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E-Commerce data analytics using web scraping
Some companies, like Twitter and others, provide an application programming interface (API) to fetch the information. If the API is not available, we will have to search other websites to get the data in a structured format. The primary way to get data from a web page is through web scraping. The basic idea of web scraping is to pull data from a website and convert it into a format that can be used for analysis. In this paper, we will discuss the simple explanation of how we can use Beautiful Soup to scratch data into Python and later save the extracted data in an Excel spreadsheet and do the spreadsheet analysis later. We will pull data from the Flipkart website to know the cell phone name, cell phone price, cell phone rating, and cell phone specification. 2023 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
HR analytics in employee engagement and turnover
HR Analytics has expanded increasingly in the last two decades. Nowadays, several Companies use the supremacy of analytics, in gaining a competitive edge over others by recognizing all essentials of the employees. Organizations aim to optimize employee-performance, and hence are making use of HR analytics to drive strategic HR decisions. This study examines the advent of HR analytics by in measuring and improving employee engagement and turnover. Employee engagement analytics stands for exercising the use of data in decision-making process by integrating employee engagement with other HR and non-HR data. Employee engagement analytics is a subsection of workforce-analytics. It has become the standard contemporary system in advanced employee administration and retention. Employee engagement analytics benefits all stakeholders within the organization. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Driving sustainable development through climate finance in India: A case study of the National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF)
This case study examines the national clean energy fund (NCEF) as a climate finance policy in India. The NCEF was established with the objective of promoting renewable energy projects and sustainable development in the country. The study explores the background and context of climate finance, providing an overview of the NCEF's goals and implementation. The case study analyzes the impact of the NCEF by examining its funding allocations and utilization over the years. It highlights the challenges faced in effectively utilizing the funds, such as administrative hurdles, limited capacity, policy uncertainties, project development barriers, financial constraints, and governance issues. Furthermore, the case study discusses the socio-economic impacts of the NCEF, including job creation, clean energy adoption, and environmental benefits. It also explores the lessons learned from the NCEF implementation, identifying areas for improvement and providing recommendations for enhancing climate finance mechanisms in India. This chapter creates a contribution to renewable energy development in India. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Microwave-assisted extraction of phytochemicals
Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) has emerged as a promising technique for the extraction of phytochemicals and has received substantial scientific attention in recent years. MAE involves the utilization of microwaves to heat the sample, which facilitates the release of bioactive compounds from the plant matrix. MAE offers several advantages over traditional extraction methods, including faster extraction times, higher extraction yields, and reduced solvent consumption. To improve the efficiency of the extraction process, research has concentrated on optimizing various parameters, including the extraction temperature, extraction time, and solvent type. Additional studies have investigated the effect of MAE on the chemistry and bioactivity of the extracted phytochemicals. Several classes of phytochemicals, including phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and alkaloids, have been successfully extracted using MAE. These compounds possess various biological activities, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties. Essential oils from aromatic plants have also been extracted using MAE, which is widely employed in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Despite its many advantages, the major challenge in the application of MAE is the potential degradation of the extracted compounds due to the high-temperature and high-pressure conditions during extraction. Additionally, the cost of microwave equipment and the need for specialized expertise may stunt its widespread adoption. In diverse omics disciplines, MAE shows promise, notably for the development of analytical platforms for research in genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and related subdisciplines. Nonetheless, more investigation is required to optimize the extraction conditions and guarantee that the chemical makeup and biological activity of the isolated phytochemicals are preserved. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023, Corrected Publication 2023. All rights reserved. -
Study of micro and small enterprises' readiness in implementing industry 4.0: A study in marathwada district of maharashtra, india
Industry 4.0 aims tp transform the development of global value chains and the development of a digital revolution, with intelligent machines capable of communicating via wireless connections and a connection thought system, resulting in autonomous decision-making. Although large sized firms are adopting Industry 4.0, the small and micro enterprises are facing great difficulties in adopting them. This study aims to identify the areas in which Enterprises need to focus for improving their level of readiness and develop strategies and plans to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies successfully. 219 samples were collected using snowball sampling from Marathwada District in Maharashtra, India. factor analysis was conducted using SPSS and different factors acting as barriers to implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies were identified. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
United States-South Asia relations: Challenges and opportunities facing the Biden administration
With the passage of time, US interests in the South Asian region have also diversified. South Asia has emerged as a highly strategic and volatile region in the geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific region. The chapter is divided into two sections. One section looks at the prospects in US-South Asia relations, focusing on the scaling up of security and non-security cooperation with the South Asian countries, with reference to US relations with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal. The chapter addresses the overall strategic importance of the region and the impact of geopolitical shifts on US-South Asia relations. The second section of the chapter focuses on the evolving strategic ties between India and the United States. This analysis is against the backdrop of China's political, economic, and strategic policies and priorities in the region. Some of the major issues to be addressed in this section include the Chinese reaction to the defence and security cooperation, between India and the United States, the growing Chinese presence in the Indo-Pacific and its impact on the balance of power in the region, the Chinese "String of Pearls" strategy and its impact on India-US relations, the challenges posed by transnational crime, terrorism and piracy and their impact on India-US strategic cooperation, and the need to maintain the safety and security of sea lanes in the Indo-Pacific region. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Adluri Subramanyam Raju and R. Srinivasan. All rights reserved. -
The youth's way of personal branding as bookstagrammers
The Bookstagrammers use Instagram to post about their life as avid readers and regard themselves as social media influencers (SMIs) for books. Creating a personal brand helps influencers differentiate themselves from other users. Similarly, Bookstagrammers have made a place for themselves as book influencers in this growing SMI market. Since Bookstagrammers have the potential to influence the publishing industry's sales, creating a personal brand plays a significant role in their career as an influencer. Some Bookstagrammers have successfully created their personal brand by posting book-related and reader-centric content on Instagram and are followed by a niche audience of readers. This study conducted content analysis on India's two most popular Bookstagrammers, and discusses their personal branding strategies. The results showcase 8 broad categories of content shared by the Bookstagrammer that are mapped to three elements of personal branding: brand identity, brand positioning, and brand image, showing how social media fuels the youth's creativity to as SMIs. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Talent Retention Practices: Concepts and Analytical Perspectives
Employee retention is a huge challenge for many companies because of the difficulty of getting the right talent at the right place for the right job with the required potential to cope with the new changing environment. A Gartner survey revealed that 91% of HR leaders expect employee turnover in the immediate future. Even more so if employees have more job offers while joining a company, and if they find discrepancies from their expectations, they are ready to leave the job. In this scenario, it is the need for organizations to identify the beststrategies to retain talented employees. This chapter explains the concepts of talent retention, its relevance, practices, factors, and analytics contributing in retaining employees. This chapter will be helpful for organizations to devise new strategies for retaining the employees. This will also be useful for academicians and students to apply analytics in retaining employees. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Role of social media influencers in fashion and clothing
This study provides an overview of the influence of social media influencers in the fashion and clothing industry. With the increasing presence of social media in people 's lives, individuals are easily influenced by what they see online, leading to the adoption of trends promoted by influencers. Influencers, who have established their personal brand and gained a substantial following, play a key role in shaping consumer preferences and driving sales. Social media platforms allow fashion brands to connect with their audience, democratizing fashion shows and enabling direct interaction. The rise of fast fashion and the influence of fashion influencers have contributed to the growth of the clothing industry. Businesses are now utilizing AI-powered analytics and dedicated platforms to enhance their influencer marketing strategies. In summary, social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior, driv- ing sales and shaping trends in the fashion and clothing industry. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Digital transformation in clinical legal education, virtual law clinics, and access to justice
Clinical legal education (CLE)promotes skill training and service learning. It provides an opening to comprehend the law and practice through practical training. Access to justice with lawyering skills is the fundamental objective of CLE. Law students can uphold the 'rule of law' and play the leading role in legal services to the needy. Millions of people continue to be denied access to the legal system. The success of the digital transformation in CLE depends on the availability and efficiency of the adoption of advanced technology. The main theme of this chapter is to examine how the law schools approached the mode of CLE amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges faced while delivering services through VLC and examine the various types of online pro bono works. This chapter is designed in both doctrinal and analytical in terms of methodology. It also focuses on the new experiences globally in using IT and the methods that law schools can use through technology to improve access to justice. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Application of green logistics in supply chain of auto parts: A south indian scenario
Green supply chain concept is used to reduce environmental degradation and emissions of air, water, and waste by incorporating green practices into business operations. Growing impacts of global warming, climate change, waste, and air pollution problems have prompted experts all over the world to think more environment friendly and find the best possible approach for "Green" solutions. green supply chain management is one of the factors that motivates organizations to be more sustainable. This study focuses on the green supply chain management in the auto parts industry in South Indian. Data from three green initiatives: recyclable packaging, green warehouse management and milk run approach for logistics is taken and compared with nongreen approaches. It is found that there is significant reduction in costs by adopting the green approaches. With environmental issues growing all the time, green supply chain deserves to be a long-term community concern in developing countries. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Employee motivation for sustainable entrepreneurship: The mediating role of green hrm
This chapter aims to explore the relationship between employee motivation and sustainable entrepreneurship with a specific focus on the mediating role of green human resource management (HRM). As organizations increasingly recognize the importance of environmental sustainability, understanding the mechanisms through which employee motivation translates into sustainable entrepreneurial behaviors becomes crucial. By integrating concepts from the fields of entrepreneurship, sustainability, and HRM, this study proposes that Green HRM practices play a mediating role in fostering employee motivation for sustainable entrepreneurship. The findings of this research provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to enhance their sustainability efforts by leveraging employee motivation and implementing effective Green HRM strategies. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Nanomedicine: Insight analysis of emerging biomedical research and developments
The field of nanomedicine has undergone a revolution owing to the specific optical, electrical, and mechanical behaviors of nanomaterials that are extensively utilized for the detection of biomolecules, improved therapeutics, and imaging of diseased tissues. Different cells have their own unique markers which can be detected by specific nanomaterials which in turn can be used to target micro levels of medicine in precision medicine. Most of the advances in nanomedicine will have effects on the healthcare delivery systems. More works have focused on screening procedures that have better sensitivity and specificity for disease detection, which in turn will greatly improve diagnostic and prognostic domains, thereby reducing healthcare costs. Nanomedicine has the advantages of facilitating early disease detection, quantification of tumor cells and toxicmolecules, delivery of drugs to specific cells like the tumor cells etc. This chapter deals with research and development in nanomedicine which has been a top priority in most of the developed countries, with a view to optimize factors like dose response, efficacy, targeting ability, safety and bioavailability. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. All rights reserved. -
The role of social media in empowering digital financial literacy
This systematic review examined the role of social media in enhancing financial literacy among individuals by collecting and reviewing 60 articles published from 2021 to 2023. The findings revealed that social media has a positive impact on financial literacy through the dissemination of financial education, promotion of financial awareness, and sharing of financial experiences. The review also identified digital financial literacy, entrepreneurial learning, and financial knowledge as significant determinants of financial literacy, while demographic characteristics, social media usage behavior, risk attitude, and overconfidence played a role in determining financial literacy. The study recommends that financial institutions, policymakers, and educators leverage social media for promoting financial literacy, and social media usage skills to improve financial literacy among individuals. Overall, the study suggests that the use of social media can democratize financial literacy and enable individuals from diverse backgrounds to access financial education and information. Copyright 2023, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Employee attrition and absenteeism analysis using machine learning methods: Application in the manufacturing industry
HR analytics has been envisaged as recent research trend for providing a comprehensive decision support system to the top level management in terms of employee's performance, recruitment and behaviour analysis. Globally, organizations are using technology to support and ease HR processes. Every organization should give maximum value to every available human resource, and they should minimize the attrition and absenteeism rate and ensure what are the factors that contribute towards employee attrition as well as the causes for workmen absenteeism. The ultimate objective is to correctly identify attrition and absenteeism in order to assist the company to improve retention tactics for key personnel and increase employee satisfaction. Through this chapter, a machine learning-based model is proposed to get quick results for such employee attrition and workmen absenteeism. The model is trained and tested for its accuracy. The result shows that the proposed model has high sensitivity. The managerial implications are also discussed for taking informed decisions. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Intellectual property rights vis-a-vis food security: A critical analysis
The Right to Food is undoubtedly a human right since it is one of the basic necessities without which it is impossible to sustain life. Food Security refers to the availability as well as accessibility to sufficient and quality food by all individuals. However, there persists a problem of food insecurity which is a major problem especially in the underdeveloped and, to a considerable extent, the developing countries. At an individual level, food security is limited to one's access to food but on a broader sense food security cannot be isolated from agricultural policies, crop technologies, economic and trade conditions. The intersection of crop technologies with economic factors is what links food security with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Over the recent past, IPR has gained immense importance in a number of fields including agriculture. It provides the incentive for the private sector development in advancement of plant science and crop technologies which helps in ensuring food security in the long term. This study aims at discussing the issues of food security with a specific focus on the developing nations, IPR regime, and its introduction into the agriculture sector. It intends to explore the connections and linkages between IPR and food security, especially how intellectual property can act as a medium to cover the path toward achieving global food security. The author aims to put forth the ability of IPR as a means to achieve food security by incentivising human creativity through a detailed study from an international as well as region-specific perspective. 2023 Apple Academic Press, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Mind of a portfolio investor: Which strategies should I use as a basis for my investment decisions
It is smart for investors to plan for a drop that may be accompanied by a recession in the late stages of a bull market. The authors examine a variety of passive and active strategies, as well as their success in different crises. However, while choosing the best of strategies in the worst of circumstances, investors must be cautious in defining 'best.' It's critical to comprehend not only the long-term performance but also the whole cost of putting various preventive measures in place. The authors analyse popular strategies like technical analysis, fundamental analysis, relying on financial news, seeking professional advice, tips from trade experts, and self-intuition while making portfolios. Our findings indicate that every investment is unique. Some defensive methods will be more effective than others in each case. As a result, diversification across several viable strategies may be the wisest course of action. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Role of social media in the digital transformation of business
A digital transformation endeavor is the use of technology and digital processes to enhance business operations and consumer experiences. These projects frequently include the use of new technology like social media platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), and analytics, as well as the execution of digital processes like cloud computing, omnichannel commerce, data analytics, and automation. An organization needs to integrate digital transformation initiatives into its current systems if it wants to stay current with the rapidly evolving technology landscape of today. Social media is now an essential part of contemporary life, and businesses are increasingly using it to connect with their clients and other stakeholders. To take advantage of social media's huge potential, businesses are incorporating it into their digital transformation initiatives. Copyright 2023, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Traditional finance vs. web 3: A comparative analysis of key features and characteristics for better readability purposes
Web3 is a ground-breaking invention that has the ability to address the shortcomings of web1 and web2. The industry witnessing its major impact is the finance sector. A wave of innovation in traditional finance has been inspired by the introduction of Web3. It is also referred to as the decentralised web and is a developing movement that is upending conventional finance by providing a more open, safe, and decentralised substitute. Traditional banking should work to adopt the features that Web3 offers, including stability, scalability, interoperability, security, performance, extensibility, management, and openness. In order for TradFi to maintain its relevance and expertise in the face of the widespread adoption of digital financial modes, it is now necessary to embrace several Web3 capabilities. Keeping into consideration the relevance and importance of Web3 in finance, this chapter will basically focus on analysing the key features and characteristics of Web3 in comparison to traditional finance. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Performance analysis and interpretation using data visualization
The matrix plot library (Matplotlib) is a unique feature in python that helps in the visualization of data via entering certain dataset and codes. It is a portable two-dimension of plot and images are mainly focused on visualizing scientific, technical, and financial data. These matrix plots are performing with the help of python programming and various user interface applications. Most familiar versions of joint photographic and supportable picture graphics are used for the picture visualization. These additional features include the various navigation processes, pages with the line, as well as images. The financial charts of open source website are used for tables and mathematical texts. The library is based on numerical python arrays, giving us visual access to massive quantities of data in readily consumable graphics. The problem statement here delves further into the functions of this feature, which will aid in a better understanding of Python's involvement in the data visualization. 2023 Scrivener Publishing LLC.