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Bharatanatyam and Art activism in the Networked Digital Space
All over the world, traditional models of art activism through dance involved performances that reached a limited audience, while the advent of networked digital spaces has vastly expanded the scope of art activism to a global level. Offering a qualitative netnographic exploration of how Bharatanatyam has been employed for such art activism in the digital space, this article examines the implications for this prominent traditional South Indian dance form in terms of stylistic changes as well as viewer reactions. Through content analysis of the viewer responses to ten popular renditions uploaded on YouTube over five years (20162020), we trace how the art form is evolving and how activist goals are reciprocated by the audience. Our findings confirm that Bharatanatyam has great potential to evolve by adapting novel social themes. However, while such contemporary renditions may elicit viewer responses that critically appraise specific social issues and pave the way for social change, the resulting innovations continue to co-exist with old conflicts and tensions about traditional art and its uses. 2023 The Author(s). -
Volatility Clustering in Nifty Energy Index Using GARCH Model
Volatility has become increasingly important in derivative pricing and hedging, risk management, and portfolio optimisation. Understanding and forecasting volatility is an important and difficult field of finance research. According to empirical findings, stock market returns demonstrate time variable volatility with a clustering effect. Hence, there is a need to determine the volatility in Indian stock market. The authors use Nifty Energy data to analyse volatility since the Nifty Energy data can to be used to estimate the behaviour and performance of companies that represents petroleum, gas, and power sector. The results reflect that Indian stock market has high volatility clustering. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Predictive analysis in smart agriculture
Analyzing large databases for hidden connections, correlations and insights is known as big data analytics. Although many countries still use outdated farming methods, technological advancements have allowed for specific improvements (especially in developing countries). Big data analytics has the potential to expand the agricultural sector in this regard significantly. The farmers rely heavily on old methods for deciding what to plant and how to cultivate it. Walking through fields, selecting soil samples for moisture analysis, and visually inspecting plant leaves are typical examples of these time-honored practices. Understanding the significance of technology for acquiring crop information in considerable amounts and turning that data into usable knowledge is crucial for agriculturists (mainly farmers). Integration of big data could help agriculture make changes to its current practices. If used correctly, big data analytics can shed light on the most efficient crop cultivation methods. Extensive developments in three areas-crop prediction, precision farming and seed production-are reshaping the agricultural industry. There are four parts to this chapter. The first part of this paper provides an introduction to analytics on big data in agriculture. The second part will then focus on the various big data methods used in the agricultural sector. The third section provides two examples of how big data analysis methods were put to use in the field of agriculture. In the fourth section, the authors examine the several agricultural research avenues open to scholars and scientists. This chapter concludes with a brief overview. 2023 River Publishers. All rights reserved. -
A Stacked BiLSTM based Approach for Bus Passenger Demand Forecasting using Smart Card Data
Demand forecasting is crucial in the business sector. Despite the inherent uncertainty of the future, it is essential for any firm to be able to accurately predict the market for both short- and long-term planning in order to place itself in a profitable position. The proposed approach focus on the passenger transport sector because it is particularly vulnerable to fluctuations in consumer demand for perishable commodities. At every stage of the planning process from initial network designs to final pricing of inventory for each vehicle in a route-an accurate prediction of demand is essential. Forecasting passenger demand is crucial since passenger transportation is responsible for a substantial chunk of global commerce. The suggested method relies on three distinct techniques: data preparation, feature selection, and model training. Data modification, cleansing, and reduction are the three sub-processes that make up preprocessing. When it comes to feature selection, partition-based clustering algorithms like k-means are the norm. Let's go on to training the models with stacked BiLSTM. The proposed method is demonstrably superior to both LSTM and BiLSTM, the two most common competing approaches. The proposed method had a success rate of 98.45 percent. 2023 IEEE. -
Organic food products: A study on perceptions of indian consumers
Organic food products are popular across Europe and United States of America. Asia is not far behind with India being a prominent player. The concept of organic food products is not new to Indian farmers. However, there is not much of a consumption taking place domestically despite the fact that India is one of the top 10 players in the world when it comes to the number of farmers engaged in organic cultivation. This study was conducted to understand the factors of consumer perception towards organic food products. The study covered both primary investigation and secondary literature review. Data was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire and was analyzed using percentage analysis and factor analysis to identify the factors of consumer perception. -
MLLR based speaker adaptation for indian accents
Speech Recognition has become an inherent and important feature of today's mobile based apps. Speech input is a very popular option for people with limitations of using the keyboard / mouse in a computer system. Nowadays, more voice messages are used than written text as they also convey the emotions of the speakers. As solutions are developed with native speakers of a language, many of the English input systems have higher accuracy for native speakers than for people with English as their second language (L2), especially for Asian population. The complexity increases since the accent and intonation of Indian speakers are varied from region to region and state to state. This paper analyses an effective speaker adaptation mechanism implemented with Indian speaker profiles and with a very small amount of adaptation data. This research is to facilitate a speaker adaptive system for the speech disabled users with limited disabilities like stuttering and/or unintelligible speech due to illness like cerebral palsy. Experimental results show improvements in the recognition accuracy for speakers speaking small sentences. 2017 University of Bahrain. All rights reserved. -
Analysis of Unintelligible Speech for MLLR and MAP-Based Speaker Adaptation
Speech Recognition is the process of translating human voice into textual form, which in turn drives many applications including HCI (Human Computer Interaction). A recognizer uses the acoustic model to define rules for mapping sound signals to phonemes. This article brings out a combined method of applying Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) and Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) techniques to the acoustic model of a generic speech recognizer, so that it can accept data of people with speech impairments and transcribe the same. In the first phase, MLLR technique was applied to alter the acoustic model of a generic speech recognizer, with the feature vectors generated from the training data set. In the second phase, parameters of the updated model were used as informative priors to MAP adaptation. This combined algorithm produced better results than a Speaker Independent (SI) recognizer and was less effortful for training compared to a Speaker Dependent (SD) recognizer. Testing of the system was conducted with the UA-Speech Database and the combined algorithm produced improvements in recognition accuracy from 43% to 90% for medium to highly impaired speakers revealing its applicability for speakers with higher degrees of speech disorders. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Waveform Analysis and Feature Extraction from Speech Data of Dysarthric Persons
Speech recognition systems provide a natural way of interacting with computers and serve as an alternative to the more popular but less intuitive peripherals (input / output devices). Tools employing the techniques of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) can be extended to serve people with speech disabilities so that they can overcome the difficulties faced in their interaction with general public. An attempt is made here to achieve this goal by mapping the distorted speech signals of people with severe levels of dysarthria to that of a normal speech and/or less severe dysarthric speech. The analysis is carried out by comparing the speech waveforms of the people with and without communication disorders and then extracting the features from the audio files. The differences in time, duration, frequency and PSD are used to facilitate the mapping of unintelligible speech data to intelligible ones. When reasonable accuracy levels are achieved in this mapping, the normal voice can be used as the substitute / surrogate of the original distorted voice. 2019 IEEE. -
Speech disabilities in adults and the suitable speech recognition software tools - A review
Speech impairment, though not a major obstacle, is still a problem for people who suffer from it, while they are making public presentations. This paper describes the different speech disabilities in adults and reviews the available software and other computer based tools that facilitate better communication for people with speech impairment. The motivation for this writing has been the fact that stuttering, one of the types of speech disability has affected about 1 percentage of the people worldwide. This fact was provided by the Stuttering Foundation of America, a Non-profit Organization, functioning since 1947. A solution to stuttering is expected to benefit a considerable population. Speech recognition software tools help people with disabilities use their computers and other hand held devices to satisfy their day-to-day needs which otherwise, require dedicated domestic help and also question the person's ability to be independent. ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) systems are popular among the common people and people with motor disabilities, while using these techniques for the treatment of speech correction is a current research field and is of interest to SLPs/SLTs (Speech Language Pathologist / Speech Language Therapist). On-going research also includes development of ASR based software to facilitate comfortable oral communication with people suffering from speech dysfunctions, i.e., in the domain of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). 2015 IEEE. -
Exploring factors of consumer perception and attitude towards organic food consumption in India
Organic food market is witnessing an exponential growth in India. However, contradictory to expectations consumption of organic foods as compared to conventional food is still at nascent stage and many empirical studies have indicated this trend. Many of the food retailers have started organic food business across the nation but consumption level has remained significantly low. Impetus for this study came from this contrarian trend and it is crucial to garner insights from awareness and attitude of consumers towards organic food products in terms of why there is gap between awareness and attitude and actual consumption. While there are many empirical studies, not many studies have been conducted in India context. This study is based on descriptive research design constituting a sample of 250 respondents and the data was collected by administering a questionnaire on Likert scale. Study revealed that there was significant gap between perception and attitude of consumers. Factors namely health benefits and concern for environment have higher influence Price sensitivity. Thus, this study helps to bring about an understanding regarding the awareness and attitude of consumers towards organic food products in terms of opportunities ahead and overcoming unaddressed issues. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
2D Photonic Crystal Nano Biosensor with IoT Intelligence
Optical biosensors based on photonic crystals (PCs) offer interesting possibilities for the analysis and identification of bioanalytes. PC is a periodically varying artificial dielectric material that determines the propagation of modes present in the structure. Within dielectric media, there are modes that are selected based on structural perturbations. Changes in the refractive index of biological analytes are used to identify biological samples and are therefore used as sensing media in many applications. Because these PC sensors are designed in the nano range, they have excellent selectivity and sensitivity. The PC is ultra-compact and only small amounts of analyte are required for bioanalyte detection. Quantification of bioanalytes and biochemicals is one of the greatest challenges in the medical and diagnostic fields. However, these electronic devices cannot be directly connected to biological analytes, so the most difficult task is to extract the analyte information and convert it into electronic signals. Optical biosensors offer an attractive way to interrogate the content of bioanalytes because they directly convert biological events into electrical signals. It is also called a self-contained integrated physical medium because of its many applications such as food industry, drug delivery, point-of-care diagnostic sensing devices, and environmental monitoring. Based on the analyte placed on the PC sensor, resonant wavelengths are observed and the measurements are stored in a database. Diseases are identified based on the current users cognitive value, and data is transmitted and monitored over the Internet of Things. 2024 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
Product knowledge attitude and motivation on purchase intention towards organic food products
India is credited to have the largest area under organic food cultivation. The size of the area earmarked with organic food cultivation is akin to countries like newlineArgentina, Brazil, China and Uruguay. newlineDelhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Pune are four cities in India that are experiencing increased consumer interest towards organic food products. This increased consumer interest has led to the emergence of many retailers to sell organic food products that have their presence across the above mentioned four cities. Conscious Foods, Eco Farms, Morarka Organic Foods, Navdanya, Organic India, Sresta etc are some of the retailers doing business in the organic food market segment. The consumer demand for food products that are cultivated organically in India for the period between 2012 and 2017 was predicted to increase at a CAGR of approximately 19%. In India, consumer demand for organically produced food products between the period 2015 and 2020 is expected to increase at a CAGR above 25% (India Organic Food market, 2020). Domestic demand towards organically produced food products for the Indian market presently is approximated at 40,000 million Indian Rupees. This figure is poised to increase by 100,000 million to 120,000 million Indian Rupees for the year 2020 with an identical increase in exports business towards organic food products ( Big Basket keen on collaborating with organic farmers in Karnataka, 2017). Although India is a developing economy, the market for organic food products is immature. Country specific research undertaken by AC Nielsen in the year 2006 revealed that despite Indians being one of the top ten buyers of food fortified with additives for general well-being; do not have access to organic food products. Poor infra-structure conditions in the country such as transportation facilities, storage, warehousing, etc leads to low volume of the newlineproducts for transaction which further increases selling price of organic food newlineproducts. -
An IoT-Based System for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Solar PV Panels
This abstract describes an IoT-based system for fault detection and diagnosis in solar PV panels. The proposed Fuzzy logic-based fault detection algorithms aims to improve the performance and reliability of solar PV panels, which can be affected by various faults such as shading, soiling, degradation, and electrical faults. The system includes wireless sensor nodes that are deployed on the panels to collect data on their electrical parameters and environmental conditions, such as temperature, irradiance, and humidity. The collected data is then transmitted to a central server for processing and analysis using machine learning algorithms. The system can detect and diagnose faults in real-time, and provide alerts and recommendations to maintenance personnel to take appropriate actions to prevent further damage or downtime. The system has several advantages over traditional manual inspection and maintenance methods, including reduced downtime, lower maintenance costs, and improved energy efficiency. The proposed system has been validated through experimental tests, and the results show that it can accurately detect and diagnose faults in solar PV panels with high reliability and efficiency. 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
Approximate Binary Stacking Counters for Error Tolerant Computing Multipliers
To increase the power and efficiency of VLSI circuits, a new, creative multiplying methodology is required. Multiplication is a crucial arithmetic operation for many of these applications. As a result, the newly proposed error-tolerant computing multiplier is a crucial component in the design of approximate multipliers that are both power and gate efficient. We have created approximative multipliers for several operand lengths using this suggested method and a 45-nm library. Depending on their probability, the approximation for the accumulation of changing partial products varies. In compared to approximate multipliers that were previously given, the proposed circuit produces better results. When column-wise generate elements are added to the modified partial product matrix using an OR gate, the output is usually accurate. The amount of energy used, and its silicon area have been considerably reduced in the suggested multiplier when compared to traditional multipliers by 41.92% and 18.47%, respectively. One of the platforms that these suggested multipliers are suitable for is the image processing application. 2024 IEEE. -
VLSI Implementation of Area-Error Optimized Compressor-Based Modified Wallace Tree Multiplier
Approximate multiplier designs can improve their energy efficiency and performance with only a slight loss in accuracy by using approximate arithmetic circuits. This method is appropriate for applications where an approximative answer is acceptable because it uses a range of calculation approaches to those priorities, returning a potentially erroneous result above one that is assured to be exact. The basic idea underlying approximate computing is that, while accurate calculation may require a lot of resources, bounded approximation can result in considerable speed and energy efficiency advantages without sacrificing accuracy. The approximate 4:2 compressor and exact compressors, as well as half adders and full adders, make up the proposed approximate multiplier. The steps of the multiplier architecture are optimised using the recently suggested modified Wallace Tree Multiplier Architecture. When compared to previous designs, the proposed multiplier architecture can generate outcomes with the least amount of inaccuracy. The multiplier architecture is also finished in just two steps. The Modified Wallace Tree Architecture used in the suggested approximate multiplier excels by providing an error rate of 71.80% and a mean error of 173.82. As a result, the mean ? error Product improved by 10%, the error rate improved by 23.3%, and the mean error increased by 31.04%. This is accomplished by the proposed approximate multiplier with a small increase of 22.36% in total power consumption. 2023 IEEE. -
Performance Evaluation Frameworks in the Context of Indian Microfinance Institutions
The paper conducts a detailed examination of the existing evaluative frameworks for microfinance institutions to gauge the differences and similarities. Efficiency evaluates how MFIs are meeting the performance standards considering time and budget constraints. Outreach evaluates the effectiveness of MFIs in reaching the beneficiaries. Relative efficiency scores were calculated using data envelopment analysis and outreach was measured in five different dimensions (pentagon model). Further, cluster analysis assisted in categorizing the MFIs into five value clusters. The study compares both outreach performance and relative efficiency scores employing ANOVA and correlation analysis. The study was conducted among the Indian context when the sector was hit by crisis during 2010. Paper brought out important insights about the sample. Indian MFIs were found to be more socially efficient, since the social dimension taken into consideration was number of female clients and majority of Indian MFIs has exclusive female focus. The correlation tests found that relative efficiency scores are positively related to depth (poor focus) and length (sustainability) outreach. The results showed that cluster analysis model basing outreach scores was more comprehensive and captured more information compared to the data envelopment model relative efficiency scores. The study is original in its approach in using cluster analysis for outreach performance and in the objective of comparing the two different models. 2019 Aruna Balammal et al., published by Sciendo 2019. -
A study on prediction of health care data using machine learning
Every clinical-decision relies on the doctors experience and knowledge. Perhaps this conventional practice may look appropriate, but it may lead to unpredictable errors, biases, and maximized costs that may affect QoS (Quality-of-Service) given to patients. To help the doctor to save time, the conventional practice to analyze the data for clinical-decision support has to be updated. Machine Learning (ML) and Data Mining (DM) algorithms have applied to have greater and higher predictions. This paper studies a set of ML algorithms by which clinical-predictions are going to be more appropriate and cost-effective. IJSTR 2020. -
Secured Cloud Computing for Medical Database Monitoring Using Machine Learning Techniques
A growing number of people are calling on the health-care industry to adopt new technologies that are becoming accessible on the market in order to improve the overall quality of their services. Telecommunications systems are integrated with computers, connectivity, mobility, data storage, and information analytics to make a complete information infrastructure system. It is the order of the day to use technology that is based on the Internet of Things (IoT). Given the limited availability of human resources and infrastructure, it is becoming more vital to monitor chronic patients on an ongoing basis as their diseases deteriorate and become more severe. A cloud-based architecture that is capable of dealing with all of the issues stated above may be able to provide effective solutions for the health-care industry. With the purpose of building software that would mix cloud computing and mobile technologies for health-care monitoring systems, we have assigned ourselves the task of designing software. Using a method devised by Higuchi, it is possible to extract stable fractal values from electrocardiogram (ECG) data, something that has never been attempted previously by any other researcher working on the development of a computer-aided diagnosis system for arrhythmia. As a result of the results, it is feasible to infer that the support vector machine has attained the best classification accuracy attainable for fractal features. When compared to the other two classifiers, the feed forward neural network model and the feedback neural network model, the support vector machine excels them both. Furthermore, it should be noted that the sensitivity of both the feed forward neural network and the support vector machine yields results that are equivalent in quality (92.08% and 90.36%, respectively). 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Transforming towards 6G: Critical Review of Key Performance Indicators
With the experiences acquired upon the successful implementation of 5G networks academia, researchers, and industry are envisioning the need for 6G networks. The vision of the 6G communication network is supposed to completely assist the creation of a Ubiquitous Intelligent Mobile Society. Already 5G technologies are in place and still few extended features of 5G are continuously being introduced. Even though the 6G communication network is expected to have greater capabilities than the existing 5G, there are no clear specifications on how far these capabilities shall be capitalized in 6G. The 6G technologies shall move past ordinary mobile internet services and advance to support ubiquitous Artificial Intelligent (AI) services from the network's core to end-to-end service devices/applications. The architecture, protocols, and operations which are the primary constituents of the 6G network shall implement AI technologies for self-optimization and actualization. This article brings an all-inclusive deliberation of 6G based on an assessment of preceding generations' evolving technology developments. 2022 IEEE.