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Creator Title Type Subject
N LakshmithaiA study of teachers??? computer competency in relation to computer anxiety and attitude towards computer usage
Krishnappa, Meera - 0944903A study of the effectiveness of technology enabled learning strategy based on multiple intelligences on the achievement in history and civics of elementary school students in BangalorePhDEducation
Description:Education in ancient India in its traditional form was closely related to religion and was limited to a very small section of Indian society. Ancient education in India followed an oral tradition, which laid stress on memory. Subjects like arts and sciences related to government: politics, economics, philosophy, and historical traditions were taught (Thapar, 2002). With the arrival of Islam in India, the traditional methods of education underwent a change. Islamic institutions of education in India taught grammar, philosophy, mathematics, and law influenced by the Greek traditions inherited by Persia and the Middle East, before Islam spread from these regions into India. A feature of this traditional Islamic education was its emphasis on the connection between science and humanities. [show more]
V. NithyaA study of the influence of user-generated content in online media, on the purchase intention of consumers for fashion products in Bangalore
Joy, Manju - 0944902A study of thinking style, teacher effectiveness and emotional intelligence of secondary school teachers of Bangalore cityPhDEducation
Description:Education is a social process by which knowledge is transferred to students through the intermediaries, the teachers. It can be had from non - formal and formal systems of Education. All formal systems are based on the classroom teaching. "The destiny of India is being shaped in her classroom", has been pointed out by the Indian Education Commission (KOTHARI COMMISSION) (1964-66) and to that, it may be safely added that the destiny of these classrooms is being shaped by the teachers. According to the American Commission, the quality of the nation depends upon the quality of the citizens. The quality of its citizens depends, not exclusively, but in critical measure upon the quality of their Education. The quality of their education depends more upon the quality of teachers. Humayun Kabir rightly said once, "Without good teachers even the best of system is bound to fall, with good teachers, even the defects of a system can be largely overcome". The teacher is the flywheel of the whole educational machine. Elaborate blue prints, modern school plans, the best equipment, the newest of the new media or progressive methods will remain dead fossils unless there is the right use of teachers. The document, Challenge of Education -A Policy Perspective (1985) has highlighted that teacher performance is the most crucial input in Education. No development has reached the threshold of development of new technology which is likely to revolutionize the classroom teaching. [show more]
Solo VisanyiiA STUDY ON

Classroom Management Skills among Secondary School

Teachers In Relation To Stress

Chima R. Marak GamreA study on

Healthcare Professionals Attitude towards Euthanasia for the Terminally Ill

Description: The study tries to explore the attitudes that healthcare professionals have towards euthanasia for the terminally ill. In order to understand euthanasia, having knowledge of the term euthanasia and the history of euthanasia is crucial. Previous studies conducted on euthanasia and attitudes towards euthanasia showed that majority of the studies focussed on separate analysis of attitudes of the healthcare professionals. A total of 75 participants were taken for the study, out of that 52% had a positive attitude towards euthanasia whereas 48% had a negative attitude. The study has used Euthanasia Attitude Scale to determine the level of positive or negative attitudes with regard to euthanasia. In conclusion, the study found out that majority of the participants had a favourable attitude towards euthanasia. The stated result did not show to be statistically significant. The author is of the view that with the advancement in times, the society also becomes aware and more accepting to concepts which are socially ostracised. The scope for further studies on a similar topic is wide and encouraged, as there are many more areas that need to be explored and studied. Keywords: Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide, Healthcare Professionals, Attitudes on Euthanasia, Terminally Ill. [show more]
Description: ABSTRACT Accountability of Teachers referred to as teacher accountability in educational literature is a multi-dimensional concept consisting of teacher participation in school decision making. It further focuses on what is best for the student and the profession of teaching. Self-determination theory postulates that when teachers perceive an autonomy supportive work climate which satisfies their three core psychological needs, (Competence, Autonomy and Relatedness) they experience a feeling of wellness and belongingness to the institution and are energized to exert extra effort in all the activities of the institution they engage in. The present study on Accountability and Perceived Autonomy Support among Pre-university College Teachers undertaken by the investigator focused on the relationship between ??Accountability of Teachers and Perceived Autonomy Support among Pre-university college teachers of Bangalore north and south belonging to three types of management such as government, private aided and private unaided. The aim of this study was to find out whether there is any relationship between Accountability of Teachers and Perceived Autonomy Support. The sample of the study consisted of 392 pre-university college teachers (both male and female) of three types of colleges; namely government, private aided and private unaided. The results of the study show that there is a significant relationship between ??Accountability of Teachers and Perceived Autonomy Support among pre-university college teachers. Further female teachers are more accountable than their male counterparts and Married teachers are found be more accountable than unmarried teachers. It was also found that there is a significant difference in the Competence dimension of ??Perceived Autonomy Support among pre-university college teachers belonging to three types of management and the Private Aided pre-university college teachers have a higher level of Competence (dimension of Perceived Autonomy Support) compared to Private unaided pre-university college teachers. Private Aided Pre-university college teachers have higher level of Relatedness (dimension of Perceived Autonomy Support) as compared to Private unaided College Teachers. These findings give a clear indication to principals and administrators of private unaided pre-university colleges regarding the imperative need to implement appropriate strategies in order to enhance perceived autonomy support of their teachers. Key words: Accountability of Teachers, Perceived Autonomy Support, Pre-university college teachers [show more]

Banu PrakashA Study on Attitude and Perception of University

Students towards Community Service in the City of

Bhatia KhushiA study on attitude of regular teachers in relation to their knowledge towards inclusive education in Bengaluru
Shaeril AlmeidaA study on causes of job stress in the IT sector of BangaloreCommerce
Description:International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management Vol.2, Issue 2, pp. 126-128 ISSN No. 2231-5756
Mary Jolly RosmaA study on Celebrity endorsement as an effective tourism destination marketing tool with reference to Bangalore
Description:Celebrity Endorsement is one of the major forms of advertising in which a business organisation makes use of famous individuals or well known organizations in order to boost consumer interest in the product and/or services that they want to sell. Now-a-days every company is trying to bring in a brand ambassador for their brands. Slowly the trend of tying up with a celebrity in promoting has moved towards promoting tourism destinations. This paper tries to find out the effect of celebrity endorsement as an effective marketing destination tool. The objectives framed to reach to this goal were to identify whether the consumers are consider the tourism advertisements that are endorsed by celebrities, to find out the various factors of celebrity endorsers that motivates people to visit the advertised tourist destination and to determine whether the use of celebrities have greater effect than the use of non celebrities when advertising a tourist destination. Data was collected from 250 respondents from Bangalore city in a questionnaire form. Some of the tools that are been used to test the hypothesis are One sample t- test, ANOVA, Chi Square test, Friedman test and Tukey test . The major findings from the study are that the main factors that a celebrity has to have when endorsing a tourism product is the match between the product and the celebrity and the factor that is not at all looked into by the consumers in a tourism product is physical attractiveness. It was also identified that most of the respondents would have better brand recognition and recall when done by a celebrity endorsement but more weightage for the advertisement, more convincing, easy to choose from the different destinations is only possible with the help of if the advertisement that are not done by celebrity. It was found out that occupation of the consumers would have no impact in getting attracted to celebrity endorsers but students were one category that loved to see celebrity endorsers on screen. Key words: Celebrity Endorsement, tourism destination advertisements, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Similarity, Familiarity, Likeability, Match between the celebrity, transfer meaning, Physical attractiveness. [show more]
Usha Dinakaran
A study on Challenges of Indian Hospitality Industry and Remedies For Sustainability in the Ever Changing Market Scenario.ArticleDepartment of Hotel Management
Subject:Department of Hotel Management
Description:VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE NO. 11 (NOVEMBER) ISSN: 231-1009
Bharat Joshi PrajaktaA Study on Color Energy of Graphs
Glory C - 2090224A study on coloring parameters and topological indices of graphs /PhDMathematics
Pandey IshitaA Study on Consumer Behaviour and Attitude towards Green Building in Bangalore An Exploratory Study

Description:As we step into the era of green revolution, people are becoming more conscious towards the usage of eco-friendly products, starting from bio-degradable hardware products to hybrid automobiles. This change is not restricted towards social acceptance, but has become a conscience effort towards betterment of society as a whole. There have been a plethora of studies that have sprung up from this shift in societal paradigm, concentrating on the independent thought schools, like future and impact of hybrid automobiles, feasibility and necessity of bio-degradable cellular phones. This particular research covers one of the facets of such consciousness which is on the rise ?? Green Homes. The market for green building is at a nascent stage where the success of it depends on three elements: government, consumer and developer. The present study tries to focus on the end user of the product, the consumers. The major findings of the study are related to the demographic variables like age, income and education having positive impact on consumer attitude and behaviour towards green building. An understanding of consumer attitude and behaviour leads to the creation of better policies and marketing strategies. This study will help developers formulate a strong communication strategy in order to influence consumer attitude and behaviour towards green building. Developers can then convert these strategies into profit by making the consumer more aware and knowledgeable towards the benefit derived from the green building. Keywords: Green Building, Consumer Attitude, Consumer Behaviour [show more]
Gupta RajniA study on consumer behavioural intentions towards adoption of gamification ?? A digital promotion technique
Kumar, Sunita., Kothari, MohithA study on consumer perception regarding private label branding in India /Journal ArticlePrivate Label Brands
Type:Journal Article
Subject:Private Label Brands
Description:European Journal Of Business And Management, Vol.7, Issue 10, pp.388-395, ISSN No: 2222-2839 (Online) 2222-1905 (Print)
Description: Consumers worldwide are becoming health conscious and are concerned about nutrition (Hart, 2000) and the quality of food consumed. Consumers are also increasingly concerned with food safety issues taking into consideration, the recent salmonella case in Germany and elsewhere. Gil, Gracia and Sanchez (2000) have investigated that consumers are getting health conscious and are paying more attention to qualit y of food consumed. Therefore, food must deliver an added value that are sought after by consumers besides basic hedonistic and functional needs such as nutrition, taste, health, favorable price-quality ratio, etc in the selection of food. This added value may be perceived in the form of ecological, social and individual benefit. Consumer interest in organic and local foods has shown continued growth for the past two decades. Organic food sales in the U.S. have grown at a rate of approximately 20% per year from $1 billion in 1990 to $17 billion in 2006, currently representing about 2.5% of all food sales (Dimitri and Greene, 2002; Klonsky and Greene, 2005; Organic consumers Association, 2007; Organic Trade Association, 2007). In a report on US public opinion, organic food markets evolve at noticeably different rates. For example, the British and German markets have developed at a faster pace as has been investigated by Baker, Thompson and Engelken (2004). Fotopoulos and Krystallis (2002) studied the earlier Greek market which was considered to be a mature market to be lagging behind a decade when compared to the rest of the developed markets. Krystallis and Chryssohoidis (2005) have investigated that a total of 130 countries are engaged in producing certified organic food with 90 of them belonging to the developing countries having a favorable environmental condition for growing organic produce. The organic food market in India is at a nascent stage. Country specific research undertaken by A.C.Neilsen in 2006 has indicated that Indians are among the top ten buyers of food with health supplements but lack access to organic food products. Due to high logistic cost & low volume operation, organic food products are costly. The domestic market is driving organic market in India and 96.7% of Indias 5,85,000 MT of certified organic products produced in 2007 ?? 08 is used in domestic markets. An eight city survey in 2006 has indicated a potential demand to the tune of INR 5.6 billion for organic food products in India (Mukherjee,2008). However, the domestic market is characterized by limited retail presence, low certified branded produce and a small range of organic product offerings with respect to varieties though potential growth is becoming evident. Chen (2007) identified that awareness of organic food products are generally not promoted and public is not well informed. A study on consumer perception towards organic food products may add insight into the nascent but emerging organic food industry in India. The review of related literature in the area of organic food products and consumer perception studied has provided many insights for the study. It has also provided direction in designing the present study. A number of researchers have identified various factors that influence consumer perception of organic food products mainly in developed countries. Some studies have also been undertaken in Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Very few researchers have attempted to focus in detail the various factors that influence consumer perception towards organic food. Having reviewed several studies and having identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to undertake the present investigation. The sample consisted of 246 respondents across the city of Bangalore. Convenience sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respondents. The questionnaire was developed by the investigator. Pilot study was conducted to test the reliability. The Cronbachs alpha reliabilit y for the scale was 0.790 which is considered as fairly good. The major findings of the study were: 1.Consumers of organic food products evaluate product quality with the price they pay. 2.Demographic variables namely gender has a positive impact on consumer perception towards organic food products while difference in educational qualifications do not have a significant impact. 3.There is significant impact of psychographic factors on overall satisfaction of consumers towards organic food products. 4.Consumers consider organic food products as safe for consumption. 5.The respondents have also felt that organic food products are healthy to consume 6.Consumers generally prefer to consume grain based organic food products followed closely by organic grains and organic fruits. The implication of the study will be to help marketers develop and strategize their offerings of organic food products more effectively and efficiently contributing to the overall well being of the society and the individual consumer. Key Words used in this study: demographic factors, organic food products and psychographic factors influencing consumer perception. [show more]