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Major issues and challenges in work life balance is the impact of work life balance (WLB) on quality of life (QOL). Work-life balance has always been a concern of those interested in the quality of working life and its relation to broader quality of life. Some other issues and challenges are work-family conflict, impact of work and family stressors and conflicts on the mental health, stress and work life balance etc. Quality of life refers to the favourableness or unfavourableness of a total environment for people. QOL programs are another way in which organisations recognise their responsibility to develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for people as well as for economic health of the organisation. Work ?? Life Balance is a challenging issue for IT leaders, managers and has also attracted the attention of researchers. Work/life balance, in its broadest sense, is defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or ??fit between the multiple roles in a persons life. In this climate managing the boundary between home and work is becoming more challenging. This study is an attempt to contribute afresh with a new perspective to the field of human resources with special reference to QOL in relation of employees work ?? life balance in IT organizations. It is also an earnest attempt to bridge the gap especially in this area by highlighting the relevance and importance of work ?? life balance and QOL to leadership, senior management, individual and organizations and hoping this study will initiate a series of serious and productive discussion on the subject. The findings and outcome of this research will be beneficial to the IT organizations in India, which is a flourishing industry and contributes significantly to the GDP of the country and the talent pool of the world The sample consisted of 350 IT employees from Bangalore city. The sample consisted both male and female married IT employees. The major findings of the study were: i.Work life balance is having positive correlation with quality of life. ii.It was found that the PLIW has a significant influence on the overall stress of the employees. The other variable does not seem to significantly influence the overall stress of the employees. iii.It was found that there was no significant influence of the work life balance on the life enjoyment of the employees. iv.It was found that there was a significant influence of WIPL and WPLE on the overall quality of life. v.There is no significant influence of work life balance on the overall impression of the employees. vi.There is no significant difference of the dimensions of work life balance and quality of life across age groups. vii.It was found that there was significant difference across age groups for the work/personal life enhancement dimensions. viii.It was found that there was no significant difference across gender for the overall quality of life dimensions. ix.Work life balance is having positive correlation with quality of life. CONCLUSION IT organizations should come up with effective and efficient work ?? life balance policies and programs, this will help reduce the work ?? life conflict for IT employees. Further IT leaders should take initiative to improve the quality of life of their employees as it plays a significant role in the organization to improve individual and organizational performance. -
?-cyclodextrin functionalized graphitic carbon nitride as a promising electrocatalyst for the selective oxidation of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol
Selective electrochemical conversion of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) was facilitated employing ??cyclodextrin (??CD) functionalized graphitic carbon nitride (GCN) based nanocomposite. The GCN bulk were obtained by subjecting melamine to pyrolysis and further the material was exfoliated to improve its optoelectronic properties. Non-covalent attachment of ??CD over GCN via ultrasonication creates reactive surface sites on the electrode (??CD/GCN/CFP) facilitating a better host-guest interaction. The cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry techniques were employed to investigate the reaction mechanism (qualitative) and kinetics (quantitative) respectively of 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) mediated electrochemical oxidation of THFA. Further, on subjecting the reaction mixture to bulk electrolysis, the desired product was isolated with yield of 78%. The enhanced efficacy, stability and repeatability of the developed heterogenous catalyst aims to surpass all other conventional synthesis of Tetrahydrofurfural (THFF). 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
?-Cyclodextrin-PANI decorated pencil graphite electrode for the electrochemical sensing of morin in almonds and mulberry leaves
Morin (3,2,4,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) is one of the natural flavonoids which is present in a variety of fruits and herbs. ?-cyclodextrin (?-CD) and polyaniline (PANI) decorated Pencil graphite electrode (PGE) has been successfully used as a sensitive and conducting electrode for the determination of morin. The hydroxyl groups of ?-CD attract the analyte towards the modified electrode through hydrogen bonding. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were employed to study the electrochemical properties of the modified electrodes. The enhanced surface roughness of ?-CD-PANI/PGE has resulted in the increase of electrocatalytic activity of electrode towards the analyte. Opitical profilometric studies were performed to evaluate the surface roughness of electrodes and differential pulse votammetry (DPV) was used for the quantitative analysis of morin. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were carried out to know the physicochemical characteristics of the modified electrodes. The experimental conditions such as scan rate, pH and concentration were optimized. The electrochemical process was found to be adsorption controlled and irreversible from scan rate studies. Under optimal conditions, the linear dynamic range for the quantification of morin was found to be 1.1732nM. The low detection limit (0.38nM) indicates ultrasensitivity of the proposed method. The suggested method has been effectively employed for the determination of morin in almonds and mulberry leaves. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
?-Ni(OH)2 supported over g-C3N4: A novel catalyst for para-nitrophenol reduction and supercapacitor electrode
?-Ni(OH)2 supported over g-C3N4 was synthesized by two simple approaches. Its catalytic activity in reducing hazardous para-nitrophenol (PNP) to the industrially important para-aminophenol (PAP) was studied in detail. The applicability of this material as a supercapacitor electrode was also studied. The material shows 100% conversion efficiency with a rate constant of 65.4410 10?3 s?1. The catalytic efficiency and the supercapacitor electrode behaviour of the material can be explained based on the structure of ?-Ni(OH)2 nanoparticle and the synergy between ?-Ni(OH)2 and g-C3N4. 2022 The Author(s) -
'Amphibious historiography': Reading samanth subramanian's following fish: Travels around the indian coast (2010) through the actor-network theory
This paper explores Samanth Subramanian's travel writing collection Following Fish: Travels around the Indian Coast (2010) for its strength in establishing the significance of the human-non-human connection in the Indian coastline. Although a decade old, the work stands out even today for its strength in framing 'travel' from a non-terracentric point of view, as most travel writings have been often positioned. Subramanian's travel writing is an important departure from territorial historiographies via travel. His work traces the author's movement across India's coastal regions - the frontiers, as it were, of territoriality, literally following fish. Foregrounding a non-human subject as the travel writing's object of investigation, the paper deploys actor-network theory to analyze Subramanian's reconfiguration of the cultural imaginaries of India's coastlines via mobility thus reassembling the social of India's coastlines. His work, therefore, is argued to be an assemblage of the human and non-human actants creating a new water-based examination of socialities. Fish is the central node of his navigation of India's coastline assemblage, where he examines fish as food, as medicine, as commerce and as culture. By positing India's coastal regions as waterscapes to track movement of people, objects, and every day practices vis-vis fish, and moving in-land with the fish in some instances, Subramanian's work does not merely function as a commentary on the coastlines, but also emphasizes the need to interrogate mobility and travel across waterscapes. AesthetixMS 2020. This Open Access article is published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For citation use the DOI. For commercial re-use, please contact -
'Enhancing Electricity Price Forecasting': Integrating Macro-Economic Factors And Renewable Energy Dynamics in A Machine Learning Approach
In the ever-evolving electricity market, accurate price prediction is imperative for informed decision-making. This research introduces an innovative predictive model that integrates renewable energy, macro-economic indicators, and external factors to enhance forecasting accuracy. By exploring historical trends, comparing machine learning algorithms, and employing advanced feature selection methods, the study addresses the complexities of the electricity market, emphasizing economic indicators, geopolitical events, and demand-supply dynamics. Informed by a literature review, the research underscores the necessity of dynamic models in electricity price forecasting. Utilizing machine learning models such as linear regression, random forest, SVM, AdaBoost, and ARIMA, the study aims to improve prediction accuracy. With a robust methodology and comprehensive evaluation metrics (MAE, RMSE, MAPE), the research contributes valuable insights into electricity market dynamics, providing a variable dictionary for clarity and emphasizing the strategic implications of the superior random forest model for stakeholders in the electricity sector. 2024 IEEE. -
"Case" as "text" in the class: Plethora of pedagogical and structural nuances
The research work undertakes to examine "case, ? "case study, ? and "case pedagogy. ? As the first step, the chapter explores the feel of the Case. This leads to a further investigation and lets out certain malfunctions: gross lapses, loopholes, casualties, and shortcomings. Case then has been subjected to further investigations. Keeping intact the primary concerns of case scan and its explications thereupon, the study takes up the interpretations and intricacies involved in understanding the case. These expose the puzzles involved in the pedagogical exercises in educational institutions. The research with astute expedience does the operation with logical reasoning. The work leads to proper remedial measures and redefines case and case grasp. Using theory of ontology, case is subjected to closer examination. Theory of epistemology further deepens research pursuits to unravel a few more case mysteries. From these, the authors evolve a few keys and tips to study case more effectively. All help readers build up exemplary teaching methods and effective learning concepts. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
"Community Resilience to Climate Change: Integrating Sociological Perspectives"
This review article aims to present the possible ways in which communities can be resilient to climate change as seen from sociological viewpoints. Thus, it provides a systematic review of the current literature to underscore the centrality of social capital, community networks, and cultural practices in strengthening adaptive capacities in various contexts. Bangladesh coastal people and New York City are two cases in which social capital enhances the process of preparedness, response, and recovery during disasters. Cultural knowledge and traditional coping mechanisms also enhance community resilience by learning to live with the environment and innovate in the face of climate change. Implications for policy focus on the need to incorporate sociological findings into climate change adaptation, calling for the promotion of community-based adaptation and governance structures. Issues related to the scalability of resilience interventions and socio-economic inequalities are presented and future directions for research to enhance the methodological approaches and support vulnerable populations are proposed. Thus, this review aligns with the goals of community empowering and adaptive governance to highlight sociological perspectives in creating resilience to climate change impacts. 2025 Betasciencepress Publishing. All rights reserved. -
"On the same page, but in different books?" exploring pedagogical beliefs of various stakeholders in management education
The declining MBA enrolment numbers and campus placements are indicators of an alarming situation in India. The key stakeholders comprising of teachers, students, and corporates desire the same outcome, which is students with high employability. This implies everyone is on the same page, but the falling salary packages and rising unemployment make one wonder if this page is from a different book for each stakeholder? Through this study, we tried to bring in more clarity on the perception of the stakeholders in such B-schools regarding their choice of pedagogy to be employed. Drawing on the body of literature and peer group discussions, this study identified 15 pedagogical methods employed in higher education. Thus, to explore the preferred pedagogy, an exploratory research was designed and owing to the categorical nature of the data collected over a seven-month period, correspondence analysis was applied. Data analysis confirmed the existence of a huge perceptual gap amongst the stakeholders about the appropriate pedagogy to be used in management education. Student engagement and application based learning emerged as the two most important dimensions of pedagogy in this study. The results and findings can be extended further to understand causes for this perceptual gap and identify measures to bridge the same to ensure that these B - schools yield job ready students resulting in MBA regaining its lost glory. 2019, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
"The sense" and its manifestations launch new trends in marketing
The chapter investigates the latest developments in marketing and consumer science. The study deepens and strengthens the prospects of marketing. In the process, human sense plays a vital role. The study seeks the assistance of hermeneutics to understand the permutations and combinations generated by a plethora of multifarious conceptual variations in both perception and aesthetics. The "sense" influences marketing of goods and products in business. The proposed configurations relate business functions with aesthetic characteristics. The first part by the research picks the application of senses in the perception level. The second part the researcher chooses sense in the cognition level. The whole study substantiates how Aesthetics and Sense during last decades generate a fast progress in business and marketing. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
"Workplace ostracism, complacency and career plateau impediment in the career path of a dignified clerk"
Learning outcomes: The case study intends to depict the career plateau of an old committed and loyal employee of an organization. The deliberation on the case enables participants to understand the vitality of career planning for employees and organizations. The case helps to develop reflections on workplace ostracism, to arrive at the solutions to address the issues of career planning, to value the experience of the employee and give him a sense of satisfaction. Overall, to understand the importance of career planning for applying HR and OB concepts at the workplace. Case overview/synopsis: It is an account of a real scenario in the automation industry, with slight modifications to hide the identity. The essence of the case study is when a loyal employee is branded as a dignified clerk and gets a feeling of ostracism. The employees makes the organization, terminations because of outdated skills shall be a debatable topic. However, such practices have a profound impact on the other employees who stays in the organization and affect their productivity level. Career adaptability helps to overcome termination issues; adaptability is a psychological process of assisting an individual in coping with the challenges of automation technologies (Zhang Wenguang et al., 2019), it is a process of showing concerns, providing controls, solving curiosity and developing confidence during the transition process. When technologies are implemented the employer needs to address specific challenges access to technology, access to information, provide required skills and competencies to use technology, integrate people, these challenges support the successful implementation of technology (Kettunen and Sampson Jr., 2019). Career planning is a joint effort of employee and employer that sets the development target and path; the process sets demands for both the parties; it places an irreplaceable role for individual growth and corporate strategy (Zhai Meng et al., 2018). The Findings are the frequent review of job analysis and career planning that are critical for the organization's success; if done inappropriately, it would make one's roles obsolete. The critical implications of this case are the essence of career planning and the upskilling of employees. The case is useful for teaching job analysis, career planning concepts. The story is original and explains the transition of an automation industry from labor to capital intensive. The transition to automation makes a loyal employee feel ostracized due to a lack of skill sets. Complexity academic level: Post graduate students studying in business and management and working professional of human resources can use this case. Supplementary materials: Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS 6: Human resource management. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
(Hi)stories of desire: Sexualities and culture in modern India
(Hi)Stories of Desire situates questions of sexuality in the larger domain where they are conditioned by and, in turn, also condition historically and culturally produced landscapes of being, doing and desiring. The book draws upon multi-disciplinary frameworks of analysis - including history, anthropology, literary studies, queer studies and psychoanalysis - to provide a pan-Indian account of the making of sexual cultures. Based on original research, the chapters foreground sexuality as a significant site for the making of regional, national and personal modernities. The volume addresses the modern paradox where sexuality is assigned a central significance in human life and yet its study tends to remain unconnected from the political, religious, social and economic contexts that produce human subjectivity. It will be of interest to a wide range of readership, opening up the topic to complex yet accessible ways of understanding the culture of sexualities and the sexuality of culture. Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla 2020. -
(Mes-Acr-Me)+ClO4 Catalyzed Visible Light-Supported, One-Pot Green Synthesis of 1,8-Naphthyridine-3-Carbonitriles
Abstract: A novel, four-component one-pot green synthesis of biologically active 1,8-naphthyridines by a reaction of diverse aromatic aldehyde, malononitrile, 4-hydroxy substituted 1,6-dimethylpyridin-2(1H)-one, corresponding aniline in EtOH catalyzed by 9-Mesityl-10-methylacridinium perchlorate [(Mes-Acr-Me)+ClO4] under visible light generated from a 24W Blue LED wavelength 450460nm at 26C is reported. In contrast with the reported procedure, our methodology is diverse, versatile and has several favourable factors such as metal-free, excellent yields, shorter reaction durations, chromatography free and straightforward extraction process. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
[18-C-6H3O+]: an in-situ generated macrocyclic complex and an efficient, novel catalyst for synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives
Synthesis of small aromatic heterocycles is of greater importance in the organic chemistry due to their vibrant applications in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and veterinary products. Pyranopyrazoles are one such class of heterocycles associated with numerous applications. Hence herein we report a multicomponent crown ether catalyzed, ultrasound irradiated methodology to make different functionalized pyranopyrazoles in a single step. This technique involves the in-situ generation of [18-C-6H3O+][OH?] complex, which in turn activates the aromatic aldehyde and aids in the facile nucleophilic addition. 2020, The Author(s). -
#MeToo and Times Up: Slippage of Facework in Malayalam Cinema and Industry
#MeToo and Times Up movements, the collective voice of trauma, solidarity and resistance appropriated world over, impacted India a decade since its inception. In the globalised Indian space, the movements evolved/were transplanted in different realms, lashing against democracys tacit silence. Finding resonance in the Indian cinema industry, many women articulated their trauma and protest in a fraternity, broadminded in spirit, patriarchal at heart. An evolutionary reading of #MeToo and Times Up movements as independent/extension of its predecessor with distinctive focus on Malayalam cinema and industry foregrounds riveting issues. Malayalam cinema industry, a case in point is popular for its projected broadminded outlook through films. Discursive readings unravel the inconsistencies and pluralistic divergent voices in this progressive industry, challenging its liberal positioning. With the tag of an industry receptive to ambient changes, how does its films become reflective or mutually inclusive? How does the industrys facework feed into the apparently challenging onscreen representations vis-a-vis the offscreen power hierarchies? Who delineates the boundary-work within the industry and cinema? A complementary reading of the onscreen versus offscreen negotiations problematises the gendered relationships, sexual economies, collective consciousness structured along multiple tangents. Understanding the ongoing confrontation between artistes associations like Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA) and Womens Collective in Cinema, negotiation of inclusivity and extension of solidarity, together with the appropriations and assimilations have opened an alternative space to examine the grey areas dotting the silver screen. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Aysha Viswamohan; individual chapters, the contributors. All rights reserved. -
"Forgotten Communities" understanding the Anglo Indian community through the monthly magazine " The Review" /
A community has its own traditions and practices that have been followed by ancestors for generations. The Anglo-Indian community in India has a marginal, ethnic and minority existence in the social, cultural and political arena. Fighting for survival since the British era the community has emerged with its own uniqueness while living in India. It is considered as one of the most minority of races in India. -
A comparative study of ancient Indian mythological characters and modern superheroes /
Indian Mythology has been an integral part of the culture and traditions of India. The traditions have been evolving and it has been having a tremendous impact on various platforms. The entertainment industry is also growing humoungously and there are a number of aspects. The influence and the impact of Indian mythology has been tremendous and it also has expanded its vast influence over other platforms such as entertainment, social aspects etc. -
A facile and economic electrochemical sensor for methylmalonic acid: A potential biomarker for vitamin B12 deficiency /
New Journal of Chemistry, Vol.46, Issue 9, pp.4114- 4125, ISSN No: 1144-0546 (Print) 1369-9261 (Online).
A facile and cost-effective method based on a modified pencil graphite electrode (PGE) has been developed for the sensing of methylmalonic acid (MMA). The electrode (Ag–PEDOT/PGE) was designed by the electrodeposition of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) on carbon fibre paper (CFP) coated with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT). Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and other electroanalytical techniques were used to characterize the modified electrodes. -
A literature review on destination management organization /
Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.4, Issue 12, pp.675-681, ISSN No: 2231-5780.