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Influence of Rock/Metal on youth
??Influence of Rock and Metal on youth is a research paper which deals with various kinds of influence that this genre can have over its fan followers. It tries to elaborate on the change that an individual will go through, whilst he/she consumes or listens to rock/heavy metal music. Influence of music on its listeners is an obvious factor. Serious impact on huge fans may vary from different genres and the way the individual perceives it. Music can be a pastime, hobby and a career as well. Rock and heavy metal music have their own characteristics. Known to be highly influential in terms of substance and drug abuse, this genre of music is worshipped throughout the world, with a spectacular growth in its fans and followers. This study, which is based on a focus group discussion emphasizes widely as to how rock and heavy metal music has influenced its fans, but has no serious impact. The research conducted has proved that youngsters and fans who listen to this genre of music are influenced only as far as change in lifestyles, attitudes and behavior is concerned. Exposure to substance abuse, psychological changes, evil thoughts, suicide, etc. cannot be shown as the result of listening to rock and heavy metal music. -
The dissertation titled Influence of social issues portrayed in commercial movies on the youth audience speaks about the effectiveness of the film as a means of communication to the large audience especially to the youth. As in the recent times the film industry is growing tremendously and many films are Bourne to experimentation, and commercial films also changing. In this regard this research paper analyses the implication of the commercial films on the youth audience as they are more prone to the changes of the media. The researcher analysis in this research paper the effectiveness of the commercial films on the youth audience, For this purpose the researcher conducted survey analysis taking 100 respondents as the sample size of youth group ranging from 15 -30 age group. In the literature review the researcher have used few theories to explain the phenomenon and also have collected few previously done researches related to the area of the subject. After conducting the research the researcher finds out that the respondents are not influenced by the social issues portrayed in the commercial movies as they feel that it is a tool used by the film makers to make profit. But the research found out that these commercial movies makes them aware of the issues portrayed in these commercial movies. -
Integrating Traditional Healing Practices with Cognitive Therapy: Attitude, Preparedness and Perceived Effectiveness among Clients and Therapists
Mental health and well- being has become a serious concern in the Indian health setting. The mental health care has been rapidly increasing. The various approaches involved in mental health has been explored widely in the Indian mental health setting. This research study aims to explore the integrated approach which involves traditional healing practices and cognitive therapy. The aim of this research study is to understand the three main variables attitude, preparedness and perceived effectiveness in clients and therapists while integrating traditional healing practices with cognitive therapy. The traditional healing practices explored in this study are yoga, meditation and mindfulness. The attitude of the clients and therapists towards the integrated approach has been studied. The preparedness of the clients as well as the preparedness of the therapists toward the integrated approach is also the next set of objectives in the research study. The next two objectives have been to study the perceived effectiveness of this approach in clients and therapists. The research study is a qualitative study. The data for the research study has been collected using semi- structured interviews. The data has been analyzed using thematic content analysis. The sample for the study includes 5 therapists and 10 clients who have been involved in this therapeutic approach. The results of the study show that there are two types of attitude clients who have interviewed hold towards the integrated approach. The two types of attitude include positive attitude and apprehensive attitude. The attitude of the therapists towards the approach has been positive and the factors which have led to the positive attitude has been cultural factors, familial background and previous exposure. The apprehensive attitude in clients have been due to the forced participation and past negative experience. The positive attitude of the therapists has been due to prior training and prior positive results. The preparedness and perceived effectiveness observed in therapists and clients have also been studied at length in the research study. The preparedness observed in clients has been due to previous exposure and knowledge and in therapists it has been due to extensive practice and the perceived effectiveness seen in clients. The perceived effectiveness observed in clients have been at three levels. They are physiological well- being, psychological well- being and improved relationships in the family. The perceived effectiveness in therapists have been seen as increased emotional and physical well- being as well as increased competence in the profession. -
Intention to Stay in Relation to Organisational Socialisation Processes
Attrition is significant in an organisation as replacing human capital bears a significant cost. This study focuses on the effect of organisational socialisation processes, followed in Indian and Multinational BPO organisations on an employees intention to stay within that organisation. A field research with 395 samples was steered using a standardised 21 item questionnaire, to capture the four constructs of Organisational Socialisation and Intention to stay. Results show that there a significant relationship is prevalent between Intention to Stay and Organisational Socialisation in BPOs. Also, amongst the dimensions of organisational socialisation, future prospects and understanding of the role were associated significantly with intention to stay. It is acknowledged that higher organisational socialisation leads to greater intention to stay among employees. The critical purpose in employee retention includes keeping the organisation relevant to the employees by carefully creating their career development plans, helping them manage their work-life balance, and providing timely recognition of talent and then rewarding them. This is imperative to the HR Management as a remedy to soaring attrition rates which is also due to Future prospects and Understanding of the role, as per the findings. Keywords: organisational socialisation, intention to stay, business process outsourcing, attrition, turnover intention -
Inverse domination number of graphs /
Konigsberg (55.2 o North latitude and 22 o East longitude) was a city in Russia situated on the Pregel River,which served as the residence of the dukes of Prussia in the 16th century. Today,the city named Kaliningrad,is in Lithuania which recently separated from U.S.S.R.It serves as a major industrial and commercial centre of western Russia.The river Pregel flowed through the town,dividing it into four regions,as in the following picture.In the eighteenth century, seven bridges connected the four regions.The problem was to start from anyone of the land areas,walk across each bridge exactly once and return to the starting point.This problem was first solved in 1736 by the prolific Swiss Mathematician Leonhard Euler, who, as a consequence of his solution invented the branch of Mathematics now known as Graph Theory. -
Investigation on multistep purified carbon nanostructures synthesized from a variety of hydrocarbon precursors
Nanotechnology has become by far the fastest growing area and the shooting star in materials science. Carbon is a fascinating element observed in a large variety of morphologies and atomic structures owing to its chemical ability to form different hybridizations. Carbon nanotechnology has gained significant attention, energized by discoveries such as fullerenes, followed by carbon nanotubes, and, of course the latest addition to the carbon family, graphene. Graphene, a two- dimensional honeycomb lattice of sp2-bonded carbon atoms, possesses a wealth of exceptional properties that has resulted in intense research activities. Although graphenes prospect for applications in wide areas is attractive, making and manipulating graphene is a daunting task. The most fruitful and cost-effective way to synthesize graphene in huge scale from bulk graphite is by reduction of Graphene oxide. Graphene oxide is nothing but a corrugated carbon sheet with over half of the carbon atoms functionalized with hydroxyl and epoxy groups, and edges partially occupied by hydroxyl, carboxyl, ketone, ester and even lactol structures. It has recently emerged as a new carbon-based nanoscale material that provides an alternative path to graphene due to its own alluring properties. In the present study, carbon nanomaterials are derived from hydrocarbon precursors- kerosene, camphor and liquid paraffin by thermal decomposition. Graphene oxide is then synthesized from these carbon nanostructures by modified Hummers technique. The as-prepared soot nanostructures and graphene oxide nanosheets are investigated by various experimental techniques viz. Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), UV- Visible Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The effect of ultrasonication on the samples is also studied. -
The study entitled Investor Sentiments, Trading Behavior and Informational Efficiency in Indian Stock Futures Market shows that the traders in Indian Stock Futures Markets are positive feedback traders-they buy when prices increase and sell when prices decline. Positive Feedback trading appears to be more active in periods of high investor sentiments. Our primary objective is to examine the relationship between the investor sentiments and transitory volatility. The data used in the study is secondary data which is being collected from the National Stock Exchange. The sample period of the study is of past 5 years i.e. from July 2006 to September 2011.The Pharmaceutical sector has been chosen and around seven companies are selected. We used Vector AutoRegression (VAR) Model to test the contemporaneous and causal relationship between order flow, stock return and return volatility. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root tests have been employed to test the stationarity of the investor sentiment measures. We found that futures market tends to be more liquid in periods of bullish sentiments. We also found that controlling for feedback trading; the persistence of order flow is significantly lower in high sentiment periods. Further the study shows a strong positive relation between investor sentiments and transitory volatility. The result also suggested that stock futures prices tend to follow the underlying efficient price more closely in bullish periods, consistent with increased liquidity in bullish states. Overall, it can be concluded that this study provides new evidence on the link between investor attitudes, trading behavior and price efficiency at the microstructure level. Key Words: Investor Sentiments, Market Efficiency, Futures Market, Volatility, Order . -
The research paper was aimed to look into the portrayal of women in media especially those who do item numbers. The paper also looked into the matter that how due to the lack of relevance of item numbers in movies today, the portrayal is negative. Whether this in turn has led to a negative stereotypical representation of women in general was also a concern of the study. The researcher focussed on this matter as she is strongly against any kind of stereotypical representations. As a media student she wanted to inform people about the rights and wrongs in the society and how this leads to framing of stereotypes which is often regarded derogatory. The research was done using both primary and secondary sources. Primary data collection included questionnaire method to general audience of sample size of 100 and a comparative analysis will be done. An extensive study was done of secondary sources too including books, journals, movies, short videos, internet and newspapers. The study revealed that item numbers have definietely lost its relevance in the movies and that has led to the negative portrayal of item girls. There were other reasons also found have an impact on the audiences?? mind which in turn influences his thinking towards the item girls, this was found by comprehending the study with Cultivation theory by Gerbner. -
In this dissertation, we study the condition required for a graph of semi-prime size to have a Sn decomposition. We have considered the simplest cases with the semi-prime value as 15, which is the product of 3 and 5; graph being a tree; and S4 decomposition is considered. Any graph can be decomposed into subgraphs, but the subgraphs obtained after decomposition need not be isomorphic to each other. We discuss, under what conditions can a tree of size 15 be decomposed such that all the subgraphs obtained is isomorphic to S4. -
K shell Radiative and Total Vacancy Transfer Probabilities of Barium & Thallium from Internal Conversion Electron Sources
The information obtained from X-ray fluorescence parameters is very important in the study of some basic phenomena, in atomic molecular and radiation physics. This demands for accurate values of XRF parameters such as shell wise and sub-shell wise X-ray fluorescence yield, fluorescence X-ray production cross-section, shell and sub-shell intensity ratios, K to L vacancy transfer probabilities and so on. Nuclear processes like orbital electron capture or internal conversion of gamma transition and interaction of photons or charged particles give rise to X-ray fluorescence. It is reported that the probability of emission of X-rays by decay process is different from the probability of emission of X-rays by photoionisation[1-3]. The K shell XRF parameters of elements have been extensively studied by several researchers by photon exciation methods and varieties of detectors [4-9]. But there are not many reports on the measurements of K shell X-ray intensity ratios of elements following decay processes. This may be due to the requirement of the radioactive sources of the order of 100mCi and preparing many electron capture and internal conversion sources of this strength may be a difficult task. In view of this, we have made an attempt to study the effect of internal conversion on the probability of X-ray emission of thallium and barium by determining K shell intensity ratios, K ?? Li, K-M radiative and K-L total vacancy transfer probabilities from weak internal conversion sources Hg203 and Cs137respectively. To examine the effect of decay process on X-ray emission the K shell fluorescence parameters determined are compared with the theoretical values and other experimental results obtained using radioactive decay and photon excitation methods. The dissertation consists of five Chapters. In the first Chapter, we introduce the project work carried out. In Chapter 2, we present the brief theory of XRF and literature survey. It consists of two sections; in section 2.1, we give the theoretical aspects of the K X-ray fluorescence and in section 2.2, we present the literature survey related to the determination of K X-ray intensity ratios and vacancy transfer probabilities through photoionization methods and decay processes. Chapter 3 deals with experimental details such as the radioactive sources, detector and electronic modules used in our experiment, the experimental arrangement and standardization of spectrometer, and experimental procedure adopted in the collection and analysis of the data. In Chapter 4, we present the results on K X-ray intensity ratios and vacancy transfer probabilities along with the theoretical, semi-empirical and others experimental values. In Chapter 5, we give the conclusions. -
K shell X-ray Fluorescence Parameters of Platinum and Lead
X-ray fluorescence phenomenon (XRF) has gained importance as a tool the fields of atomic, nuclear and radiation physics, material science, medical physics, and in such diverse fields as industry, agriculture, archaeology, forensic science and so on for elemental analysis. This demands for accurate values of XRF parameters such as shell wise and sub-shell wise x-ray fluorescence yield, fluorescence x-ray production cross-section, Auger transition rate, shell and sub-shell intensity ratios, K to L vacancy transfer probabilities and so on. In addition, measurements of these parameters are useful in obtaining physical parameters such as photoelectric cross-sections, jump ratios and x-ray emission rates. Over the years several researchers have measured these parameters employing variety of methods and detectors (Apaydin and Tira?o?lu 2012; Hopman et al. 2012; Kahoul et al. 2011; Cengiz et al. 2011; Cengiz et al. 2010; M??nesguen and M. -C. L??py 2010; S????t et al. 2009a; S????t et al. 2009b; Reyes-Herrera and Miranda 2008; Ertu?rul et al. 2007; Aylikci et al. 2007; Demir and ?ahin 2007; ?ahin et al. 2005; ??zdemir et al. 2002; ?imsek et al. 2002; Durak et al. 2001; 1998; Allawadhi et al. 1993). However these methods involve complicated single and double reflection geometries armed with sophisticated equipments and strong sources of the order of 109 Bq or more. These experiments involve many corrections such as attenuation of x-rays in the target itself (self attenuation correction), attenuation in the window of the detector (window attenuation correction), solid angle correction, photopeak efficiency and total detection efficiency of the detector, etc. Estimation of intensity of radiations incident on the target is a difficult task in these methods. The incident intensity and the total x-ray fluorescence intensity generated in the target are the quantities, which determine the accuracy of the K x-ray fluorescence parameters. Recently Gudennavar et al. (2003a; 2003b) and Horakeri et al. (2011; 1998; 1997) have developed a simple method to measure K-shell fluorescence yields, production cross section and other parameters by adopting a 2geometrical configuration and employing weak radioactive sources. K x-ray fluorescence parameters are independent of angle of emission because K x-rays are emitted isotropically from the target atom. It was found that the method yields K x-ray fluorescence parameter values as accurate as any standard reflection geometry experiment. The simplicity of method helps one to utilize it to develop student laboratory experiments to train students in x-ray fluorescence field. Since the method requires weak sources, it is of great advantage to student laboratories for they do not need special permission to acquire sources and sources can be handled safely without any personal radiation hazards. However the validity of the target thickness criterion and the method needs to checked with other X-ray detectors such as CdZnTe, HPGe as their construction arrangements are different from NaI(Tl) detectors and for all the elements in the periodic table. In the present study, we have measured the K x-ray fluorescence parameters for the elements platinum and lead using HPGe detector spectrometer and 57Co excitation source. The results are compared with the theoretical, semi-empirical fitted and other experimental values. -
K Shell X-Ray Intensity Ratios and Vacancy Transfer Probabilities of Iron, Silver and Tellurium from Electron Capture Sources
Over the years X-ray fluorescence studies have gained much importance due to the increasing applications in various fields. Today X-ray spectroscopy contributes significantly to the increasing knowledge in different scientific disciplines such as atomic, nuclear and radiation physics, solid-state and semiconductor research, space research, medicine and biomedical research, forensic science, metallurgy, geophysical research and source exploration, industry, archaeology, art, environment analysis and protection, and so on for elemental analysis. X-rays are generated in a wide variety of ways: Proton induced, ion induced, photon induced and X-ray emission following radioactive decay. There are two types of decay processes that result in K shell X-ray emission; electron capture (EC) process and internal conversion (IC) of gamma transitions. It has been reported that the values of K shell X-ray intensity ratios following electron capture (EC) decay are different from the theoretical values as well as those obtained via photon induced excitations. Eventhough several researchers have made attempts to study the K shell intensity ratios by photon excitation methods employing reflection geometries, there are very few reports on the measurements of K shell X-ray intensity ratios of elements following decay processes. In the present investigation, we have determined the K shell X-ray intensity ratios and total vacancy transfer probabilities of iron, silver and tellurium via electron capture decay of Co57, Cd109 and I125 employing 2??-geometrical configuration method. The obtained results are discussed in the light of the effects of electron capture decay on X-ray emission probabilities comparing with theoretical, semi-empirical and experimental results. This dissertation consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to the subject and ends with specifying the relevance of the present investigation. Chapter 2 deals with the theoretical details followed by the literature review and statement of the problem. In the following chapter, we give a brief description on the experimental procedure and data analysis methods. Chapter 4 includes the results and discussions. In the concluding chapter, a summary of the present investigation and the scope for future work are clearly stated. -
Kamal Haasan is one actor who has a dynamic image in Tamil film Industry. He is one actor who is never scared of experimenting with his roles. This paper tries to find the change in image of the actor. In the present scenario the cinegoers look up to him as an actor, because of his versatility and he his predominantly known for his acting. In a time where the actors were making big budget films for commercialization, Kamal Haasan wanted to make films that had an in-depth story which people could relate to. With Apporva Raagangal he started off his career and got the Filmfare Award for the best actor. He is one actor who never stops from experimenting in films and taking up new roles as a director, producer etc. The paper would analyze twelve of his movies. Thus through this visual analysis the researcher tries to find out whether an actual image transition has happened in the actor and whether the change has been maintained. The researcher has short listed twelve movies for visual analysis, they are: Sigappu Rojakkal, Moondram Pirai, Nayagan, Apoorva Sagodharangal, Thevar Magan, Indian, Avvai Shanmughi, Hey Ram, Thenali, Virumandi, and Vishwaroopam. -
Knowledge, preparedness, and resilience related to end of life decision making among family caregivers of ICU patients
End-of-Life decision making is the process that is treating team, patients, and patients??? families go through when considering what treatments will or will not be used to treat a life-threatening illness. In India, End-of-Life Care is a new phenomenon and rarely investigated. The religious and societal attitudes and an absence of education in medical ethics can be seen as reasons for the underdevelopment of End-of-Life Care field. It seems that social workers, particularly who assist patients in Intensive care unit treatment have an important role to play in this regard. Social workers deliver assistance to the critically ill person and their family members as they get admission to the Intensive care unit, enhancing the conversation among treating group, patients and family members. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge, preparedness and resilience among family caregivers related to End-of-Life decision making. This study utilizes a descriptive research design and purposive sampling method. The study includes 71 first degree relatives of patients who are significantly involved in caring of the patient and related to decision making. All the participants had their family members admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of St. John???s Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru. This study found that there is minimal knowledge among family caregivers and they had no high level of preparedness. There is ethical concern along with finance and they seem to be confused about the decisions taken. Due to lack of awareness among the family caregivers, they surrender the patient to the treating team. Religious conflict is another aspect which is an obstacle to family caregivers for an End-of-Life decision making. The study also found that as the duration of Intensive Care Unit hospitalization increases the resilience among family caregiver???s decreases. It is important that Medical Social workers identify ways to improve End-of-Life care process through interventions. This can be achieved through training in Master of Social Work programs and by educating social workers. The study concludes that there is an immense gap between the family caregivers and the patient with regard to their knowledge on End-of-Life decision making. Hence, this study highlights the importance of Medical Social Worker in Intensive Care Unit to facilitate patient autonomy and the family caregivers??? decisions on the patient. -
Life Skills Development for Adolescent Girls at Risk with Special Reference to Rescued Devadasi Girls: An Intervention Study
Devadasi means to servant of God. The word is derived from Sanskrit language. It is originated from two words ??deva and ??dasi which mean God and servant respectively. The devadasi is attributed to girls dedicated to a Goddess called Yellama through the marriage to the deity. There are some important psycho social implications of devadasi system. The system of devadasi is a form of slave trade. In this system the young girls are exploited in the name of religious practices. A major disadvantage of this system is that it disintegrates an individual especially an adolescent girl in context of her overall development and social development in particular. Intervention has always been the essence of social work. Life skills education can be given prime importance and adolescent girls especially in situations such as rescued devadasi can be trained to apply life skills to redress their mental health problems. Teaching life skills to adolescents would help them to transform knowledge, skills, attitudes and values into real abilities. The aim of the current study was to assess the level of Life skills among the rescued devadasi adolescent girls and provide life skills training and evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Programme. The design used was a pre experimental research design without a control group. 25 adolescent girls who are rescued from the devadasi system were part of the study from northern Karnataka. Based on the need assessment carried in the initial phase of the study, an intervention Programme was developed for the participants based on the 10 life skills laid out by the World Health Organization. A standardized Life skills assessment scale developed by Vranda (2009) was used in pre assessment and post assessments. The results indicate that the Programme was effective and displayed statistical significance in rendering the participants with Life skills. The implication of the study reiterates the importance of developing tailor made life skills Programme for vulnerable groups and girls at risk. KEY WORDS: Life skills, rescued devadasi girls