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Antecedents and Consequences of Green Marketing Orientation in Automobile Industry : A Customer-Based Corporate Reputation Mediation Model
This dissertation presents a study that explores the influence of social cost and green innovation on environmental justice and their impact on green marketing. It also examines the role of customer-based corporate reputation as a mediator between customer cost-benefit (CCB) and customer loyalty. The research was conducted using a sample of 382 hybrid and electric vehicle owners in three major cities in India. The findings indicate that green innovation, social cost, and environmental justice significantly contribute to green marketing orientation. Moreover, green marketing orientation positively affects corporate reputation, which subsequently enhances customer loyalty and purchase intention. The study underscores the significance of implementing newlinesustainable and responsible business practices and developing effective green marketing strategies to gain a competitive edge in environmentally conscious markets. newlineThe outcomes of this study have practical implications for automobile companies, newlineoffering insights on how to enhance corporate reputation and customer loyalty through green newlinemarketing strategies. Additionally, future research may explore the moderating effects of cultural and contextual factors on the relationship between antecedents, green marketing orientation, and desired outcomes. newlineOverall, this research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on green newlinemarketing and corporate reputation. It emphasizes the need for automobile companies to adopt a more sustainable and responsible approach in their business practices, aligning with the growing environmental concerns and expectations of consumers. -
Mapping Cityscapes : Interrogating the Cultural Spaces in the Select Novels of Bapsi Sidhwa
Bapsi Sidhwa (1939) a well-known Pakistani Zoroastrian novelist in English offers the cityscapes of Lahore that provide the settings for her fictional works. The select newlinenovels for the study include The Crow Eaters (1978), The Pakistani Bride (1983), IceCandy Man (1988) and An American Brat (1993). Fascinated by the cityscapes of Lahore, the novelist personalizes the cityscapes and the personalized cityscapes are fictionalized. The novelist is aided by imagination. However, the imagined cityscapes in the select novels become illegible with a growing sense of alienation from the city. The cityscapes are cityspaces that are shape shifting. The metaphorical cityscapes in newlinethe select novels are woven with imagination, memory and nostalgia. The thesis examines the fictional representation of the cityscapes of Lahore and the relationship between the novelist and the imagined cityscapes. The study adopts the method of qualitative textual analysis in an attempt to examine the cityscapes. This illumines the in-between status of the cityscapes connecting the factual and fictional images of the city. The study unveils a layered construction of heterogeneous cityscapes which are selective and subjective. The urban cultural spaces are interrogated through the fictional characters who experience the city like fleurs and contribute to the making of the spatial stories. The acts of walking in the city offer knowledge of the city which enables the fictional characters to attain self-awareness. The awareness helps in achieving autonomy in the movements of the fictional characters. However, only a few fictional characters are perfect fleurs and the others view the city as voyeurs. Since the imagined cityscapes of Lahore are guided by the sense of place, the legibility of the cityscapes declines with the acts of alienation from the city. However, the novelist attempts to recover the palimpsest cityscapes from memory through cognitive mapping. -
Design and Development of A Generic Framework for Surface Water Delineation and Monitoring Using a Hybrid Level Set Algorithm on Landsat Multi-Spectral Data
Surface water bodies are critical to the existence and sustenance of civilizations. Water bodies in urban cities across the world have undergone drastic decline in quality and quantity. This has been the result of a multitude of reasons like increase in population, urbanization and encroachment. Monitoring changes to water bodies is a newlinenecessary requirement in devising strategies to conserve them. This thesis proposes newlinea generic framework for monitoring and forecasting changes in the surface area of newlinelakes using a hybrid level set algorithm for water body delineation followed by a double exponential smoothing model for forecasting. The proposed hybrid level set algorithm combines the advantages of edge based and region based level sets. An edge detection term is introduced into the formulation which improves the delineation accuracy by forcing the level set evolution to stop at the boundaries of the region of interest. The performance of the algorithm was analyzed using Pearson s Correlation Co-effcient (PCC), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) and Dice Similarity index and found to have superior performance compared to established methods in the literature. The study uses Landsat multi-spectral data for the last 30 years to build the proposed framework for forecasting the changes in the surface area of water bodies. The experiments were conducted for nine lakes in Bangalore, a fast growing city in India, and a steady decrease in the surface area is observed for most of the lakes that were studied. The city s renovation attempts have also seen that the some of the lakes are sustaining the rapid urbanization. The proposed forecast model has yielded acceptable results with an average error of 0.22% and a correlation coeffcient of 0.94 between the actual surface area and the forecasted surface area. The framework can be customized in the future to study specifc water bodies by plugging in external newlineparameters to improve the forecasting accuracy. -
Anomaly detection in online social media
Online Social Media (OSM) is a platform where users post opinions, discussions, product reviews, random thoughts, advertisements, comment exchanges and status updates.These platforms help in text mining applications such as prediction of election results, newlinestudying global mood trends, public perception of a national concern or an issue, mining of public health knowledge, detecting epidemics and business analytics. These newlineapplications also present some research challenges like personal data stealing, community phishing, hate speeches, spreading misconceptions, cyber bullying and terror attack planning. Some of these challenges are anomalies or outliers which don t conform with the majority ones. The anomalies focused in this research work are behavioral and content anomalies. Data preprocessing for textual data from OSM plays an important role for creation of the Vector Space Model (VSM) which is used as an input for behavioral and content anomaly models. The contents posted by the public in OSM is written using natural language and sometimes may not follow the formal communication mode. It has lexical, newlinesemantic and syntactic ambiguities and becomes a challenging task to extract accurate information and discover logical patterns during the text mining process. Some of the commonly used methods for text mining are, Bag of Words (BoW), N-grams and Term newlineFrequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). Few limitations of these techniques newlineare, high dimensional sparse feature vectors, missing contextual meaning, presence of newlineweak features and Part of Speech ambiguity. In this research study, an improvised Feature Engineering model is proposed which is a combination of Forward Scan Trigrams and weighted TF-IDF to address the creation of an efficient Vector Space Model (VSM). This proposed model is used with an improvised Feature Hashing technique to address the removal of weak features. -
Forecasting volatility evidence from the futures market in India
This thesis focuses on modelling and forecasting of select products in the Indian futures market using econometric time series models and artificial neural network based models. These models have been compared for their forecasting accuracy to determine the best forecasting model for a particular futures series. This study applies GARCH, EGARCH, PARCH, TARCH, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to assess the best predicting model for exchange rate futures, commodity index futures and stock index futures. After testing for stationarity of data series, GARCH, EGARCH, PARCH and TARCH models are developed. In addition to in-sample forecasts, 1-day, 5-day, 10-day, 15-day and 30-day out-of-sample forecasts have been carried out. For ANN, data is scaled using the minmax scaling methodology to ensure that newlinethe data series is normalised and in the range of 0 to 1. ANN is developed using the feedforward methodology. While the basic neural network architecture has one input layer, one hidden layer and one output layer, the number of neurons in the input and hidden layers vary from 1 to 20. The optimum number of input and hidden neurons in their respective layers are then selected based on the combination which gives the least error. These network combinations are used for out-of-sample forecasting and errors are compared with the forecast output of the GARCH models. RMSE, MAE, MAPE, Theil s-U statistic and Correlation coefficient is computed for error newlinecomparison. Results indicate that for currency futures and commodity index futures, ANN provides better forecast accuracy. For stock index futures, GARCH family models work better in some cases. -
Experience of Resilience in Women with Breast Cancer : Implication for Resilience-Based Intervention
Breast cancer is prevalent among Indian women and affects their physical, emotional, and social well-being. Resilience in breast cancer refers to the ability to maintain newlinepositivity and adapt to challenges. However, evidence-based studies and theoretical newlineframework interventions on resilience in the Indian context are lacking. The current newlinestudy aims to explore the subjective experience of resilience and intend to provide resilience-based intervention in Indian women with breast cancer. The study also explores sociodemographic, clinical outcomes, relation with resilience, quality of life and posttraumatic growth in the Indian context. The study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological paradigm to understand the patterns, processes and outcomes in exploring the concept of resilience. Purposive sample of 33 participants from two hospitals in Bengaluru, India were recruited. The participants consisted of 21 breast cancer survivors on follow-up, four on anti-cancer therapy and eight family members of breast cancer survivors for triangulation. Along with sociodemographic, clinical details, and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003) to screen for categorising the resilience levels was collected. The in-depth interview guide was validated with experts to collect data. The interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed, and subjected to member checks, triangulation, intercoder reliability, and thick description to ensure the validity of the findings. The data was analysed using reflective thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2019). The finding describes four themes of experience of resilience in women with breast cancer. (1) Cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. Breast cancer diagnosis and therapy causes existential crisis, psychological distress, and social stigma. (2) Restoring healthy perception in an adverse event. Navigating challenges and achieving a balance between internal and newlineexternal factors. (3) Types of support-the pathway to resilience. -
A Sociopolitical Study of Contemporary Ideological Discourse on Ethnic Nationalism From Tamil Nadu
The discourse on nation-building is primarily ideological and differs according to context. The present research intends to study the newlinecontemporary discourse on Ethnic nationalism produced within Tamil Nadu. It specifically focuses on the ideological discourse of Seeman and engages with the ideological discourse analysis model of Teun A van Dijk. The present research traces the emergence of Tamil nationalism in the Dravidian political terrain and the rise of Seeman s Tamil nationalism among various notions of Tamil nationalism. In this context, Dijk s ideological discourse analysis model contributes to finding the position that Seeman s Tamil nationalism occupies. Further, the research seeks to locate its position within the sociopolitical milieu of Tamil Nadu by critically analysing three cases: newlinethe pro-Jallikattu protest (2017), the Salem-Chennai Greenfield Highway protest (2018) and the Language Issue over the Consecration of Thanjavur Brihadeeswara Temple (2020), and the Assembly election results of 2016 newlineand 2021. These cases foster to explore how Seemanism is turning out to be an influential ideological discourse. Besides, the research intends to determine how far Seemanism fits within the theoretical framework of Anthony D. Smith s three processes of ethnonational transformation. The three processes are vernacular mobilisation, cultural politicisation of vernacular heritage and ethnic purification. Vernacular mobilisation works to protect the ethnic sources such as indigenous traditions, customs, language, symbols and memories. This process has underpinned to figure out how the ideological discourse is striving to disseminate the knowledge of ethnic symbols such as Murugan, Jallikattu, and Parai. Further, it has newlineassisted to find that the ideological discourse is rediscovering the position of Tamil by claiming it is an ancient language. -
Instabilities in ferrofluids with temperature and magnetic field dependent viscosity under different modulations
There has been a vigorous effort by researchers to study and characterize Rayleigh Be and#769;nard convection in ferrofluids owing to their interesting applications. From the survey of the literature pertinent to the problems under consideration in our study we realize the importance of using variable viscosity and thus explore the dynamics of a ferrofluid with temperature and magnetic field dependent viscosity which is in a Rayleigh- Be and#769;nard situation. The system under consideration is subjected to external constarints viz., an imposed time-periodic body force, rotation speed modulation, temperature modulation and magnetic field modulation. The problem considers both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal time-periodic variations of these modulations to study the onset and post-onset regimes of Rayleigh-Be and#769;nard ferroconvection. We perform a weakly non-linear stability analysis using a truncated Fourier series representation and arrive at the Lorenz system for ferrofluid convection with variable viscosity. By using the linearized form of the Lorenz system we arrive at the critical Rayleigh There has been a vigorous effort by researchers to study and characterize Rayleigh Be and#769;nard convection in ferrofluids owing to their interesting applications. From the survey of the literature pertinent to the problems under consideration in our study we realize the importance of using variable viscosity and thus explore the dynamics of a ferrofluid with temperature and magnetic field dependent viscosity which is in a Rayleigh- Be and#769;nard situation. The system under consideration is subjected to external constarints viz., an imposed time-periodic body force, rotation speed modulation, temperature modulation and magnetic field modulation. The problem considers both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal time-periodic variations of these modulations to study the onset and post-onset regimes of Rayleigh-Be and#769;nard ferroconvection. -
Exploring The Multifaceted Benefits Of Strobilanthes Jomyi P. Biju, Josekutty, Rekha & J. R. I. Wood : A Comprehensive Pharmacognostic Investigation On Its Medicinal And Insecticidal Properties
Plant-based medication, is an established practice in Indian medicine, initially newlineinvolvedin the direct use of raw plant parts for treating various health conditions. Later, valuable components are identified, isolated, and utilized to treat diseases. The newlineStrobilanthes Blume genus has a rich therapeutic history around the globe, especially in countries such as India, China, Myanmar, and Thailand. Strobilanthes jomyi, a recently identified species found in Kerala, India is still in wide use by tribal communities in the Kasaragod district for wound healing. This study aimed to evaluate the microscopic, macroscopic, organoleptic, fluorescent, physicochemical, mineral composition, phytochemical, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, antioxidant, anthelmintic, insecticidal, antimicrobial, and cytotoxicity activities of S. jomyi leaves, stem, and root. The different vegetative parts were subjected to Soxhlet extraction using methanol as a newlinesolvent and analysed using standard Protocols. Macroscopic andmicroscopic examinations revealed non-glandular trichomes and paracytic stomata in the leaves, raphides in the stem and petiole, and tannin cells in the root. Cystoliths were observed only in the petiole. Powder analysis exhibited the presence of fibres, trichomes, palisade cells, spiral xylem vessels, bordered pit vessels, and raphides. The leaves contained higher phenolics, flavonoids, carbohydrate, protein, proline, and chlorophyll content compared to the root and stem. The methanolic extract of leaves showed higher antioxidant activities than the root and stem. GC-MS analysis identified bioactive compounds such as 2,4-di-tert-butyl phenol, phytol,squalene, phenol, neophytadiene, and lupeol in the root, stem, and leaves. All vegetative partsof S. jomyi exhibited excellent anthelmintic activity, with the highest newlineobserved in the leaves, followed by the root and stem. Insecticidal activity was only newlineobserved in the leaf extract. Anti-microbial and anti-cancerous activities were remarkable newlineacross all vegetative parts. -
Social group work intervention for adolescents with learning difficulty
School social workers have a significant role in imparting holistic education in schools. Life skill training program in schools is an appropriate intervention strategy. Specialized skills and intervention methods like social group work, learnt by school social workers help in proper assessment and implementation of required services in school settings. Adolescents with learning difficulty have trouble expressing their feelings, claiming themselves down and reading non-verbal cues which can lead to difficulty in the classroom and with their peers. The aim of current research is to study the efficacy of life skill training program through social group work intervention in enhancing the self-esteem, interpersonal relationship and coping newlinebehavior of adolescents with learning difficulty in Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh. newlineAdolescents studying in Hindupur were selected for the intervention study which has newlinea quasi experimental design. The study results advocate several hypotheses for the newlinepossible causes and prevalence of learning difficulty. The results highlights that newlinelearning difficulty is associated with low income families and education of the parents. The pre test and post test scores of the group revealed that the self esteem of newlineadolescents with learning difficulty improved significantly after the group work intervention, Indicating that the intervention may have contributed to the change in self-esteem of adolescents with learning difficulty. The empathic concern domain showed significant improvement in post test scores with regard to interpersonal newlinerelationship. Other domains like perspective taking, fantasy and personal distress newlinedidn t show significant change in the post test indicating that the intervention may newlinehave to be modified accordingly. This is even seen with the results of coping newlinebehavior. -
Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic Trading Activity in the BSE Using Limit Order Book of Select Stocks
With the existence of a heterogeneous market compounded by asymmetric information, technology has become one of the major newlineenablers in stock market development. Introduction of algorithms for trading gave a fillip to many stock market participants and allowed them to trade rapidly and profitably. In the present day in Indian stock market, newlinewe have two types of market players; algorithmic traders and nonalgorithmic traders. The algorithmic traders are playing a dominant role in order placement, order modification and order execution while the newlinenon-algorithmic traders still continue to use their intuition. This study aims to understand the trading activity of both the market participants. The study uses the Limit Order Book data from Bombay Stock Exchange. newlineThe LOB data of selected nine stocks is considered for the study whose variables namely Order Added, Order Updated and Order Deleted data along with the Bid Ask Quotes are considered for measurement. Based on newlinethe Limit Orders it is observed that there is a statistically significant difference in the trading behavior of algorithmic and non-algorithmic traders based on stock market session timings and market capitalization. newlineThe market making ability of the algorithmic traders was examined using Order-to trade Ratio and it is observed that large number of orders are not executed indicating that there is no significant Market Making happening. newlineThe algorithmic traders possess an edge over the non-algorithmic traders in Order Modification resulting in dominance in the Stock market. The Mann Kendal Trend test indicates upward and downward trend in newlinevolume adjusted spread indicating that market making is happening especially in the stocks where algorithmic activity is high. This study enables regulatory authorities to monitor stock market activity especially during pre- open session. This study provides sufficient scope for further research on future of algorithmic trading activity and its ramifications on non-algorithmic trading activity in the future. -
The Effect of short format body-scan mindfulness meditation on cognitive function and affect
Studies of mindfulness are consistent in their finding indicating that mindfulness can serve as a therapy model to deal with many psychological and physical problems, and improve wellbeing. Further, mindfulness is also found to enhance the moment to moment experience of individuals with better clarity of phenomenon. Interestingly, most of these studies have been conducted among seasoned practitioners or as long-format courses. Although long-format can be an ideal practice, it often proves to be expensive for many. Also, some people may not be able to practice in long-format due to several reasons. Thereby, it is imperative to investigate the benefits of short-format mindfulness exploring its utility and scalability. This experimental study examined the effect of short format mindfulness especially on affect and cognitive function. Participants (N=72; F=40, M=32) were randomly divided into an experimental group (N=35; M=15, F=20) and an active control group (N=37; M=17, F=20). The average age of participants in the experimental group and the active control group was 21.79 and 21.59 respectively. The experimental group practiced body-scan mindfulness, one session per day for six days, each session lasting for 25 minutes. Participants in the active control group spent an equal amount of time while reading fiction of their choice and listening to soothing music. Variables that were considered include positive and negative affects, and five cognitive functions namely psychomotor function, attention, learning, working memory-simple, and social-emotional cognition. Results showed an increase in positive affect and a decrease in negative affect, and an increase in performance in all five cognitive functions in the experimental group with an effect size ranging from mild to moderate, in comparison to active control. The study concluded that short format mindfulness practice, although may not be ideal, might be an alternative for individuals who due to various reasons cannot practice long format courses. -
Role of healthcare quality in improving patients satisfaction at private hospitals in karnataka India
Healthcare is known as the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention from disease, newlineinjury, illness and other types of mental and physical losses in human beings (Pallipedia, 2009). Governments, insurers, consumers and healthcare delivery systems are involved in a continuous tug of war situation across the world and trying to meet increased demand for healthcare services, reducing the cost of service and healthcare quality improvements. Quality was already an area of attention for some time in healthcare, but recently the focus has been shifted towards quality majorly to reform entire healthcare. Therefore, in the present study healthcare quality has been focused. The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of healthcare quality in improving patient s satisfaction at private hospitals in Karnataka, India. The research has been designed as analytical research and used survey method for conducting the research. Primary data collection was done using structured questionnaire from respondents. For this study target population was private corporate multispecialty hospitals situated in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Multistage proportionate sampling was used for data collection. Data analysis was done using SPSS and AMOS. The results and findings of the study confirmed that the main influencers of newlinepatient s satisfaction and perceived service quality were six latent constructs: safety, newlinetimeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, patient centeredness and equitability. The model of patient s satisfaction with integrated framework revealed the relationships between independent and dependent variables and gave insights into interplay between the construct relationships. Study suggested practical significance of each construct and also raised a need for more holistic view of the model. Hence results of the study provided valuable insights for the management of private healthcare institutions. -
Post trumatic growth in women with breast cancer
Cancer survivors have the potential for personal growth, demonstrating positive changes in personal, interpersonal and socio-cultural functioning.vA diagnosis of cancer, which is perceived as life-threatening and seismic, demands an individual to accommodate changes in all areas of life, often leading to positive adaptive changes known as posttraumatic growth (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 2008). The aim of the present study was to explore what constitutes the experience of posttraumatic growth among women survivors of breast cancer with the objectives of understanding how they make sense of their diagnosis, exploring the strategies through which they negotiate the illness identity, exploring positive and negative changes in newlinethem as a result of the illness experience, and investigating the individual and socio-cultural factors that contribute to the experience of posttraumatic growth in the Indian context. This study employed a newlinequalitative approach using the phenomenological paradigm. Purposive newlinesampling was used to identity thirteen women who were diagnosed with early stage breast cancer (stage one or two) during their reproductive years and had completed cancer treatment i.e. surgery, chemotherapy and newlineradiation therapy at least one year prior to participating in this study. A short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (2010) was used to screen for positive changes, and Kuppuswamy s scale for socioeconomic status (2015) enabled selection of women belonging to middle class population, to ensure homogeneity within the sample. Semi structured interviews were used to collect data which was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Interview guide validation, member check, inter-coder reliability and an audit trail ensured newlinevalidity of findings. One negative case in the sample displayed a positive attitude and approach, however did not report these changes due to cancer. It may be inferred that spiritual/ philosophical beliefs of the newlineparticipant shaped her worldview to accommodate and accept cancer. -
Growth and characterization of InBi1-xSbx InBi1-xTex and γ-In2Se3 crystals
Theory and innovating practices of crystal growth heralded cutting edge breakthroughs in the production of proficient crystals towards the advancement of science and technology. Unique characteristics and band structure provide great flexibility for structural design and band gap engineering of indium bismuthide (InBi) compounds. Substitution of antimony and tellurium elements results in the transition of InBi to a semiconducting state with narrow energy gap, making it suitable for optoelectronic devices. Need of eco-friendly sustainable processes concerning the elimination of hazardous materials bring and#947;-In2Se3 in the forefront of photovoltaic industry, due to its wide band gap as well as n-type conductivity. Thus, realizing the immense potential attributes of InBi1-xSbx, InBi1-xTex (x = 0-0.2) and and#947;-In2Se3 crystals, the present research was focussed on pioneering their growth and characterization.Horizontal directional solidification (HDS), being the versatile, inexpensive melt growth technique, was employed for obtaining InBi1-xSbx, and InBi1-xTex (x = 0-0.2) crystals. On the other hand, closed tube sublimation (CTS) was found to be most effective for deposition of and#947;-In2Se3 crystals. Platelet and spherulitic morphologies of and#947;-In2Se3 crystals have been grown by the vapor deposition for the first time, under different growth environments. Morphology, structure and quality of the as-grown crystals were studied, employing various scientific procedures such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive analysis by X-rays (EDAX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Transport parameters, melting point and phase purity have been evaluated with the aid of Hall effect measurement, four probe set up, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Raman spectroscopy. Vickers indentation testing was utilized for the evaluation of microhardness and deformation characteristics. -
Impact of Heavy Metals on Growth and Biosynthesis of Important Secondary Metabolites from Mucuna Pruiens (L.) DC and Withania Somnifera (L). DUNAL
Herbal medicine has a long history of utilizing medicinal plants to treat various newlineailments for a long time. However, heavy metal toxicity in herbal medicines has been newlinedocumented. The occurrence of heavy metals in medicinal plants is a consequence of exposure to tainted agricultural sources. The consumption of medicinal plants newlinecontaminated with heavy metals has caused detrimental health implications. On the newlineother hand, plants when subjected to heavy metal stress exhibit changes in secondary newlinemetabolite production. Thus, the assessment of heavy metal stress on plant growth, newlinesecondary metabolite production, and its bioaccumulation must be worked on. The newlinepresent study investigates the effect of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and newlinemercury on germination, growth, biochemical variations, heavy metal accumulation, newlineand biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in two of the most valuables ayurvedic newlinemedicinal plants Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC and Withania somnifera (L). Dunal. The M. pruriens seeds were exposed to 25 -250 ppm Cd and Hg and 200-2000 ppm Pb and the seeds of W. somnifera were exposed to 20-200 ppm Cd, 10-100 ppm Hg and 100-1000 ppm Pb for 21 days to evaluate the LD50 value. M. pruriens showed 50% germination at 150 ppm Cd, 175 ppm Hg, and 1200 ppm Pb. W. somnifera showed newline50% germination at 70 ppm of Hg, 140 ppm Cd and 400 ppm Pb. The LD50 value obtained was used to select the appropriate Cd concentrations for further studies to newlinebe carried out in the polyhouse. The seeds of M. pruriens were sown in soil pretreated newlinewith metals ranging from 50-200 ppm Cd, 25-225 ppm Hg and 400- 1600 ppm Pb, newlinewhereas the two months old W. somnifera were exposed to 40-200 ppm Cd, 20-100 ppm Hg and 200-1000 ppm Pb. The heavy metals impacted the growth of plants and significantly varied biochemical parameters, such as carbohydrate, chlorophyll, flavonoid, protein, proline, phenol, MDA content, metabolite content, and newlineantioxidant activity. -
Tertiary Packaging Issues and Their Influence on Repurchase Intention and Loyalty of Customers Towards E-Retailers
his thesis investigates the significance of tertiary packaging in the context of e-retail business and its influence on customer preference, repurchase intention, and loyalty towards e-retailers. With the rapid growth of e-retail, it is expected to become the dominant form of retail worldwide, surpassing traditional brick and mortar establishments. While e-retail offers convenience and flexibility to customers, intensifying competition among e- retailers raises concerns about how they will effectively manage it. As e- retailers resort to increased marketing efforts to attract customers, certain aspects, including tertiary packaging, may be inadvertently overlooked. Tertiary packaging plays a critical role in the e-retail process, and this study analyses its impact on customer perception and satisfaction. By exploring the issues related to tertiary packaging that affect customers, this research aims to provide insights to e-retailers for developing a more efficient and sustainable tertiary packaging model. The anticipated outcomes of this research are expected to enhance e-retailers' ability to attract customers, increase repurchase intention, and foster loyalty towards the e-retailer, ultimately contributing to their long-term success in the evolving e-commerce landscape. -
Effectiveness of emotion recognition tranining on socail and emotional skills in young children with autism spectrum disorder
The rising prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders necessitates the determination of newlinenovel intervention methods for its management. Since deficits in social skills are one of the most prominent features in ASD, efficient interventions for improving social skills become necessary. Several studies suggest a strong relationship between newlineemotional skills and the acquisition of social skills. Objectives: The objective of this study was to find out the effectiveness of emotion recognition training on the social newlineand emotional skills of children with ASD by obtaining quantitative results from the newlineparticipants after emotion recognition training and then following up in-depth through a qualitative thematic analysis after interview with selected parents of the participants. Method: In the quantitative phase, a sample of ten children within three to six years of age who are diagnosed with ASD were selected for the study. The emotion newlinerecognition training followed the modified and adapted version of the hands-on newlineactivities from the Let s Face It curriculum which was validated after a pilot study. Each child was given 20 to 30 sessions of training. The participants were assessed for their social skills using VABS-3 and emotional skills were assessed using CDDC, newlinebefore, during, and after the training. The qualitative phase involved an interview with newlinethe parent using a semi-structured guide. Results: The quantitative and qualitative newlineresults indicated that there is a significant difference in the social skills and emotional newlineskills of the children after the training. The results also showed a sufficient newlinegeneralization of the skills achieved. Incidental finding revealed reduction of problem behaviours. Conclusions: The study clearly shows that emotion recognition training is effective in improving social and emotional skills in children with ASD.