also delves into the fascinating intersections of VANETs with autonomous cars and AI, all while tackling issues like spectrum allocation, scalability, and privacy concerns. Case studies shed light on the concrete effects of VANET safety installations, showing how they may reduce accident rates and ease traffic congestion. This last chapter summarizes the potential of wireless technologies to usher in an era of enhanced road safety via the medium of VANETs, distills important insights, and calls for greater advances. 2024 CRC Press. -
Wireless Sensor Networks in Precision Monitoring of Crops
The sensor-based breadboard is rapidly covering almost every application from human health monitoring to prediction of diseases in accordance with the weather change. This paper presents a sensor based precision crop monitoring system for agriculture application and estimates the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. This high accuracy energy efficient system drastically reduces the damages to the crops and investment made to it. The main focus of the proposed research work is to reduce the energy consumption and minimize the traffic between the nodes of the sensor during the transmission of sensor information. The qualitative metrics has been carried to evaluate the performance of the proposed system which outperform the existing scenario. 2022 IEEE. -
Wireless Sensor Data Acquisition and Control Monitoring Model for Internet of Things Applications
This article focuses on providing solutions for one important application termed as agriculture. In India, one major occupation for people living in urban and rural areas is agriculture where an economic rate depends only on the crops they yield. In such cases, if an intelligent monitoring device is not integrated then it becomes difficult for the farmers to grow their crops and to accomplish marginal income from what they have invested. Also existing methods have been analyzed in the same field where some devices have been installed and checked for increasing the productivity of horticulture crops. But existing methods fail to install an intelligent monitoring device that can provide periodic results within short span of time. Therefore, a sensor based technology with Internet of Things (IoT) has been implemented in the projected work for monitoring major parameters that support the growth and income of farmers. Also, an optimization algorithm for identifying the loss in different crops has been incorporated for maximizing the system boundary and to transmit data to farmers located in different areas. To prove the cogency of proposed method some existing methods have been compared and the results prove the projected technique produces improved results for about 58%. 2022 SulaimaLebbe Abdul Haleem et al. -
Wireless Network Security Using Load Balanced Mobile Sink Technique
Real-time applications based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies are quickly increasing due to intelligent surroundings. Among the most significant resources in the WSN are battery power and security. Clustering stra-tegies improve the power factor and secure the WSN environment. It takes more electricity to forward data in a WSN. Though numerous clustering methods have been developed to provide energy consumption, there is indeed a risk of unequal load balancing, resulting in a decrease in the networks lifetime due to network inequalities and less security. These possibilities arise due to the cluster heads limited life span. These cluster heads (CH) are in charge of all activities and control intra-cluster and inter-cluster interactions. The proposed method uses Lifetime centric load balancing mechanisms (LCLBM) and Cluster-based energy optimization using a mobile sink algorithm (CEOMS). LCLBM emphasizes the selection of CH, system architectures, and optimal distribution of CH. In addition, the LCLBM was added with an assistant cluster head (ACH) for load balancing. Power consumption, communications latency, the frequency of failing nodes, high security, and one-way delay are essential variables to consider while evaluating LCLBM. CEOMS will choose a cluster leader based on the influence of the fol-lowing parameters on the energy balance of WSNs. According to simulated find-ings, the suggested LCLBM-CEOMS method increases cluster head selection self-adaptability, improves the networks lifetime, decreases data latency, and bal-ances network capacity. 2023, Tech Science Press. All rights reserved. -
Wireless Communication Technologies: Roles, Responsibilities, and Impact of IoT, 6G, and Blockchain Practices
This book introduces recent wireless technologies and their impact on recent trends, applications, and opportunities. It explores the latest 6G, IoT, and Blockchain techniques with AI and evolutionary applications, showing how digital integration can be used to serve society. It explores the most important aspects of modern technologies, providing insights into the newest 6G technology and practices; covering the roles, responsibilities, and impact of IoT, 6G, and Blockchain practices to sustain the world economy. This book highlights the roles, responsibilities, and impact of IoT, 6G, and Blockchain and its practices. By describing the implementation strategies for Blockchain, IoT, and 6G, this book focuses on technologies related to the advancement in wireless ad-hoc networks and the current sustainability practices used in IoT. It offers popular use cases and case studies related to 6G, IoT, and Blockchain to provide a better understanding and covers the global approach towards the convergence of 6G, IoT, and Blockchain along with recent applications and future potential. The book is a reference for those working with 6G, IoT, AI, and its related application areas. Students at both the UG and PG levels in various departments such as manufacturing, electronics, telecommunications, computer science, other engineering fields, and information technology will be interested in this book. It is ideally designed for use by technology development, academicians, data scientists, industry professionals, researchers, and students. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Vandana Sharma, Balamurugan Balusamy, Gianluigi Ferrari, and Prerna Ajmani. -
Wireless Communication for Robotic Process Automation Using Machine Learning Technique
Machine intelligence is what has been generated by programming computers with certain aspects of human intellect, like training, solving problems, and priority setting. A machine can solve a number of complicated issues using these capabilities. In major industries, such as customer support and manufacturing, machine intelligence is now being employed. The growth and quick development of digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are becoming more and more difficult. At now, sophisticated manufacturing, the world of invention, and broad acceptance are undergoing a fast transition. Robotics is much more vital as it may now be related to the human brain by the connection between machine and brain, as AI develops. The world's economy faces substantial difficulties by increasing productivity in the manufacturing industry. This study examines the present progress of robotic communication styles of artificial intelligence (AI). In many specific applications, communication between members of a robotic group or even people becomes vital. The paper solves the problem of implementation of an independent industry mobile robot in all fields in the major business, live interactive, planning, mobile robot technologies, and intending. In order to identify the best solution to this issue, a mixed integer robotic model has been developed. 2022 C. Murugamani et al. -
Winning battles with a joke: a qualitative inquiry of humour in the Indian Army
Humour in military organizations can be antithetical given the rigid hierarchy, high degrees of work formalization, and obedience to hierarchy. This paper explores how humour is initiated, propagated and maintained in the Indian Army. We conducted twelve in-depth interviews with retired army professionals and used Braun and Clarkes (2006) thematic analysis to capture the study's main findings. Three major themes emerged organizational humour, leader humour, and team humour. We found humour is essential in combating stress, increasing social cohesion, facilitating newcomer assimilation, and promoting a positive work environment. We also found evidence of subversive humour used in forms of resistance to challenge the hierarchical structure subtly. We have provided a three-part schema of workplace humour which sheds interesting insights on workplace humour. Our findings will contribute to understanding how military humour helps to maneuver challenges of a stressful work situation 2023,European Journal of Humour Research. All Rights Reserved. -
Will Users Continue Using Banking Chatbots? The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk
AI-powered chatbots have become game-changers for the financial industry. They enable banks to boost customer engagement and improve operational efficiency by lowering the traditional cost of customer support. This study analyses the impact of perceived service quality dimensions on user confirmation, satisfaction and use continuance. The present study also analyses the moderating effect of perceived risk on the relationship between user confirmation, satisfaction and chatbots use continuance. A total of 447 customers, all residing in the Indian city of Bengaluru and having recently used banking chatbot services, were surveyed. Partial least squares structural equation modelling is used to examine the relationships between the variables used in the study. Findings from the study show that all five chatbot service quality dimensions (reliability, interactivity, assurance, responsiveness and understandability) significantly impact the users post-use confirmation, influencing their satisfaction and continuance behaviour. Perceived risk negatively moderates the relationship between user confirmation and user satisfaction. Chatbot service developers and e-service providers can leverage these findings to understand user expectations from chatbots. They will also be helpful to other service sectors, such as insurance, travel and tourism, hospitality and healthcare. 2023 Fortune Institute of International Business. -
Will the antioxidant supplements impact the mitigation of oxidative stress in Parkinsons disease?
Parkinsons disease is a frequent neurodegenerative condition marked by both non-motor and motor symptoms. It is brought on by the selective depletion of dopamine neurons from the substantia nigra region of the midbrain. Numerous variables, including lifestyle, environment, age, smoking, and underlying medical disorders, affect the occurrence of Parkinsons disease. The free radicals created by oxidative stress have an impact on the morphology and function of neuronal cells and are a factor in many neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinsons and Alzheimers, disorder. Although the pathophysiological mechanism causing neuronal degeneration is still unknown, oxidative stress plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of idiopathic Parkinsons disease. It also has an association with numerous proteins, including ?-synuclein, amyloid, DJ-1 protein and several signalling pathways like extracellular regulated protein kinases. Reactive oxygen species also contribute to complex Is mitochondrial respiratory activity. The naturally occurring antioxidants are the phenols, anthocyanins, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins, and lignans. These antioxidants retain the reactive oxygen species generation and plays a role in several biological effects. As a result, natural plant antioxidants may have an impact on Parkinsons disease and offer an alternative therapy that minimises oxidative stress and slows down the evolution of the disease. 2024 Visagaa Publishing House. -
Will mobile application technology help retail merchandising? Breakthrough innovation by FMCG companies
Forthe retail business to run successfully and to improve sales, the critical component is to display its products and services in a visually appealing manner. Retail merchandising assists the retailers to attract shoppers and influence their purchase. Often, the merchandising updates are not escalated up the hierarchy ladder as they are much dynamic and spontaneous in nature. Top manufacturing FMCG companies like HUL, ITC, etc. took up this challenge of modern trade merchandising by maintaining manpower in organized retail stores to tap the cutting edge of competitive advantage. The key challenges of these merchandisers include - maintaining overall shelf health, frequency and consistency of restocking, tracking the competition actions in the store, eliminating the conflicting signages, remove broken displays, and display compliances. These FMCG companies have adopted a breakthrough innovation of mobile applications to overcome these challenges. This study is novel and investigated the sales performance improvement through mobile application technology. The research was conducted in two parts. Part 1 included structural interviews (one-on-one) with retail store managers and FMCG sales representatives. The results disclosed eight major attributes as store trend, competition update, personnel management, stock availability, demand creation, in-store visibility, new products launch and promo packs, and share of shelf to improve sales performance. Part 2 examined the significance of these eight factors through quantitative study by considering FMCG merchandisers as respondents. The study identified that competition update, stock availability, personnel management, in-store visibility, and share of shelf were significant factors that impacted sales performance in retail merchandising by utilizing mobile technology applications. 2020, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Wideband Compact Two-Element Millimeter Wave MIMO Antenna for Communication Systems
This article presents the wide band two-element MIMO antenna with an I-shaped decoupling structure in the ground plane. It is to enhance the isolation on the MIMO antenna. The dimension is 7.5 17.5 mm2. The measured bandwidth is 2 GHz (22.25-24.25 GHz) with a maximum gain of 4.5 dBi and bidirectional radiation. MIMO antenna satisfies three diversity metrics. 2024 IEEE. -
Wide band cascade RF amplifier for 0.01GHz to 6 GHz application
This paper presents a design of wide band cascade RF amplifier for 0.01 GHz to 6 GHz application using Hybrid Microwave Integrated (MIC) Technology. Wideband amplifier provides ultra-flat gain response of 1 dB for 4 GHz bandwidth and 3 dB for 6 GHz bandwidth. A coplanar wave guide (CPWG) is fabricated using printed circuit board technology and used for RF transmission line topology to convey microwave frequency signals. The output power at 1 dB compression is 17 dBm while the high gain is 22 dBm. The return loss shows below minimum -10 dB for all frequency and amplifier have good linearity and stability. The proposed amplifier can be used for L, S, and C band applications. 2019 IEEE -
Why small business owners get demotivated? Modeling unwillingness to grow using ISM approach
Purpose: Even after establishing their business successfully, many business owners get demotivated, and it leads to unwillingness to grow. This study aims to propose a comprehensive model that represents interrelationships among various personal factors affecting unwillingness to grow. Design/methodology/approach: The personal factors for unwillingness to grow were identified by extant literature, and expert interviews were conducted to establish the contextual relationships among these factors. The interrelationships among the filtered variables have been done using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis was done to determine the importance of each factor in influencing unwillingness to grow. Findings: In total, 30 personal attributes were identified from previous literature, out of which 15 were selected for the final study. The result identifies 7 variables having a strong impact on unwillingness to grow. These attributes are absence of strong network, lack of vision, lack of proactiveness, reluctance to involve external consultants, absence of/small founding team, lack of ambition and improper attitude. Originality/value: The research attempts to create a bricolage of all the important personal factors affecting unwillingness to grow. Previous researches have used few attributes, but with the help of ISM, a graphical modeling technique, it became possible to draw interrelationship between 15 attributes. Further, with the help of MICMAC, the importance of each attribute was determined. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Why should businesses care about the metaverse
The fourth wave of computer innovation is now being driven by virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), two spatial, immersive technologies. The resulting pervasive computing paradigm, which this wave is expected to produce, can change (online) commerce, entertainment, distant employment, and education. This new paradigm is called the Metaverse. Although the metaverse is still in its infancy, history demonstrates how swiftly new technology can advance, potentially leaving those who lag. Digital reality technologies can transform the entertainment industry, remote work, education, marketing, and economics. Additionally, these technologies are starting to create a new paradigm for information exchange. The concept of the Metaverse has given rise to a new paradigm. While it appears that it will take years for the metaverse to reach its full potential, it is currently a phenomenon marked by the activity of hundreds of entrepreneurs who are making noise but producing no noteworthy results. According to many observers, the current uptick in activity by large tech businesses is assisting in bringing some order to the market's volatility by providing startup companies with the dependable mainstream customer bases they lack. In order to provide better and more integrated business processes, metaverse will provide a far more immersive experience to an organization's whole ecosystem of clients, staff, and partners. In light of this, the study's objectives are to comprehend the business prospects in the metaverse, identify relevant business strategies, and forecast future business developments in the metaverse. The study also looks at the challenges that companies have while integrating the metaverse, taking into account different scenarios. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario
The study focuses on how the notion of learning space is perceived and experienced by learners in the Emergency Remote Learning (ERL) scenario. In doing so, the lived experiences of remote learners who were abruptly shifted to a completely online learning space due to the pandemic COVID-19 in the Indian higher education system are documented. Online interviews were conducted with eight undergraduate and four postgraduate students of English and Cultural Studies, enrolled at a Southern Indian university, and their responses were explicated using the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach. The interviews revealed that the phenomenon of ERL is shaped by dissonance informed by the absence of a familiar learning space. Often the patterns of this dissonance were marked by (1) the perception of learning and learning space, (2) the lack of intimacy in learning and learning space, (3) the negotiations made for learning and the space of learning in ERL, and (4) the challenges to cope with the responsibilities of the ERL scenario. Further, the script approach was applied to analyse the data and the analysis revealed an expansion of the existing internal scripts that were based on previous learning experiences of the learners. The study thus establishes the centrality of space in the process of learning and points out how the lack of a familiar learning space is linked to the absence of internal scripts that considerably impact learning. The study concludes by discussing the possibilities of application of script approach to effectively incorporate the aspect of learning space in new pedagogies and learning models as Blended Learning (BL) and Online Learning (OL) become the new normal worldwide. 2021, Beijing Normal University. -
Why is the size of discouraged labour force increasing in India?
The Indian economy is currently passing through a critical phase of economic development as its structural transformation in employment has stalled, whilst both the youth unemployment rate and the number of youths Not in Employment, Education, and Training (NEET) have increased to an unprecedentedly high level. In the context in which the share of the youth population is continuing to rise despite the declining fertility rate to below the replacement rate, increased educated youth unemployment has caused an upsurge in the Discouraged Labour Force (DLF). This paper explores the trends, composition, and determinants of rising DLF in India using national level employment-unemployment surveys and macro-level panel data. Based on Multinomial logit and System GMM regression results, it is argued that policies aiming to enhance human capabilities through an improved base of technical education and the promotion of industry are necessary to enhance the growth of quality jobs in order to combat the problem of rising educated youth unemployment and DLF. Moreover, these measures could help in the process of harnessing the demographic dividend in India through an increased level of labour productivity in the long run. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Why haven't you bought a solar panel? Consumerism at its "Green" best with the Myers-Briggs type indicator
This research study examined the relationships between Myers-Briggs' four personality dimensions and environmentally conscious consumption patterns. The study found that different personality types have different green purchase habits. The authors also propose five strategies for businesses who plan to venture into sustainable consumption. These strategies include leveraging the power of belongingness, forming addictive healthy habits, capitalizing on the domino effect, communicating with either the heart or the head, and prioritizing having experiences above owning things. The study's findings suggest that businesses need to take a more holistic approach to promoting sustainable consumption. Authors use discriminant analysis to evaluate whether each Myers-Briggs personality type had a distinct green purchase habit. For each of the four dichotomies associated with five kinds of green buying behaviors, SPSS was used to construct discriminant analysis indicators and outputs. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
White Light Emission from Dy3+-Activated CaY2O4 Phosphor
Synthesis and characterization of a Dy3+-activated calcium yttrium oxide (CaY2O4) phosphor are reported. The CaY2O4:Dy3+ (1.5 mol%) phosphor is synthesized using a modified solid-state reaction technique for calcination and sintering. The cubic structure is revealed by the X-ray diffraction technique. The morphology and particle size distribution of the prepared phosphor are investigated by the FEGSEM technique. The chemical bonds and functional group analysis are confirmed by the FTIR. A photoluminescence analysis of the CaY2O4:Dy3+ phosphor shows dual excitation wavelengths at 285 and 348 nm, especially in the ultraviolet region. At 383 nm, three distinct emission peaks are found at the wavelengths 238, 485, and 571 nm. The spectroscopic parameters are calculated using the CIE chromaticity coordinates. The CIE coordinates of the Dysprosium ion-activated CaY2O4 phosphor (1.5 mol%) show an emission near the white light region of the chromaticity diagram, suggesting that it is suitable for W-LED applications. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzlerland AG 2024. -
White LED Light-Mediated Eosin Y-Photocatalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of Novel 1,2,4-Triazol-3-Amines By Sequential Addition
Abstract: A facile and proficient, eco-friendly multicomponent synthesis of 12 novel biologically essential 1,2,4-triazol-3-amines via the sequential addition of substituted phenacyl bromide, aromatic aldehyde, hydrazinecarbothioamide, and urea under white LED with eosin Y as a photocatalyst has been developed. The intrinsic advantages are methodology is cost-effective, non-toxic, generates a high yield of product, is column chromatography free and does not need the use of a specific instrument. Surprisingly, our methodology uses moderate conditions and can count the tolerance of a wide variety of electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups. The analysis and early conclusions give more value and context for the future development of organic synthesis using photocatalysts. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.