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Heat amd Mass Transfer Analyses of Nanofluid in a Multilayer Model
The study offers an in-depth exploration into the dynamics and properties of multilayered nanofluids and hybrid nanofluid flow in newlinedifferent geometries. The in-vestigation ranges from sinusoidal channels with micropolar hybrid nanoliquids to concentric cylinders that exhibit electrokinetic effects and rotating disks. Also, the DarcyForchheimer model is introduced to assess non-Newtonian and Newtonian fluid interplay, emphasizing the role of asymmetric slip conditions which reduces the fluid flow. Moreover, the study on bioconvection obtained newlineby addition of gyrotac-tic microorganisms which enhances mass and heat transfer in multilayer Newtonian fluid channels. Studies explain the importance of interfacial regions in achieving optimal system temperature. The subsequent study examines the two-layer hybrid nanofluid (HNF) with magnetohydrodynamic properties between two newlineidentical ro-tating disks. The governing equations of the mathematical models are explained using PDE and solutions are attained using numerical and semi-analytical methods such as the DTM and Range Kutta method. Further, the obtained results have been explained with the help of tables and graphs. The study reveals that the immisci-bility of the base fluids forms an interfacial layer, revealing that the addition of two different fluids restricts the fluid motion nearer to the interfacial region, maintaining an optimum temperature in the system. Collectively, these findings pave the way for advanced applications in industries like solar, nuclear, biomedical, and electronic cooling, promising enhanced newlineperformance and efficiency. -
Nanomaterial - Based Electrochemical Sensor for Monitoring Potential Biomakers of Chronic Disorders
Detecting various biomarkers in the health industry and the biomedical sector has been newlinesignificant due to their crucial role in diagnosing, assessing, exposing, and treating disorders. This work reports electrochemical sensors for detecting biomarkers using different modifications (2D materials and nanomaterials) on carbon fiber paper electrode-based (CFPE) sensors. Adopting these modifications on the CFPE electrode greatly intensified the oxidation and reduction of peak current values. The physio-chemical characterizations of the designed electrodes were examined employing Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Electron Diffraction X-ray (EDX), X-Rayv Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman Spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) newlineassisted in optimizing the electrochemical properties via Nyquist plots, sensing performance, scan rate effect, and pH effect. Both electro-activity studies and Nyquist plots confirmed the enhancement in the electroanalytical performance of the fabricated electrodes. Real sample newlinestudies were successfully analyzed using developed electrodes, producing good recovery newlinepercentages. Overall, all the works conducted have been established to be facile and selective, with novelty in the fabrication of ultrasensitive voltammetric-based sensors to quantify different biomarkers. -
Unveiling The Effects of Heavy Metals : A Comprehensive Study On Physiological, Phytochemical, and Anatomical Responses in Jacobaea Maritima (L.) Pelser and Meijden
Modernization and industrialization have been of great importance in the recent past, yet newlinethere are a few disadvantages including the release of harmful effluents into the environment. The medicinal plants that are found in these heavy metal polluted soils can have positive and negative effects as well. In this study the plant Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser and Meijden an important medicinal plant in the field of homeopathy was subjected to three different heavy metalscadmium, chromium and lead at a concentration range of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250ppm.The morphological parameters, shoot length and root length reduced more than 50% and 25% incase of shoot and root respectively. Phytochemical analysis shows significant variation inchlorophyll. newlineThe highest of protein was found in Cr 100ppm (7.47mg) and the least was found inCd 250ppm newline(0.38mg). Proline was found to be high in Pb 200ppm (1.242mg/ml) and least in Cr50ppm newline(0.368mg/ml). The Total Phenolic Content (TPC) was found to be highest in Cr 250ppm newline(3.229mg/g) and least in control (0.57mg/g) and Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) was found to be highest in Cd 100 ppm and least in Control (0.04mg/g) plant which include root, shoot and leaf. The growth of the plant was observed along with a few parameters like net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (E), leaf stomatal conductance (C), and the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). It has been found that the chlorophyll values in the Cr 150 (5.470.4) concentration are high. The chlorophyll values in Pb100 (9.40.35) and Pb250 (9.80.26) are in close proximity to newlineeach other. The highest chlorophyll was found in Cd100 concentration. The net photosynthetic rate was less affected in Pb150 (30.980.75), and most in Cr100 (4.050.09). The Cr 50 (0.190.02) showed the least. The Leaf stomatal conductance was drastically reduced in all the treated plants only Cr 100 (2298.251.85) showed minimal variation. In morphology shoot length newlineand root length were reduced more than 50% and 25% in case of shoot and root respectively. -
Electrochemical Synthesis of Heterocyclic Carbonyls Using Carbon Based Electrocatalysts
Electro-organic synthesis (EOS) is emerging as a powerful and sustainable technique newlinefor synthesizing organic compounds. EOS offers a compelling alternative to newlineconventional synthetic methods, driven by the need for cleaner and more efficient newlineprocesses and a growing focus on environmental impact. This approach minimizes newlineenvironmental impact by reducing dependence on hazardous chemicals and solvents. newlineAdditionally, EOS enables precise control over reaction parameters, leading to selective newlineproduct formation and potentially novel reaction pathways. newlineThis work presents the development of electrocatalysts for the electro-oxidation of newlineselected heterocyclic alcohols, namely piperonyl alcohol (PA), thiophene-2-ylmethanol newline(TM), furfuryl alcohol (FA) and indole-3-carbinol (IC) to their corresponding newlinealdehydes. A Toray carbon fiber paper (TCFP) substrate modified with 2D materials, newlineconducting polymers, metal oxides, and metal oxide nanoparticles are employed in newlinethefabrication of the electrodes. newlineThe efficiency of the developed electrode was studied employing different newlineelectrochemical and physicochemical studies. X-ray Diffraction Spectroscopy (XPS), newlineField Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray newlineSpectrometry (EDS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and Optical newlineProfilometry (OP) techniques were utilized for the physicochemical studies of the newlinefabricated electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), Electrochemical Impedance newlineSpectroscopy (EIS), Chronoamperometry (CA) and Bulk Electrolysis (BE) techniques newlinewere employed for the electrochemical studies, including optimization and synthesis of newlineheterocyclic aldehydes. The fabricated electrocatalysts demonstrated remarkable newlinestability, higher electrocatalytic activity, and good conductivity. The electro-oxidation newlinereactions were carried out in a three-electrode system via BE using 4-acetamido- newline2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl (4-ACT) mediator. The products obtained were newlinecharacterized by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. -
Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dyes Using Quassia india (Gaertn.) Noot. Mediated Nanoparticles
Prognostic research points at the necessity and relevance of revamping polluted newlineenvironments. The toxic effect of textile dyes released into waterbodies can be reduced newlineby the degradation process and alternate methods in nanotechnology are used to lessen newlinethe gravity of the situation. Compared with chemical and physical nanoparticle synthesis, plant extract-based nanoparticle synthesis is an environmentally friendly alternative method. UV-visible spectrum analysis validated the production of nanoparticles (NPs), revealing unique peaks at 430 nm for Quassia indica (QI)- mediated Silver nanoparticles (QI-Ag NPs), 368 nm for QI-mediated Cobalt oxide nanoparticles (QI-Co3O4 NPs), 348 nm for QI-mediated Zinc oxide nanoparticles (QIZnO NPs, 350 nm and 408 nm for QI-mediated Silver/Zinc oxide nanoparticles (QIAg/ZnO NPs), 415 nm and 675 nm for QI-mediated Cobalt oxide/Zinc oxide newlinenanoparticles (QI-Co3O4/ZnO NPs). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) newlineinvestigation identified phytochemicals involved in nanoparticle synthesis. The X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) examination unveiled the crystalline structures of QI-mediated NPs. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) study revealed information on the hydrodynamic newlinediameter and colloidal stability of the NPs, which showed average particle size. Field newlineEmission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray newlineSpectroscopy (EDX) were used to investigate the morphology and elemental composition of NPs. The morphological shapes of QI-Ag NPs were spherical, QI-ZnO NPs showed hexagonal, QI-Co3O4 NPs displayed octahedral, QI-Ag/ZnO NPs exhibited spherical structure, and QI-Co3O4/ZnO NPs unveiled a mixture of octahedral and hexagonal shaped NPs. The High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM) validated the NPs size and Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) newlineconfirmed the crystalline characteristics. -
Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dyes Using Artemisia stelleriana Besser Mediated Nanoparticles
Artemisia stelleriana is widely used as an ornamental plant and belongs to the family Asteraceae. In the current study, A. stelleriana-mediated Zinc oxide newlinenanoparticles (AS-ZnONPs), Silver nanoparticles (AS-AgNPs) and Silver/Zinc oxide bimetallic nanoparticles (AS-Ag/ZnONPs) were synthesised using one-pot method. The UV-Vis spectral analysis revealed characteristic peaks at 358 nm for AS-ZnONPs, newline425 nm for AS-AgNPs, and 357 nm and 473 nm for AS-Ag/ZnONPs. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis identified phytoconstituents taking part in newlinenanoparticle synthesis, manifesting the presence of alkaloids, phenols, saponins, and newlineflavonoids. The synthesised AS-ZnONPs, AS-AgNPs, and AS-Ag/ZnONPs have a crystalline nature and were confirmed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The crystallite sizes of the AS-ZnONPs, AS-AgNPs, and AS-Ag/ZnONPs were 22.54 nm, 18.67 nm, and 10.4 nm, respectively. Spherical-shaped Ag nanoparticles and hexagonal, cylindrical, and spherical-shaped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized from the leaf extract of A. stelleriana. The average size of the synthesised nanoparticles was 37.6 nm and 71.2 nm for AS-ZnONPs and AS-AgNPs, respectively. On the other hand, spherical-shaped AS-Ag/ZnONPs were synthesized with an average size of 35.3 nm. The photocatalytic degradation activity of AS-ZnONPs showed 93.44%, 47%, 94.76%, 99.9%, and 74.82% degradation for Reactive Blue 220 (RB220), Reactive Blue 222A (RB222A), Reactive Red 120 (RR120), Reactive Yellow 145 (RY145) and newlineReactive Yellow 86 (RY86) dyes respectively after 320 min of UV light exposure. ASZnONPs showed positive results for all five dyes and a better percentage of degradation was observed in a 5 ppm concentration of dye treated with 1 mg/mL concentration of newlineAS-ZnONPs. In the case of AS-AgNPs, RB220 and RB222A dyes showed positive results but no degradation was observed in the remaining three dyes. After 320 min of UV light exposure, AS-AgNPs showed 95.98%, and 100% degradation of RB220 and RB222A dyes respectively. -
Receptivity to Change, Work Motivation, and Teacher Engagement among Secondary School Teachers
The present study investigated the teachers receptivity to change in relation to work motivation and teacher engagement among secondary school teachers in Kerala, India. The study primarily focussed on the newlinedevelopment and validation of the Teachers Receptivity to Change Scale. The way the teachers receive the change is a vital determinant that defines the successful execution of the change. The present study used a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design, which proceeded through three phases. The tool construction, which progressed through five stages namely, item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, validity assessment, and test-retest reliability, constituted the newlinefirst phase. The development of the tool started with the generation of a pool of items followed by item analysis. The exploratory factor analysis extracted four factors and the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the four factors namely individual, organizational, educational, and bridging newlinefactors. The structural equation modelling corroborated that the scale excellently fits in the four-factor correlated model and indexed receptivity to change as the sum of the four factors. The final 28-item Teachers newlineReceptivity to Change Scale showed adequate internal consistency (Cronbach s and#945; = .90) and discriminant validity. The validity assessment indicated a moderate correlation between receptivity to change, work motivation, and teacher engagement. The test re-test reliability analysis (Cronbach s and#945; = .88) confirmed the temporal stability of the scale. In the second phase, a sample of 433 secondary school teachers of Kerala, newlineresponded to the standardised questionnaires namely Teachers Receptivity to Change Scale, Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale, newlineand Engaged Teachers Scale. The study also assessed the influence of demographic characteristics such as gender, type of institution, age, subject taught, and years of experience using the Mann-Whitney U-test, newlineand Kruskal-Wallis test. -
Educational Achievement of Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Children from Urban Slums of Bengaluru City
In the Indian context, marginalized and oppressed individuals often reside in slums newlineand on the streets, facing poor living conditions and inadequate facilities. While newlineurban areas boast elite lifestyles characterized by high levels of educational newlineattainment, access to the latest technologies, and substantial incomes, marginalized groups experience a significant lack of basic living standards and encounter limited access to essential services such as education, healthcare, and employment newlineopportunities. Education, in particular, poses one of the greatest challenges in slum newlineareas. Various factors, including socio-economic background, family characteristics, newlineand educational opportunities, can influence the academic performance of slum children. Additionally, teachers perceptions and classroom practices play crucial roles. The current study aims to explore how family characteristics, socio-economic background, educational opportunities, and teachers perceptions impact the educational achievements of slum children in Bengaluru city. To investigate educators perspectives on socially and economically disadvantaged children, a questionnaire was administered to teachers. The study utilized a mixed-method newlineresearch design to address its research questions. Quantitative data were collected newlinefrom 100 slum children and 100 non-slum children aged 6 to 14 years. During semistructured interviews, the researcher used an open-ended questionnaire to gather newlineresponses from principals and teachers. Thirty-six teachers working with various newlineschool boards in the Byrasandra and Siddapura areas were included in this study. newlineAdditionally, class observations were conducted to assess classroom interactions, the rapport between teachers and students, and levels of student involvement. A newlinepurposive random sampling technique was employed to select participants from the newlinestudy population. Data were meticulously collected and analyzed. -
Isolation, Characterization and Evaluation of Potential Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria From The Rhizosphere of Coffea arabica L. From Kodagu District, Karnataka
Agriculture is fundamental to food security and economic stability. The utilisation of newlineplant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) an eco-friendly alternative to chemical newlinefertilisers is particularly promising as these microorganisms enhance nutrient newlineavailability, stimulate plant growth, and improve resistance to biotic and abiotic newlinestresses. This study aimed to isolate and characterise PGPR from the rhizosphere of newlineCoffea arabica L. in the Kodagu District of Karnataka, focusing on their potential as newlinebiofertilizers. Soil samples collected from ten different locations within Kamath Coffee newlineEstate led to the isolation of fourteen distinct bacterial colonies, labelled NJ01 to NJ14. These isolates were evaluated for various plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits like indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) siderophore and ammonia production, nitrogen fixation, newlinephosphate, and zinc solubilization and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production. Further newlinestudies were carried out using 3 isolates with significant PGP traits. Enzyme activity newlineassays indicated that NJ01, NJ04, and NJ14 had positive results for protease, cellulase, newlineamylase, and catalase activity. These strains also displayed varying degrees of newlinehalotolerance, with NJ01, NJ04 and NJ14 tolerating up to 8%, 10% and 11% NaCl, newlinerespectively. Heavy metal tolerance tests revealed that NJ01 tolerated Pb up to 250 newlineg/mL, NJ04 tolerated Pb up to 1500 g/mL and Cd up to 50 g/mL, and NJ14 tolerated Pb up to 1000 g/mL and Hg up to 100 g/mL. Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production was confirmed in all isolates, with NJ01 yielding the highest amount (6.4 g/L). The isolates exhibited significant antifungal and the 16S rRNA sequencing identified NJ01 as Bacillus albus (OP784795), NJ04 as Bacillus licheniformis (OM780221), and NJ14 as Bacillus subtilis (OM780222). A consortium was prepared after confirming the plant growth promoting abilities of these PGPR strains by carrying out an initial plant growth studies. The optimisation of media parameters was by using a two-factor interaction model. -
Environmental Sustainability in Tourism : Developing Green Service Transportation Intiatives in Karnataka
Environmental sustainability in transportation aims to decrease carbon emissions and preserve resources, while ensuring that the rise of tourism is in harmony with ecological preservation. Adopting sustainable mobility in ecotourism destinations entails utilizing renewable energy sources and enhancing green transport systems, thereby benefiting both environmental preservation and visitor contentment. This study investigates the dynamics of green transportation practices within the context of ecotourism destinations, focusing on Karnataka, India. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines quantitative surveys with newlinequalitative interviews of tourism logistics service providers. Through exploratory factor analysis, the study identifies key factors influencing green initiatives, drivers, and challenges faced by tourism logistics service providers. Hypothesis testing and path analysis affirm the relationships among internal initiatives, external drivers, challenges, and environmental sustainability newlineperception. The qualitative analysis extracts insights from tourism logistics service providers, tourism stakeholders revealing diverse perspectives on progress, green initiatives, challenges, and government support. The study concludes with a roadmap for sustainable tourism development, emphasizing policy formulation, feasibility assessment, stakeholder collaboration, newlineand tourist education. The implications and recommendations underscore the need for ongoing government intervention, infrastructure development, and community engagement to foster a holistic and sustainable approach to green transportation in ecotourism destinations. -
Road-Traffic Congestion in Bengaluru : Psychological and Social Consequences
The study investigated the commuting experiences of frequent travelers during congestion using a three-phase sequential exploratory design. Using semi-structured interviews, phase-1 explored the experiences of a sample of ten (4 women and 6 men) regular commuters on Bengaluru's congested roads. Thematic analysis revealed that psychological experiences due to travel adversities during congestion generated negative affect that narrowed thought-action repertoire of the commuters into fight or flight responses. Fight responses caused negative road occurrences that intensified travel adversities further, creating a vicious cycle showing a non-linear loop. Social consequences included challenges for personal time and activities, family time, health and health care activities, work, social, community, and recreational activities, increase of virtual socialization, and social Darwinism. In phase 2, a check-list of psychological consequences was developed based on the thematic analysis. Phase 3 statistically validated the vicious cycle in a sample of 190 (87 women and 103 men) commuters using structural equation modelling. The model substantiated the probability of the vicious cycle. Based on the model, a mathematical model was developed that could be used to test the non-linear relationship between the components of the vicious cycle. -
Destination Resilience and Smart Tourism Ecosystem : A Destination Management Framework for Competitiveness
Over the past many decades, the travel and tourism industry has been at the forefront of adapting to new changes and accepting the latest technologies. Today's travelers are sophisticated and knowledgeable, as they have all the information available to them easily, which contributes to fast and quick decision making. The world is gradually changing into a much more intelligent and advanced platform that makes it possible to employ techniques like augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. This has proven to be very successful in a variety of fields, including education, healthcare, marketing, and communication. The current study focuses on incorporating smart tourism strategies to build a sustainable ecosystem at destinations, which enhances the competitiveness of the destination and makes it easier for value co- creation among the different stakeholders. Research suggests that although industry-led and government-initiated projects seem to prioritize the use of smart applications in destinations in theory, practical implementation appears to lag behind. Less research has been done in India on gamification, smart wearable technology at travel destinations, and the practical application of AR and VR tools. The study revolves around the South Indian State of Kerala, which has been a pioneer in tourism promotion in the country. In addition to proposing a framework for destination management and tourism competitiveness with smart tourism applications, this study aims to investigate the practical implications of smart tourism tools and technologies at destinations. To shed more light on the findings, a mixed methodology approach is used to analyze the data using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. The study's conclusions have significant ramifications for destination management, strategic planning, and the application of smart technologies at travel locations. -
The Transnational Influence of Energy on Cultural Practices : A Study on Kuttanad Wetland Systems
The phenomenon of the extensive Kerala-Gulf migrations has exerted a significant influence on the socio-economic development and local cultures of the state. This study newlineinvestigates the evolving cultural perceptions and practices in the region with the rapid migrations, employing the conceptual framework of energy as a guiding lens. Energy is viewed as the fundamental and material fuel communities engage with to shape and organise their cultures. By situating the research in the field of Energy Humanities, it interrogates the role of shifting energy regimes and transnational energy systems in specifically shaping the local community s relation with the land and environment. The study focuses on Kuttanad, a wetland-based region in Kerala, historically known for its intense paddy cultivation and rice production. Wetland environments play a significant role in environmental sustainability by sustaining the carbon cycle and exist as complex biodiverse ecosystems. The study employs a mixed-method qualitative approach by combining ethnography and textual analysis that form the primary data for analysis. The selected novel Moustache (2020) by S. Hareesh translated by Jayashree Kalathil serves as the primary text. In ethnography, methods like semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and focus-group discussions were utilised to directly obtain insights from the newlineparticipants perspective. The collected data was systematically coded and analysed to newlineexplore an underlying energy unconscious within the culture. The findings present early agrarian Kuttanad as an organic-based energy regime with flow and animate forms as newlineprimary sources of energy that act as agency and effect in shaping local cultures. It newlinehighlights the overlooked aspect of energy s influence on the social dynamics, power newlinestructures, and everyday values and practices of local cultures. -
Spectral and Timing Properties of Selected Black Hole Binaries
X-ray binaries hosting a black hole (accretor) and a main sequence or a post-main sequence star (companion star) are called black hole X-ray binaries (BHXBs). BHXBs are gravitationally bound systems where the matter from the companion star is accreted onto the accretor either via a Roche lobe overand#64258;ow (low-mass companion star) or stellar wind (high-mass companion star). The accreted matter spirals towards the accretor, losing its angular momentum in the process. The gravitational potential energy of the in-falling matter is converted to kinetic energy which is eventually released as X-rays. X-ray spectrum of BHXB is quite complex by nature, which is contributed by various X-ray production processes. Systematic and comprehensive investigations of the X-ray production mechanisms are essential for understanding the fundamentals of accretion physics and exploring the general relativistic effects in extreme gravity environments. Launch of several dedicated X-ray missions like Uhuru, Ginga, RXTE, Chandra, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, Swift, etc. for over half a century have led to the discovery, classifcation and fair understanding of spectro-temporal properties of BHXBs. Despite the continuous and ongoing newlineefforts, the physics of the accretion mechanism in BHXBs, accretion disk geometry, the origin of quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs), energy-dependent time lags and coherence of X-ray photons in different energies, etc., are yet to be completely understood. Hence, there is a need for newlinerevisiting these problems using the data from more sensitive instruments, that have broadband energy coverage and have better spectral and timing resolutions than RXTE. Thus, data from the latest missions like AstroSat, Swift, NuSTAR with their broadband energy coverage, especially in the lower energy regime (and#8804; 3.0 keV), and larger effective area can help fll in the gap in the newlineexisting body of knowledge and provide a holistic understanding of these sources. -
Green Synthesis of Nano Carbon-Infused Polymer for The Detection of Toxic Heavy Metals
The global population is marching towards greener ways of life. Green nanotechnology, newlinewhich uses carbon nanomaterials for environmental remediation, is the pioneer among the existing strategies for the production, characterization, and applications of carbon nanomaterials derived from sustainable and renewable energy resources. Additionally, easily available natural ingredients are effective carbon precursors for producing carbon dots with newlineenthralling physical and chemical properties. Compared to other approaches, plant-based newlinesynthesis of nanomaterials is more dependable because it is simple, fast, ecologically newlinefriendly, and does not require particular conditions. We report for the first time, the use of a fluorescent nanocarbon material synthesised from plant, Indigofera Tinctora (L.) (IBLH), for the detection of metal ions. This nanomaterial developed using a green synthesis method that aided hydrothermal processing from the leaf extract of IBLH. The IBLH sensor used to detect hazardous metal ions (Pb2+) was very sensitive and selective. Considering the concentration from 1 nM to 100 mM and 100 mM to 1M, developed sensor displayed broad, dual linearity. The limit of detection (LOD) for the sensor appreciable low with 14.74 nM as the detection limit, with a wide and linear response spanning from 1 nM to 1M Cd2+ concentration range. Utilising Ruta Graveolens as the carbon source, we developed ARH-CDs from agricultural waste using chemical-free, one-step hydrothermal procedures that are safe for the environment. The synthesized ARH-CDs showed nano particle size, outstanding water newlinesolubility, great biocompatibility, and appreciable optical characteristics. The FTIR and XPS findings validated the existence of functional groups. such as C-O, C-C, and O-H with various oxygen functional groups, with predominating hydroxyl group, supporting the newlineexistence of CDs. For the selective detection of Hg2+, the synthesized ARH-CDs are employed as a biocompatible fluorescence sensor. -
Adoption and Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Food Processing Industries
In recent years, technological changes and advancements have forced Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries, especially food processing, to redesign their functionality. This includes the integration of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance performance. Future trends in the food processing industry will be shaped by sustainability, efficiency, traceability, wellness, safety, hygiene, health, and newlinetransparency. Food processing industries are compelled to embrace digitalization in the newlinecurrent era of globalization and digital transformation. AI encompasses programs, newlinealgorithms, robotics, drones, data mining, cloud computing, sensors, driver-less newlinevehicles, the internet of things, digital platforms, and machines, representing a new newlinelevel of intelligence. AI aims to replicate human reasoning and problem-solving newlinecapabilities, leading to task automation, increased efficiency, and reduced human newlineeffort. The growth of AI is reshaping the food processing industry, with potential newlineapplications spanning from cultivation, supply chain management, storage and safety, newlineHuman Resource Management (HRM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Integrating and adopting AI in food processing can address unique challenges and offer substantial benefits across these functions. While large-scale food processing newlineindustries have made significant progress in adopting AI systems, small and mediumscale food industries are also integrating AI technology. The current research study employs a quantitative research methodology and obtained data from 320 small and medium-scale food processing industries employees in the city of Bengaluru. The primary surveyed data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach through AMOS 26. The research used the UTAUT 2 model to measure the usage and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) among the employees of small and medium-scale food processing industries. -
The Development and Feasibility of A Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem Based Intervention on Music Performance Anxiety Among Majors
Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) has been seen to adversely affect a student s goal-setting with respect to careers in music. Two variables that are closely related to the development and maintenance of MPA are self-efficacy and self-esteem of the student. The aim of this research is to present the experiences of students with MPA and the feasibility of an intervention to help reduce MPA among music majors while focusing on building their self-esteem and self-efficacy. The study followed a mixed method, exploratory sequential design. Ten participants were recruited for the newlinequalitative phase and were interviewed using a phenomenological approach. Data from these interviews were analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Themes that were found in the qualitative phase such as blocks growth of performer , Fear of judgment , lacking confidence in skills , comparison with peers , need for appreciation , pointed toward the need to build self-efficacy and self-esteem among the performers. The themes from this analysis were then used, along with previous research evidence to develop a self-esteem and self-efficacy based intervention. A quasi-experimental design was used to carry out and assess the feasibility of this intervention. The intervention lasted for eight sessions, where the experimental group took part in these sessions that consisted of both theoretical and practical components, which lasted for one hour each. The control group on the other hand did not receive any treatment and were not a part of any of these sessions either. The experimental group that consisted of 13 participants and the control group that consisted of 12 participants were assessed on their MPA, Musical Self-Efficacy and Musical Self-Esteem levels at the start of eight weeks and then at the end of eight newlineweeks. The scale used to assess these variable were the K-MPAI (Kenny, 2009), the newlineMusical Self-efficacy scale (Ritchie and Williamon, 2010), and the Self-esteem of newlinemusic ability scale (Schmitt, 1979) respectively. -
Designing A New Encryption - Then - Compression System for Grayscale Images Utilizing Entropy Encryption
In the digital era, images and video sequences have dramatically increased newlinebecause of the rapid growth of the Internet and the widespread utilization of multimedia systems. The advancement in technology facilitates a faster way of transmitting data; however, the channel used for communication is an untrusted medium. The proposed research focus on the secure newlinetransmission of grayscale images over a social networking site (SNS) provider called the untrusted channel. Rigorous research has been conducted on the secure transmission of images and proposed different models, namely Compression-then-Encryption (CtE) Systems and newlineEncryption-then-Compression (EtC) Systems. In EtC, the encrypted information is transmitted over the channel. However, the channel is newlinecompressing the information to reduce the overall traffic. Due to the compression performed by the channel, the decryption process may fail on the receiver side. Constructing an efficient EtC model, as good as the standard compression algorithms, will address the gap in research. Four objectives were formulated, and schemes were proposed for each objective to address the problem. Two schemes were developed to address the first objective, eliminating noise incurred during transmission through the channel. The first scheme eliminates the noise using a two-pass hybrid mean and median filter. In the second scheme, a supervised curve fitting a linear regression model with a mean filter is applied. To secure the transmission of images over the untrusted channel, the objectives two and three address the scrambling and encryption of images. A hybrid of improved Arnold transforms and ElGamal encryption is experimented with in the first scheme to address scrambling and encryption. In this initially, a Block-wise scrambling is applied to the image, followed by pixels-wise newlinescrambling within the block followed by Arnolds transform. The outcome is given to ElGamal encryption. -
A Self-Reflective and Empathy Based Environmental Education Intervention to Enhance Environmental Values and Knowledge of Preadolescents
Environmental degradation and climate change have become common phenomena and they are attributable to human actions focusing solely on economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to fetch drastic changes in the lifestyles of majority of the public and to acquire the collective capacity of ecological intelligence. The accumulation of ecological intelligence results in environmental knowledge, values, and skills to deal effectively with the environment. The present study is an attempt to develop and apply a self-reflection and empathy-based Environmental Education module for 11-12 years old children to enhance their environmental values and knowledge. The study utilized a pre-test post-test quasi experimental design for which two existing sixth grade classes (intervention group and control group) from different schools, selected through purposive sampling formed the sample. A pre-test and a post-test were conducted on the participants environmental values, attitude, knowledge for the intervention and control groups. Additionally, environmental behaviour, self-reflection and insight were assessed before and after the intervention and the student workbooks were undergone content analysis for the intervention group. The self- reflective and empathy-based Environmental Education intervention was administered for the class selected as the intervention group in between the pre and post-tests. The researcher observed the interventions effectiveness on environmental values with the help of the attitude scale of the Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale (CHEAKS), through the content analysis of student workbooks, and through session feedback form. The positive impact of the intervention on environmental knowledge was understood from the analysis of the knowledge scale of the Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale (CHEAKS) and from the session feedback form. Additionally, there is an improvement in the intervention groups reflective thinking ability and environmental behaviour when assessed through Self-Reflection and Insight Scale for Youth and parent observation checklist. The study has implications concerning the implementation of Environmental Education. -
Aspect Based Multi Classification for Text Mining Using Neural Attention Model
Aspect-based text classification is crucial for multi-classification in e- commerce, including diverse sectors like food, online shopping, and restaurants. Traditional research often focuses on a few classes and domains, such as restaurants or electronics, and overlooks the need to categorize sentences based on domain- specific contexts. However, e-commerce involves numerous domains that require more sophisticated classification methods. E-commerce platforms generate vast amounts of textual data, including comments, product descriptions, and customer reviews, which contain valuable information about various aspects of products or services. Since customers often research product reviews from multiple sources before purchasing, these reviews become essential user-generated content for e-commerce businesses. To address this gap, the Aspect-Based Neural Attention Model (ABNAM) was developed. ABNAM enhances classification's accuracy and comprehensiveness by considering each domain's unique characteristics. This leads to better categorization and provides more relevant insights for businesses operating across various e- commerce sectors. Experimental real-world data results demonstrate that ABNAM identifies more meaningful and coherent features. It significantly outperforms other methods by achieving higher accuracy, better recall and precision, and more robust performance across different datasets. The current research introduces an efficient and innovative sentence classification model using ABNAM. Unlike traditional automated text classification models, which struggle to categorize data into sixteen classes, ABNAM excels by leveraging technologies such as TF-IDF, N-Gram, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Linear Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest, and Nae Bayes. Among these methods, ABNAM achieved the highest accuracy at 97%, successfully classifying sentences into one of the sixteen categories. The research positions ABNAM as a novel and highly effective classification model, particularly in achieving high-class categorizations.