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Sulfamic acid catalyzed grinding: A facile one-pot approach for the synthesis of polysubstituted pyrazoles under green conditions
A competent, rapid and simple grinding procedure for the synthesis of pharmacologically relevant polysubstituted pyrazoles catalyzed by sulfamic acid is reported via multicomponent reaction of substituted arylaldehydes, 4-nitrophenylacetonitrile, hydrazine hydrate, ethyl acetoacetate under solvent-free reaction conditions. In our reported protocol, four different reactants featuring diverse functional groups are assembled in one pot, enabling the synthesis of more diverse molecular structures in a facile manner. 2022 -
Suitability of natural rubber latex and waste foundry sand in cement concrete
Suitability of Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) as an additive and Waste Foundry Sand (WFS) as partial replacement to river sand, in cement concrete was investigated. Experimental study was performed with concrete mixtures containing 1% latex to water ratio, along with 5% and 10% replacement of river sand by WFS. Properties of concrete were studied in both fresh and hardened state. The results of laboratory tests indicate that WFS and NRL reduces the workability of concrete. Slight reduction in splitting tensile strength was observed for mixtures containing NRL and WFS, in comparison to conventional mix. No specific trend was observed for flexural strength at 7 days, but at 28 days the difference was within 3%, when compared to conventional mix. Strength development for mixtures containing NRL and WFS was slightly lower than conventional mix. The limited results of this study show that concrete containing NRL and WFS do have potential for use as non-structural concrete. -
Suicide and Youth: Positive Psychology Perspective
Suicidality and self-harm among adolescents and young adults need immediate attention and support. This is often seen as a cry for help where a feeling of entrapment experienced by individuals pushes them to see self-harm as a coping mechanism. Lack of social support and co-morbid emotional disorders influences suicidal ideation into planning and action. A general feeling of helplessness that gets triggered often leads to anguish. These emotions get internalized and directed inwards leading to self-directed anger which facilitates a suicidal act. Early detection and identification can prevent the loss of lives and help individuals to learn effective ways of coping. Gatekeeper Training for caregivers, teachers, and their peers will help in detecting the early signs of suicide risk. Intervention based on positive psychology will help not only in crisis management but also as preventive and maintenance therapy in holistic mental health. The concepts of hope, forgiveness, self-compassion, gratitude, and resilience can be incorporated into the intervention programs to build a better therapeutic system for youths dealing with suicidality. Practicing effective coping mechanisms every day and making it a ritual of ones daily life is the need of the hour. Integrating adaptive ways of emotional expression and learning matured means to deal with painful emotions and trauma is what needs to be incorporated into the intervention plan. The chapter focuses on these aspects and aims to make a connection between assessing and easy identification of youths in distress related to suicidality and providing a holistic intervention to help them cope with the situation. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023. -
Suicide among children during Covid-19 pandemic: An alarming social issue
[No abstract available] -
Suicidal behavior prediction using data mining techniques
Background: Suicide is one of the most serious public health problem that has affected many people. After being recognized as a public health priority by the WHO (World Health Organization) various studies have been going out for its prevention. It is one of a serious health problem and it is preventable and can be controlled by proper interventions and study in the field. The objective of the study is to create a prediction model for individuals who are at higher risk of suicide by studying the different predictors of suicide such as depression, anxiety, hopelessness, stress etc. by using data mining techniques for the prediction. Study Design: Systematic review and predictive analysis for suicidal behavior. Methods: The research applies data mining process to analyze the data and on the basis of analysis create the model to predict suicidal behaviors present in the individual. Prediction is done on the basis of analysis of risk factors which are Depression, anxiety, hopelessness, stress, or substance misuse which is calculated by using various psychological measures such as Beck hopelessness scale,suicidal ideation subscale,hospital anxiety and depression scale.Various data mining algorithms for classification are compared for the purpose of prediction. Results: Six different data mining classification algorithms which are namely Classification Via Regression, Logistic Regression. Random Forest, Decision Table, SMO are compared and Classification Via Regression was found to the highest accuracy in prediction. Conclusions: Data required for the development of such a model requires continuous monitoring and needs to be updated on a periodic basis to increase the accuracy of prediction. IAEME Publication. -
Sugarcane Leaf Disease Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network
Indian sugarcane is of good quality, and the country exports significant quantities of sugar and sugarcane-based products to various countries worldwide. However, the quality of the sugarcane can vary depending on the specific variety and growing conditions, and exporters need to ensure that the product meets the quality standards of the importing country. To maintain the quality of sugarcane during transportation, it is crucial to ensure that it is harvested at the right time and handled carefully during loading and unloading. However, the farmers cultivating the sugarcane face a significant issue dealing with bacterial infection in the plants. In order to stop the disease from spreading further, we use Convolutional Neural Networks in our article to extract information from sugarcane leaves and construct an algorithm that accurately classifies bacterial leaves. Using an image dataset that includes pictures of both healthy and ill plants, identifying the image's key characteristics, and using the image to help the classifier provide a reliable result are all included in the total process. Our study will save farmers time and effort by identifying the decaying plants by looking for bacterial patches on the leaves. 2024 IEEE. -
Suction-injection effects on the onset of Rayleigh-Bard-Marangoni convection in a fluid with suspended particles
The effect of Suction-Injection-Combination (SIC) on the linear stability of Rayleigh-Bard Marangoni convection in a horizontal layer of an Boussinesq fluid with suspended particles confined between an upper free adiabatic boundary and a lower rigid isothermal/adiabatic boundary is considered. The Rayleigh-Ritz technique is used to obtain the eigenvalues. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analysed. It is found that the effect of Prandtl number on the stability of the system is dependent on the SIC being pro-gravity or anti-gravity. A similar Pre-sensitivity is found in respect of the critical wave number. It is observed that the fluid layer with suspended particles heated from below is more stable compared to the classical fluid layer without suspended particles. The problem has possible applications in microgravity situations. -
Succession planning in India: The path less traversed /
The Management Accountant, Vol.54, Issue 2, pp.30-33, ISSN No: 2581-5504. -
Successful turnarounds: The role of appropriate entrepreneurial strategies /
Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol.8, Issue 1, ISSN No: 1755-425X. -
Successful turnarounds: the role of appropriate entrepreneurial strategies
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report on a research study aimed at comparing the causes of organisational decline and turnaround strategies involved in cases of successful and unsuccessful turnarounds, with a view to identifying the differences, if any, between the two groups, which in turn is expected to provide useful information to academics, practitioners and policy makers. Design/methodology/approach Since turnaround is a business phenomenon of general interest, their stories are often published in business periodicals, which are a rich source of data on them. In order to tap this data source, the present paper employed a method of content analysis for the proposed investigation on the cause of organisational decline and turnaround strategies used. In order to quantify the data, a three-point scale was developed, where the presence of a cause/strategy is rated as 3, its ambivalence as 2 and its absence as 1, whose validity was assessed through the inter-rater agreement indices. The data thus generated are amenable to statistical analyses, using which the more commonly prevalent causes of organisational decline and the strategies commonly employed for turnaround by the successful and unsuccessful companies are identified. Findings The findings of the present study have generated a few useful insights. First, the primary causes for organisational decline are the internal weaknesses of the organisation; in fact the external changes can adversely affect the organisation only if it is internally weak. Second, organisational decline caused by multiple factors (which is usually the case) can be managed effectively by adopting a variety of strategies; hence a single-pronged strategy is often found to be ineffective. Third, the more successful turnarounds had a diverse portfolio of strategies including those of institution-building, often employed in a phased manner, consistent with the stage theories of turnaround. Research limitations/implications The limitations of this research arise mainly from the generation of data from published sources and the consequent biases, which can be managed, to a large extent, by using multiple sources for the same case for reducing the publishers biases as well as by having multiple raters for identifying the researchers biases, if any. Originality/value The study has highlighted the need for addressing the internal causes of organisational decline on a priority-basis rather than blaming the external factors, besides pointing to the need for adopting a variety of strategies for dealing with the diversity of causes affecting the organisations health, particularly the need for institutionalising the changes. These findings can be of help especially to turnaround managers and policy-makers in dealing with organisational decline and thus contribute to the creation and enhancement of economic value. 2015, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. -
Successful footprints of ChatGPT deployments in the education sector: Pros outweigh cons by embracing ethics and etiquette
Artificial intelligence (AI) is essential in all aspects of life. One crucial area to examine is the integration of artificial intelligence in education. The true essence is in providing individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values needed to have a fulfilling and meaningful life. Education must adapt to equip students with essential abilities to navigate life's challenges while upholding integrity in a dynamic world. Artificial intelligence (AI), shown by technologies such as ChatGPT, exhibits significant promise in educational environments. This chapter explores personalized learning enabled by artificial intelligence (AI). Furthermore, intelligent tutoring systems are also analyzed. The text delves into various facets of the educational system where ChatGPT might offer help. Additionally, offering explanations for the prohibition of Chat GPT in many countries and educational institutions. The discussion has focused on how AI affects the socio-economic gap in the education sector. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Successful and Unsuccessful Revival Strategies of Indian Organisations - A Case Survey
European Journal of Business and Management Vol. 4, No. 15, pp. 142-147, ISSN No. 2222-2839 -
Subsume Pediatric Headaches in Psychiatric Disorders? Critiques on Delphic Nosology, Diagnostic Conundrums, and Variability in the Interventions
Purpose of Review: Tension-type headache (TTH) continues to be the most prevalent type of headache across all age groups worldwide, and the global burden of migraine and TTH together account for 7% of all-cause years lived with disability (YLDs). TTH has been shown to have a prevalence of up to 80% in several studies and presents a wide range and high variability in clinical settings. The aim of this review is to identify gaps in diagnostics, nosology, and variability in the treatment of children and adolescents who present with headaches without an identifiable etiology. Recent Findings: Migraine and TTH have been debated to have more similarities than distinctions, increasing chances of misdiagnosis and leading to significant cases diagnosed as probable TTH or probable migraine. The lack of specificity and sensitivity for TTH classification often leads to the diagnosis being made by negating associated migraine symptoms. Although pathology is not well understood, some studies have suggested a neurological basis for TTH, in need of further validation. Some research indicates that nitric oxide signaling plays an integral part in the pain mechanisms related to TTH. Analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are usually the first lines of treatment for children with recurring headaches, and additional treatment options include medication and behavioral therapies. Summary: With high prevalence and socioeconomic burden among children and adolescents, its essential to further study Tension-type headaches and secondary headaches without known cause and potential interventions. Treatment studies involving randomized controlled trials are also needed to test the efficacy of various treatments further. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
The approach towards the use of substances in western music videos has been thoroughly investigated by a lot of medical researchers. The main objectives were to produce evidence of the effect of television or any visual medium on the young minds. Most of these studies have come to conclusions that these mediums have enormous effect on the youth. This particular study compares four genres of music videos from the year 1991 till present. Each of these videos qualifies to be taken as subjects of research by their popularity in their particular time period. The four genres are hard rock, country, hip-hop and rap music videos. The main objectives are to find which medium carries such videos the most, which substances are mainly used in each genre and has it increase or decrease over the decade. There are various conclusions made from the findings of the study. New media has indeed made its presence in todays generation. Also, increase in promotion of new illegal substances over television and new media like YouTube is taking place with the increase of new cultures coming out of age. -
Subspace spanning graph topological spaces of graphs
A collection of spanning subgraphs TS, of a graph G is said to be a spanning graph topology if it satisfies the three axioms: (Formula Presented) where, n = |V (G)|, the collection is closed under any union and finite intersection. Let (X, T ) be a topological space in point set topology and Y ? X then, TY = {U ? Y: U ? T } is a topological space called a subspace topology or relative topology defined by T on Y. In this paper we discusses the subspace spanning graph topology defined by the graph topology TS on a spanning subgraph H of G. 2023, Proyecciones. All Rights Reserved. -
Subspace graph topological space of graphs
A graph topology defined on a graph G is a collection T of subgraphs of G which satisfies the properties such as K0, G ? T and T is closed under arbitrary union and finite intersection. Let (X, T ) be a topological space and Y ? X then, TY = {U ? Y: U ? T } is a topological space called a subspace topology or relative topology defined by T on Y. In this P1 we discusses the subspace or the relative graph topology defined by the graph topology T on a subgraph H of G. We also study the properties of subspace graph topologies, open graphs, d-closed graphs and nbd-closed graphs of subspace graph topologies. 2023, Proyecciones. All Rights Reserved. -
Subscriber Preference and Content Consumption Pattern toward OTT platform: An Opinion Mining
Introduction: The outburst of the pandemic has paved the way for the immense popularity of over-The-Top (OTT) platforms among viewers. Furnishing an alternate medium to watch favorite shows and making it a new normal, the OTT platform has replaced the traditional entertainment platform. However, migrating from traditional television to an OTT platform is still a challenge in developing countries. Hence, the understanding of subscriber preferences and content consumption patterns becomes essential to planning and strategizing future business models. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to examine the subscriber preference and content consumption pattern toward the OTT platform. In addition, this paper also investigates the popularity of leading OTT platforms among Indian viewers. Methodology: Data has been collected from the subscribers of three major OTT: Amazon Prime, Netflix Video, and Disney+Disney+Hotstar. A total of 1860 reviews were scraped as textual data and analyzed using the lexicon-based method. The polarity of the sentiments pertaining to the reviews of different platforms was analyzed using sentiment analysis. Furthermore, the topic modeling on the reviews was performed using natural language programming(NLP). Findings: The findings of sentiment analysis showed that Netflix and Disney+Disney+Hotstar had a considerable number of positive sentiments among viewers when compared to Amazon Prime Video. Eventually, the paper also showed negative sentiment towards Amazon Prime Video regarding streaming content, ad pop-ups, interface issue, shows, etc. Our findings help OTT platforms to determine which factors are driving this dramatic shift in viewer behaviour so that better strategies for attracting and retaining subscribers can be developed. Despite the rise in OTT platform popularity, this is the first study to investigate the content consumption pattern of OTT viewers comprehensively. 2022 IEEE. -
Subliminal Cueing in Visual Attention: Top-down and Bottom-up Processing
Exogenous subliminal cues have been shown to have both top-down and bottom-up effects. There are many research studies have confirmed that the effect of top-down variables dependent on cue characteristics. In response, other studies have attempted to exhibit purely stimulus-driven attention capture. The superiority of attention capture effects and the level of superiority in top-down cues have not been evidenced previously. The present study attempted to observe differential effects of cues with different levels of task relevancy, in both valid and invalid cues. As an addendum, conditions with valid cues and incorrect feature match allowed for the exploration of same-location costs in subliminal cues. The results indicated attentional capture effects of all valid cues irrespective of the level of task relevance in subliminal conditions. The cues with the highest task relevancy led to the most attention capture. There were no inhibitory effects of invalid cues on attention capture in subliminal cues. The study reiterates the possibility of attentional mechanisms in same-location costs implicating processing outside of memory. Further, facilitation and inhibition of attention capture in subliminal cues may have two independent mechanisms. The inhibitory mechanism may be contingent to conscious awareness of cues. The result of the study shows how attention can be exogenously oriented without conscious awareness and what kinds of cues might be most effective. These findings can be useful in educational and training settings and other settings where sustained attention is crucial. 2024, Iquz Galaxy Publisher. All rights reserved.