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Unmet Spiritual Needs: A Study among Patients with Chronic Illness
Objectives: The conventional healthcare system operates on the physiological man and overlooks the spiritual man. Many studies reported on the unmet spiritual needs of terminally ill patients. Despite spiritual care being a predictor of a positive mindset (meaning making) among patients with terminal illnesses, assessing spiritual needs and providing adequate spiritual care is still a distant phenomenon in the healthcare setting. Materials and Methods: With the help of a spiritual needs questionnaire, we analysed the unmet spiritual needs and preferences of 30 terminally ill patients. Specific attention was given to psychosocial, emotional, existential, religious and acceptance of death. Results: The results show that 72% of terminally ill patients reported a strong desire to have their spiritual needs met. Psychosocial needs scored the highest, while acceptance of dying scored the least. The need to be connected with the family was one of the strongest wishes expressed in the study. Religious needs ranked as the second category of needs. Findings show that the highest needs are intertwined with the patients culture. Conclusion: In India, religion and family connections are essential; terminally ill patients expressed the desire that meeting these two aspects makes their lives meaningful even at the end stage. The results warrant a spiritual needs assessment as a deathbed test to make the endoflife more meaningful. 2024 Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Indian Journal of Palliative Care. -
Unmanned Artificial Intelligence-Based Financial Volatility Prediction in International Stock Market
This study investigates the capacity of autonomous artificial intelligence to predict the volatility of the worldwide stock market and proposes an innovative approach utilizing cutting-edge AI algorithms. A comprehensive literature review examines the evolution of financial prediction systems and the transformative effects of artificial intelligence in improving predictive capabilities. The AI system under consideration employs machine learning techniques more effectively than traditional methods for collecting and predicting financial volatility. The strategy heavily relies on automated data capture, preprocessing, and model training. A recall of 76%, an accuracy rate of 94%, a precision of 81%, an area under the curve of 0.87, and a sharp ratio of 1.25 comprise the model's impressive specifications. This research illuminates the prospective financial applications of artificial intelligence and provides a way to navigate the intricacies of international stock markets. 2024 IEEE. -
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to autonomously and wirelessly monitor security /
Patent Number: 202041010349, Applicant: Dr. K Selvi.
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) autonomously and wirelessly monitors security within premises. The UAV includes a body, brushless dc motors (BLDC), a motor control dispatcher, a flight control board, sensors, wind propellers, solar panel, and a battery. The body uses a high landing gear skid to provide friction during flight maneuverability of the UAV. The BLDC actuates a rotor blade of the UAV, electrical wirings and connectors. -
Unlocking the potentials of using nanotechnology to stabilize agriculture and food production
In the face of alarmingly increasing climate change, agricultural sector is exposed to innumerable and unprecedented challenges globally. This has led to food insecurity worldwide and in order to achieve the required food security at the global level, various methods and techniques have been put forth by researchers from around the world for boosting crop production and ensuring sustainability. Advanced nano-engineering is found to be of great import in improving production in agriculture and increasing input efficiency and minimization of losses. The fertilizers and pesticides, used for increasing and protecting the crop production respectively, can gain not only specific but also wider surface area with the help of nanomaterials, which serve as exclusive agrochemical carriers and assure facilitation of nutrients to target areas with the help of delivery monitoring techniques. Nanobiosensors, an example of the wide ranging nanotools, scaffold the growth of high-tech agricultural farms and also stand proof for the practical and proposed applications of the nanotools in terms of agricultural inputs control and their management precision. Nanosensors the off-spring of the culmination of biology and nanotechnology has an increased potential level in sensing and identifying both the advantageous and adverse conditions of the environment. The other applications of nano-technology include nanofertiliers with release-control techniques for healthy growth and rich yield and productivity of crops, nano-based target delivery approach, also referred to as gene transfer technique, for improved quality of crops, nanopesticides for effective protection of crops and other nanomaterials for promotion of stress tolerance among plants and enhancement of quality of soil [4]. In our review paper, we intend sum up the recent research and studies on the nanotechnology's innovative uses in agriculture to cope up with the ever-increasing necessity for food and sustenance of environment. 2021 Author(s). -
Unlocking the potential of biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles for degradation of synthetic organic dyes as wastewater pollutants
The azo dyes released into water from different industries are accumulating in the water bodies and bioaccumulating within living systems thereby affecting environmental health. This is a major concern in developing countries where stringent regulations are not followed for the discharge of industrial waste into water bodies. This has led to the accumulation of various pollutants including dyes. As these developing countries also face acute water shortages and due to the lack of cost-effective systems to remove these pollutants, it is essential to remove these toxic dyes from water bodies, eradicate dyes, or generate fewer toxic derivatives. The photocatalysis mechanism of degradation of azo dyes has gained importance due to its eco-friendly and non-toxic roles in the environment. The zinc nanoparticles act as photocatalysts in combination with plant extracts. Plant-based nanoparticles over the years have shown the potential to degrade dyes efficiently. This is carried out by adjusting the dye and nanoparticle concentrations and combinations of nanoparticles. Our review article considers increasing the efficiency of degradation of dyes using zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles and understanding the photocatalytic mechanisms in the degradation of dyes and the toxic effects of these dyes and nanoparticles in different tropic levels. 2021 The Authors -
Unlocking the potential of AI for efficient governance: Innovative approaches of Bahrain
The rapid development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies will have significant economic, social, and ethical impacts. Efficient governance is essential to maximize AI's benefits while minimizing its risks. Bahrain is positioning itself as a fintech hub, with AI playing a central role in this transformation. Bahrain's smart governance efforts will be strengthened by integrating AI into public services. E-government efforts will use AI to streamline processes, improve citizen experience, and build a more responsive and efficient public administration. The study provides an overview of how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming various sectors in Bahrain with innovative approaches to boost productivity, better decision-making, and improve the general quality of services that may also impact the Bahraini economy. Bahrain continues to drive digital innovation, paving the way for a better and more prosperous future and sustainable development. Bahrain's digital transformation has been largely successful thanks to strong government measures. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Unlocking the Antimicrobial, Antifungal, and Anticancer Power of Chitosan-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have become a research focus due to its antimicrobial, anticancer applications and cost-effective properties. In this study the effectiveness of green synthesis of NPs using biological macromolecule chitosan which isacting as a reducingcum stabilizing agent is carried out. An in-depth analysis of the synthesized AgNPs was conducted using a variety of sophisticatedcharacterization techniques such as UV-visible spectroscopy, particle size analysis, zeta potentialmeasurements, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photoluminescence, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The antimicrobialactivity of the formulated AgNPs were inspected against two human pathogenic strains. In the antimicrobial activity, the synthesized AgNPs exhibited a reduction in the growth of both themicrobes. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 1.22 M was observed for both Candida albicans and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Consequently, AgNPs may be used as an opportunity for modern-day antibiotics to treat infections due to human pathogens. Antiproliferative analysis revealed that AgNPs showed antiproliferative characteristics against MDA-MB-231 cells compared to the control. Such AgNPs have an anticancer effect and are likely to be used as smart drug delivery mediators to treat late-stage cancer. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Unlocking IoT: AI-enabled green fintech innovations
Meeting ESG (environmental, social, and governance) standards is becoming an essential goal for businesses, one that is supported by both investors and customers. FinTech can help companies evaluate and reduce their environmental effect, as well as investors channel their operations toward more sustainable assets. Embracing sustainability has become one of the priorities for many fintech companies today. Green fintech innovations have provided technologically enabled solutions for financial services that help in increasing the flow of financial resources for sustainable development. Recognizing the importance of green fintech in today's scenario, this chapter will initially focus on the components of the fintech ecosystem and IoT and AI-enabled fintech innovations in India, drivers of green fintech potentials of green fintech IoT, and AI-enabled green fintech from global perspective and has highlighted the green fintech solutions provided by the topmost companies. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Unlocking Happiness: The Power of Spiritual Intelligence for Emerging Adults
This study investigated the relationship between spiritual intelligence (SI) and happiness among emerging adults. 163 undergraduate and postgraduate psychology students from private universities completed standardized measures of SI and subjective happiness. Results showed positive correlations between SI and happiness (r = 0.26 to 0.59, p <.01). Two SI domains - transcendental awareness and conscious state expansion - were found to be significant predictors of happiness. The findings suggest that SI plays a crucial role in promoting happiness among emerging adults, supporting the hypothesis that SI can be used as an aid in the process of achieving happiness through independent decision-making and responsibility. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Dr. Sundeep Katevarapu, Dr. Anand Pratap Singh, Dr. Priyanka Tiwari, Ms. Akriti Varshney, Ms. Priya Lanka, Ms. Aankur Pradhan, Dr. Neeraj Panwar, Dr. Kumud Sapru Wangnue; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Unlocking eudaimonic well-being: Assessing the impact of adolescent social cognitive skills training
Eudaimonic well-being (EWB) has long-lasting effects on individuals' mental health, enabling them to find purpose and meaning in life, depending on the individual and society. Social cognitive skills training constitutes a new aspect of the adolescent's social development, including three domains: cognitive ToM, affective ToM, and an inter-intra-personal understanding of social norms. This chapter identifies the effectiveness of A-SCST on eudaimonic well-being (EWB) during adolescence. A quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. The authors administrated the PWB-18 scale as a screening tool and the PWB-42 item scale as an outcome measure. Seventy-four participants and adolescents participated in this study. This study confirmed that A-SCST has a positive outcome on the eudaimonic well-being of adolescents post-training with a large effect size, t =-13.0, df = 35, p <.001, r =-2.17 in the experimental group. The A-SCST has successfully improved the eudaimonic well-being of adolescents. 2024, IGI Global. -
Unlocking Credit Default Swaps to the Retail Investors to Boost Liquidity and Risk Diversification
Credit Default Swaps, is one of the significant contributors to the 2008 financial crash due to raise of illiquidity and its limited space to mitigate the risk, the market is dictated by few institutions across the globe. Hence the research investigates realistically by probing the credit default swaps role and contribution in the financial crash, existing gaps and current mechanism of the credit default swaps, as a result we anticipate the outcome might force us restructure the existing mechanism or possible innovative alternate models in order to boost the liquidity and to establish robust platform which helps to minimize the counterparty risk. Financial tsunami in the year 2008, alarmed researchers, regulators, economists, sovereigns and financial institutions across the globe to emphasize on the need of strong liquidity and risk mitigation or diversification model(s) for credit default swaps market reformation and the development along with creating superior confidence levels in the market. The literature review of the research acknowledged that the existing financial institutions and researchers analyzed and articulated the need of the retail investors participation in the credit default swaps market to create a strong liquidity and to mitigate counterparty risk. The anticipated restructuring or possible innovative alternate models may help to reform and to maintain the development of the credit default swaps market and also provoke superior confidence levels to boost strong liquidity and options to diversify the associated risk. The outcome of this research may also motivate the investments in the debt market which helps to enhance the debt capital markets and economies around the globe. Finally we verify the liquidity strength and degree of risk with the help of research proxies; the proxies are width of the bid and ask spread of the research outcome, as we strongly believe bid and ask spread have self illustrative power to explain the degree of liquidity and risk mathematically and statistically, the research assume multiple regression model to establish relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. Keywords: Unlocking, Credit Default Swaps (CDS), Retail Investors, Liquidity and Risk Diversification. JEL Classification: L810, G320 -
Unlocking Credit Default Swaps (CDS) to the retail investors to boost liquidity and minimize risk /
Global Journal of Contemporary Research in Accounting, Auditing and Business Ethics, Vol-1 (1), pp. 40-58. ISSN-2311-3162 -
Unleashing the Power of Animation Movies on Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study on Moana
The case study explores the possibilities of implementing the socio-cultural, environmental representation and authenticity of the indigenous community depicted in the movie Moana in real life, thus embracing cultural heritage and identity using a sustainable model of developing tourism. This case study also aims to understand how animation movies like Moana will reflect the causes of climate change and may motivate tourists to choose their destination. Walt Disney Animation Studios 2016 film Moana, which had stunning animation and inspiring themes, captured the attention of viewers worldwide. This case study examines the different factors that led to the movies popularity and its profound effect on spectators, especially regarding indigenous community identity, ecocentrism, and effects of climate because of human intervention. The case explains the movie from different dimensions: culture and heritage, power of determination and hard work, eco-friendly initiatives, climate change, sustainability lessons, and destination choice. With direction by Ron Clements and John Musker, the motion picture Moana depicts the tale of Moana Waialiki, a young Polynesian girl who sets out on a dangerous journey to save her people and find her true identity. The movie displays the rich cultural legacy of the Pacific Islands and is inspired by Polynesian folklore. In this case, we would like to emphasize the value of self-discovery, personal development, and the strength of embracing ones uniqueness. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Unleashing human potential: Integrating cognitive behavioral neuroscience into HR strategies
The world of work is transforming, driven by insights from the frontiers of science. Human resource (HR) practices are no longer limited to traditional methods and increasingly incorporate knowledge from disciplines like Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience (CBN). By understanding how our brains work, we can design HR practices that enhance employee well-being, engagement, and, ultimately, performance. Drawing from neuroscientific research on decision-making, communication, stress, learning, motivation, and workplace design, this chapter delves into the intersection of CBN and HR, offering evidence-based practices that support a thriving workforce. This interdisciplinary approach holds promise for maximizing human potential in the context of the modern workplace. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Unleashing economic potential: decoding the FDI-economic growth nexus in G-15 economies amidst unique host country traits
This study examined the impacts of ForeignDirectInvestment (FDI) on economic growth across top the five G-15 countries over a period of 33years, while considering the influence of key host country traits, namely macroeconomic stability, financial development, human capital, and trade openness. The selection of these variables was firmly supported by both theoretical foundations and empirical studies that highlight their significant role in shaping the FDIgrowth interconnection. Panel data derived from World Bank Indicators, spanning the period from 1989 to 2021, were analyzed using a feasible generalized least squares method (FGLS), a rigorous approach, including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, cross-sectional dependence tests, unit root tests, and multiple regression models. By exploring the interconnection between FDI and the characteristics of the host country, this study sheds light on how these factors collectively contributed to economic growth in the G-15 economies. Descriptive statistics indicated a favorable trend in economic growth, with an average of 3.470 and a standard deviation of 4.289. Correlation analysis revealed significant positive relationships between Economic Growth and Gross Capital Formation, Human Capital, and Liquid Liabilities. Conversely, FDI, Inflation, and Trade Openness displayed insignificant positive correlations with Economic Growth. The findings also demonstrated that favorable host country traits magnified the impact of FDI on economic growth. Specifically, increased Financial Development, Human Capital, and Trade Openness enhanced the positive effects of FDI on economic growth. However, Inflation had a dampening effect on the growth factor. Policymakers in G-15 countries should give precedence to developing strong financial markets, promoting trade liberalization, and investing in human capital to optimize the advantages of FDI. This research addresses a critical gap in the literature as limited empirical work has been conducted on the FDIgrowth relationships specific to the G-15 economies, which hold substantial influence in the global investment landscape and showcase remarkable economic growth. By employing rigorous panel data methodology and a long-term dataset, we provides original insights into the interaction between FDI and host country characteristics, contributing to the existing body of knowledge. The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International 2024. -
Unleashing AI's potential for optimal student learning in education: Ethical implications
The impact of technology and its advancements has proliferated in all the sectors of the economy, including the education sector. The integration of technology into the education sector is very evident from the teaching pedagogy and strategies followed by educational institutions worldwide. The concept of blended learning has gained much attention due to its multifaceted nature; as it includes blending traditional face to face teaching with the use of online and electronic media. As the integration of technology requires huge amounts of student data to be processed, it can also lead to ethical dilemmas and concerns due to its sensitive and confidential nature. This chapter focuses on the various dimensions of technological integration in the education system and its practical implications on enhancing student learning and engagement. In order to provide a road map for future research on developing an education model that can improve learning and teaching experiences, the article also addresses key hurdles, ethical issues, and potential risks of integrating AI for education. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
University-Community Collaboration for A Sustainable School-Based Program for The Holistic Education and Wellness of Adolescents
Adolescents have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of schools that are already struggling to carry out their mission of quality education and holistic well-being of students. Research suggests that community-collaborative schools are improving students' academic engagement and reducing learning barriers. When communities and universities are involved in holistic education, it benefits all the stakeholders by enhancing mutual learning and strengthening both. Community members' involvement for student development encourages students and their families to be more involved in community-service initiatives. The paper reports DREAMS, a multi-stakeholder partnership (schools, universities and communities) after-school mentoring model's sustainability. The study identifies and delineates how the model has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calling for Good Health and Well-being (SDG-3), Quality Education (SDG-4), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG-11) through Partnerships to Achieve its Goals (SDG-17) and proposes it as a sustainable afterschool plan for the post COVID scenario. The Electrochemical Society -
Universal vortex statistics and stochastic geometry of Bose-Einstein condensation
The cooling of a Bose gas in finite time results in the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate that is spontaneously proliferated with vortices. We propose that the vortex spatial statistics is described by a homogeneous Poisson point process (PPP) with a density dictated by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). We validate this model using numerical simulations of the two-dimensional stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation (SGPE) for both a homogeneous and a hard-wall trapped condensate. The KZM scaling of the average vortex number with the cooling rate is established along with the universal character of the vortex number distribution. The spatial statistics between vortices is characterized by analyzing the two-point defect-defect correlation function, the corresponding spacing distributions, and the random tessellation of the vortex pattern using the Voronoi cell area statistics. Combining the PPP description with the KZM, we derive universal theoretical predictions for each of these quantities and find them in agreement with the SGPE simulations. Our results establish the universal character of the spatial statistics of point-like topological defects generated during a continuous phase transition and the associated stochastic geometry. 2024 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. -
Universal Electrical Motor Acoustic Noise Reduction based on Rotor Surface Modification
Electromagnetic noise is referred to the audible sound which is produced by materials vibrating due to electromagnetic force. In the present day circumstances, a greater attention is being given to the electromagnetic acoustic noise produced by electrical machines. It is found to annoy human beings and other living organisms due to its tonal sound. The current work aims at designing a rotor for a universal motor with the objective to decrease the acoustic noise by minimization of forced density harmonics. The design consists of some irregularities in the rotor surface to decrease the acoustic noise by internally modifying the air gap permeance. Simulation shall be carried out based on FEM. A lot of research is being carried out on the methods of reducing the noise from electrical machines. The results of the current work significantly help in reducing a lot of noise pollution. The change in the rotor surface will reduce the electromagnetic acoustic noise from the electrical machine. It will also affect the torque parameters positively as studied from earlier research work. 2019 IEEE. -
United States-South Asia relations: Challenges and opportunities facing the Biden administration
With the passage of time, US interests in the South Asian region have also diversified. South Asia has emerged as a highly strategic and volatile region in the geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific region. The chapter is divided into two sections. One section looks at the prospects in US-South Asia relations, focusing on the scaling up of security and non-security cooperation with the South Asian countries, with reference to US relations with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal. The chapter addresses the overall strategic importance of the region and the impact of geopolitical shifts on US-South Asia relations. The second section of the chapter focuses on the evolving strategic ties between India and the United States. This analysis is against the backdrop of China's political, economic, and strategic policies and priorities in the region. Some of the major issues to be addressed in this section include the Chinese reaction to the defence and security cooperation, between India and the United States, the growing Chinese presence in the Indo-Pacific and its impact on the balance of power in the region, the Chinese "String of Pearls" strategy and its impact on India-US relations, the challenges posed by transnational crime, terrorism and piracy and their impact on India-US strategic cooperation, and the need to maintain the safety and security of sea lanes in the Indo-Pacific region. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Adluri Subramanyam Raju and R. Srinivasan. All rights reserved.