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A study on women benificiaries of national rural health mission with special a reference to barwani district madhya pradesh
Regardless of several growth-orientated policies implemented by the government, the widening economic, regional and gender disparities are posing challenges for the health sector. The health status of Indians, especially women is still a cause for serious concern, especially that of the rural population. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by Government of India with a view to bring about dramatic improvement in the health system and health status of the people, especially those living in rural areas. The study aimed to understand the knowledge level of women beneficiaries on NRHM related services. The study further focussed on understanding the extent of availability and accessibility, challenges faced and the benefits received by women. The research work was carried out in three Village Panchayats of Barwani district in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Multi stage sampling method was adopted to select the sample group for the study. The study was conducted among 278 women beneficiciaries of NRHM. The researcher used 120 item semi structured and validated interview schedule for collecting the data. The study results show that there is a need to strengthen the grass root level interventions in terms of strengthening the sub-centres and involvement of Gram Panchayat in fulfilling the health mission objectives of the country. test indicated significant association between Caste and electricity at home and Knowledge about NRHM among women. The Correlation between the knowledge scores and benefits scores was significant (r = .705, Pgt.001). The study suggests having effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms at all levels with clearly designed indicators and means of verification to ensure the success of the programme. newline -
Secure authentication frame work for cloud
The growing popularity of cloud based services is prompting organizations to consider shifting applications and data onto cloud. However, organizations dealing with highly sensitive information are apprehensive of moving its applications and data to public cloud owing to concern about security of its information. It is hence incumbent on service providers that only legitimate Users will access its services and resources in cloud. newlineVerifying authenticity of remote users is a necessary pre-requisite in a cloud environment before allowing access to secure resources/services/ applications. The simplest and most commonly used user authentication mechanism is password based authentication. However, Users tend to choose easy to remember password, and many a times use same password for multiple accounts, which makes it often the weakest link in security. Furthermore, service providers authenticating Users on the basis of password, stores password verification information in their databases and such authentication schemes with verification table are known to be vulnerable to various attacks. newlineFrom the perspective of authentication requirements, service providers in a cloud environment can be broadly categorized into two. Those service providers dealing with highly sensitive information and working in a regulated environment can be grouped into category one as in those offering services for sectors like health care, finance. These providers require a strong and secure authentication mechanism to authenticate its users, without any additional functionality. Similarly, there is a second category of service providers dealing with secure information but operate in a collaborative environment as providers providing their applications bundled through a web portal. To provide the Users with a seamless authentication experience, while accessing multiple services during a session, the second category of service providers prefer to have Single Sign-on functionality. -
A Study on the Impact of Intervention Program for the Care Givers of People with Head and Neck Cancer
Head and neck cancer patients experienced profound psychosocial and functional abilities because of the location of the disease and treatment. It hampers their activities of daily living making them dependant on the caregivers. Subsequently caregivers have different needs especially during the initial phase of hospitalization because they are unfamiliar to the whole process, unprepared for the new task and new role and lack the necessary knowledge and skills in care giving. Thus they face a number of problems. Hence this study aimed to understand their needs, develop psycho educational intervention program based on it and assess its feasibility. It was taken up because of limited number of Indian studies and increase in the number of incidences owing to the changing life style. Quasi experimental research design and sequential mixed research design was used. The variables taken for the study were Caregiver burden and distress. Zarit burden interview schedule and Caregiver Self Assessment Questionnaire was used to collect data from 30 caregivers of head and neck cancer patient before and after the Psycho educational intervention program was delivered. Paired sample t test and Cohen s d tests were used for data analysis. The effect size for burden and distress was 2.01 and 1.91 respectively. Findings showed that the intervention program significantly reduced the level of burden -
Suppression and redfinition of self in the selct novels of Toni Morrison and ALice Walker
Literature is a mirror held onto the society that reflects the culture, history and socio-political issues of specific periods. Books have the uniqueness of transforming lives by weaving characters, to whom we are able to relate their trials, tribulations and achievements become our own. Although confined to the Afro-American milieu, Alice Walker s The Color Purple and Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye, Sula and Beloved raises issues and concerns that are universal to women across the globe. These writers try to lend voice to an otherwise marginalized and newlinesuppressed group of women, who have been denied a dignified existence. This research, through the methodology of critical analysis and interpretation of texts, tries to understand the concept of self, from the western and eastern perspectives. In the due process, the various factors that contribute to the formation of an individual s self are also identified. Through an analysis of the newlinefemale protagonists in the works of Morrison and Walker, this study examines how it is possible for a woman to progress from the margins to a position that is central, from object to subject. newlineMost often, women are not even conscious that they too have an individuality of their own and need to lead a dignified life. Having got so habituated to oppression, it has almost become a way of life for them. They need to be conscious and aware of the fact that they have to create a space of their own, without compromising on their individuality and dignity. When they fail to do this,they just stagnate and become mere pawns in the hands of men and tend to get exploited. Most of newlinethe female protagonists discussed in this study, go through this phase and are unable to extricat themselves from the traumatized conditions that engulf them. newlineThis study clearly focuses on how women need to be conscious of what is happening to them and realize that they are being deprived of their individuality and dignity. -
Determinants of customer loyalty and retention : A Study of supermarket customers in Bangalore
Considering the ever dynamic lifestyle of the customers in Bangalore,the proposed study tried to find out the expectations and aspirations of supermarket customers in Bangalore.Most of the currently available studies are based on conceptual understanding and don t have an empirical backup. The proposed study is designed to determine the customer loyalty and retention of Supermarket Customers in Bangalore. newlineThe literature initiates an exhaustive discussion of various constructs leading to customer retention. Based on references from the literature constructs identified for customer retention are customer satisfaction, switching costs and customer loyalty and for customer loyalty the constructs identified are trust,commitment and customer satisfaction.For determining satisfaction the constructs identified in the proposed study are convenience of location, store atmosphere,promotion, customer relationship management practices and merchandise. Through extensive literature review,hypotheses were derived and the proposed conceptual model is developed. newlineObjectives of the proposed study are to empirically validate a model linking customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer retention with select antecedents. Research Methodology explains about the population spread from which the samples are collected, the justification for using the particular sampling technique and also about the tool employed for data collection. The techniques employed for checking the reliability and validity of the tool and pilot data analysis are also explained. Data collection was conducted using a structured questionnaire designed using Likert scale measurement. The pilot sample data consisted of 250 respondents.The questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS(v.20,software using Cronbach Alpha, Intra Class Correlation and Confirmatory factor analysis. newlineThe data collected from 600 respondents in Bengaluru city was used for the full fledged study. -
Growth and physical properties of sb2 te3 and related thermoelectric materials
Research on crystal growth and characterization is inevitable to meet the requirements of the technological world, as there is a great demand for good quality samples free from flaws for application in newlinevarious fields which cannot be met by natural resources. The synthesis of newlinebulk crystals of Sb2Te3 compounds has intrigued the attention of the researchers in the present work, due to their diverse properties which provide boundless scope to develop innovative approaches towards the newlinedevelopment of devices with improved thermoelectric (TE) efficiency. The green technology of conversion of waste heat to electric current by the TE phenomena offers a noise-free alternative with low mechanical newlineand conduction losses for small scale refrigeration and power generation modules. Though, thermoelectric devices offer better reliability and durability, one of the major challenges is to develop a material system newlinewith high figure of merit (ZT) in the variable temperature ranges. From the research reports it is evident that, generally for scientific studies, conventional melt methods were used to grow bulk Sb2Te3 crystals, where nonstoichiometry, polycrystallinity and multi-phase formation raise problems. Furthermore, large fluctuations in TE properties have been exhibited by single crystals synthesized from the melt, which preclude their uses in devices. The ability to control as well as engineer various newlineproperties of Sb2Te3 depends on the choice of growth method, experimental tools and processes. Even though substantial work has been published on the studies of cleaved samples of crystals grown from the melt, the growth mechanism and TE investigations on vapor deposited platelet structures of Sb2Te3-xSx and Sb2-xInxTe3 have not been investigated so far. With the prime focus on vapor deposition as an alternative to melt methods to produce defect free, good quality stoichiometric and mechanically stable crystals with improved ZT, the research was aimed at growth and characterization of Sb2Te3 and related newlinethermoelectric materials. -
Establishing a service composition framework for smart healthcare system
As the idea of location awareness has already matured and numerous applications are flooded in today s word, the logical next step reasons out, to context-awareness. Though the idea of context-awareness has been in the newlineresearch field for close to two decades, the recent advancement in Internet of Things has brought a more compelling thrust in its research. Sensor networks integrating billions of sensors and actuators will be prevalent in the near future producing big data. Filtering and analysing this data with the contextual information will yield more significant results. But deducing the newlinecontext information itself poses many challenges and unresolved research problems. Context-awareness systems involve acquiring, analysing, reasoning the data and composing the services for suitable action. Service newlinecomposition either by orchestrating or choreographing technique has been deployed in certain applications, however, each domain requires unique methodology. Healthcare has always been the top priority when it comes to newlineapplying novel technologies. Applying context-awareness computing in the healthcare service sector is of paramount importance. newlineThe problem context for this research lies in a cardiology speciality hospital s Intensive Therapy Unit or the post-surgery recovery ward which has lot of scenarios emanating that involves course of actions to be delivered by the healthcare professionals depending on the context. Depending on newlinemere human service may not be adequate. With the available advancements in technologies, it would be possible to leverage optimum service in that time critical situations, provided technology can sense the changes in context and act accordingly. The course of actions to be taken involves an amalgamation of understanding the location, presence availability, relevance of and coordination among various departments, machines and personnel. This can be summarized as Response with Context-Awareness . newline -
Mapping location and identity in the works of indian english novelists:
This thesis examines the context of location in relation to constructs of identity in Salman Rushdie s MC, Vikram Seth s ASB and Amitav Ghosh s TSL. It is contended that articulation of selfhood is achieved through its interaction with narrative constructions of space and these depictions serve to map representations of nation. Writers migrant experiences are shown to have a bearing on the aesthetics and geopolitics of these representations. Even though these texts challenge the reductive processes of homogenization at work in the formation of nationalcultural identities, it is contended that they foreground transnational lifestyles and identities.Some of the questions that the thesis asks are: Does the cultural-geographical location of the writer shape the aesthetics of the work? If so, to what extent? In what ways does the diasporic newlineexperience influence the (re)presentation of mediated and inter-connected spaces? How is a newlinecharacter, who does not share the author s diasporic location and experience, depicted? Do the works cater to a Western readership by presenting a palatable version that is only purportedly transnational? Or, are the writers lapsing into a master narrative of universalism? newlineThe creative paradigm allows for the unfolding of the enigma of identity by the interplay of the questions surrounding place - Where am I and what is my place in the world, which reveals who I am. There are real geographies of social action, as well as metaphorical spaces and sites of power that have to be understood in their own right and in the context of shared loci that come together to construct identity. Thus, a comparative study of the novels is conducted on various registers such as dynamics of space, negotiation of borders and boundaries, delineation of multiple identities and representation of nation via language and history. The thesis argues for newlineaesthetic negotiation of borders across locations that maybe geographic and psychic; in order to grapple with and empower subjectivities. -
An Impact of technology based constructivist teaching on acdemic achivement of IX standrad students of Bengaluru city
Modern education emphasizes on learner centered and joyful learning which is the newlineneed of the hour as well initiated by educationists and education commission. They opine that, children need to keep active throughout the teaching and learning process and encourage self-learning and independent learning. One such emerging practice is constructivist teaching. It has changed the educational practice and converted Passive Learner Centered Environment into Active Learner Centered Environment.Constructivism newlinebelieves that learning is not encouraged in zero ground but on previous experience and newlineprior knowledge. It is the beginning for construction of new knowledge. In the context of Indian school education, it is rightly accepted as one of the pedagogical practice in National Curriculum Framework 2005 and National Curriculum Framework for Teacher newlineEducation 2009. It is also duly adopted in school education and teacher education newlineprogramme of Karnataka. Apart from constructivist approach, technology and technology integration highly influence on present education system. Technology not used only for drill,practice, tutorial etc. but also for construction of knowledge. newlineIn this context, there is a need for technology integration in constructivist practice and to give new framework for learning, teaching as well as for learner centered education. newlineHence, this research is conducted to study An Impact of Technology Based Constructivist Teaching on Academic Achievement of IX Standard Students of Bengaluru City .The main objective of the study is to compare the effectiveness of Constructivist Teaching and Technology Based Constructivist Teaching on academic achievement of IX standard students in Social Science subject. newlineThe present study is experimental in nature newlinewith two equivalent group design. In this study purposive sampling technique is used. The sample comprised of 156 students studying in IX standard of two schools (Government newlineand Private School) of Bengaluru city affiliated to state board. -
A refined mechanism for human face recongnition from video footages
Undoubtedly homeland security is a noteworthy concern in today's increasingly connected world and there is a bevy of IT-based security solutions and services emerging and evolving to guarantee the safety and security of people and properties. Security and surveillance cameras are the prominent security solutions. People movements, gestures, and activities are being minutely monitored, captured as images and videos, and subjected to a variety of investigations in order to extract anything uncommon. As videos capture the movement, there is no requirement for the user to coordinate with the camera; video arrangements need not contain face images alone despite the fact that human appearances are vital articles in video sequences. Henceforth recognising a face from the sequence of a video turns into an essential undertaking in PC vision applications. As the user is not totally coordinating with the camera, it is not necessary that the face captured in the video sequence is the frontal face. At times, it need not be a human face. Hence, it is necessary to detect the human face region in a frame. If a human face is detected in a video sequence, there are chances that the detected face can be masked. It is also possible that the faces can be captured in various poses. There is also a difficulty in identifying a face subjected to various illuminations. The above natural possibility of not capturing the frontal face of a human in a frame makes the identification task difficult. This problem prompts researchers working under face recognition technology to design an improved framework that increases the recognition rate in the above situations. From the above-mentioned possibilities that deteriorate the recognition rate of a face, in this thesis work, two major problems namely face with varying pose and partially occluded faces are considered for recognition from a captured video. -
Growth and characterization of InBi1-xSbx InBi1-xTex and γ-In2Se3 crystals
Theory and innovating practices of crystal growth heralded cutting edge breakthroughs in the production of proficient crystals towards the advancement of science and technology. Unique characteristics and band structure provide great flexibility for structural design and band gap engineering of indium bismuthide (InBi) compounds. Substitution of antimony and tellurium elements results in the transition of InBi to a semiconducting state with narrow energy gap, making it suitable for optoelectronic devices. Need of eco-friendly sustainable processes concerning the elimination of hazardous materials bring and#947;-In2Se3 in the forefront of photovoltaic industry, due to its wide band gap as well as n-type conductivity. Thus, realizing the immense potential attributes of InBi1-xSbx, InBi1-xTex (x = 0-0.2) and and#947;-In2Se3 crystals, the present research was focussed on pioneering their growth and characterization.Horizontal directional solidification (HDS), being the versatile, inexpensive melt growth technique, was employed for obtaining InBi1-xSbx, and InBi1-xTex (x = 0-0.2) crystals. On the other hand, closed tube sublimation (CTS) was found to be most effective for deposition of and#947;-In2Se3 crystals. Platelet and spherulitic morphologies of and#947;-In2Se3 crystals have been grown by the vapor deposition for the first time, under different growth environments. Morphology, structure and quality of the as-grown crystals were studied, employing various scientific procedures such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive analysis by X-rays (EDAX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Transport parameters, melting point and phase purity have been evaluated with the aid of Hall effect measurement, four probe set up, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Raman spectroscopy. Vickers indentation testing was utilized for the evaluation of microhardness and deformation characteristics. -
An Anthropologically comprehensive model of education
The educational realm we find ourselves in owes much to the work of philosophers. Educational policy and practice have evolved and progressed across the centuries through their influence, some of which have been through great social travails. Humanity has sifted and accepted them through careful consideration. However, not all philosophies are entirely beneficial. Some are given to aberrations. This doctoral dissertation is a systematic look at some of these philosophies, which on critical evaluation, reveal fault lines in our educational enterprise. newlineThe contemporary educational scenario is dominated by idealism and consumerism and, as such, falls short of promoting the comprehensive welfare of the anthropos or the human person. We present a thesis newlinestatement and employ the historico-critical methodology to examine these issues and use logical, ethical and moral arguments, besides, supporting texts, aphorisms and thought experiments to argue for our position. Jean-Paul Sartre had stated that philosophical anthropology is the study of the essence of the human being and the human condition. With its roots planted there, we present a conceptual model of the anthropos that could serve as the starting point for educational policy. We put forward five dimensions to be catered to by any educational program and call it the newlineAnthropo-Centered Model of Education or ACME. That completes Part I of the dissertation. newlineIn Part II, we explore the five dimensions. The attempt has been to zero in on the underlying issues and elucidate them. At some places, we use analysis, at others, speculation and close synthetically as we integrate our model. The dissertation ends with the prospectus of a high school, newlineenvisioned on the basis of this research, to come up in the city of Bangalore. -
The impact of holistic education on value preference social comperence and leadership skills of engineering students
Students usually begin their academic journey in college or university during the late adolescence (17-20 years). In this dynamic period of lifespan, they are highly vulnerable to the limitations in personality development related issues of gender, self-esteem, competition, and cultural membership which may result in many challenges in life. Viewing positively, students at this age could be trained for integral growth holistically. Holistic education involves the complete and solid formation of every aspect of a student s personality. Its goal is to nurture individuals to be intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable (CMI Vision, 1991). Hence, the focus is to enable an individual to go beyond the acquisition, generation and application of knowledge but to transcend to higher realms of self-development, social integration and contribution. Thus, Holistic Education makes an attempt to take one through various aspects of personal, interpersonal and social dimensions of human life, and finally, helps individuals to understand the reality of life to live fully as human beings. This study was embarked to assess the impact of Holistic Education on the value preference, social competence, and leadership skills of engineering students. newlineThe research design was single group pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test experimental design. The researcher developed and standardised the Holistic Education curriculum with the support of the relevant literature and the subject experts. A pilot study was conducted on first year engineering students to get hands-on experience of the programme and to assess the impact of the facilitative tool. For the present intervention, 55 students from the first-year engineering class of a university in Bengaluru were selected using stratified random sampling method. -
A Mixed methods study of psyhosocial factors in career decision making in adolescents
Career choice is an important developmental task in adolescence and is influenced by many factors. Using a mixed methods research design, this study aimed to understand career decision making and factors influencing the same in adolescents. In the quantitative phase the relationship between career maturity and perceived parenting style, personality traits, metacognition, socio- economic status, gender, college type, stream of study and decision status was studied in students studying in II Year Pre- University in Bangalore, India. Career decisions, personal and family factors in career decision making were explored in the qualitative phase. Informed consent was obtained from the participants and parents of the participants of the study. newlineQuantitative data was collected from 548 students studying in Arts, Science and Commerce stream in second year Pre- University in Bangalore. Students from eight private and seven government colleges were recruited for the study. Quantitative data was collected using a socio- demographic data sheet, Career Maturity Inventory, Parental Authority Questionnaire, Neo Five Factor Inventory and Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. The scales were translated to Kannada and back translated. In the qualitative phase, data was collected through a semi- structured interview schedule designed for this study. 30 students who were a part of the quantitative phase took part in this phase. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis. Statistical analysis was done to analyze quantitative data. Descriptive statistics, correlation, regression analysis, t tests and one-way ANOVA was done. Qualitative data was analyzed by template analysis and themes were derived from the data. The results revealed associations between personality traits neuroticism, openness and conscientiousness and specific aspects of career maturity attitude and competence. -
Effectiveness of adjuvant psychological therapy on alexithymia fatigue and affective dimensions among women with breast cancer
Psychological aspects in women with breast cancer are many. Among them are those related to what patients go through at different phases of treatment such as newlinediagnosis, pre and post-surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Women with breast cancer experience psychological repercussions which are specific to them. Some of them are poor body image, self-depreciation, weight changes and hair loss can be distressing to women with breast cancer. newlineThe underlying cause could be a deficit in emotional processing and affect regulation. This could lead to an inability in verbalising and identifying feelings newlinewhich is known as alexithymia. Closely related is the concept of fatigue which is newlinesubjective and tiredness which could last beyond treatments related to cancer. An newlineoverriding concept which could explain and understand these concepts is affect and newlinemood. Towards this end the objective of the study was to examine the efficacy of adjuvant psychological therapy in breast cancer in terms of alexithymia, fatigue, newlinedepression, anxiety, stress and positive and negative affect. newlineThe study also explored if there was an association among alexithymia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress and negative affect. The study consisted of 20 patients in the intervention and control groups each. newlineThey were administered the following scales namely, Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), Checklist of Individual Strength, Positive and Negative Affect Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. Towards the end of the sessions, they were administered Revised Sessions Reactions Scale. Adjuvant Psychological Therapy is a therapy tailor made for those with cancer which includes both cognitive and behavioral techniques. The results indicated that among the subscales and total alexithymia scores, newlinethere were statistically significant differences across three time-frames in the newlineintervention group. -
Enhancement of resilience an quality of life using strength based counselling and the mediating role of parental bonding in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
The current study was an attempt to understand the socio-demographic profile of newlineadolescents with type 1diabetes, the relationship between variables such as resilience, quality of life, parental bonding and the mediating role of parental bonding. It was also aimed to understand parent s perception of the adolescent s resilience and quality of life and their newlineexperiences. In phase 1, 100 adolescents/ newlinechildren (M=40, F=60, Age 10-18years) with an newlineexisting diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and their parents were enrolled from two hospitals and one clinic in Bangalore. The adolescents were administered Paediatric Quality Of Life for Diabetics (PedsQL) (Child and Adolescent Form), The Resilience Scale for Youth (CYRM), The Parental Bonding Instrument PBI (Father and Mother Form ). Parents were administered the consent form, demographic data sheet and parent version of resilience and quality of life.All scales were translated and back translated. In Phase 2 of the study, an intervention model based on the principles of strength newlinebased counselling to enhance resilience and quality of life (SBCTD1) was developed and newlineused. Qualitative interviews were conducted to understand the experiences of parents of newlinechildren/adolescents having type 1 diabetes. These interviews were tape recorded. 50 newlineadolescents from Phase1, were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n=25) and the control group (n=25). For the intervention group after going through the sessions the Resilience Scales and The Paediatric Quality of Life scales were administered after one and three months respectively. HbA1c values were also collected again after three months of newlineintervention. Control group received regular care and treatment at the center and were not newlineexposed to the model developed for the study. -
A study on key determinants of economic growth during pre and post reform periods in india
Schumpeter says that economic life is a process of growth and change, meaning newlinedevelopment . The process involves interplay of forces or factors of production, viz. land, labour and capital. The understanding of economic growth has improved enormously in recent years. There has been a much greater understanding of the interrelated laws governing the growth of population, the pace of capital accumulation, the rate of technological innovation in an environment characterised by relative scarcity of natural newlineresources. The major determinants of Indian economic growth, identified in this study in terms of their influence on productivity of different sectors are physical capital formation, technological progress, human capital formation, increase in labour force, foreign investment and trade openness. newlineThere are some notable features associated with economic growth in India. One, it is found that the structural adjustments leading to foreign capital inflow and trade openness have fuelled the economic growth in India after economic reforms in 1991. Two, it is observed that exports and imports play a significant role in determining economic growth in India in the post reform period. Three, despite the new growth there are issues like imbalances with regard to employment, manufacturing base, social newlineindicators etc., even as India strives to enhance competitiveness, competence and global relevance. newlineIt is in this context that the present study looks into the major issues and challenges related to the changes in the sectoral composition of economic growth in India over time. It also attempts to identify and discuss the influence of key determinants of economic growth in the pre and post reform periods in India. In this context, it is very crucial to study how different sectors influence the overall growth of a country at various points of its growth trajectory. newlineInterestingly, the analysis shows that the services sector growth has become the highlight of India s changing growth pattern in the post reform era. -
India's outward foreign direct investment a study of host country determinants and implications on trade
India s outward foreign direct investment newline(OFDI) has registered substantial increase since the 1990s. It is significant to analyse the motivation, location choices and implications of this trend since empirical newlineresearch has largely addressed OFDI originating from developed countries. newlineThis study analyses the pattern of India s OFDI, its changing contours in terms of host country location, composition across sectors and its implication on exports. The study aims to link motivation of investment newlineto location factors across developed and developing countries. Using OFDI newlinedata from 2001to 2013, the study analyses host country economic factors that are significant in the location of India s OFDI in the ambit of eclectic paradigm. The study empirically tests market seeking, resource seeking and strategic asset seeking nature of India s OFDI adopting a panel data newlinemethodology. newlineThe results of the study show that India s OFDI is motivated by market seeking and resource seeking in both developed and developing countries. Strategic assets are a significant motivation for investment in the newlinedeveloped countries and not in the developing countries.India s OFDI is also positively associated with host country policies like openness. To study the implication of OFDI, the study empirically tests the relation between India s OFDI and exports using time series methodology. The empirical test newlineof the relation between OFDI and exports shows a significant long term positive relation between the two. newlineThe current research is presented in six chapters. Chapter 1 consists of the introduction, objectives, hypotheses and significance of the study. Chapter 2 consists of the literature review. The changing direction and composition by sectors is analysed in chapter 3. Chapter 4 contains the methodology. Chapter 5 presents the results of the study and chapter 6 contains the conclusion and policy implications. newline -
Managing individual and orgnizational challenges with respect to diversity perceptions and social capital among members of virtual teams,
Diversity encompasses complex differences and similarities in perspectives, identities, and points of view among members of an institution as well as among individuals who make up the wider community. Diversity includes important and interrelated dimensions of human identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and newlineexpression, socio-economic status, nationality, citizenship, religion, newlinesexual orientation, ability and age. These differences are important to understand but they cannot be used to predict any individual s values, choices or responses. Organizations with diverse employees are better suited to serve diverse external customers in an increasingly global market. Such organizations have a better understanding of the requirements of the legal, political, social, economic, and cultural environments. Organizations that manage diversity are recipients of more commitment, and better satisfied as well newlineas better performing employees (Patrick and Kumar,2012). newlineEnsuring better social relations among team members has become complex. The nature of teams is not how they used to be, organizations have spread across geographically which has led to the birth of virtual teams. Virtual team members are been separated by time and space this makes it even more difficult to ensure that social capital is being maintained among virtual team members, as only when there is a trust, newlinereciprocity and cooperation among virtual team members they will be better connected individuals who obtain greater advantages, this ensures that groups and organizations improve performance and obtain sustainable competitive advantage (Tsai and Ghoshal, 1998). newlineThe present investigation was focused on understanding the perception of members of virtual teams towards diversity at workplace. newlineThis study newlineassists us to find out how virtual team members can overcome Individual newlineand Organizational Challenges towards diversity and to find out the social newlinerelations among virtual team members, how much trust exists among them. -
Development and standardization of a tool to measure direction, motive and affect of social comparison among adolescents
Social comparison process is a pervasive social phenomenon (Suls, Martin and Wheeler, 2002). People very often make a comparison with others either intentionally or unintentionally in their daily life. This phenomenon of perceiving self in one s social standing in comparison to others can influence different outcomes including self-concepts, self-esteem, and distinct feelings.This evaluative method provides useful information to generate accurate evaluation about one s abilities and opinion, especially on self-related dimensions. This concepts is very relevant to study in the adolescent population, as children s development of self is largely shaped by social environment experience with family and friends. Social comparison plays an important role in adolescents development of one self-concept especially self-esteem in important dimensions of self. Having outlined the relevance of social comparison theory in the context of this research, it is imperative to attempt this type of exploration and developing a concept based assessment tool to measure different facet of social comparison theory-direction, motive and affect. newlineThis study followed mixed design to better set the context through theoretical and empirical approach for the development for a new tool. In the initial phase, concept exploration was done through literature review to understand the conceptual framework of the approach, followed by qualitative exploration using interview method on 12 adolescents and 4 school counselors. This exploration let to the development of items based on eight dimensions of self, identified in this study. In the second phase, a pilot test was conducted on a sample of 237 adolescents and fulfilled the initial psychometric cleansing of the tool. In the third phase, the main test was administered to sample of 531 adolescents age between (12-16 years). The initial construct analysis was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis and the scale satisfied the model fit hypothesis using structural equation model (SEM).