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Pain Detection System In Real Time Healthcare Environment
The negative feeling of pain is often involuntarily expressed through facial expressions. Facial expression therefore is an important non-verbal cue to determine if a person is in pain. This property can be applied for diagnosis of pain especially among patients who are differently newlinechallenged and lack the ability of expressing their issue. In spite of the developments made so far, this field still lags behind in finding pain expressing faces in an uncontrolled environment through unprocessed newlinereal time images and videos. To bridge this gap, the study proposed a hybrid or fusion model that could adequately detect a face expressing pain. The model was executed with inputs taken from pre-recorded or stored newlinevideos and live streamed videos. It involved the combination of Patch Based Model (PBM), Constrained Local Model (CLM), and Active newlineAppearance Model (AAM) in concurrence with image algebra. This allowed the efficient pain identification from raw home-made stored newlinevideos and live stream even through a bad recording device and under poor illumination. The hybrid model was implemented in a frame-by-frame manner for feature extraction and pain detection. The feature extraction part was done in pixel-based and point-based representation. For point-based representation, a concept called image algebra was used. For classification, three approaches viz. histogram technique, Feed newlineForward Neural Network (FFNN), and Multilayer Back Propagation Neural Network (MLBPNN) were implemented and analyzed. The videos newlineof different subjects showed facial expressions of pain::face, not::pain face and neutral::face. A home-made dataset was produced for storing the videos which was later used as the input and the selected features were stored. This dataset served as the training set for the proposed model. Though the data was not highly sensitive it was sufficient to confer adequate information for detecting pain expression. -
Paired curves on riemannian manifolds
The thesis examines certain curves in Riemannian manifolds, which exist in one-one correspondence with other curves. This correspondence is described by means of a rigid link between the frame vectors allied newlineto these quotpairedquot curves. The Combescure transformation is made use of to exhibit that one of the paired curves can be obtained as an infinitesimal deformation of the other. The correspondence between the paired curves is exploited to formulate expressions relating the curvature and torsion functions of one with the other. newlineThe primary setting for this study is the Euclidean space R3, with brief considerations of 3-dimensional Riemannian space forms(i.e. Riemannian manifolds of constant sectional curvature). The exponential map is the desired tool of analysis in the latter case. The major classes of curves treated are the Mannheim class of curves in R3 and their partner curves. Further, with the help of the newlinenotion of the osculating helix, a new class of curves called constantpitch curves are defined, which are seen to naturally arise in motion analysis studies in theoretical kinematics. Constant-pitch curves are newlinealso shown to be inherent counterparts of Mannheim curves by means of a deformation. newlinePivotal properties of Mannheim and constant-pitch curves are established and a few examples are put forth. Integral characterizations of both curves are derived in terms of their spherical indicatrices. A newlineconsequence of this to geometric modeling problems involving energy functionals and also to the study of elastic curves is discussed. newlineCertain ruled surfaces generated by Mannheim and constant-pitch curves which occur as axodes associated to a rigid body motion are newlinedetailed and their applications to kinematics are studied. Further, the nature of paired curves in connection with tubular neighbourhoods/surfaces are investigated. newline -
Passive control of four storied reinforced concrete structure subjected to blast loads
In the recent past in major cities all over the world, public structures are vulnerable to blast loads caused by explosions either accidentally or intentionally. The intentional causes are not on hardened military targets but on important civilian structures, like commercial, financial and civic centers. The study of reinforced concrete Ground + 3 Storied structure subjected to blast loads have gained importance, as conventionally the reinforced newlineconcrete structures are not designed for blast loads as many of the loading codes do not mandate for the same and also due to the fact that quantifying the magnitude of the blast load is difficult to estimate. However, the structures are susceptible to damage from the explosion. To protect the life of people and to minimize the damage to the structure, it has become imperative to consider the effect of blast loads too, in addition to newlinethe conventional loads, considered as per the prevailing codes, during the analysis and design of all public buildings. The charge weights of the explosive used on the structure are 8kg, 16 kg and 24kg. The equivalent blast pressure subjected on the structure is determined, to study its corresponding effects for stand-off distances of 3000 mm and 6000mm using surface blast load. The behavior of the structure is newlinestudied by varying the parameters and verified which of these parameters can newlinebe critical to the performance of the structure. The response of the ground floor + 3 upper storied reinforced concrete skeletal structure is studied for understanding the variation of the displacements, strains and stresses for the parameters considered. Using PTC CREO 3.0 the 3D modeling of structure and structural elements were generated. HYPERMESH was used for the discretization (meshing) of structure and its elements. Static analysis and blast load analysis was carried out using ANSYS. -
Perceived emotional intelligence family environment and locus of control as predictors of well-being among adolescents
Adolescence is unparalleled in a person s life as the most important period in his/her newlinepersonality development. It is perceived that well-being is the keystone to an individual s wholesome being. In the past, well-being was discussed in the context of the absence of distress symptoms that include depression, anxiety, divergent behaviors and other disorders. In more recent times it has received a positive note where well-being is widely identified with the positive qualities, which each individual possesses to lead a healthy and happy life. Fifty percent of the mental health disorders begin during the onset of adolescence. There is a need to focus on adolescent well-being in India which has the world s largest adolescent population. Based on the related theories and studies, certain variables like perceived emotional intelligence, family environment and locus of control were selected for the study. The main aim of the study boiled down to two points, to investigate the relationship between perceived emotional intelligence, family environment, locus of control and well-being among adolescents and to research and explore the extent to which newlineperceived emotional intelligence, family environment, locus of control and the newlinedemographic variables (gender, type of family and religion) would contribute towards newlinethe development of well-being among adolescents. Accordingly psychological tools newlinewere adopted. The sample consisted of 903 students studying in plus one and plus two newline(age 16-18 years) Government aided and unaided state-syllabus schools in Parur, subdistrict of Ernakulum, Kerala. Among them 450 adolescents were from nuclear families and 453 others were from joint families. Gender-wise the sample constituted of 413 adolescents males and 490 females. A quantitative survey method design and newlinepurposive sampling method was adopted in the study. Spearman s coefficient of correlation was used to measure the relationship between the variables. -
Perceived Morbidity, Health Seeking Behaviour and Healthcare Utilisation among Inter-State Women Migrant Workers in Kerala
Internal migrants in India are estimated to be 37% of the total population with Kerala estimated to host over 25 lakhs of internal migrants. Migration, both internal and international can influence a country or region s socio-economic development. The interrelation between health and migration is highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals where health is determined as an indicator of people-centred, rights-based, inclusive, and equitable development . Though migrants as such are a vulnerable population, the gender experience of migration differs, as women migrants often face triple discrimination of being a woman, unprotected worker and a migrant making them the most vulnerable within the migrant community. They are often overlooked while formulating schemes and policies depriving them of health and social security benefits. The present newlinestudy aims to understand the perceived morbidity, health seeking behaviours and healthcare utilization among Interstate Women Migrant Workers in Kerala. The sequential exploratory research design was employed to newlinecollect data from workers in the seafood processing and textile manufacturing sectors. The qualitative phase had two focus group discussions with 8 participants each and four in-depth interviews while the quantitative newlinephase had cross-sectional surveys with 300 respondents. The focus group discussion and in-depth interview paved the way for understanding the issues and concerns of the respondents regarding their health seeking newlinebehaviours and healthcare utilization as well as hinting at their attitude towards health in general. Themes were able to provide insight into the factors underlying healthcare utilization as well as provided suggestions from the respondents which could have policy implications. The quantitative data was elaborate and was able to address the various dimensions of health seeking and determine the factors influencing healthcare utilization among interstate women migrants in Kerala. -
Perceived organizational support and its influence on employee engagement in informatiom technology organizations
The effective management of Human Resources (HR) or People Resources of an organization through proactive and futuristic design of HR policies is pivotal for an organization s growth. Many of the current challenges faced by businesses globally are owing to industry slowdowns, loss of clientele, lower margins, stiff competition for skilled resources, and high attrition. A diverse set of workforce belonging to different generations having aspirations and expectations galore has entered the corporate sector. This diversity and advent of the generational workforce needs to be taken into consideration while designing HR policies, Reward systems and benefits; as also the factors such as changing family structures and the emergence of a gender equal workforce. Human Resources professionals and organizations are hence tasked with the responsibility of employing different ways and means to fine-tune existing HR strategies and develop new one s that could potentially increase Employee Engagement (EE) and reduce the Intention the Quit (ITQ) among the Information Technology (IT) workforce. The prime emphasis of the current study has been on assessing appropriate HR strategies that can increase engagement and retention at a minimal or no cost to the organization. This study leveraged upon organizational support and care variables such as Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS), and Flexible Work Options (FWO) in increasing Employee Engagement (EE) and reducing the Intention to Quit (ITQ). This study goes on to prove that by leveraging upon organizational support and care variables such as POS, PSS, and FWO; organizations can increase the level of engagement of employees, as well as improve employee retention. -
Performance Investigation of the High Strength Concrete Using Natural Zeolite with Industrial Waste Materials
Concrete is used in the construction of various structural elements. High Strength newlineConcrete (HSC) production for huge infrastructure projects is challenging. The newlinemanufacture of cement significantly causes global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. newlineModifications have been made to cement concrete problems to minimize CO2 emissions and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) consumption. This research focuses on developing HSC blended with Natural Zeolite (NZ) and industrial by-products like newlineSilica Fume (SF), Fly Ash (FA), and Metakaolin (MK) to enhance concrete quality, newlinesustainability, and performance. Partial replacement of OPC with 5% NZ and industrial waste materials in 5%, 10%, and 15% amounts to produce M60 grade HSC mixes. In the laboratory, 1,200 concrete specimens were tested for mechanical properties for 3, 7, 28, 60, and 90 days, as well as durability tests such as the Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT) for 28 days and the acid attack test for 60 days. Mix M3 (85% OPC + 5% NZ + 10% MK) exhibited the highest compressive strength at 72 MPa, split tensile strength at 5.3 MPa, and flexural strength at 9.4 MPa for 90 days curing period, attributed to its low porosity. The reactive silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) in the mix transformed calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) into calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and aluminate compounds. This process improved the newlinemicrostructure of the hardened concrete, resulting in increased imperviousness. The newlinestudy also includes the effect of these industrial waste materials on Zeolite concrete by microstructure analysis. The mathematical models were developed using SPSS software to predict the durability and mechanical properties of all the concrete mixes based on the laboratory data, considering parameters like mix proportions and curing days. -
Pharmaceutical Tablet Uniformity Prediction Using Spectroscopy-Based Data Fusion and Machine Learning Approaches
The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated, and every manufacturer must demonstrate the drug product's quality, safety, and efficacy before market release. Quality control plays a vital role in ensuring drug products' consistency, purity, and potency through rigorous testing of raw materials in the process and the finished stages of manufacturing. Quality risk management and process understanding are critical to maintaining quality throughout manufacturing. Quality by Design (QbD) offers a structured approach, while Process Analytical Technology (PAT) facilitates real-time monitoring to control risk of product quality. Process analyzers, multivariate methods, process control, and continuous improvement tools are part of the PAT framework that enhances process understanding and aids risk mitigation strategies. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a commonly used analytical technique in PAT environments for both qualitative and quantitative measurements; these are real-time and non-destructive process analyzers. Chemometrics helps extract information from this chemical data using mathematical and statistical methods. With the advent of Industry 4.0, machine learning models have gained popularity in spectroscopy due to their ability to handle complex, high-dimensional data and adapt to various applications. This research introduces a systematic approach to implementing machine learning models as an alternative to traditional chemical testing in predicting the content uniformity of pharmaceutical tablets. The objective is to improve the quality of data analysis and its predictive performance. This study also outlines the importance of using manufacturing information as stratified variables in predictive modeling and spectroscopic data, or sensor fusion data. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, a real-world NIR dataset developed based on various characteristics such as manufacturing scale, tablet strength, dose proportion, and coating is utilized. This real-world application of the research makes the content more relatable and interesting to the reader. This allows the seamless use of the model across different known environments as the model is trained using sensor data fusion. A comparison of Partial Least Squares regression models and machine learning Neural Network models is evaluated for the model predictability. The work also delves into selecting and optimizing appropriate hyperparameters for a chosen optimal model. It explores the impact of model performance to ensure successful implementation in the production environment and discusses various approaches in monitoring during life cycle management. -
Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dyes Using Artemisia stelleriana Besser Mediated Nanoparticles
Artemisia stelleriana is widely used as an ornamental plant and belongs to the family Asteraceae. In the current study, A. stelleriana-mediated Zinc oxide newlinenanoparticles (AS-ZnONPs), Silver nanoparticles (AS-AgNPs) and Silver/Zinc oxide bimetallic nanoparticles (AS-Ag/ZnONPs) were synthesised using one-pot method. The UV-Vis spectral analysis revealed characteristic peaks at 358 nm for AS-ZnONPs, newline425 nm for AS-AgNPs, and 357 nm and 473 nm for AS-Ag/ZnONPs. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis identified phytoconstituents taking part in newlinenanoparticle synthesis, manifesting the presence of alkaloids, phenols, saponins, and newlineflavonoids. The synthesised AS-ZnONPs, AS-AgNPs, and AS-Ag/ZnONPs have a crystalline nature and were confirmed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The crystallite sizes of the AS-ZnONPs, AS-AgNPs, and AS-Ag/ZnONPs were 22.54 nm, 18.67 nm, and 10.4 nm, respectively. Spherical-shaped Ag nanoparticles and hexagonal, cylindrical, and spherical-shaped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized from the leaf extract of A. stelleriana. The average size of the synthesised nanoparticles was 37.6 nm and 71.2 nm for AS-ZnONPs and AS-AgNPs, respectively. On the other hand, spherical-shaped AS-Ag/ZnONPs were synthesized with an average size of 35.3 nm. The photocatalytic degradation activity of AS-ZnONPs showed 93.44%, 47%, 94.76%, 99.9%, and 74.82% degradation for Reactive Blue 220 (RB220), Reactive Blue 222A (RB222A), Reactive Red 120 (RR120), Reactive Yellow 145 (RY145) and newlineReactive Yellow 86 (RY86) dyes respectively after 320 min of UV light exposure. ASZnONPs showed positive results for all five dyes and a better percentage of degradation was observed in a 5 ppm concentration of dye treated with 1 mg/mL concentration of newlineAS-ZnONPs. In the case of AS-AgNPs, RB220 and RB222A dyes showed positive results but no degradation was observed in the remaining three dyes. After 320 min of UV light exposure, AS-AgNPs showed 95.98%, and 100% degradation of RB220 and RB222A dyes respectively. -
Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dyes Using Quassia india (Gaertn.) Noot. Mediated Nanoparticles
Prognostic research points at the necessity and relevance of revamping polluted newlineenvironments. The toxic effect of textile dyes released into waterbodies can be reduced newlineby the degradation process and alternate methods in nanotechnology are used to lessen newlinethe gravity of the situation. Compared with chemical and physical nanoparticle synthesis, plant extract-based nanoparticle synthesis is an environmentally friendly alternative method. UV-visible spectrum analysis validated the production of nanoparticles (NPs), revealing unique peaks at 430 nm for Quassia indica (QI)- mediated Silver nanoparticles (QI-Ag NPs), 368 nm for QI-mediated Cobalt oxide nanoparticles (QI-Co3O4 NPs), 348 nm for QI-mediated Zinc oxide nanoparticles (QIZnO NPs, 350 nm and 408 nm for QI-mediated Silver/Zinc oxide nanoparticles (QIAg/ZnO NPs), 415 nm and 675 nm for QI-mediated Cobalt oxide/Zinc oxide newlinenanoparticles (QI-Co3O4/ZnO NPs). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) newlineinvestigation identified phytochemicals involved in nanoparticle synthesis. The X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) examination unveiled the crystalline structures of QI-mediated NPs. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) study revealed information on the hydrodynamic newlinediameter and colloidal stability of the NPs, which showed average particle size. Field newlineEmission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray newlineSpectroscopy (EDX) were used to investigate the morphology and elemental composition of NPs. The morphological shapes of QI-Ag NPs were spherical, QI-ZnO NPs showed hexagonal, QI-Co3O4 NPs displayed octahedral, QI-Ag/ZnO NPs exhibited spherical structure, and QI-Co3O4/ZnO NPs unveiled a mixture of octahedral and hexagonal shaped NPs. The High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM) validated the NPs size and Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) newlineconfirmed the crystalline characteristics. -
Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dyes Using Strobilanthes Species Mediated Nanoparticles
Discharge of dye pollutants from textile industries jeopardizes ecosystem by leading to grave threats like contamination of water resources and hazardous health effects. The current study points and focuses at the synthesis, characterization, dye degradation and toxicity analysis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) derived from Strobilanthes barbatus and Strobilanthes hamiltoniana leaf extracts. UV-visible spectrum analysis validated the biogenesis of ZnO and Ag NPs, revealing unique peaks at 359 nm for ZnOSB NPs, 360 nm for ZnOSH NPs, 428 nm for AgSB NPs, and 432 nm for AgSH NPs. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) investigation identified phytochemicals involved in nanoparticle synthesis, manifesting the presence of flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) examination disclosed the crystalline structures of ZnOSB NPs, ZnOSH NPs, AgSB NPs and AgSH NPs displayed an average crystalline size of 22.29 nm, 26.9 nm, 23.5 nm and 20.6 nm. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) study revealed information on the hydrodynamic diameter and colloidal stability of the NPs, which showed average particle size for ZnOSB NPs, ZnOSH NPs, AgSB NPs and AgSH NPs as 91.6 nm, 165.4 nm, 142.3 nm and 255.3 nm. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were used to investigate the morphology and elemental composition of ZnO NPs and Ag NPs, revealing particle shape and size variations. The morphological shapes of ZnOSB NPs were spherically shaped NPs, ZnOSH NPs showed rod-shaped NPs, AgSB NPs and AgSH NPs both showed spherical-shaped NPs. The High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) validated the nanoparticles' size and crystalline characteristics, similar to FESEM. The photocatalytic degradation of textile dyes using ZnO NPs and Ag NPs were researched, and the results revealed that diverse dyes degraded efficiently under UV light exposure. The ZnO NPs and Ag NPs showed excellent catalytic degradation at dye (Reactive Blue 220, Reactive Blue 222A, Reactive Yellow 145, and Reactive Yellow 86) concentrations of 1 ppm, 5 ppm, and 10 ppm with NP concentrations of 1 mg/ml. Chemical kinetics research unveiled that the degrading processes had pseudo-first-order kinetics. It has been observed that nanoparticles such as ZnO NPs and Ag NPs can maintain their photocatalytic activity across multiple cycles of dye degradation. Phytotoxicity tests conveyed that ZnO and Ag NPs were beneficial in lowering seed germination inhibition and toxicity in Vigna radiata. The brine shrimp lethality experiment indicated that the synthesized nanoparticles were not hazardous. This comprehensive work gives insight and sheds light on the synthesis, characterization, and use of ZnO and Ag NPs utilizing plant extracts, highlighting their promise for environmental remediation and sustainable nanoparticle synthesis. -
Physicochemical Modifications on Fibrous Substrates for Sensing and Separation Applications
Fibers are forms of matter characterized by flexibility, fineness, and a high length-tothickness ratio, embodying properties such as large surface-area-to-volume ratio, newlinecontinuity, flexibility in surface functionalities, superior mechanical performances, ability to absorb dye and moisture, etc. Fibers can be transformed into coils, yarns, or fabrics by twisting or overlapping, resulting in fibrous substrates that are self-standing, flexible, and possessing excellent mechanical properties and large specific surface areas. The porosity, functionality, hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, and functional characteristics for desirable applications can be achieved by various modifications of the fiber substrates. Physical (e.g., composite material blending, coating) and chemical (e.g., surface hydrolysis, chemical crosslinking) methods have been used to modify fiber substrates. These physicochemical modifications render the newlinefibers suitable for specialized applications such as food packaging, food spoilage newlinedetection, and wastewater treatment. Existing modification strategies for preparing indicators for food quality monitoring are newlinenot user-friendly, equipment-free, and cannot be used without training and expertise. Newer approaches to the modification of fiber substrates are thus essential to provide newlinesuitable indicators for household settings. There is also a requirement for straightforward methods that quantifies the color to indicate the quality of food and newlinefacilitates its use in domestic environments without personal expertise or laboratory newlinesetup. In this regard, we focused on developing simple physicochemical modifications of fibrous substrates for food-quality monitoring. In our first work, natural jute fiber was subjected to delignification to incorporate pH-sensitive anthocyanins. This indicator was used as a point-of-care colorimetric indicator for monitoring fish quality. -
Planetarism and eco humanism in the buddhist beat bards allen ginsberg and gary snyder an interdisciplinary thematic study on their literature philosophy and ecological perspectives
The Beat Generation, also known as the Beat movement, were a group of American writers who emerged in 1950s. Among its most influential members were Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Jack Kerouac, William Burrough, William Carlos Williams and Lawrence Ferlenghetti. What could be loosely described as the underlying philosophy was visionary enlightenment, Zen Buddhism, environmentalism and Amerindian culture. The Beat Generation invented a literary collage movement as a counter-brain wash method for reversing effect of Mass media-Military-Industrial-Communist-Capitalist-CIA-KGB disinformation reality image bank. A common theme that linked them together was a rejection of the newlineprevailing American middle class values, deterioration of the Planet s health, the newlinepurposelessness of modern society and the need for withdrawal and protest. The Beats have tried to break the restraints imposed on the western man s mind by the official ways of thinking. They find the official morality unacceptable and tried to arrive at metaphysical and ethical enlightenment through the methods adopted by the oriental thinkers like Gauthama Buddha, and Zen ascetics. They begin with the problems the western civilization is encountering, like the one of war and ecological degradation and use the concepts of oriental civilizations to find causes and remedies of the miseries people and the planet have been ecountering. The mechanistic paradigm underlying the industrial society gives way to the newlineviirealization that we belong to a living, self-organizing cosmos. General systems newlinetheory, emerging from the life sciences, brings fresh evidence to confirm ancient newlineindigenous teachings; the earth is live, mind is pervasive, all beings are our relations. newlineThe Beats rediscovered this perennial truth which changed our views about the planet newlineand its life systems. The beats were a product of the Second World War and of the cold war. -
Polyvinyl alcohol and epoxy based composites for radition shielding applications
The present study has been focused towards designing efficient, non-toxic and cost-effective shielding materials with good mechanical strength for protection against radiations encountered in various environments like aerospace, hospitals, research and nuclear reactor establishments. From this perspective, to impart desired shielding properties, high Z filler dispersed polymer matrices such as Bi/WO3-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), Ta2O5-epoxy, Ta2O5-Bi2O3-epoxy, micro Bi2O3-epoxy and nano Bi2O3-epoxy with varying filler contents have been synthesized. Structural characterizations were carried out using X-ray diffraction newline(XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to reveal the interactions newlinebetween filler and polymer matrix. The morphological analyses were performed using newlinescanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. The AC conductivity measurements and newlineoptical studies revealed low conductivity property of the composites. The thermo newlinegravimetric analysis (TGA) and mechanical studies were conducted to ascertain thermal newlinestability and mechanical properties of the composites. With increase in filler concentration mechanical properties of Bi/WO3-PVA composites were found to be weakening. The TGA studies of Bi/WO3-PVA composites showed decrease in peak degradation temperature with increase in filler content. This prompted us to further design epoxy composites as epoxy matrix has good thermal stability and mechanical strength. Compared to neat epoxy, dispersion of varying wt% of Ta2O5 and Bi2O3 into epoxy matrix led to significant improvement in stiffness, storage modulus, glass transition temperature and thermal stability of the composites. Epoxy composites with 5 wt% of Ta2O5 and 30 wt% of Bi2O3 revealed better thermal and tensile properties when compared to same wt% Bi2O3 filled epoxy composites. The synergistic influence of micro and nano Bi2O3 filler on epoxy matrix composites showed similar thermal behaviour. -
Post trumatic growth in women with breast cancer
Cancer survivors have the potential for personal growth, demonstrating positive changes in personal, interpersonal and socio-cultural functioning.vA diagnosis of cancer, which is perceived as life-threatening and seismic, demands an individual to accommodate changes in all areas of life, often leading to positive adaptive changes known as posttraumatic growth (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 2008). The aim of the present study was to explore what constitutes the experience of posttraumatic growth among women survivors of breast cancer with the objectives of understanding how they make sense of their diagnosis, exploring the strategies through which they negotiate the illness identity, exploring positive and negative changes in newlinethem as a result of the illness experience, and investigating the individual and socio-cultural factors that contribute to the experience of posttraumatic growth in the Indian context. This study employed a newlinequalitative approach using the phenomenological paradigm. Purposive newlinesampling was used to identity thirteen women who were diagnosed with early stage breast cancer (stage one or two) during their reproductive years and had completed cancer treatment i.e. surgery, chemotherapy and newlineradiation therapy at least one year prior to participating in this study. A short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (2010) was used to screen for positive changes, and Kuppuswamy s scale for socioeconomic status (2015) enabled selection of women belonging to middle class population, to ensure homogeneity within the sample. Semi structured interviews were used to collect data which was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Interview guide validation, member check, inter-coder reliability and an audit trail ensured newlinevalidity of findings. One negative case in the sample displayed a positive attitude and approach, however did not report these changes due to cancer. It may be inferred that spiritual/ philosophical beliefs of the newlineparticipant shaped her worldview to accommodate and accept cancer. -
Predictive analytics for cardiac arrhythmia using machine intelligence
Myocardial Infarction (MI) is the primary cause of death worldwide. MI occurs when a plaque buildup in the inner surface of the coronary artery suddenly ruptures and prevents the blood flow. A heart attack is medically termed as MI. It is the irreversible damage caused by the prolonged ischemia. Ischemia is nothing but the heart organ doesn t get enough blood and oxygen which is also termed as coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease. The heart gets damaged if it has not received enough blood or oxygen. In connection to the damage of the heart, arrhythmia would occur. Arrhythmia is the problem based on the heart rhythm or rate of the heartbeat. Tachycardia, when there is a fast beat in the heart. Bradycardia, when the heart beats too slow. The common type of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation. The great concern is that the patient who has arrhythmia has to be treated immediately. They lose consciousness in a few minutes when the heart is not pumping enough blood mainly to the brain. Death occurs when the patient is not given emergency treatment. newline Treatment which is included in the emergency is defibrillation and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). CPR is an emergency procedure which is combined with the chest compressions. It is through artificial ventilation which gives manual effort, preserves the brain functions until further treatment for the restoration of spontaneous blood circulation. The common symptoms of sudden cardiac death are chest pain, shortness of breath, severe wheezing, irregular heartbeats, fainting etc. newlineHeart Scar tissue which is not like heart muscle. It doesn t contrast like the normal heart muscle. Heart muscles get damaged for the heart attack patient based on the time of the treatment. The damage of the heart is based on the blockage of the artery. Arrhythmia can be predicted based on the volume of the scar region in the heart. Arrhythmia patients are treated by fixing Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). -
Preparation characterization and applications of mixed oxides ceria-samaria supported on rice husk ash as catalysts for organic synthesis
Catalysis is a well-established scientific discipline, dealing with fundamental principles involved in the preparation, properties, applications and mechanisms of catalytic reactions of various catalysts. The preparation of silica from agricultural waste rice husk is an economical and environmentally benign process. Mixed oxides of ceria and samaria are a multifunctional catalytic system that has attracted wide-range of research in different fields. These mixed oxide catalysts are generally used for redox reactions and acid-base reactions in organic synthesis. The catalytic activity of these materials can be enhanced by using silica as a support system. To achieve the best structural and morphological features, different synthetic protocols were tried out while incorporating CeO2 and Sm2O3 on SiO2 to maximize the catalytic efficacy. In the present study, bimetallic oxides of ceria and samaria supported on silica catalysts were prepared by ultra sonicator, rota vapour method, wet impregnation and incipient wet impregnation methods. Further modification of ceria-samaria-silica catalysts using MoO3, La2O3 and mixed forms of MoO3 and La2O3 led to the formation of tri or tetra metallic mixed oxides on silica system. A detailed physico chemical characterization of the prepared catalysts using different spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic methods was carried out to understand the nature, stability and the functional groups present in the system. The heterogeneous catalytic route for organic synthesis is of major interest as it is sustainable and eco-friendlier. Utilizing biowaste like rice husk and its modified forms to synthesize useful and industrially significant organic compounds has been attempted with success in the present work. Thus, the prepared catalysts were subsequently evaluated for their catalytic activity towards oxidation, esterification, transesterification and Friedel Crafts' benzylation reactions. To achieve maximum yield and good selectivity, the different reaction parameters were optimized for all the reactions that were studied. Oxidation of cyclohexanone with benzyl alcohol to caprolactone and benzaldehyde has been studied after optimizing the reaction parameters. Recycle and leaching studies were conducted to understand the stability and reusability of the catalytic system for the above-mentioned reactions. These catalysts were also found effective in the synthesis of caprolactone, which is an intermediate in the synthesis of biodegrading polymers. Selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde too has been achieved using these catalysts. Surface area and acidity have played major roles in these reactions. Finally, dibenzyl toluene was synthesized by benzylation of toluene using benzyl chloride. In all the studies, plausible mechanisms involving the catalyst have also been suggested. Thus, a comprehensive study of rice husk silica-supported ceria and samaria systems and the multi metal oxide silica systems has been conducted and it has proved to be an efficient, recoverable, stable and eco-friendly catalyst combined with simple workup for industrially important organic syntheses. -
Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse : A Protection Motivation Theory-Based Intervention for Mothers of Preadolescents
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a growing concern in the world. Prevention of CSA in India is challenging due to deep rooted traditional values and beliefs. Sex and related matters newlineare difficult topics for parents to discuss. Lack of parental awareness leads to increased newlinerisk for CSA. Maternal care is the most influential aspect of child rearing and they need information and skills to educate children on sexual abuse. The literature review was based on Bloom s taxonomy for academic writing. The need for systematic and evidencebased approach in primary prevention was identified. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT)-based psycho education program in enhancing mothers knowledge, attitude and sense of parental competence among mothers. An interactive mixed-method design embedding quantitative and qualitative methods selected 72 mothers as participants from Kannur, Kerala. Mothers aged between 30-40 years who had preadolescent children (8-12 years) were assigned to control and experimental group. A facilitator s psycho education manual was developed embedding PMT constructs for the intervention. The quantitative results indicated significant differences between the groups for CSA knowledge and attitude. The impact of the intervention was moderate to high. The qualitative results indicated the benefits of intervention. Mothers have overcome communication blocks, misconceptions regarding CSA education are cleared, are aware of risks and warning signs and are confident to deal with CSA disclosure. The involvement of mothers in the prevention program was found to be effective in this study. The findings of this study have important implications for developing theory- based interventions for CSA prevention. The application of systematic evidence-based interventions promotes active engagement of participants for applying the learnt skills effectively. The culturally sensitive issues like CSA needs more contextual understanding of the problems to find effective solutions. -
Process Development for Mass Production of Cordycepin Using Fermentation Technology
Cordyceps is a rare and exotic medicinal genus that has been utilised for generations in traditional Chinese medicine. China, Bhutan, Nepal, the Tibetan Plateau, and the newlinenortheastern parts of India are the main areas where they may be noticed. Cordycepin newline(C10H13O3N5), an adenosine derivative generated naturally by Cordyceps militaris, has essential pharmacological effects. Cordycepin has been shown to have anti-tumor/antiproliferative, anti-metastatic, apoptosis-inducing, anti-malaria, anti-microbial, antifungal, anti-diabetic/hypoglycemic, and anti-inflammatory qualities, among other things. The scarcity of native Cordyceps spp., as well as illicit commerce and a lack of growing methods in natural habitats, limit the supply of this prized fungus for therapeutic applications. As a result, an attempt was made to standardize the technique for large-scale cordycepin manufacturing in a laboratory setting. To measure the cordycepin, analytical methods by using High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Ultraviolet Visible spectroscopy (UV Spec.) were established. Furthermore, different methods were optimised and established to successfully extract cordycepin from biomass. Solid state fermentation (SSF) was performed to grow the fruiting bodies of C. militaris in jars. A novel technology was developed using cotton in the SSF which improved the cordycepin content by 138.42 %. Different liquid culture methods (static, submerged, and mix) were also studied; the Static mode was chosen for future media optimization studies. Initially, different parameters like the effect of pH, light, media volume, and inoculum percentage were optimised that affect the cordycepin production. Further, numerous media components, including carbon newlinesources, nitrogen sources, metals, salts and also the impact of vitamins, amino acids, newlineand adenosine that can influence the cordycepin production were optimized employing the One Factor at a time (OFAT) method. -
Process of Emotion Regulation in Relation to Attachment and Mindfulness Traits During Gottman's Dreams-WIthin-Conflict Intervention
Gottman Couple Therapy (GCT) promotes process research to comprehend how interventions function. A GCT intervention called Dreams-within-Conflict (DWC) encourages healthy emotional regulation techniques including expression and experiencing to diffuse impasses. The purpose of this study is to examine emotion regulation and experiencing changes during a single DWC session using convergent mixed methods on N=30 individuals (15 couples). The techniques for controlling emotions (Extrinsic/Intrinsic affect Worsening/Improving strategies EW, IW, EI, II) and experiencing mode/peak scores (ESM & ESP) were measured using self- assessments, observation rating and coding of video recordings, interviews, and feedback reports in relation to individual traits of emotion regulation (cognitive reappraisal & suppression), beliefs, attachment (avoidance & anxiety), and mindfulness. Paired-samples t-test revealed that DWC significantly reduced partners' EW and boosted partners' EI and II. Both ESM and ESP significantly improved. Results from hierarchical linear modelling showed that before-DWC EI, gender, cognitive reappraisal, and suppression predicted EI and before-DWC II and avoidance predicted II. None of the variables predicted EW or IW. Gender predicted ESM. The emotional regulation strategies, experiencing and preferences for expression (over suppression) shared by Indian couples were examined using thematic analysis. Avoidance, conflict behaviours, and prioritising parents' emotions over partners' (in men) were most used strategies. Experiencing levels 1-3 used before-DWC changed to 3-4 during-DWC. Expression was unanimously preferred by Indian couples.