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Mobile banking technology adoption model: Revisiting the tam approach
The user acceptance of Mobile banking technology is limited in terms of appropriate measurement variables. In M-banking practice, the influencing factors and the relationship with adoption is unrevealed. The data was collected through crowd sourcing method which is considered to be most relevant method. The results of hypotheses testing and SEM analysis showing that the relationship between the perceived usefulness and behavioral intention is significant direct relationship is existed in the same way perceived trust on the m-bankers has direct effect on m-banking user behavioral intention. The Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Social Influence is not significantly influencing the behavioral intention but the important missed constructs, Perceived Trust along with Perceived Usefulness is highly influencing the M-banking users. The M-banking App developers should emphasis on need based apps and must incorporate strong security aspects for eliminating model risk associated with the M-banking application. The present study developed a new measurement variable called Perceived Social Influence and Perceived Trust along with Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use of original TAM which are hypothesized to adopt M-banking technology. For M-Banking technology services, the original TAM did not hold good as there was an absence of a crucial factor for M-banking, Perceived Trust and Social Influence. 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Whether CSR is internalized in corporate India? An empirical study
Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to examine whether Corporate Social Responsibility is internalized in Corporate India?. Design/Methodology/Approach: The primary data were used to meet this papers main objective. The structured questionnaires were sent to 2100 managerial people in different sectors of corporate through email and finally 318 responses were received. These figures represent an acceptable response rate of 15 %. The collected were analysed and identified the findings with the help of appropriate statistical tools. Findings: The results demonstrate that there is significant difference among senior and top managers of the corporate India towards internalisation of CSR practices. Further, there is no difference between the managers personal profile and their perceptions CSR practices. The identified results are having managerial implications in the Corporate in India. Originality/Value: The authors main contributions are: Theoretical approach particularly stakeholder model of CSR has been discussed and made it link to the present days CSR practices of corporate India. Secondly the identified results are having managerial implications towards successful CSR strategy for the corporate India. 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Parental Perception of the Effectiveness of Online Classes for Primary School Children: A Mixed-Methods Approach
The unprecedented measures to control the spread of COVID-19 have affected both students and parents as education institutions have almost overnight shifted to virtual platforms. This study explores the effectiveness of online classes on primary school children s performance and investigates online classes impact on children s behaviour and holistic development. It explores the impact of online classes on parents workload by adopting a sequential research method. The data were collected using Google form and telephonic interviews with randomly selected parent respondents. Results exhibit that online classes are ineffective, and there is an indicative change in children s behaviour. Also, the lack of social interaction with peers and teachers, and minimal physical activities, have made online sessions monotonous for children. Parents have been experiencing an increased workload, as they are expected to be mentors, curators, and personal tutors for their children. The study emphasizes a need for exclusive curriculum and pedagogy development suitable for online classes. Copyright 2022, IGI Global. -
Evaluating the performance of indian banks: Eagles model approach
Sound financial health of a bank is the guarantee not only to its depositors but is also equally significant for the shareholders, employees and whole economy as well. Various steps and policies have been made from time to time, to measure the financial position of each bank and manage it efficiently and effectively. The introduction of new banking policies and technological advances put banks into more complex and risky situations. CAMEL model is widely used tool for measuring the efficiency and performance of banks which has been proved to be outdated. EAGLES model is a proper tool to measure the financial performance as well as the soundness of banks in a more determinate, objective and consistent manner, as the banks are being analyzed on the output ratios. The present study aimed at finding out the financial performance and soundness of selected Indian commercial banks, analyzing six major parameters which are key success factors of every bank today. Indian Institute of Finance. -
Impact of Financial Literacy and Behavioural Biases on Investment Decision-making
Investors financial literacy entails making sound investment decisions and the behavioural biases or irrational behaviour in decision-making that are collectively formed by heuristic bias, framing effect, cognitive illusions and herd mentality factors. The present study examines the combined impact of financial literacy and behavioural biases on investment decisions. A questionnaire was developed using Likert scaling technique to elicit study variables and collected data was analysed using SEM technique. The results showed that heuristic bias had a significant positive association with the creation of behavioural bias in decision-making. However, the framing effect, cognitive illusions and herd mentality have negative associations in the formation of behavioural biases. Further, investors often practice and follow heuristic biases rather than other irrational techniques for making investment decisions. Therefore, the financial literacy of individual investors has a significant impact on affecting stock market investment decisions. 2021 Fortune Institute of International Business. -
Comparison of streams delineated using various SRTM, ASTER and Cartosat DEM
Results from the study on the comparison of the stream network delineated from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM, Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) DEM and Cartosat DEM with the stream network extracted from Toposheets concluded that SRTM DEM of 30m resolution was correlated well with the stream network extracted from SOI toposheets compared to ASTER and Cartosat DEM. It is recommended to utilise SRTM open access DEM of 30m resolution from research work carried out over the study area. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
Casual nexus between firm ownership structure and market liquidity /
Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, Vol.4, Issue 12, pp.12-22, ISSN No: 2249-7323. -
Factors Influencing Association of Intermediaries in the Supply Chain of Consumer Healthcare Brands
Purpose: The rural market in India provides tremendous scope for FMCG consumer healthcare companies to market their products because of a significant increase of rural purchasing power. Many empirical studies in this area highlight the challenges and opportunities for marketers in the FMCG space. Research articles are not in abundance to understand intermediaries' expectations in the supply chain specific to consumer healthcare products. The existing literature did not significantly address the challenges of channel partners in the rural market. The present study aims to determine the retailer expectations from manufacturers and channel members' mutual expectations in the FMCG distribution channel. Research design and Methodology: The present study adopted a qualitative research methodology. Fifty respondents from each level of distribution channel such as super-stockist, distributors and retailers in central India were identified and an interview method was adopted to collect the data. Results: Nineteen factors were identified to influence the intermediaries for involvement in the business with any FMCG brand. Factors like Profit margin, reverse logistics, credit terms, return on investment, timely payments were crucial for managing the expectations of all intermediaries. This study provides academic as well as practical implications in terms of enabling the industry to align its channel management strategies accordingly 2021 The Author(s) A. S. Suresh. All Rights Reserved. -
Factors affecting luxury brand consumption and its impact on consumer purchase intentions: An India fashion luxury goods sector perspective
This study identifies and analyses the psychographic and demographic factors that influence luxury brand purchase intention in the Indian context. It discusses the existing knowledge pertaining to luxury brand consumption and a conceptual framework is developed based on the review of literature. India's favorable demographic profile, the growing middle class, high disposable income and young population, has helped the Indian luxury market witness a tremendous growth. The research identifies what drives the luxury brand purchase intention for the Indian consumers amidst this growth and analyses how it differs based on demographic variables such as age, gender and income. Based on the model thus created, the research seeks to segment the Indian luxury fashion brand consumers according to the significant demographic and psychographic variables thus identified. A questionnaire on a Likert scale was administered to 250 respondents of different age, income and gender groups within the city of Bangalore. The data was then analyzed using correlation, regression, cluster and frequency analysis in SPSS. The functionality is the major value factors effecting purchase intention of Indian luxury fashion consumer. The other identified value factors are correlated to self and others directedness. Age and income also have a significant influence of purchase intention. It was also found that purchase intention varies between different age and income groups. Finally, it was found that Indian consumers can be segmented as Superficial Luxury seekers, Luxury-Indulgers, Luxury-Avoiders, Attention and approval seekers. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
A Study of Factors of Internet Addiction and Its Impact on Online Compulsive Buying Behaviour: Indian Millennial Perspective
Compulsive Buying occurs when a person indulges in excessive purchasing overcome by social pressures and negative emotions. The main objective in this study is to garner insights into this issue from a marketing perspective and also to understand whether the millennials preference to avoid social contact physically but to crave for it in a virtual space has an impact. Conducted over a seven-month period with data collected and analyzed from 202 respondents in Bangalore, the study revealed that emotions like loneliness, depression, low self-esteem and anxiety encourage the respondents to go ahead and maintain relationships in a virtual space rather than engage in face-to-face interactions. Furthermore, it was realized that the growing Internet Addiction can also be positively related to online Compulsive Buying. This study is of high significance as it allows marketers to reach out and capture that segment of elusive customers who are always online and are guaranteed to make a purchase. Therefore, allowing companies can align their marketing strategies accordingly develop products and services, resulting in better sales revenues and repeat purchases. 2019 International Management Institute, New Delhi. -
Exploring effect of instagram influencer likeability and personality traits on self-concept and impact on consumer buying intention towards cosmetic products
With the advent of visual micro-blogging platforms like Instagram the communication environment for businesses has certainly undergone massive change. Over the years these platforms have evolved and brands have had to adapt themselves to gain visibility among the millennial audience by being available on the social media platforms. The disruptive force of these social media platforms has a great impact on the consumer decision making processes. As a result, consumers now rely more on recommendation from their peers. The sharing of views, experiences, opinions and expectations online by the users on various social media platforms have become a trusted source of information for the consumers. This had led to brands connecting to online celebrities known as Social media influencers (SMI) to distribute information and influence consumer's product perceptions i.e., the concept of influencer marketing. SMI's are referred to as online opinion leaders with large numbers of followers to drive messages through their promotional posts. A lot of research has been done to study the impact of celebrity endorsements but currently there is a gap in research pertaining to consumer's perspective towards the SMI's and SMI's effects on consumers. The online survey of self -concept and alters its buying intentions when an influencer posts promotional conducted in the studies how the likeability and personality traits of an influencer affects the consumer understanding posts on Instagram. Significant relationships were found for both, the likability traits and consumer self-concept and personality traits and consumer self-concept. Also using predictive analysis, the extent to which each of the consumer self-concept statements affected the buying intentions was determined. These results provide practical implications for brand managers who plan to invest in influencer marketing. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
A pharmacognostic approach, including phytochemical and GC-MS analysis, targeted towards the authentication of Strobilanthes jomyi P. Biju, Josekutty, Rekha & J.R.I.Wood
The genera Strobilanthes Blume have a rich history in therapeutic culture all over the world. Asian countries like India, China, Myanmar and Thailand still use Strobilanthes genus-based medicinal preparations for various diseases. Strobilanthes jomyi is a newly discovered species from Kerala, India. Some tribal communities of Kasaragod district still use S. jomyi leaf extract as a wound healing medication. The current study aims to investigate the pharmacognostic, phytochemical and GC-MS analysis of the leaves, stems and roots of S. jomyi. The microscopic, macroscopic, organoleptic, fluorescent, phytochemicals and GC-MS analysis of the leaves, stem, and root of S. jomyi were estimated using various standard protocols. The macroscopic and microscopic characters of leaves revealed the presence of non-glandular trichomes with paracytic stomata in the leaves. The transverse section of the stem and petiole showed the presence of raphides and the root showed the presence of tannin cells. Cystoliths were observed only in the petiole. Powder morphology of leaves, stems and roots revealed the presence of fibers, trichomes, palisade cells, spiral xylem vessels, bordered pit vessels and raphides. The vegetative part of S. jomyi powder exhibited various fluorescent coloration based on numerous chemical treatments along with different tastes, smells, colors and textures by organoleptic assays. Qualitative phytochemical analysis of different vegetative parts revealed the presence of flavonoids and other phytochemicals. GC-MS study revealed that lupeol a significant bioactive compound was present in all the vegetative parts of S. jomyi. The results acquired from this study can be used for the standardization, identification, quality and purity check of plant samples. The Author(s). -
Comprehensive Phytochemical, Anti-Oxidant and GC-MS Analysis of Strobilanthes jomyi P. Biju, Josekutty, Rekha & J.R.I.Wood
Background and Objective: Plant-based medication is one of the most established practices in the Indian medical field. Earlier, raw parts of plants were directly used to treat many health conditions. Later, the most valuable part was identified, separated the chemical compounds and treated various diseases. The plant Strobilanthes jomyi belongs to the family Acanthaceae, commonly called Elathumpadi. The study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical, mineral composition, phytochemical, anti-oxidant and GC-MS analysis of leaves stem and root of S. jomyi. Materials and Methods: Different vegetative parts of S. jomyi were extracted with the Soxhlet extraction method by using methanol as solvent. Physicochemical, phytochemical, mineral composition, anti-oxidant and GC-MS analyses were evaluated by different standard protocols. Results: The phytochemical analysis revealed that leaves contained more phenolic (87.40.44 mg gG1 of GAE), flavonoid (66.230.53 mg gG1 equivalent of QE), carbohydrate (44.71.28 mg gG1 of fresh weight), protein (17.70.76 mg gG1 of fresh weight), proline (46.80.15 mg gG1 of fresh weight) and chlorophyll (46.80.15 mg gG1 of fresh weight) content than the root and stem of methanolic extract. The non-enzymatic anti-oxidant assays of the methanolic extract showed the presence of higher anti-oxidant activities in leaves, followed by root and stem. The GC-MS study of the root, stem and leaves revealed medicinally important bioactive compounds like 2,4-di-tert-butyl phenol, phytol, squalene, phenol, neophytadiene and lupeol. Conclusion: Strobilanthes jomyi can be used as an alternative source of the ayurvedic system of medicine based on its phytochemical and antioxidant activity. 2023. -
Assessing transmission excellence and flow detection based on Machine Learning
Excellence in transmission can be assessed in optical transport networks before providing any additional connections or upgrading the connections. Generally, the Physical Layer Model (PLM) is used to assess the transmission quality which has high probability in uncertainty and inaccuracy due to the circumstances of physical layer. The network efficiency is directly proportional to the margins. If the margins getting increases in the PLM, the efficiency of the network decreases. Maintaining the excellence in transmission is the biggest challenge when the margins getting increased. Other significant factors for excellence in transmission is scalable, minimum latency with maximum speed and energy efficient. Photonic switching is a hopeful solution for handling these challenges. Machine learning technique is proposed to assess the excellence of transmission and flow detection. ML-E and Precedence based scheduling algorithms are proposed for excellence of transmission and flow detection respectively. The proposed techniques justify variations, uncertainties in kits like fiber dilution, dispersion and optimizes PSON (packet switched optical network). Simulation results are demonstrated and the proposed work results indicates that it can outperform a benchmark in all aspects. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Insights into thyroid disease: Harnessing machine learning for analysis and classification of multi-label medical data
Thyroid disease refers to a wide range of disorders that occur due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, a small gland located at the base of the neck that produces thyroid hormones. Through the analysis of this comprehensive dataset, we aim to utilize machine learning (ML) techniques for the analysis and classification of thyroid data. Employing ML techniques for thyroid classification has the potential to improve diagnostic accuracy, facilitate timelier interventions, lower expenses, optimize doctor time, and foster a more personalized approach to thyroid care. The objective of this research was to conduct multiclassification, encompassing the broadest array of classes for the target variable. To address the imbalances within the dataset, we employed the Synthetic Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) as a resampling method. Specifically, classes with a minimum of 10 samples were retained, resulting in the inclusion of 19 out of the total 34 classes in the dataset. The importance of SMOTE in addressing class imbalance is examined in this chapter, with an emphasis on how it may be used to enhance classifier model performance. Moreover, we conducted a comparative analysis of Classification Models, including Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, SVM, Gradient Boosting, Multinomial Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression, to assess their accuracies. Following the resampling of the dataset, the highest accuracy of 99.99% was achieved with the gradient booster. Additionally, this research incorporated the association rule technique to uncover meaningful relationships within the dataset. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Arun Kumar Rana, Vishnu Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Rana, and Vijay Shanker Chaudhary; individual chapters, the contributors. All rights reserved. -
Achievement of children in academics: An exploration into parental philosophies /
The current study is an exploration into parental philosophies behind their involvement in the academic lives of their children. 14 pairs of parents and children were interviewed and the data gathered was analyzed using thematic analysis. The role that parents play in shaping the academic and vocational choices of their children was analyzed. The framework of this study included childrens perspectives on parental involvement in their academic lives as well. This was to gain insight into childrens point of view on how similar or different their thinking was from their parents on matters such as education, hobbies, career goals, academic expectations. -
Prediction of Hazardous Asteroids Using Machine Learning
As the need for early detection and mitigation of potential threats from near-Earth objects continues to grow, this study presents a comprehensive approach to predicting hazardous asteroids through the application of machine learning techniques. With the increasing interest in safeguarding our planet from potential impact events, the accurate classification and prediction of hazardous asteroids is of paramount importance. This research leverages a diverse dataset comprising a wide array of asteroid characteristics, including orbital parameters, physical properties, and historical impact data, to train and validate machine learning models. The study employs a combination of feature engineering, data preprocessing, and state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to assess the risk posed by asteroids in near-Earth space. 2024 IEEE. -
Leveraging Blockchain Technology forInternet ofThings Powered Banking Sector
Banking sector contributes to 70% of Indian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and for India to meet its economic aspirations, it should enable this vivacious sector to grow at 810 times of its current pace, in the next ten years. This pace of active growth requires a double engine of sophisticated technology and a tech enabled, scalable, and a secured banking system. Implementing BlockchainTechnology (BCT) in the banking sector, provides a realistic solution which when coupled with devices connected by the Internet of Things(IoT), will result in secured, fast-paced, cost effective, and transparent growth of the sector. The prevalence of personalized banking, secured banking, connected banking, and digital banking are use cases, made possible through interface with IoT. This chapter delves into the opportunities in the banking sector to be explored and challenges to be met in the BCT-IoT implementation process. BCT- and IoT-based opportunities such as peer-to-peer lending, Know Your Customer (KYC) updation, Cross-border transfer payments, syndicate lending, fraud reduction are some of the banking operations that are elaborated. To strengthen the banking network, the consensus algorithm of Blockchainnetwork is much required and the use of IoT devices to act as nodes is pertinent. The blend of both in the banking space has to be further reinforced. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.