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Impact of photographs and its placement in news articles on readers /
The research is carried out to study the impact of photographs and its placement on readers in newspapers. The photographs and headline are the heavyweights, more than any other element they attract attention. This study tries to focus on the role of photographs in newspaper articles on its readers. It evaluates on the terms of its placement as well. Photographs in newspapers are researched through semiotics analysis, content analysis and other qualitative techniques. This study is undertaken in both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The researcher has used the random sampling technique with a sample size of 108. The analysis is also made on the basis of in-depth interview with experienced and seasoned members of print organisations. -
Representation of print media in films /
This research is a study on Representation of print media in films. Creating awareness about the representation is one of the objectives of the study. Before forming an opinion about the representation of print media in films it is important to know what those representations represent. Today there are online newspapers and it co-exists with the traditional print media. Thus the researcher has found it more important to study the portrayal of the print media in films in the context of todays time and space. The researcher is not trying to appeal that print media should be potrayed in a certain way. The research contains analysis some films to study the representation. Researcher is not being judgemental about the representations but only investigating what is the depiction of print media, journalists and professions in films as films are a different medium from print. -
Portrayal of sikhism in hindi movies /
A Sikh is known for his strength and valor, comedians, a true friend to someone, dedicated, hard work. These are the general characteristics that are taken into consideration while dealing with how we perceive their nature on screen. Over the past few years Portrayal of Sikhism has evolved from being a comedian to a more serious role and some of the stories being based on true lifes of Sikhs. With portrayal of Sikhs in Hindi movies, the image of the community has been lifted despite them being stereotyped in cinema in form of various actors, enacting the roles of a Sikh on screen whose enactment has helped in uplifting the communitys image in the minds of the people despite the Sikh religion being the lowest in the population count. -
An analysis on the portrayal of India by national geographic magazine /
The research is an analysis on how the magazine National Geographic has portrayed India over the years and whether or how it has changed. National Geographic being an all American historical magazine might have its own ways of portraying particular nations. India being known for festivals, colors, superstition and snake charmers has always been portrayed countless number of times as only the above mentioned stereotypical explanation. May it be in movies, cartoons, books, etc., National Geographic being a credible magazine has never failed to bring forth to the world all historical aspects of any country. Bollywood, Spicy food, Religion etc. has been a hot topic for both Nat Geo magazine and television. The researcher wishes to find out if the magazine has portrayed India differently over the years. -
Social networking- A comparative study on the new google + project and facebook /
This research project set out to study the new Google + Project, a new social network by Google. The dissertation looks at the social network as compared to already existing social networks especially Facebook, what the sight possesses that other social networks may not have and how successful the site will be in the years to come and if there is a need for a new social network after what is already there. The researcher went out to find out from users of the social networks, how popular Google plus and Facebook are and how frequently the sites are and what possible future the sites have. The researcher found out that Google plus isnt as popular as Facebook just yet but in years to come if they can learn from the mistakes that the already existing social network have made and develop on that to make the site more user friendly. -
Social media and crisis communication the new age mantra? /
The topic Social Media and Crisis communication ?? The new age mantra? is indeed one where immense amount of research is possible. Simply because social media today has become one of the most rapidly growing means of communication. The researcher through this research aims to find out if Public relations professionals use this medium extensively while communicating crisis. The theory used behind this research is ??uses and gratification theory. The research begins with the theoretical aspect of social media and crisis communication. The researcher has taken examples of a few ground breaking crisis that have taken place in the consumer world and cited their examples where in prominent use of social media has made people aware of the crisis and it is the same social media that has eventually regained peoples faith back into the brand. -
Strength of internet ties and impact of facebook on youth /
This dissertation aims at studying the social networking sites impact on people and relationships. There are different reasons why people use social networking sites like Facebook. The study aims to check whether it is the loneliness or the need for socialization that encourages networking on such sites. Study looks into Facebook and other social networking sites have changed the youngsters lives and lifestyles. This research tries to find out how this new media trend has affected peoples attitude towards life and also their attitude towards relationships. A questionnaire has been used to find the opinion of the people regarding the social networking concept. 75-100 people were researched to find out the exact need for social networking. The ability of networks to introduce new actors and new contents in the process of social organization, with relative independence to the power centres, increased over time with technological change, and more precisely, with the evolution of communication technologies. -
An analysis on if presentation style attracts readers to read an article /
This study is to analyse if readers read an article due to the presentation style of an article (writing style, graphic designs, layout and topic) they come across. Readers pick a magazine based on their interest and the magazines may contain what they already know, something additional to the knowledge they already have and also from the areas that they are ignorant about. They may or may not read all the articles from that particular magazine and if at all they read there can be a solid reason behind it. I want to analyze if it is because of their interest or due to the presentation style. There have been studies done in this particular field but not on any particular point of view. They have also not stressed much on the contrast of presentations style and content. This study can be a means through which many magazines or other print media can reach up to the audience and make them read the articles. The researcher prefers qualitative study as analyze on why they read an article has to be done. It is by means of a questionnaire that I am going to do the qualitative study. -
A study of customers expectation towards depository participants of Bangalore city /
The exponential growth of the capital market witnessed in recent years had resulted in a near complete breakdown of the paper based transaction system. The amount of capital raised has shot up, the number of issues had increased substantially, trading volumes on the stock exchanges had grown several fold and the markets had become institutionalised with the entry of Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) and private mutual funds. As a result, there had been an increase in paper work causing a gridlock at every stage. This delays the clearance and settlement of trades, registration of securities and increases back office paper work for intermediaries. The outdated systems had increased settlement risks and have rendered the implementation of a Delivery versus Payment (DP) system impossible. The systemic risks face further threat by theft, forgery, bad delivery, issue of fake share certificates and loss of certificates. This had eroded investor confidence. -
Soft computing techniques for hub sequence analysis /
Bioinformatics, the combination of Biology and Information Technology has become a pioneer industry booming worldwide. One of the grand challenges in biology is to understand organizing principles of bimolecular networks. There seems to be a deliberate effort towards uncovering new laws of biological complexity. One of the most pressing needs in this area is the understanding of protein-protein interaction networks and their complexity. Hub proteins- network elements with high connectivity- literally ??hold the networks together. Though several experimental methods have been developed to identify hub proteins, it is important to supplement procedures for pattern recognition to classify/predict hub protein sequences. This research work aims at the classification and prediction of hub proteins of two model organisms- Homo sapiens and Escherichia coli using different computational approaches of pattern recognition such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Linear Discriminant Analysis using (i) Class Dependent Approach (LDACD), (ii) Class Independent Approach (LDACIND), and (iii) Normal Bayes Classification (LDANB). -
Evaluation and analysis of quality in e commerce (B2C Website) /
There has been a phenomenal growth in Ecommerce in the last few years and it is still growing. As the market is expanding, more and more organizations want to have web presence. Due to sudden and rapid demand in Ecommerce website, website development companies are ignoring or skipping the quality factor. Apart from this, due to popularity of Internet, more and more consumers are buying products and services through ecommerce websites. The software development companies want to delivery the products quickly, to make fast money. To meet the deadlines, usually the quality of the product is not taken as a priority, resulting in a product full of bugs, being shipped to the customers. Once the software becomes live, more and more bugs keep coming resulting in loss of business and credibility of the organization is affected. Lack of quality Ecommerce websites result in consumers moving back to the alternate methods of shopping or switching to another website. With the increase in the competition, companies have started studying the consumer behavior and determining the factors that affect the quality of Ecommerce websites form the consumers perspective. During these years, several lessons have been learned about the technology, business and economy of Ecommerce. -
Employee performance prediction model /
With the dominance of knowledge power in the success of an organization, competent human resource has become crucial for realization of organizational objectives. Human Resource Management, HRM is a set of tasks to maintain and develop a proficient human resource. A performance appraisal process helps the HRM in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employee. This evaluation of employee is based on several different parameters according to the work domain and organizational objectives. This activity of employee evaluation has a high significance in making strategic decisions of manpower planning than just salary reviews. The objective of the prediction model constructed in the study is to assist HR personnel in decision making by predicting the performance of an employee. -
A conceptual study on searching techniques used in ontology based search engines /
Search engines play a vital role in finding the relevant information across the web and make it available on the finger tips. But they seemed to be less efficient to understand the relationship between the keywords which had an adverse effect on the results it produced. Semantic search engines ?? only solution to this; is still an unrealized dream due to various underlying issues. Reducing the time taken to search the semantic annotated documents is a highly demanded solution for semantic search engines. This research focuses on a study and improvisation of searching techniques used in semantic search engines keeping time complexity as the major factor. Developing semantic search engines is considered to be a time consuming and tedious process. The reasons attributed to that are ?? It is a mightier task to semantically annotate each and every resource (text and multimedia files) available on the net as the number keeps on increasing in an exponential order per day. -
Efficient management of feed resources using data mining techniques /
Feed is the largest input in any livestock enterprise and the rapid increase in feed prices and shortage of feed resources has been one of the major constraints for farmers, livestock industries, planners and the policy makers. This calls for prudent management of available resources and application of computing techniques can be one of the possible potential approaches. India is endowed with a wide range of feed resources varying widely in their composition and utility for different livestock species. Clustering of feed resource into different groups based on the composition can help in better feed management. To evaluate and to suggest a best technique for clustering feed resources, we have evaluated three clustering techniques viz. K-means, spectral k-means and auto spectral on two different data sets containing 236 and 106 feed resources with major constituents like crude protein, crude fiber ash, fat etc., . -
Assumptions of complete rationality and complete information in economics: A critique /
Economists conceived the discipline of economics to be a science of social relations. In fact they believed that social relations between individuals are moderated and regulated. The Physiocratic, Classical and Neo - classical school which firmly believed in human liberty considered this moderation to be a matter of self regulation1 and also that the laws controlling human association to be as clear as the laws of geometry. Contrary to this economists belonging to the utopian common wealth, and the Marxists school believed the same can be dealt out only through social control by the state.2 Irrespective of ones allegiance to any school of economic thought, human behaviour is central to the study of economics and to its place in knowledge structures as a social science. -
Situating censorship: A study of the politics of state and self in literary translations in Iran /
A nation’s culture flourishes by interacting with other cultures” (Razmjou). Cultural variety not only enriches our knowledge, but also acts as a guide towards the growth of a nation. It gives an insight about the basic human right practices of different cultures. The standard of culture of any particular nation can be gauged through various tools, but importance is given to literature, as it acts as a barometer to measure the cultural growth of the nation. To interpret any culture it is important to understand the beginnings of that particular culture and make an in-depth study of the progress of its civilization. The cultural evolution of any place is continuous and is a combination of many factors like geographic location, weather conditions prevalent, suitable food crops grown, its political policies, religious influences, its history and its present circumstances. The above factors directly or indirectly become responsible to blend and give shape to a culture. -
A study on emotional intelligence and work life balance of employees in the information technology industry in Bangalore, India /
Emotional Intelligence is a set of qualities and competencies that captures a broad collection of individual skills and dispositions, usually referred to as soft skills or inter and intra-personal skills, that are outside the traditional areas of specific knowledge, general intelligence, and technical or professional skills. Emotions are an intrinsic part of our biological makeup, and every morning they march into the office with us and influence our behavior. Emotional intelligence consists of five factors: Knowing one's emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotions in others, and handling relationships Goleman (1995). Researchers today are interested in finding the effects of emotional intelligence on employees and thereby, organizations, and analyzing the various other facets of EQ. Emotional intelligence improves individual and organizational performance. -
Exploring the attitudes of employees & strategies adopted towards managing diversity in the information technology context /
Diversity Management is a process intended to create and maintain a positive work environment where the similarities and differences of individuals are valued. Successfully managing diversity can lead to more committed, better satisfied, better performing employees. Literature review on diversity management has mostly emphasised on organization culture, its impact on diversity openness Patrick (2010), human resource management practices in German and Indian companies Paelmke (2007), institutional environments and organizational contexts to diversity-related pressures, expectations, requirements, and incentives Siegel (2006), managing employee diversity: perceived practices and organizational outcomes {Fink, Pastore & Riemer (2003)}, perception of staff and student in relation to equal opportunities / managing diversity in the university Kandola (2001), diversity dimensions in India and its unique features of diversity factors in indian context {Patrickson and OBrien (2001)} strategies for managing human resource diversity, {Dass & Parker (1993)}, -
Current status of e-governance in healthcare in the large hospitals of Bangalore /
Healthcare industry has seen a lot of transformation and innovation over the years. It is coming forward as a recognised sector in India after Information Technology and Pharmaceutical. But despite this Indias healthcare infrastructure has not kept pace with the economies and the sectorial growth. Enormous amount of resources have been spent but very little change on actual health status is noticed. This study is undertaken to assess the current status of e-governance (ICT) in large hospitals and try and find out the awareness and accessibility of e-governance to the patients. The survey conducted in hospitals involved the patients responses and responses from the Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). An attempt has been made to find out the effectiveness of various ICT applications in the healthcare like EHR/ EMR or Telehealthcare. Majority of the research on e-governance focussed on overall effective governance and administration but very few studies have been done to highlight the status of e-governance in healthcare in India. -
Inverse domination number of graphs /
Konigsberg (55.2 o North latitude and 22 o East longitude) was a city in Russia situated on the Pregel River,which served as the residence of the dukes of Prussia in the 16th century. Today,the city named Kaliningrad,is in Lithuania which recently separated from U.S.S.R.It serves as a major industrial and commercial centre of western Russia.The river Pregel flowed through the town,dividing it into four regions,as in the following picture.In the eighteenth century, seven bridges connected the four regions.The problem was to start from anyone of the land areas,walk across each bridge exactly once and return to the starting point.This problem was first solved in 1736 by the prolific Swiss Mathematician Leonhard Euler, who, as a consequence of his solution invented the branch of Mathematics now known as Graph Theory.