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Resource Aware Weighted Least Connection Load Balancing Technique in Cloud Computing
Cloud computing became a pivotal for the most of the real time applications. In cloud computing, the customer demands the services with the best performance even when the application is expanding rapidly. Therefore, it is essential to manage the resources effectively because the number of users and services growing proportionately. The main aim of the load balancing technique is to allocate the customers' requests with the large pool of resources efficiently. The problem is how to evenly distribute the load of requests among the compute nodes according to their capacity. Therefore, there is a need for an effective load balancing technique for smooth continuity of operations in a distributed environment with a heterogeneous server configuration. This paper presents a novel load balancing technique, namely, Resource aware weighted least connection load balancing which addresses the above said problem efficiently. The essence of this work is to assign the requests across multiple servers based on the requested resource and the status of the number of connections presently served by each server. This work used standard score technique to enumerate the weight of each node. Experiments were conducted using Cloud Analyst, a famous cloud simulator breed from CloudSim. Appropriate performance parameters were analysed to measure the effectiveness of the proposed technique. Future directions for the extension of the implemented technique also identified. 2023 IEEE. -
Exosomes as an emerging nanoplatform for functional therapeutics
The release of a division of extracellular entities with 40-100 nm dimension from both tumor and varied mesenchymal stem cells during pathologic conditions is termed as exosomes that are shown to actively participate in chemical signaling events occurring in multicellular organisms infection. Exosomes act as a vehicle for shifting amino acids, lipids, and genetic components that are readily engulfed by far-flanging cells (or adjacent cells) at the site of release for remolding the receptor cell functions once the biological contents get activated. Furthermore, pathogens too display the dispense of exosomes to temper the hosts immune response and trigger the infection rate, making them apt investigation markers for diseases. Additionally, aiding in antigen presentation and immune response stimulation, exosomes are significant in showing contrasting role as initiating anticarcinogenic responses and involving in promoting tumorigenesis as they are released from tumor cells. Due to their site specificity, cell lineage property, and encapsulation of specific constituents, exosomes can be potentially utilized as a precious investigatory and prognostic tool along with a possible carrier of drugs and gene shipment for curative goal. Since exosome groundwork is at the infancy stage, deeper insight is required to know its composition, formation, and targeting mechanism along with its significant role in disease diagnosis and treatment. This states, as mentioned previously, we have tried to focus solely on the functional and clinical implications of exosomes in-depth in this review. 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -
Customer preferences to select a restaurant through smart phone applications: An exploratory study
The increasing number of Smart Phone Applications (SPA) user and fast growing restaurant industry proves the great potential of using SPA as business marketing opportunity in Malaysia. The constant growth in mobile technology has created a prospect for the restaurant industry to use SPA as a restaurant promotion tool. The growing attention of use of SPA among the Malaysian customer, marketing research remains understudied in the field of SPA based restaurant promotion activities. The aim of this study is to explore the increase in customer acceptance to use SPA based restaurant promotion and to identify the customer preference to use SPA to select the restaurant. Thus, this paper mainly focuses on restaurant information on product and promotion as antecedents of customer acceptance of smart phone apps by underpinning the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. A conceptual model and hypotheses are tested with a sample of 116 students from a private university at Selangor district, Malaysia. The findings indicate that there is a positive relationship to increase customer acceptance level through SPA based restaurant product information and also strong relationship with the restaurant promotion information. It also indicates that customer acceptance of SPA through experience and satisfaction has a positive significant effect on customer preference to select a restaurant. Based on the results, this paper rounds off with conclusion, recommendations for future marketing research and provides a new marketing strategy to formulate among the restaurant business sector. 2015 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved. -
RF-ShCNN: A combination of two deep models for tumor detection in brain using MRI
The tumor in the brain is the reason for jagged cell enlargement in the brain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a common scheme to identify tumor existence in the brain. With these MRIs, the medical practitioner can examine and detect the abnormal growth of tissues and corroborate if the brain is influenced by a tumor or not. Due to the appearance of artificial intelligence models, the discovery of brain tumor is performed by adapting different models which thereby help in making decisions and selecting the most suitable diagnosis for patients. The main motivation of this work is to reduce the death rate. If they are not adequately treated, the survival rate of the patient decreases. The correct diagnoses help patients receive accurate treatments and survive for a long time. This paper develops a hybrid model, namely the Residual fused Shepherd convolution neural network (RF-ShCNN) for discovering tumor in the brain considering MRI. Thus, the Adaptive wiener filtering is adapted to filter image-commencing noise. Thereafter, Conditional Random Fields-Recurrent Neural Networks (CRF-RNN) are adapted for segmentation followed by the mining of essential features. Lastly, the features employed in RF-ShCNN for making effective brain tumor detection by means of MRI. Thus, the RF-ShCNN is built by unifying the deep residual network and Shepherd convolution neural network. The hybridization is done by adding a regression layer wherein the regression is fused with Fractional calculus (FC) to make effective detection. The RF-ShCNN provided better accuracy of 94%, sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 94.9%. 2023 -
Deep fake detection using cascaded deep sparse auto-encoder for effective feature selection
In the recent research era, artificial intelligence techniques have been used for computer vision, big data analysis, and detection systems. The development of these advanced technologies has also increased security and privacy issues. One kind of this issue is Deepfakes which is the combined word of deep learning and fake. DeepFake refers to the formation of a fake image or video using artificial intelligence approaches which are created for political abuse, fake data transfer, and pornography. This paper has developed a Deepfake detection method by examining the computer vision features of the digital content. The computer vision features based on the frame change are extracted using a proposed deep learning model called the Cascaded Deep Sparse Auto Encoder (CDSAE) trained by temporal CNN. The detection process is performed using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to classify the deep fake image/video from the real image/video. The proposed model is implemented using Face2Face, FaceSwap, and DFDC datasets which have secured an improved detection rate when compared to the traditional deep fake detection approaches. 2022. Balasubramanian et al. -
Microlearning and Learning Performance in Higher Education: A Post-Test Control Group Study
This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of microlearning in higher education. The sample consisted of first-year MBA students, and a post-test control group design was used to assess the effectiveness of a microlearning module. The results indicated that the use of microlearning was significantly related to learning performance and participants' reactions to the module. Moreover, the microlearning group scored significantly higher than the control group. The findings suggest that microlearning has the potential to improve learning outcomes and enhance participant engagement. However, the study has certain limitations, and future research is needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the optimal design and delivery of microlearning modules. The study supports the use of microlearning in higher education as an effective instructional strategy. 2024, Commonwealth of Learning. All rights reserved. -
Jugaad in organizational settings: exploring the Jugaad leadership competencies
The Hindi term 'jugaad' is closely linked to frugal innovation. In resource-scarce environments, organizations can thrive by developing jugaad-related leadership abilities. Previous research on jugaad has focused primarily on individual problem-solving and overlooked the leadership skills necessary to implement it in organizational settings. This study employs a theoretical lens of leadership competency models, interpretive phenomenology, purposive sampling, and an inductive data-driven coding approach to explore the jugaad leadership competencies of 28 Indian business leaders and managers. The study presents the Jugaad Leadership Competency (JLC) model, identifying ten competency clusters exhibited by jugaad leaders. This is the first study to develop a model for jugaad leadership in organizational settings. In environments characterized by scarcity and intense competition, the JLC model can aid individuals and organizations in acquiring the necessary competencies for frugal innovation. The study evaluates the theoretical and practical implications of the findings, their transferability, and limitations and offers suggestions for future research. 2023, Springer Nature Limited. -
A structured approach to implementing Robotic Process Automation in HR
Technological innovations are changing the industrial landscape. As technology transforms the world, the HR function needs to focus on embracing automation and other technologies that promise efficiency, service effectiveness and cost savings. Deployment of robotic process automation (RPA) can help (a) to offer better service to employees and managers (b) ensure compliance of HR processes with standards and regulations (c) facilitate rapid initiation and completion of HR processes (d) enhance efficiencies by digitizing data and auditing process data (e) improve HR productivity and cost savings by automating manual and repetitive tasks. A robust and structured approach needs to be in place to identify HR processes that can be automated using the RPA approach. In this paper the authors (a) suggest a four step approach - validation, assessment, evaluation and classification - to analyze processes and verify their suitability for automation using RPA (b) identify HR processes that has relevance for the RPA approach within the broad areas of HR Strategy, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development & Performance Management, Compensation & Benefits, HR Operations and Employee Relations (c) recommend a process for mapping HR RPA propensity. A case study is also presented for greater clarity on adoption of RPA in HR processes. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
A Review on Utilization of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Toward Green and Circular Economy
Globally, policy makers have realized the significance of infrastructure development with respect to safety and environment-friendly approach. This has resulted in reuse and recycling initiatives in various industries including construction and building sector. Further, it is imperative to understand new techniques and methods to improve the effectiveness of recycling, keeping environment and carbon emissions in check. Recently, utilization of construction and demolition waste (CDW) as precursors in synthesizing alkali-activated and geopolymer binders have caught attention of researchers as green building material. This review paper discusses the findings of the latest research and promotes the use of CDW as a potential starting or precursor material in alkali-activated or geopolymer concrete toward green and circular economy. If processed appropriately, CDW can be used to produce environment-friendly binders that can reduce our dependence on conventional binders like Portland cement, thus promoting recycling in sustainable and eco-friendly manner. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Development and validation of gaming disorder and hazardous gaming scale (GDHGS) based on the WHO framework (ICD-11 criteria) of disordered gaming
This study aimed to develop and validate a brief psychometric scale for gaming disorder and hazardous gaming based on the WHO framework as defined in the ICD-11. The study was carried out among college students using face to face interview. A panel of mental health experts examined the face validity of the new Gaming Disorder and Hazardous Gaming Scale (GDHGS). An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) using the principle component analysis (PCA) method with direct oblimin rotation on the five items of GDHGS was used for assessment of construct validity. The results of Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) measure used for sampling adequacy and Bartlett's test (BT) of sphericity used to show the appropriateness of using factor analysis, confirmed the appropriateness of EFA for the present study sample. The factor analysis extracted single component with an eigenvalue of greater than one, which was further supported by the examination of scree plot. To examine the criterion related validity of the GDHGS, correlation between GDHGS and IGDS-SF scores was assessed. Spearman correlational analysis showed strong positive correlation of GDGHS score with IGDS-SF score (rs = 0.878, p < 0.01). Further, the sum of first four item score of GDHGS among participants diagnosed with GD (median: 15.00; IQR: 15.0015.75) was significantly greater than those without GD (median: 4.00; IQR: 3.006.50) according to the diagnostic interview based on the ICD-11 criteria (U = 0.000, p < 0.001). The internal consistency of GDHGS as measured by the Cronbach's alpha was 0.914. Further, the GDHGS did not have its reliability increased by removal of any of the five items included in the scale. Also, the threshold for significant floor and ceiling effect was not reached. In conclusion, GDHGS is a valid measurement scale for disorders involving gaming behaviour based on the ICD- 11 construct. 2020 Elsevier B.V. -
Emerging world of the metaverse: An Indian perspective
[No abstract available] -
Fake news and social media: Indian perspective
The unlimited freedom made social media platforms are susceptible to misuse, misinformation, and thus, fake news. In the last few years, social media has turned out to be a massive player in shaping public discourse in a democratic space (Marda & Milan, 2018). Though there have been pressures from policymakers on service/platform providers, nothing concrete has built up towards accountability of the user or platform proprietors. In India, there has been a consistent increase of social media users and instances of the misuse of this medium. This paper seeks to examine how the propagation of fake news has disrupted the public sphere and possible policies that can be implemented to curb the plague of fake news. The relationship between various events of violence reported in India media and the role of fake news in instigating chaos are discussed in this paper. It also tries to review policies initiatives taken by various countries, especially in Europe and possible measures which India could take to restrict the flow of fake news. Media Watch. -
Feature films as pedagogy in higher education: A case study of Christ University, Bengaluru
Contemporary education system in India was initiated by the British for the maintenance of their imperial administration. After India became an independent country, conscious efforts were made to overhaul the educational system to produce proper administrators and contributors for Indian polity, economy and culture. To assess dynamics of Indian education, various committees and commissions were formed. It also meant change in education programs, curricula and syllabi to meet national needs and global challenges. Most universities in India have limited infrastructure, thus the role of private or deemed to be university becomes crucial. Christ University attending to the social structure, internationalization and employability demands, offers a number of quality educational programs to ensure employable graduates. This has led the way in devising pedagogy and curricula to align with the global higher education practices. Here we discuss the use of commercial feature film as a pedagogical tool in the classrooms within the Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences and its implication. 2018, IGI Global. -
Comparison of Affine and DCGAN-based Data Augmentation Techniques for Chest X-Ray Classification
Data augmentation, also called implicit regularization, is one of the popular strategies to improve the generalization capability of deep neural networks. It is crucial in situations where there is a scarcity of high-quality ground-truth data. Also getting new samples is expensive and time consuming. This is a typical issue in the medical domain. Therefore, this study compares the performance of Affine and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)- based data augmentation techniques on the chest image X-Ray dataset. The Pneumonia dataset contains 5863 chest X-Ray images. The traditional Affine data augmentation technique is applied as a pre-processing technique to various deep learning-based CNN models like VGG16, Inception V3, InceptionResNetV2, DenseNet-169 and DenseNet-202 to compare their performance. On the other hand, DCGAN architecture is applied to the dataset for augmentation. Evaluation measures like accuracy, recall and AUC depict that DCGAN outperforms other traditional models. The most important advantage of DCGAN is that it is able to identify fake images with 100% accuracy. This is especially relevant for the medical domain as it deals with the life of individuals. Thus, it can be concluded that DCGAN has better performance as compared to affine transformations applied to traditional CNN models. 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. -
A Study of popular gujarati films using agenda setting
Indian cinema is an umbrella term used to refer to films made in different languages in India. Gujarati cinema is one of those lesser popular film industries which began in early twentieth century but today has lost its glory, popularity and grandeur. A dying film industry today, Gujarati films have been quiet popular among Gujaratis since its inception, yet there has been little or no study done to understand how these films have newlinerepresented and framed the culture of Gujarat. This thesis tries to investigate Gujarati cinema and explore some of the newlinedominant films of the golden era to see how it frames Gujarati culture through its history, folk lore, tales, and people in terms of their dress, dialect, celebrations, and other significant codes through select fifty films. The study makes an attempt to connect mise-en-scene of these films with newlineframing analysis to interrogate the way visuals have been prioritized in the films to accommodate/ideas depict any specific agenda/ideology. It is important to note that Gujarati cinema subtly but consistently shared the responsibility of restoring cultural symbols and stories within the film newlinenarrative especially post integration in 1960 to remind every Gujarati about his/her roots and work towards Gujarati asmita. -
Comparative analysis of Tata - JLR and Volkswagen - Skoda Merger /
This paper focuses on the strategies adopted by Volkswagen and Tata to rebuild the image of Skoda and Jaguar respectively. Through this paper, the researcher wants to find out how change in ownership and how change in PR strategies, can rebuild the image of a brand. Both Skoda and Jaguar were facing a downhill when it came to sales and were on the verge of shutting down. That is when the change in ownership took place. -
Teaching and learning practices initiated in department of management studies, Christ University, Bangalore to meet global standards /
European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6, Issue 31, pp.329-334, ISSN No: 2222-1906 (Paper), 2222-2839 (Online) -
Design control and management of intelligent and autonomous nanorobots with artificial intelligence for Prevention and monitoring of blood related diseases
The effective management of human bloodstream remains to be the prime focus for the clinicians over years and it impose greater challenges when it comes to real-time solution. In particular managing hypoxemia and detection of blood clots is most pertinent. One major challenge faced is the existence of limited training data generated from real-world scenarios. On the other hand, creating an efficient model is often time consuming and expensive. This paper focusses on effective convergence of artificial intelligence and nanorobotics technologies to design and implement autonomous intelligent nanorobots to deal with blood related diseases. The major contribution of the research is two-fold, first we define an efficient architecture of the nanorobotics system with appropriate design parameter. Next, we develop a novel semi-supervised learning model using stochastic gradient descent method and kernel space that efficiently control and manage the nanorobots and helps in earlier prognosis and treatment of blood related diseases. The proposed model is novel and efficient as it enables working at nanoscale, providing resourceful understanding on physical and chemical properties associated with human body. The use of artificial intelligence techniques further makes the system to work more intelligently and independently. COSMOL with integrated MATLAB environment is used for experimental setup and simulation. MNIST dataset is compared with online RP tree method and other conventional batch related techniques. The performance analysis is compared based on performance, error rates and risk related factors. The proposed approach provides significant improvement in terms of performance with minimal error rate and improved accuracy measures. 2023 -
Multifunctional SnO?-Chitosan-D-carvone Nanocomposite: A Promising Antimicrobial, Anticancer, and Antioxidant Agent for Biomedical Applications
Nanocomposite made up of inorganic and biocompatible polymer have gained significant attention for biomedical applications due to their enhanced multifunctional properties, offering solutions to serious issues like antimicrobial resistance and cancer treatment. Nanocomposite composed of SnO?, chitosan and D-carvone (SnO2-Cs-Dcar) was prepared to ascertain its efficacy in application for antimicrobial, anticancer activities, and antioxidant effects. The synthesized nanocomposite was characterized by XRD, UV-Vis, FTIR, PL, SEM, TEM, and XPS techniques, confirming successful integration. XRD results confirmed the tetragonal rutile phase of SnO2. The band gap energy was calculated as 4.32eV for SnO2 nanoparticles and 3.11eV for SnO2-Cs-Dcar nanocomposite as observed from UV-Visible spectra. PL emission results showed that SnO2-Cs-Dcar nanocomposite exhibited green emission at 507nm corresponds to number oxygen vacancy site. SEM and TEM results showed that the SnO2-Cs-Dcar nanocomposite entities appear more compact, and the single SnO2 particles are less differentiated, possibly because they have been covered by chitosan and D-carvone. Antimicrobial activity against the pathogens Klebsiella pneumoniae, Candida albicans, Shigella dysenteriae, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus demonstrated that SnO2-Cs-Dcar exhibited enhanced bacteriostatic effect when compared to bare SnO2. MTT assay on MOLT-4 cancer cells revealed that SnO2-Cs-Dcar nanocomposite exhibited enhanced anticancer activity upon compared to SnO? nanoparticles. The IC50 values were calculated as 13.6 for SnO2 and 12.1 for SnO2-Cs-Dcar nanocomposite. SnO?-Cs-Dcar nanocomposites exhibits high antioxidant activity evidenced by improved free radical scavenging action in comparison with a bare SnO?. Experimental result indicates that the SnO?-Cs-Dcar nanocomposites can be used as biocidal agent for antimicrobial and anticancer therapies. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
The reality of distribution faced by SMEs: A UK perspective
[No abstract available]