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Inter Frame Statistical Feature Fusion for Human Gait Recognition
Researches showed that gait is unique for individuals and human gait recognition gained much attention nowadays. The sequence of gait silhouettes extracted from the video sequences has its own significance for gait recognition performance. In this paper, a novel inter frame feature discriminating the individual gait characteristics is proposed. Consecutive frames within a gait cycle are divided into equal number of blocks and corresponding block differences are calculated. It can preserve the minute temporal variations of the different body parts within each block and the cumulative difference provide a unique feature capable of discriminating individuals. To avoid synchronization problems, secondary statistical features are extracted from the primary inter frame variations. Finally, feature level fusion schemes are applied on these statistical features with existing features extracted from CEI representation. The efficiency of the proposed feature is evaluated on widely adopted CASIA gait dataset B using subspace discriminant analysis. The experimental results show that our proposed feature has better recognition accuracy in comparison with existing features. 2019 IEEE. -
An overlap-based human gait cycle detection
Identification of a person by his/her style of walking is referred as gait recognition. Gait is one among the biometric used for human identification. In gait recognition, an inevitable step for accurate feature extraction is gait cycle detection. In this paper, a novel gait cycle detection algorithm based on the concept of overlap between legs during locomotion is proposed. To identify overlap, zero-crossing counts of silhouette frames as well as bottom halves of silhouette frames are considered. The efficiency of this algorithm is tested using normal walking sequence of subjects with 90 viewing angle from CASIA B as well as TUM-IITKGP human gait databases. The results obtained shows that gait cycle can be easily and efficiently detected with zero-crossing count of silhouette frames. Further zero-crossing counts taken from bottom halves of silhouette frames gives better performance. Copyright 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Discriminative Gait Features Based on Signal Properties of Silhouette Centroids
Among the biometric recognition systems, gait recognition plays an important role due to its attractive advantages over other biometric systems. One of the crucial tasks in gait recognition research is the extraction of discriminative features. In this paper, a novel and efficient discriminative feature vector using the signal characteristics of motion of centroids across video frames is proposed. These centroid based features are obtained from the upper and lower regions of the gait silhouette frames in a gait cycle. Since gait cycle contains the sequence of motion pattern and this pattern possesses uniqueness over individuals, extracting the centroid features can better represent the dynamic variations. These variations can be viewed as a signal and therefore the signal properties obtained from the centroid features contains more discriminant information of an individual. Experiments are carried out with CASIA gait dataset B and the proposed feature achieves 97.3% of accuracy using SVM classifier. 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
An Efficient HOG-Centroid Descriptor for Human Gait Recognition
Automatic recognition of human gait have gained much attention nowadays. Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) is a widely adopted descriptor for object's shape analysis. In this paper, combination of HOG descriptor with silhouette centroid for human gait recognition is proposed. The resultant descriptor, namely HOG-Centroid, achieves better recognition performance on comparison with HOG descriptor individually as well as other existing gait recognition methods. Experiments are carried out with CASIA gait dataset B and cumulative matching scores of 95.3%, 98.1% and 99.2% are obtained for rank 1, rank 5 and rank 10 respectively. 2019 IEEE. -
Encountering risk with resilience for experiences: a case study on tourism in a conflicted tourist destination
Purpose: This paper aims to unravel how tourists balance their novel experiences with risk perceptions, psychological resilience and behavioral intentions. Additionally, it explores how tourists' personalities moderate the relationship between experiences and travel intentions. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 234 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to a diverse group of tourists who recently explored the Srinagar region to capture their perspectives. The data obtained was analyzed using Smart PLS-SEM. Findings: This study revealed that the impact of perceived terror risk on behavioral intentions is not statistically significant. Instead, tourists' experiences significantly influence psychological resilience and behavioral intentions. Tourists with higher resilience are inclined to perceive these experiences as aiding in managing negative feelings. Research limitations/implications: The study's focus is confined to one conflict zone within the country due to research constraints, excluding other areas. Practical implications: This research provides practical insights for destination management authorities and highlights areas for improvement for tourism service providers and the government in the Srinagar region, as well as other conflict regions. Emphasizing mutual respect between locals and tourists can foster community-based tourism, enhancing the region's appeal and promoting positive intentions for all involved parties. Social implications: This study examines how local communities in conflict-affected areas adjust to and manage the presence of tourists, with an emphasis on building resilience and support systems. Additionally, it explores how travel decisions and behaviors are influenced by tourists' perceptions of safety and how these perceptions can influence broader societal attitudes toward areas affected by conflict. Evaluating the local population's economic reliance on tourism may result in changed social dynamics, as well as possible exploitation or over-reliance on industry. Promoting mutual understanding and cultural interchange between locals and visitors may have a positive impact on efforts to promote social cohesion and peacebuilding. Originality/value: This study broadens the scope of the existing literature on destination attributes in conflict zones, offering a unique perspective on the intrinsic features of this issue. The solutions proposed in this study contribute a novel dimension to the current literature. 2024, International Tourism Studies Association. -
Machine Learning Classifiers for Credit Risk Analysis
The modern world is a place of global commerce. Since globalization became popular, entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises to large ones have looked up to banks, which have existed in various forms since antiquity, as their pillars of support. The risk of granting loans in various forms has significantly increased as a consequence of this, the businesses face financing difficulties. Credit Risk Analysis is a major aspect of approving the loan application that is done by analyzing different types of data. The goal is to minimize the risk of approving the loan for the Individuals or businesses who might not pay back on time. This research paper addresses this challenge by applying various machine learning classifiers to the German credit risk dataset. By evaluating and comparing the accuracy of these models to identify the most effective classifier for credit risk analysis. Furthermore, it proposes a contributory approach that combines the strengths of multiple classifiers to enhance the decision-making process for loan approvals. By leveraging ensemble learning techniques, such as the Voting Ensemble model, the aim is to improve the accuracy and reliability of credit risk analysis. Additionally, it explores tailored feature engineering techniques that focus on selecting and engineering informative features specific to credit risk analysis. 2024 Sudiksha et al., licensed to EAI. -
Experimental investigation of boundary shear stress in meandering channels
Laboratory experimentation for bed shear stress distribution has been carried out in two sets of meandering channels. The channels have cross-over angles of 110 and 60 constructed by 'sine-generated' curves over a flume of 4?m width. Variations in bed roughness were studied for the meandering main channel. Bed shear stress distribution across a meandering length for the 110 and 60 channels was examined for different sinuosities and roughnesses. The boundary shear stress study illustrated the position of maximum shear along the apex section and across the meandering path. These variations were observed for different flow depths. A comparison of the bed shear among the three experimental channels was conducted, and the results were analyzed. 2023 Author(s). -
A microstructure exploration and compressive strength determination of red mud bricks prepared using industrial wastes
The consensual view among researchers concerning building with industrial by-products is that the utilization of by-products represents green technology and sustainable development. The current investigation focuses on the utilization of an assortment of by-products for the production of bricks. The by-products include Red Mud (RM), Fly ash (FA), and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) combined in different proportions with lime. The Red Mud employed ranged from 100% to 60% with a decrement of 10%, whereas Fly ash and GGBS varied between10% and 40% with an increment of 10%. Bricks produced from two methods namely, ambient curing and firing methods, were tested as per IS standards/ASTM norms, on both the materials and the composites of bricks. XRD, XRF, and SEM focused on both the raw materials and the composites. Because geopolymer materials are partially amorphous materials with complex composition, understanding the structural characteristics of geopolymers is opined as intricate. The results of the investigation show that the compressive strength of the bricks increased with the increment in the percentage of Fly ash and GGBS. The compressive strength of Red Mud-GGBS fired bricks attained maximum strength of 7.56 MPa. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Multigene Genetic Programming Based Prediction of Concrete Fracture Parameters of Unnotched Specimens
This study explores the fracture energy of notched and unnotched concrete specimens subjected to the classical three-point bend test, instantiating a gradational step in the continued development of concrete fracture mechanics. An experimental campaign involving 18 notched test specimens and nine unnotched specimens of three different grades of concrete, an examination of the existing literature models for unnotched specimens, and a novel Multigene Genetic programming (MGGP) based concrete fracture energy model for unnotched specimens are integral to this study. As a salient result, the multiple approaches to quasi-brittle materials adopted in the study, highlighted the criticality of the determination of fracture energy, tensile strength and characteristic length for the crack width study. The failure modes of notched and unnotched specimens were found to be similar. The reported literature has mainly focused on a limited number of fracture energy influencing parameters. Therefore, six impact parameters have been chosen and incorporated into the present study to provide a more acceptable explanation of concrete fracture behaviour. A sensitivity analysis of the parameters and an error analysis of the model undertaken have established the accuracy and robustness of the developed MGGP model. 2023 by the authors. Licensee C.E.J, Tehran, Iran. -
Mathematical Modeling of Concrete Fracture Energy of Notched Specimens Using Experimental Evidence
The tensile stiffness of concrete is an important parameter for crack initiation. The microcrack initiation and propagation regulate the stressstrain behavior and the failure mode of concrete. Therefore, fundamental awareness of the fracture mechanism in terms of fracture energy is a requisite to comprehend concrete behavior. There is research consensus that fracture energy alone does not suffice to characterize the ductility/brittleness and also the size dependency of concrete. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the fracture energy and the characteristic length for a realistic assessment of the fracture behavior of concrete. Towards this objective, this study examined the fracture energy of concrete by experimentation, and the fracture energy proposed by various models in the literature. Further, the characteristic length proposed by Hillerborg which depicted both the material influence and the size effect, has been computed. Based on the RILEM50 FM recommendations, 18 specimens with varying grades of concrete and notch depths have been tested and the fracture energy parameters have been evaluated. Also, two regression models with key fracture parameters as variables for two-notch ratios, have been formulated for the concrete fracture energy. The arguments have been supported by experimental evidence. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Shiraz University 2024. -
Experimental Investigation of Uniaxial Compressive Behavior of Composite Columns without and with Full and Partial CFRP Wraps
Concrete columns are the backbone of any major structure, and their strengthening, repair, and retrofit have always drawn special research attention. One of the techniques for strengthening and improving the ductility of concrete columns has been the application of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials. A total of 43 columns of different configurations were experimentally investigated to evaluate the uniaxial compressive behavior of composite columns. Experimental and international code-recommended load-carrying capacities, stress-strain relations, axial stiffness, ductility factor, and failure modes were examined in the study. When fully wrapped, the strength of both plain cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete columns improved by 21% each with reference to the unwrapped columns. In addition to providing the advantages of external confinement to the columns, full wrapping contributed to a strength increment of 21%, which compared well with the steel reinforcement contribution to a strength increment of 28% to 39%. The partial wrapping technique was found to be an economical alternative to the full wrapping technique, with strength enhancements of 6% to 12% in the case of both plain cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete partially wrapped columns. Two regression models for the load-carrying capacity for columns with and without wraps were developed with four key performance parameters: percentage steel reinforcement, percentage concrete, percentage carbon fiber-reinforced polymer wrap, and the weight of the specimen. The formulated models were validated and found to be robust and consistent with the results. 2024 American Society of Civil Engineers. -
Work life balance among women anganwadi workers in Bengaluru
Over the past few years, worklife balance has evolved into a matter of significant concern. Both men and women strive to achieve a steady professional and personal life. In reality, women are more prone to experiencing such challenges. The paper attempted to understand worklife balance among Anganwadi workers (women-dominant centres). The research focused on the impact of job satisfaction, work overburden, workplace support, family support, and dependent care on the worklife balance of Anganwadi workers. For the purpose of the study, a structured questionnaire was administered to 467 participants. Statistical technique used for the study was regression model. The results indicated that workplace support and family support had a positive impact on the worklife balance among Anganwadi workers. The findings also suggested that work overburden and dependent care had a negative impact on worklife balance. The results also contradicted the hypotheses by portraying that job satisfaction was not a significant factor that impacted the worklife balance among Anganwadi workers. However, many other variables such as emotional intelligence, job autonomy, turnover intention, absenteeism, and work engagement that could potentially impact worklife balance were not taken into consideration. 2020, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Classification of supply chain knowledge: A morphological approach
Purpose The purpose of the article is to create a knowledge classification model that can be used by knowledge management (KM) practitioners for establishing a knowledge management framework (KMF) in a supply chain (SC) network. Epistemological and ontological aspects of knowledge have been examined. SC networks provide a more generic setting for managing knowledge due to the additional issues concerning flow of knowledge across the boundaries of organizations. Design/methodology/approach Morphological analysis has been used to build the knowledge classification model. Morphological approach is particularly useful in exploratory research on concepts/ entities having multiple dimensions. Knowledge itself has been shown in literature to have many characteristics, and the methodology used has enabled a comprehensive classification scheme based on such characteristics. Findings A single comprehensive classification model for knowledge that exists in SC networks has been proposed. Nine characteristics, each possessing two or more value options, have been finally included in the model. Research limitations/implications Knowledge characteristics have been mostly derived from past research with the exception of three which have been introduced without empirical evidence. Although the article is primarily about SC knowledge, the results are fairly generic. Practical implications The proposed model would be of use in developing KM policies, procedures and establishing knowledge management systems in SC networks. The model will cater to both system and people aspects of a KMF. Originality/value The proposed knowledge classification model based on morphological analysis fills a gap in a vital area of research in KM as well as SC management. No similar classification model of knowledge with all its dimensions has been found in literature. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. -
Knowledge transfer: An information theory perspective
Personalization and codification are two dominant knowledge transfer (KT) mechanisms found in organizations and organizational networks. This paper proposes a theoretical model of KT that explains organizations' choice of KT mechanisms in terms of the tacitness of knowledge being shared and the corresponding information content. Shannon's entropy, an information theoretical concept, has been used to define the constructs of tacitness and information content and explain their influence on the choice of the corresponding KT mechanisms. Contributions of the paper include (a) use of information content as a predictor of the choice of KT mechanisms, (b) development of an expression for tacitness, and an intuitive explanation of the tacit-explicit continuum, (c) characterization of product variety in terms of information content, and (d) development of a KT theoretical model that can be operationalized for predicting the choice of KT mechanisms in real-life situations. 2017 The OR Society. -
Nano Zinc Oxide Particle Synthesis from Bio-Waste Selaginella willdenowii Leaf Extract: A Multi-Faceted Approach for Environmental and Biomedical Applications
Selaginella willdenowii, a commonly used greenhouse fern, was often used as a biowaste to synthesize zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in an eco-friendly and cost-effective way. UV-Visible spectra studies were carried out to confirm the synthesis of S. willdenowii-mediated ZnO NPs (SW-ZnO NPs), and a peak at 367nm with a sharp band gap of 3.415eV was observed. The X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the crystalline size of the synthesized SW-ZnO NPs was 11.971nm. The phytochemicals present in the extracts and the compounds involved in the reduction of metal to nanoparticles were determined by Fourier Transform Infrared analysis. Scanning electron microscopy was utilized to analyze the surface morphology and size of the obtained SW-ZnO NPs. The examination revealed that they exhibited a hexagonal shape, with an average size falling within the range of 17-23nm. Under ultra-violet light, reactive blue 220 and reactive yellow 145 dyes showed 78.06% and 60.14% degradation, showing potential photocatalytic degradation activity. The synthesized SW-ZnO NPs also exhibited antimicrobial activity against bacterial strains (Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis) and fungal cultures (Candida tropicalis and Candida albicans) showed cytotoxic activity against Hep-G2 cell lines. Our results suggest the green synthesized SW-ZnO NPs have potential photocatalytic, antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential. 2024 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
A comprehensive review on tissue culture studies and secondary metabolite production in Bacopa monnieri L. Pennell: a nootropic plant
Bacopa monnieri L. Pennell, commonly known as Brahmi, is an important medicinal plant that belongs to the family Plantaginaceae. Brahmi is rich in innumerable bioactive secondary metabolites, especially bacosides that can be employed to reduce many health issues. This plant is used as a neuro-tonic and treatment for mental health, depression, and cognitive performance. Brahmi is also known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hepatotoxic activities. There is a huge demand for its raw materials, particularly for the extraction of bioactive molecules. The conventional mode of propagation could not meet the required commercial demand. To overcome this, biotechnological approaches, such as plant tissue culture techniques have been established for the production of important secondary metabolites through various culture techniques, such as callus and cell suspension cultures and organ cultures, to allow for rapid propagation and conservation of medicinally important plants with increased production of bioactive compounds. It has been found that a bioreactor-based technology can also enhance the multiplication rate of cell and organ cultures for commercial propagation of medicinally important bioactive molecules. The present review focuses on the propagation and production of bacoside A by cell and organ cultures of Bacopa monnieri, a nootropic plant. The review also focuses on the biosynthesis of bacoside A, different elicitation strategies, and the over-expression of genes for the production of bacoside-A. It also identifies research gaps that need to be addressed in future studies for the sustainable production of bioactive molecules from B. monnieri. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Role of plant tissue culture medium components
The plant tissue culture technique is one of the most acquainted techniques and has been practiced since 1902 for the development of disease-free plants with desired quality, at a larger production rate within a short span of time, irrespective of the season. Each plant has its own morphology and nutritional requirements. Moreover, the nutritional requirement for the tissues in each part of the plant varies. Thus, for the optimal growth of the desired plant, the composition and choice of the suitable media are crucial factors. The formulation of the nutrient medium for the specific tissue and the specific plant plays a vital role in the development of suitable plant tissue culture techniques. This chapter discusses the main components of the plant tissue culture media: basic components which include macroelements, microelements, nitrogen sources (including amino acids), carbon sources, organic supplements (mainly vitamins and other supplements), growth regulators like auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethylene, and solidifying agents. The basic components have to be incorporated at a fixed concentration. The plant growth regulators are supplemented for organogenesis and the balance between the growth regulators depends on the type of tissue culture technique adopted. The additional supplements are incorporated into the media to achieve specific responses which include activated charcoal, antioxidants, ethylene inhibitors, and complex organic additives, and antibiotics/antifungal agents are supplemented to prevent plant loss due to contamination. The chapter also emphasizes the sterilization techniques and their importance in the plant tissue culture medium. The significance of the adoption of automated media preparation and incorporation of nanoparticles in the tissue culture media is also discussed. 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Phytochemical, pharmacological and tissue culture studies of some important species of the genus Barleria L. (Acanthaceae) - a review
Ayurvedic sciences helped the early humans to overcome chronic dangerous diseases. There are thousands of varieties of herbs and medicinal plants used to overcome such dreadful diseases. The genus Barleria L. belongs to family Acanthaceae, a medicinally significant group of plants having diversified phytochemicals used for different pharmacological properties. It has been utilized since ancient times for medicinal purposes. It has many plant secondary metabolites such as terpenes, flavonoids, lignins, alkaloids, particularly the iridoid glycosides. The secondary metabolites extracted from Barleria spp. show potential pharmacological activities viz., anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fertility, anti-arthritic and anti-ulcer activity. In view of these, present review is focused on the phytochemistry, pharmacology and tissue culture studies of some of the important species of the genus Barleria L. Sudheer & Praveen (2021). -
Production of Boeravinone-B, total phenolic, flavonoid content and antioxidant activity from callus cultures of Punarnava (BoerhaviadiffusaL.)
Boerhavia diffusa L. (Punarnava) is a medicinal herb, rich in diversified plant secondary metabolites used in curing various health ailments. Boeravinone-B is one of the important phytochemicals reported in Punarnava, possessing various pharmacological activities. It belongs to the family of rotenoids, belonging to the isoflavone group. Production of Boeravinone-B from the Punarnava through conventional propagation is comparatively very low, and alternative interventions are of utmost importance to meet the growing demand. In view of this, the present study aims to develop biotechnological approaches like cell/tissue culture as a substitute strategy for the accumulation of biomass and Boeravinone-B biosynthesis. Callus was established from leaf explants of Boerhavia diffusa L. when cultured on MS semi solid medium fortified with varied concentrations and combinations of auxins and cytokinins. The callus induced on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS medium) supplemented with 5.0 ppm 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) favored the highest production of Boeravinone-B analyzed through High-performance Liquid chromatography (HPLC) and it was found to be 673.95 ?g g-1 Dry weight (DW). The total phenolic and flavonoid content were determined for the callus extracts and the results showed that callus induced on 5.0 ppm 2,4-D medium showed the highest phenolic and flavonoid content, which was 63.48 mg g-1 Gallic acid equivalent (GAE) Dry weight (DW), and 30.22 mg g-1 Quercetin equivalent (QE) DW. Similarly, antioxidant activities (radical scavenging, metal chelating, and reducing power) were performed, and it was found that callus induced on 5.0 ppm 2,4-D showed the highest anti-oxidant potential. Radical scavenging activity was found to be 91.1%, and 74% of metal chelating activity was recorded, and a similar trend was observed with respect to reducing power as well. The results of the present study lay foundation for optimization and subsequent large-scale production of Boeravinone-B from callus/cell suspension cultures. The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited ( by/4.0/) -
Polyamines influence the production of Boeravinone-B from cell suspension cultures of Boerhavia diffusa L.
Boerhavia diffusa L. (Punarnava) is an ayurvedic herb with a wide range of phytochemicals and pharmacological activities that have been utilised since antiquity. Boeravinone-B (an isoflavone rotenoid molecule) is one of the most significant secondary metabolites produced in its plant body. Modern plant biotechnological tools have helped in the overproduction of desired plant secondary metabolites from in vitro cell and organ cultures. Elicitation is one such strategy employed for the production of phytochemicals. In the present study, polyamines like putrescine, spermine and spermidine have been used as elicitors for the production of Boeravinone-B. The cell suspension cultures of punarnava have been treated with polyamines at various concentrations, ranging from 0.5 to 20M, at various day intervals of 2, 4 and 6 before the harvesting. The fresh weights, dry weights of cell suspension cultures, their Boeravinone-B content and yield are evaluated. Among all the various polyamine treatments, 2.5M spermidine (SPD) on the 6th day before harvesting shows the highest Boeravinone-B content of 10.88 0.13mgg?1 DW and yield of 110.34mg L?1 respectively, which is a five-fold increment compared to the control cultures (2.16 0.06mgg?1 DW and 16.35mg L?1) respectively. The highest total phenolic content in the cell suspension cultures is observed with 1?M SPD on the 2nd day prior to harvesting (194.25 0.37mgg?1 DW), while the highest levels of flavonoids are observed with 2.5?M SPD on the 6th day before harvesting (86.85 0.26mgg?1 DW). 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.