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Sublimation process and physical properties of vapor grown ?-In2Se3 platelet crystals
Indium selenide (?-In2Se3) crystals have been grown by the closed tube sublimation process in the absence of seed crystals and chemical transporting agents. The composition, structure and morphology of the samples grown under different vacuum conditions were examined by energy dispersive analysis, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscope. Structural features of the crystals obtained in a vacuum of 10?3 mbar exhibited a few reflections not belonging to ? phase, whereas X-ray diffraction spectra of the crystals deposited under a vacuum of 10?6 mbar revealed evidence of sharp peaks with high intensities of ?-In2Se3 crystalline phase. When growth runs were performed for 72 h, voids were observed on the surface whereas for a duration of 120 h, platelet crystals were obtained. Optical properties of these samples were investigated using the FT-IR and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The average transmittance of the platelets in the visible and near infrared region of solar spectrum was found to be ?81% and an optical band gap of ?2.05 eV was computed from the transmission spectrum. Photoluminescence spectra of the grown In2Se3 crystals recorded at room temperature using an excitation laser of wavelength 355 nm showed a peak in the near band edge emission (NBE) corresponding to an energy of 2.01 eV. Under an illumination power of 12 mW/cm2, the photocurrent increased linearly with applied voltage and the dark current was found to be ~2.50?9 A for 10 V. These results suggest that the as-grown ?-In2Se3 platelets crystallized from vapor deposition, possess superior optoelectronic properties than the other phases for solar cell applications. 2016 Elsevier B.V. -
Subjectivity Analysis Using Social Opinion on Stress and Strain During Covid-19 Pandemic
The psychological health of several people across the globe has been under great risk newlineas a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that shook the entire world. The ubiquitous newlinepandemic had created a tectonic shift in everyone s life. The lives of people have newlineundergone a severe transition with strict measures like lockdown and social distancing newlineimposed by governments of several countries to stop the spread of the viral infections. newlineCoping through the adverse situation has been quite onerous causing stress among the people. The transition from normal life to a life filled with several restrictions has newlinebeen stressful and strenuous. A state of emotionally or physically being tensed can be newlineconsidered as stress. Stress can cause frustration, depression, nervousness and other mental health issues. Stress also leads to strain. Social media networking sites like newlineX(Earlier Twitter) and Facebook have emerged to become popular. During the times of lockdown and social distancing the social media networking sites have been a great newlineplatform for expressing opinions, exchange of ideas and thoughts. People have expressed their stressful situations and coping mechanisms through tweets , Facebook newlineposts and several other social media sites during the pandemic. The underlying stress newlineand strain of a person can be analyzed through the posts shared by the person through the social media sites. Early detection of the prevalence of the stress and strain is important, as medical help can be sought quickly and the person affected can be back to normalcy. Subjectivity analysis is the study that deals with analyzing the emotions, feelings, attitudes and polarity of opinions considering any subject matter. newlineThe present research focuses on subjectivity analysis through social opinion mining newlineduring the COVID-19 pandemic. Social opinion mining incorporates Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics that identifies the subjectivity across the posts of social media. -
Subjectivity analysis using social opinion mining on stress and strain during covid 19 pandemic
The psychological health of several people across the globe has been under great risk newlineas a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that shook the entire world. The ubiquitous newlinepandemic had created a tectonic shift in everyone s life. The lives of people have newlineundergone a severe transition with strict measures like lockdown and social distancing newlineimposed by governments of several countries to stop the spread of the viral infections. newlineCoping through the adverse situation has been quite onerous causing stress among the people. The transition from normal life to a life filled with several restrictions has newlinebeen stressful and strenuous. A state of emotionally or physically being tensed can be newlineconsidered as stress. Stress can cause frustration, depression, nervousness and other mental health issues. Stress also leads to strain. Social media networking sites like newlineX(Earlier Twitter) and Facebook have emerged to become popular. During the times of lockdown and social distancing the social media networking sites have been a great newlineplatform for expressing opinions, exchange of ideas and thoughts. People have expressed their stressful situations and coping mechanisms through tweets , Facebook newlineposts and several other social media sites during the pandemic. The underlying stress newlineand strain of a person can be analyzed through the posts shared by the person through the social media sites. Early detection of the prevalence of the stress and strain is important, as medical help can be sought quickly and the person affected can be back to normalcy. Subjectivity analysis is the study that deals with analyzing the emotions, feelings, attitudes and polarity of opinions considering any subject matter. newlineThe present research focuses on subjectivity analysis through social opinion mining newlineduring the COVID-19 pandemic. Social opinion mining incorporates Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics that identifies the subjectivity across the posts of social media.
The aim of the present study was to examine the subjective experience of highly hypnotizable individuals during hypnosis. The study conducted also examined the structure and pattern of subjective experience among highly hypnotizable individuals. Further investigations were carried out regarding the dimensions of experience which are common and unique to highly hypnotizable individuals. The sample consisted of 10 post graduate college students. Among the 50 participants who volunteered for phase I of the study, 10 highly hypnotizable individuals were selected for phase II. The tools used in phase I of the study were General Health Questionnaire - 12 (GHQ-12), and Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility- Form A (HGSHS: A). The Phenomenology Consciousness Inventory- Hypnotic Assessment Procedure (PCI-HAP) was used to examine the subjective experience of highly hypnotizable individuals in phase II of the study. Assessment was carried out in group sessions for phase I and individual sessions for phase II were conducted in the college premises. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage, to analyze the personal data of respondents and dimensions of subjective experience. Profile analysis was done using PCI-HAP interpretative manual. Collective analysis of profiles was executed through scaled phenomenological intensity profiles. Thematic analysis was carried out for the subjective responses given by the respondents that described their experience of the vacation (hypnotic dream imagery), trying to open their eyes (ideomotor challenge), two minute quiet period (PCI imagery), feelings after hypnosis, negative effects during or after hypnosis, how hypnotized they feel they became (depth experience). The results show that highly hypnotizable individuals experience distinct patterns of phenomenological experience during hypnosis. They differed in their trance typology profile, suggesting the existence of various subtypes among this population. Half of them were visualizers experiencing high intensity of vivid imagery, self awareness and intact memory. Highly experienced dimension by the group was absorption, highlighting as an important correlate of hypnotizability. The least experienced dimension was volitional control, suggesting less loss of phenomenological control during the PCI-HAP. Implications of the study are discussed. Keywords: Hypnotizability, Hypnotic susceptibility, Subjective experience, Hypnotic response, Phenomenology Consciousness Inventory (PCI). -
Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey of Cygnus OB2 Complex - I. Introduction, photometry, and source catalogue
Low-mass star formation inside massive clusters is crucial to understand the effect of cluster environment on processes like circumstellar disc evolution, planet, and brown dwarf formation. The young massive association of Cygnus OB2, with a strong feedback from massive stars, is an ideal target to study the effect of extreme environmental conditions on its extensive low-mass population. We aim to perform deep multiwavelength studies to understand the role of stellar feedback on the IMF, brown dwarf fraction and circumstellar disc properties in the region. We introduce here, the deepest and widest optical photometry of 1. diameter region centred at Cygnus OB2 in r2, i2, z, and Y-filters, using Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC). This work presents the data reduction, source catalogue generation, data quality checks, and preliminary results about the pre-main sequence sources. We obtain 713 529 sources in total, with detection down to ?28, 27, 25.5, and 24.5 mag in r2, i2, z, and Y-band, respectively, which is ?3 - 5 mag deeper than the existing Pan-STARRS and GTC/OSIRIS photometry. We confirm the presence of a distinct pre-main sequence branch by statistical field subtraction of the central 18 arcmin region. We find the median age of the region as ?5 2 Myr with an average disc fraction of ?9 per cent. At this age, combined with A $ 6 - 8 mag, we detect sources down to a mass range of ?0.01-0.17 M. The deep HSC catalogue will serve as the groundwork for further studies on this prominent active young cluster. 2021 The Author(s). -
Subaltern languages : The question of vernaculars in 21st century India /
Jopurnal of Educational Planning And Administration, Vol.33, Issue 1, pp.51-65 -
Sub-type discernment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder in children using a cluster partitioning algorithm
Background/Objectives: Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is one major neuropsychiatric disorder particularly found in children. This medical disorder is difficult to identify and quantify, even if done, it is very subjective as it is the discretion of the psychiatrists or parents. Methods/Statistical analysis: The most exigent task after identifying ADHD children is to find their exact deficiency of what is the category, is it a hyperactive disorder, an impulsive disorder or an attention deficit disorder. Each category insists a diverse form of treatment and training. With the MRI image data the Tr values are estimated and given for clustering, a k-means algorithm was deployed for clustering. Findings: With different distance measures k-means was able to cluster precisely the three categories from the data. The result obtained would be a very substantial data for the medical physicists and an inevitable philanthropic contribution for the children society combating against this disorder. Applications/Improvements: The method adopted is novel and concise approach to identify the type of ADHD prevalent children. The method can be further perfected and completely automated to identify the category of ADHD in children. -
Sub-Optimization based Random Forest Algorithm for Accurate and Efficient Land use and Land Cover Classification using Landsat Time Series Data
The land use and land cover (LULC) play an essential role to investigate the impacts of environmental factors and socio-economic development in the Earth's surface. Extracting the hidden information from the remote sensing images in the observed earth environment is the challenging process. In this research, implemented a model that uses Landsat data to investigate the LULC changes. Utilized the Landsat 5,7 and 8 as inputs for the 1985 to 2019 by Google Earth Engine (GEE) is applied for the robust classification. This paper proposed a Sub-forest optimization based Random forest (SO-RF) classifier with faster diagnosis speed for LULC classification. Moreover, to increase the multispectral Landsat band's resolution from 30 m to 15 m, the pan-sharpening algorithm is utilized. In addition, analyzed the various image configurations grounded numerous spectral indices and other supplementary data such as land surface temperature (LST) and digital elevation model (DEM) on final classification accuracy. The proposed SO-RF produced higher accuracy (0.97 for kappa, 96.78% Overall accuracy (OA), 0.94 for f1-score) than Copernicus Global Land Cover Layers (CGLCL) map and state of art methods like K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), and Multi-class Support Vector machine (MSVM). 2024 IEEE. -
Study to assess attitudes towards statistics of business school students: An application of the SATS-36 in India
Students attitudes towards Statistics are pivotal to their learning process as positive attitudes lead to highly satisfactory course achievement and lead to positive outcomes outside class as well. In this paper we are exploring the perception of students of management apropos Statistics, familiarity with which is imperative in todays world of Analytics. The quantitative approach was used to compare attitudes of the students using the two versions of the SATS-36 instrument validated and copyrighted by Candace Schau. A Google form was used to collect responses and was sent to all the students who were enrolled in the Business Statistics course. 172 students responded for the pre-test study while 71 students responded for the post-test study. Data was analysed to see if gender, specialisation choices and previous math experiences accounted for differences in perceptions towards Statistics. It was found that students overall perception of statistics is positive and surprisingly they were more positive towards the beginning of the semester. These results are important as they can lead towards understanding of business students attitudes towards statistics and a way to refine the teaching learning process so that students are in a strong position to exploit the supply demand gap in the Analytics domain and deliver value to organisations. 2021 Eskisehir Osmangazi University. All rights reserved. -
The study analyses the Narration techniques that were used in the Hollywood movies, which were taken from the Tamizh cinema, which is known as Kollywood. The researcher used content analysis to find out the similarities and common similarities from the four films, two from Tamizh and two from English. Through the content analysis and qualitative research we can find out that the plot or the ways of stories were moving in the same direction and the techniques in the narrative that makes the plot looks same. -
Study on the influence of modified chitosan on the preservation of tiger prawn penaeus monodon
Native chitosan, irradiated chitosan (5kGy and 10 kGy) and grafted chitosan was characterized and employed for the preservation of sea food Penaeus monodon. The grafting of metha acrylate onto natural native polymer chitosan was executed and the configuration and arrangement of covalent bonds in the grafted chitosan was demonstrated by performing, SEM, XRD, FTIR, TG and DSC analyses. The modified chitosan conferred antioxidant and antibacterial potential equivalent to or better than that of the unmodified chitosan in the stored Penaeus monodon. Modified chitosan treated Penaeus monodon produced less TBARS and TVB values than the control group. 2020 Slovak University of Agriculture. -
Study on the growth of the ott platform during lockdown and its future scope
This research tries to review the growth of OTT platforms throughout the lockdown. It's vital to understand the extent of increase within the popularity of OTT platforms throughout lockdown to understand their future scope. It's evident that, since their launch, OTT platforms have solely discovered an upward curve in their usage, and because of the pandemic and lockdown there has been exponential increase in its popularity because of the modification in consumption patterns of individuals for diversion through numerous media platforms. This analysis conducted a survey and analyzed the opinions of individuals relating to OTT platforms, their consumption patterns, and its comparison with cinema to examine if OTT platforms were slowly taking on the foremost fashionable standard medium of diversion. It had been found that individuals used OTT over the other platforms outside of TV and YouTube to pass their time or for diversion. 2024, IGI Global. -
Study on testing the stationarity and co-integration among the sectoral indices of national stock exchange of India
The Stock Market is a market for the trading of company stocks. It is an organized market place where members of the organization gather to trade company stocks and other securities. An index is important to measure the performance of investments against a relevant market index. Sectoral indices serve as a benchmark for measuring the performance of the stocks or portfolios. This study explores stationarity and co-integration relationship among stock market returns and the eight important NSE sectoral indices for the period of January 2013 to December 2017. Sectoral Index series indicates the existence of co integration among the sectoral indices of NSE. Co integration exists in long run equilibrium and in short run they diverge from each other or they have disequilibrium. This study is useful to find out the determinant factors of the National Stock Exchange and led lag relationship among the Sectoral Indices in National Stock Exchange. IAEME Publication. -
Study on Spray Dried Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Dental Implants
Medical implants are devices, tissues or supports that are positioned in a suitable manner on any defective part of the human body to facilitate its smooth functioning again. Known as 'prosthetics', they may be used to offer support to a specific organ or tissues, distribute medication, or observe the body condition. While many of the implants are made from skin, bone or other tissues removed from the body itself, the artificial ones are made from engineering materials which could be any of the compatible metals, plastics, ceramics or even composites. The high end technologically advanced implant material is expected to withstand severe barriers and compatibility issues when in contact with the human body. One such application is dental implants, where, the materials must possess superior mechanical properties, exhibit good hydro-chemical and low thermal degradation characteristics. They are also required to possess characteristics such as low friction, strong wear resistance, good wettability and biocompatibility, when placed in the mouth. The only materials that come close to meeting the needs are ceramics, limited by the associated high fracture rate. Stabilized zirconia (stabilized with yttria, ceria etc.) has provided potential solution. Among the two stabilizers, ceria stabilized zirconia may be a better alternative to yttria stabilized zirconia. Other alternatives are alumina, apatites: but their use are constrained based upon technological and cost considerations. Implant product is a highly demanding technology. Spray drying is a suitable process methodology to obtain free flowing powders with uniform morphology and chemical composition, essential for an implant production. This paper presents (i) results from spray drying 8% Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 and (ii) a review of published literature pertaining to dental implant materials, the various processing methodologies, with special reference to stabilized zirconia and spray drying. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Study on Space Debris Mitigation Under the National Space Laws
The international community is beginning to focus on the issue of space debris. Space debris has increased in the low Earth orbit due to accidental collisions between various space objects such as operational satellites. In China, the destruction of the FengYun - 1C weather satellite by an anti-satellite device caused an exponential increase in space debris. During the Ukraine war in 2022, Russia destroyed a defunct satellite which created space debris. This act put astronauts on the International Space Station at risk. Collisions have also happened between American satellites that are widely used for research or to provide communication facilities. Two unmanned European Space Agency (E.S.A.) satellites - the European Remote Sensing satellite (E.R.S.) and the Environmental Satellite (Envisat) - are currently in orbit reviving the debate over whether or not to engage in active debris removal. Despite gaining the interest of the international space community, efforts to reduce space debris have received scant legal recognition. Recent years have seen a dramatic decrease in launch costs, making space travel more affordable and feasible for the general public. As a result, smaller satellites can now be placed in low Earth orbit. Mega-constellations like SpaceX, OneWeb, Starlink, and Amazon Kuiper have also been launched or will be launched into space. It is predicted that about five per cent of all satellites will fail to be disposed of at the end of their lives, either because of technical difficulties or a lack of proper planning for the disposal phase. As a result, there is a greater possibility of collision with other celestial bodies. The problem of orbital pollution is made much worse by the fact that each collision can produce a large number of new pieces of debris. The inoperable satellites can only be retrieved from orbit with the active participation of the international community. The space sector is in the midst of a period of profound change. As a result of recent developments in microelectronics, materials, and battery technology, multiple constellations are now able to function in low Earth orbit, at altitudes of less than 1,000 kilometres. When it comes to domestic space regulation, the International Law Association (I.L.A.) Model marked a significant shift. As a result, many nations with space programmes have adopted national space laws that include provisions for dealing with space debris. Guidelines included in soft-law instruments have provided impetus in the absence of a mandatory international regime on space debris. 2024 University of Bologna. All rights reserved. -
This research focuses two fundamental aspects of sense of humor and work culture in a hotel setting. Work culture is a complex construct in hotels, consisting of different attitudes, perceptions, values and beliefs and plays a significant role in moderating the relationship between sense of humor and work culture. The present investigation was carried out on 156 employees (managers, middle and front line staff)of different private sector hotels in Bangalore. Participants age range was 21 years to 50 years. The major objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between sense of humor and work culture among in hotel industry. Work opinion survey scale developed by Zeynep Aycan (2000) and for sense of humor a seven point scale developed by Paul Mc Ghee was administered. This research concludes that even though the interest in sense of humor by employees has been sporadic, sense of humor remains a pervasive and important topic and has potential of providing significant insights into management and work culture. Keywords: sense of humor, work culture, hotel industry -
Study on radon concentration at the work places of Mysuru, Bengaluru and Kolar districts of Karnataka state, South India
Concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny inside the working place depend on the activity of radionuclides in the soil, building materials, atmospheric conditions, construction of the building, type of work and ventilation condition. Radon is a radioactive noble gas, and it is emanated from 226Ra present in earth crest and building material. Based on the type of work, construction of the building and ventilation condition, concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny have been measured in 60 workplaces at 10 locations of Mysuru, Bengaluru and Kolar districts of Karnataka state using Solid-State Nuclear Track Detector technique. From the study, variations of radon, thoron and their progeny have been observed with the nature of work. The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. -
Study on Photophysical Properties of N-Arylphthalamic Acid Derivative Containing 1, 2, 4-Triazole Scaffold
A novel N-arylphthalamic acid derivative, 2-({4-[(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl]phenyl}carbamoyl)benzoic acid (TMPCB) was synthesized and their absorption and emission spectra were recorded in fifteen different solvents of varying polarities at room temperature. Ground state dipole moment of the derivative was calculated experimentally by Guggenheim method and solvatochromic approach proposed by Bilot-Kawski. The singlet excited state dipole moment of TMPCB were calculated experimentally based on different approaches of solvent polarity function proposed by LippertMataga, Bakhshiev, Kawskii-Chamma-Viallet, Reichardt and Bilot-Kawski. Singlet excited state dipole moment was greater than ground state dipole moment in all the approaches which could be attributed to considerable ?- electron density redistribution. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis based on Kamlet-Abboud-Taft and Catalan parameters were also studied to correlate solvatochromism and influence of solvents with absorbance and emission spectra. Ground and singlet excited state optimizations of the molecule were also performed using Gaussian 09W software. HOMO-LUMO energies of the phthalamic acid derivative have been obtained using TD-DFT/PCM (B3LYP/6-31G (d, p)) computations and experimentally by using cyclic voltammetry. Mulliken charges and molecular electrostatic potential plot have also been generated from DFT calculations to identify nucleophilic and electrophilic sites of TMPCB. 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. -
This research focuses and examines the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in hotel industry in Bangalore. Organizational culture is palpable in any organization which has a diversified work force. Hotel industry is built with employees with various values and beliefs. These factors reflect in the culture and are related with the various human resource management practices. There is a significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry in Bangalore. There were eleven dimensions of organizational culture and thirteen dimensions of human resource management practices that were considered for examining the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices. The sample for the study was 135 mid-level managers of different category of hotels in the geographical location of Bangalore. Organizational culture survey scale developed by Pareek, U. (2003) and human resource management practices scale developed by Sebastian, S., & Patrick, H. A. (2010) was administered for this study. This research concludes by the finding fact that there is significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry. The study also shows that the culture in hotel industry is narcissistic. Keywords: Organizational culture, Human resource management practices, hotel industry -
Study on nonlinear convective flow of hybrid nanofluids in an annulus
In this modern fluid field technology, hybrid nanofluids are of great interest to researchers due to their improved thermal properties which provide a superior improvement in heat transfer compared to nanofluids. The hybrid nanofluid flow in an annular geometry finds its relevance in engineering and material manufacturing processes such as heat exchangers, nuclear power plants, hot rolling, and heat storage systems due to their high heat transport rate. Since these devices are operated at moderate and very high temperatures adopting linear Boussinesq approximation becomes inappropriate. Owing to this, the present research is devoted to the study of flow, heat, and mass transport characteristics of hybrid nanofluid in an annulus including the effects of radial/transversal magnetic field, thermal radiation, exponential space-related heat source, uniform/non-uniform heat source and variable thermophysical properties under the nonlinear Boussinesq approximation. The fundamental equations are obtained from the laws of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. The dimensionless governing nonlinear equations are treated analytically/numerically. Further, the sensitivity analysis using response surface methodology (RSM) is performed to enhance the understanding of heat and mass transport behavior. The significance of various flow parameters (involving in the problem) on the flow structure, thermal model, concentration field, heat, and mass transport rate are analysed through 2D/3D-surface plots and discussed quantitatively.