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Pothole Detection and Powertrain Control for Vehicular Safety
A new era of automotive technology has begun with the rapid advancement of electric vehicles (EVs), which promise efficiency and sustainability. With electric vehicles (EVs) becoming an integrated part of the traction systems, there is a growing need for novel safety and performance-enhancing features. The development of an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system for autonomous powertrain control and pothole detection in electric vehicles is examined in this paper. The paper focuses on integrating an intelligent system that can detect potholes and autonomously regulate the powertrain to improve both the driving experience and safety of electric vehicles. The system makes use of Jetson Nano as the processing unit for regulation of the EV powertrain. This board enables quick and accurate reactions to changing road conditions by facilitating real-time data analysis and decision-making. The powertrain regulation will be performed by controlling the acceleration and braking signal provided to the powertrain. 2024 IEEE. -
Changing trends in the Promotional Strategies of Indian Television Soap Operas
The television has been a primary source of entertainment for masses across the globe. In India itself, people within households are often glued to their television sets in order to be informed or entertained. Drama is a source of life for most people and hence the end up tuning into a variety of daily soap makes that area available to them. Television soap operas have grown tremendously over the past decades and different methods have been adopted and developed to promote these soap operas. The research aims to see how promotions of television soap operas in India have changed between 2008 and 2012 with an analysis of the different kind of strategies adopted by television networks to promote and advertise their different shows. -
A study on the politics of representation in the popular web series 'Permanent roommates' /
The television has been one of the most sought after modes of entertainment for audiences in India for a long time now. Programs aired on television channels mostly known as 'serials' generally have been accepted as the general form of entertainment thanks to this over the top content and storylines. A rapid growth in the technological sector has given viewers access to a whole new array of a great variety of entertainment programmes. -
A case study of the public relations strategy of Bengaluru football club 2013-14 season /
Public Relations has grown and evolved as a field over the past few decades. It has gained a sacred form of importance in terms of understanding and building effectiveness of each field. One of the fields that has been a great beneficiary of this field has been the domain of sports. Global sporting clubs and brands have been implementing public relations strategies to effective ends for a long time now. It has been a trend of note on a global scale as well as in India. -
Emotional needs of women post-rescue from sex trafficking in India
Sex trafficking has persisted a social crime that maintains its status despite being unlawful. Since it prevails, there is a need to investigate it to understand the effects and consequences of the same on the survivors. The current study aims to understand the emotional needs of survivors post-rescue from sex trafficking living in aftercare homes in India and to look into survivors suggestions post-rescue to NGOs, society, family, government and police. It included ten survivors from sex trafficking, ages between 18 to 24years old. They are emerging adults who have experienced sex trafficking for at least one year, regardless of whether trafficking happened in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood, rescued one to five years ago. The researcher used a phenomenological approach. Thematic analysis was employed to identify themes within the data collected from the participants. Findings revealed that survivors had got a better life after the rescue, and they need acceptance, respect, understanding, and they need to develop trust on people around them. They still have many challenges post-rescue such as lack of education and job opportunities. They need guidance to start a new life. Mostly, sex trafficking survivors need safety and protection. 2019, 2019 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. -
Exploring Meaningfullness of Life among Survivors of Sex Trafficking in India
Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking which is considered a contemporary form of slavery. It is made up of victims (supply), buyers (demand), and traffickers (distributors). Sex trafficking is a billion dollars industry. It generates more profit than any other industry in the world, illicit or otherwise. It is estimated that one woman or child is commercialized to be a sex slave every hour. The present study aimed to explore the meaningfulness of life among survivors of sex trafficking in India. It is a two-phase research design where the researcher has collected quantitative data first, and qualitative data was collected during the second phase. The qualitative phase comprises data from 126 subjects They were divided into two groups. Group 1, survivors rescued within two years (N=63), and group 2, survivors post two years after the rescue (N=63). Group 1 (M=15.58) scored lower on the meaningfulness of life compared to group 2 (M=23.15). Group 1 (M=16.80) is less satisfied with life compared to group 2 (M=22.65). Group 1 (M=61.09) has a lower quality of life compared to group (M=77.49). Group 1 tends to have lesser positive emotions and more negative emotions compared to group 2. There was a moderate positive correlation between the current meaning in life and satisfaction with life, r=.42, n=126, p<.001. There was a negative moderate correlation between the current meaning in life and negative emotions r=-49, n=126, p<.001, and there was a strong, positive vii correlation between current meaning in life and positive emotions, r=.53, n=126, p<.001. Results from the qualitative phase, which comprises data from 20 participants show that survivors' life in slavery was meaningless and marked by torture and rape. The meaningfulness of life for participants in the current study depends on a new identity, acceptance, education, spirituality, and respect. Those who have children found the meaningfulness of life in motherhood. Participants reported not being fully satisfied with their life and they described what they need to increase their life satisfaction. First is livelihood, that is food and shelter over their heads, good health, and dreams/goals fulfillment that for most of them is to get an education and/or professional training. Survivors reported having more negative emotions than positive emotions. Physical health problems found among participants were headache, gastritis, cough, and fever. Psychological health symptoms found among them were depression, anxiety, isolation, crying spells, and fatigue. Survivors have a limited social life because they distrust almost all people. The environment was found to be unsafe for girls and women and they ask for protection for themselves and for all females in the country. -
Barbell-shaped giant radio galaxy with ? 100 kpc kink in the jet
We present for the first time a study of peculiar giant radio galaxy (GRG) J223301+131502 using deep multi-frequency radio observations from GMRT (323, 612, and 1300 MHz) and LOFAR (144 MHz) along with optical spectroscopic observations with the WHT 4.2m optical telescope. Our observations have firmly established its redshift of 0.09956 and unveiled its exceptional jet structure extending more than ? 200 kpc leading to a peculiar kink structure of ? 100 kpc. We measure the overall size of this GRG to be ? 1.83 Mpc; it exhibits lobes without any prominent hotspots and closely resembles a barbell. Our deep low-frequency radio maps clearly reveal the steep-spectrum diffuse emission from the lobes of the GRG. The magnetic field strength of ? 5 ?G and spectral ages between about 110 to 200 mega years for the radio lobes were estimated using radio data from LOFAR 144 MHz observations and GMRT 323 and 612 MHz observations. We discuss the possible causes leading to the formation of the observed kink feature for the GRG, which include precession of the jet axis, development of instabilities and magnetic reconnection. Despite its enormous size, the Barbell GRG is found to be residing in a low-mass (M200 ? 1014 M) galaxy cluster. This GRG with two-sided large-scale jets with a kink and diffuse outer lobes residing in a cluster environment, provides an opportunity to explore the structure and growth of GRGs in different environments. 2022 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
A Scoping review of Deep Reinforcement Learning methods in Visual Navigation
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a subset of Machine Learning that trains an agent to make a series of decisions and take action by interacting directly with the environment. In this approach, the agent learns to attain the goal by the response from its action as rewards or punishment. Recent advances in reinforcement learning combined with deep learning methods have led to breakthrough research in solving many complex problems in the field of Artificial Intelligence. This paper presents recent literature on autonomous visual navigation of robots using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms and methods. It also describes the algorithms evaluated, the environment used for implementation, and the policy applied to maximize the rewards earned by the agent. The paper concludes with a discussion of the new models created by various authors, their merits over the existing methods, and a briefing on further research. 2023 IEEE. -
Stochastic frontier analysis to measure technical efficiency: Evidence from skilled and unskilled agricultural labour in india
This paper comprises the stochastic frontier model which has been applied to measure the technical efficiency of skilled and unskilled labour. By considering the certain input variables listed in the cost of cultivation suggested by the Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) for Indian states during the main cropping season. Result of the study shows that the evaluated average technical efficiency estimates have been found between 71 to 84 % for both type of labour. Factors i.e. use of seeds (77 % efficient), fertilizers (29 % inefficient), manure (3 % efficient), land, human (9 % efficient), attached (10 % efficient) and casual (103 % efficient) labor, animal labor (is between 1 to 4 % efficient), hired machine (33 % inefficient), owned machine (7 % efficient), insecticides (20 % efficient), irrigational cost (31 % efficient), fixed cost (36 % inefficient) and operational cost (197 % inefficient) have a significant at 1, 5 and 10 % level of significance1. 2020 DAV College. All rights reserved. -
Comparative Study of Graph Theory for Network System
The historical background of how graph theory emerged into world and gradually gained importance in different fields of study is very well stated in many books and articles. Some of the most important applications of graph theory can be seen in the field network theory. Its significance can be seen in some of the complex network systems in the field of biological system, ecological system, social systems as well as technological systems. In this paper, the basic concepts of graph theory in terms of network theory have been provided. The various network models like star network model, ring network model, and mesh network model have been presented along with their graphical representation. We have tried to establish the link between the models with the existing concepts in graph theory. Also, many application-based examples that links graph theory with network theory have been looked upon. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Alzheimer's Disease Detection using Machine Learning: A Review
Alzheimer's is a progressive brain disorder which is an untreatable, and inoperable and mostly affect the elderly people. There is a new case of Alzheimer's disease being discovered globally in every four seconds. The outcome is fatal, as it results in death. Timely identification of Alzheimer's disease can be beneficial for us to get necessary care and possibly even avert brain tissue damage by the time. Effective automated techniques are required for detecting Alzheimer's disease at very early stage. Researchers use a variety of novel approaches to classify Alzheimer's disease. machine learning, an AI branch use probabilistic technique that allow system to acquire knowledge from huge amount of data. In this paper we represent a analysis report of the work which is done by researcher in this field. Research has achieved quite promising prediction accuracies however they were evaluated the the non-existent datasets from various imaging modalities which makes it difficult to make the fair comparison with the other methods comparison among them. In this paper, we conducted a study on the effectiveness of using human brain MRI scans to detect Alzheimer's disease and ended with a future discussion of Alzheimer's research trends. 2021 IEEE. -
Phytochemical Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Antioxidant Properties of Different Parts of Andrographis macrobotrys Nees
Andrographis macrobotrys Nees is an ethnomedicinal plant belonging to the family Acanthaceae, distributed in the moist deciduous and semi-evergreen forests of the southern Western Ghats of India. The objective of this research was to determine the phytochemical composition and bioactive chemical components using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and to check the antioxidant potential of the plant part extracts. A. macrobotrys roots, stems, and leaves were obtained from the species natural habitat in the Western Ghats, India. The bioactive compounds were extracted using a Soxhlet extractor at 5560 C for 8 h in methanol. Identification analysis of A. macrobotrys bioactive compound was performed using GC-MS. Quantitative estimation of phytochemicals was carried out, and the antioxidant capacity of the plant extracts was determined by 2,2?-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging (DPPH) and ferric reducing assays (FRAP). A. macrobotrys has a higher concentration of phenolics in its stem extract than in its root or leaf extracts (124.28 mg and 73.01 mg, respectively), according to spectrophotometric measurements. GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of phytochemicals such as azulene, 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol, benzoic acid, 4-ethoxy-ethyl ester, eicosane, 3-heptadecanol, isopropyl myristate, hexadecanoic acid methyl ester, hexadecanoic acid, 1-butyl-cyclohexanol, 9,12-octadecadienoic acid, alpha-monostearin, and 5-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxyflavone belonging to various classes of flavonoids, terpenoids, phenolics, fatty acids, and aromatic compounds. Significant bioactive phytochemicals include 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol, 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol, 5-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxyflavone, azulene, salvigenin, squalene, and tetrapentacontane. In addition, the antioxidant capability of each of the three extracts was assessed. The stem extract demonstrated impressive DPPH scavenging and ferric reduction activities, with EC50 values of 79 mg/mL and 0.537 0.02 OD at 0.2 mg/mL, respectively. The results demonstrated the importance of A. macrobotrys as a source of medicine and antioxidants. 2023 by the authors. -
Analyzing the Virtual Reality Experiential Dimensions at the Game Centers of Tourist Destinations
Virtual Reality (VR) games have attracted the attention of customers lately since they have been offering the most immersive experience through amusement park rides such as VR roller coasters and VR games related to adventure, thrill, scare, etc. Bangalore being a gem of the tourist destination and an IT hub was chosen for the study as it has the greatest potential of offering various VR experiences to the customers. The top 6 of Bangalore's VR game centers were selected based on the popularity and review count from Trip Advisor and Google reviews websites. Analyzing user-generated content has become an intriguing part of business research to find valuable marketing insights for better decisionmaking. The empirical findings show that the majority of the customers are extremely satisfied with the VR experiences and illusion emerges to be the major influencing factors for experiential satisfaction and customers are ready to spend for VR when the VR experiential dimensions meet the expected standards. 2024, Journal of Toursm & Development. All rights reserved. -
AI-powered marketing strategies in the tourism and hospitality sector
A highly competitive environment with increased demand for personalized services drives the tourism and hospitality industry to embrace immersive and intelligent technologies. Smart technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) assist in promotions, marketing brands, customer analysis, and ultimately leading to sustainable businesses. Marketing research is an inevitable element for any businesses that helps in understanding their customers, catering their needs, and turning them into loyal customers. Marketing strategies incorporated with smart technologies are gaining high importance in the tourism and hospitality industries due to three major outcomes such as experience enhancement, revenue improvement and effective operations. Artificial intelligence revamped the hospitality industry with customized services and tailored recommendations based on a wholesome of customer data. Virtual reality technology provides high immersive experience to boost tourism, to enhance customer experience, to influence positive travel decisions. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Normalized Attention Neural Network with Adaptive Feature Recalibration for Detecting the Unusual Activities Using Video Surveillance Camera
Over the past few years, surveillance cameras have become common in many homes and businesses. Many businesses still employ a human monitor of their cameras, despite the fact that this individual is more probable to miss some anomalous occurrences in the video feeds owing to the inherent limitations of human perception. Numerous scholars have investigated surveillance data and offered several strategies for automatically identifying anomalous occurrences. Therefore, it is important to build a model for identifying unusual occurrences in the live stream from the security cameras. Recognizing potentially dangerous situations automatically so that appropriate action may be taken is crucial and can be of great assistance to law enforcement. In this research work, starting with an MRCNN for feature extraction and AFR for fine-tuning, this architecture has a number of key components (AFR). To increase the quality of the features extracted by the MRCNN, the AFR replicas the inter-dependencies among the features to enhance the quality of the low- and high-frequency features extracted. Then, a normalized attention network (NAN) is used to learn the relationships between channels, which used to identify the violence and speeds up the convergence process for training a perfect. Furthermore, the dataset took real-time security camera feeds from a variety of subjects and situations, as opposed to the hand-crafted datasets utilized in prior efforts. We also demonstrate the method's capability of assigning the correct category to each anomaly by classifying normal and abnormal occurrences. The method divided the information gathered into three primary groups: those in need of fire protection, those experiencing theft or violence, and everyone else. The study applied the proposed approach to the UCF-Crime dataset, where it outperformed other models on the same dataset. 2023 WITPress. All rights reserved. -
A Novel Survey for Young Substellar Objects with the W-band Filter. VI. Spectroscopic Census of Substellar Members and the IMF of the ? Orionis Cluster
Low-mass stars and substellar objects are essential in tracing the initial mass function (IMF). We study the nearby young ? Orionis cluster (d ? 408 pc, age ? 1.8 Myr) using deep near-infrared (NIR) photometric data in the J, W, and H bands from WIRCam on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. We use the water absorption feature to select brown dwarfs photometrically and confirm their nature spectroscopically with IRTF-SpeX. Additionally we select candidate low-mass stars for spectroscopy and analyze their membership and those of literature sources using astrometry from Gaia DR3. We obtain NIR spectra for 28 very-low-mass stars and brown dwarfs and estimate their spectral type between M3 and M8.5 (masses ranging between 0.3 and 0.01 M ?). Apart from these, we also identify five new planetary-mass candidates which require further spectroscopic confirmation of youth. We compile a comprehensive catalog of 170 spectroscopically confirmed members in the central region of the cluster, for a wide mass range of ?19-0.004 M ?. We estimate the star-to-brown-dwarf ratio to be ?4, within the range reported for other nearby star-forming regions. With the updated catalog of members we trace the IMF down to 4 M Jup and we find that a two-segment power law fits the substellar IMF better than a log-normal distribution. 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. -
Protoplanetary disks around young stellar and substellar objects in the ? Orionis cluster
Understanding the evolution and dissipation of protoplanetary disks are crucial in star and planet formation studies. We report the protoplanetary disk population in the nearby young ? Orionis cluster (d? 408 pc; age ? 1.8 Myr) and analyse the disk properties, such as dependence on stellar mass and disk evolution. We utilize the comprehensive census of 170 spectroscopic members of the region refined using astrometry from Gaia DR3 for a wide mass range of ? 190.004 M? . Using the near-infrared (2MASS) and mid-infrared (WISE) photometries, we classify the sources based on the spectral index, into class I, class II, flat spectrum and class III young stellar objects. The frequency of sources hosting a disk with stellar mass <2 M? in this region is 41 7 %, which is consistent with the disk fraction estimated in previous studies. We see that there is no significant dependence of disk fraction on stellar mass among T Tauri stars (<2 M?), but we propose rapid disk depletion around higher mass stars (>2 M?). Furthermore, we found the lowest mass of a disk-bearing object to be ? 20 MJup and the pronounced disk-fraction among the brown dwarf population hints at the formation scenario that brown dwarfs form similar to low-mass stars. 2023, Indian Academy of Sciences. -
Twins in diversity: Understanding circumstellar disc evolution in the twin clusters of W5 complex
Young star-forming regions in massive environments are ideal test beds to study the influence of surroundings on the evolution of discs around low-mass stars. We explore two distant young clusters, IC 1848-East and West located in the massive W5 complex. These clusters are unique due to their similar (distance, age and extinction) yet distinct (stellar density and far-ultraviolet radiation fields) physical properties. We use deep multiband photometry in optical, near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths complete down to the substellar limit in at least five bands. We trace the spectral energy distribution of the sources to identify the young pre-main sequence members in the region and derive their physical parameters. The disc fraction for the East and West clusters down to 0.1?M was found to be 2 per?cent (N = 184, N = 492) and 1 per?cent (N = 173, N = 814), respectively. While no spatial variation in the disc fraction is observed, these values are lower than those in other nearby young clusters. Investigating the cause of this decrease, we find a correlation with the intense feedback from massive stars throughout the cluster area. We also identified the disc sources undergoing accretion and observed the mass accretion rates to exhibit a positive linear relationship with the stellar host mass and an inverse relationship with stellar age. Our findings suggest that the environment significantly influences the dissipation of discs in both clusters. These distant clusters, characterized by their unique attributes, can serve as templates for future studies in outer galaxy regions, offering insights into the influence of feedback mechanisms on star and planetary formation. 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. -
Study of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs In Star Forming Regions of Diverse Environments
The formation and evolution of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs is an intricate process orchestrated by the environmental conditions in which they form. As a natural byproduct of this process, circumstellar disks are formed, whose dynamic relationship with the environment plays a pivotal role in determining the fate of the star and the timescale for planet formation. While low-mass stars are a dominant product of the star formation process, brown dwarfs occupy a unique position, bridging the gap between newlinelow-mass stars and planets. In this thesis, we have examined the low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in young clusters located at different distances with diverse UV radiation felds and stellar densities to decode the role of environment in shaping the IMF, its inand#64258;uence on disk evolution and to understand the formation of brown dwarfs. We have targeted three young star forming regions for the newlinestudy namely and#963; Orionis, twin clusters IC 1848-East and West, and IC 1396 using deep multi-wavelength photometry as well as near-IR spectroscopy with 4m and 10m class facilities. For the and#963; Orionis cluster we used deep CFHT-WIRCAM near-IR data and the novel water-band photometry technique along with Gaia DR3 to identify the candidate low-mass members. Spectroscopic follow-up observations conducted with IRTF-SpeX validated the selection of the candidates by this technique with a 100% effcacy. We then compiled a comprehensive membership catalog for a mass range and#8764;19-0.004 Mand#8857;. The form of the stellar-substellar IMF was found to be consistent with other nearby star forming regions suggesting a lack of signifcant environmental inand#64258;uence. Further, we analysed the evolutionary class of the members based on the mid-IR slope of the SED to study their disk properties. We estimated the disk fraction of the low-mass sources to be consistent with other star form ing regions considering the age of the cluster. This showed that in this region, external photoevaporation does not play a major role in the inner disk evolution. -
Natech guide words: A new approach to assess and manage natech risk to ensure business continuity
The risk posed by natural hazards to the technological systems is known as Natech risk. It is different from the more widely known and studied risk posed by such sites to the environment and society. Though currently, available risk assessment techniques recognize Natech, the specific qualitative technique for Natech risk assessment and reduction has not yet been developed. After analyzing past data of Natech accidents, relevant guide words have been suggested in this study. These guide words will help anticipate Natech risk and visualize the Natech scenario. Once the Natech risk is identified, corresponding risk reduction measures can be taken to avoid possible Natech accidents and consequences. 2021 Elsevier Ltd