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Masstige scale: An alternative to measure brand equity
Masstige marketing is a strategic word for market penetration for premium but reachable products based on brand equity, trying to develop brand awareness, likability, affection and attachment. Hence, masstige scale may allow firms to measure brand equity to derive insights into the popularity of their brands. However, there is no empirical evidence available to test whether these scales are related measures of brand equity and, at the same time, independent measures, respectively. This study investigates whether the masstige scale and multidimensional consumer-based brand equity scale measure the same constructs. A total of 493 participants evaluated four different athletic shoe brands. The multi-trait, multimethod and confirmatory factor analyses suggested that the masstige scale may be a viable alternative to consumer-based brand equity and masstige value. We discuss the implications and provide directions for future research derived from our findings. 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -
Explaining the intention to uptake COVID-19 vaccination using the behavioral and social drivers of vaccination (BeSD) model
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a tool to measure behavioral and social drivers (BeSD) of vaccination uptake intentions of people across all countries. This study tests BeSD model to predict people's intentions to uptake COVID-19 vaccination in rural India. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey was developed for the purpose based on the components of the BeSD model, i.e., confidence, motivation, and behavioral intention. A convenient sampling technique was used to collect samples, amounting to a total of 625, from rural Bengaluru, in the Karnataka state of India. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to examine the proposed model. All respondents for the survey were in the age category of 1868 years with a mean age of 35 years. Findings: The results showed that 85% of COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions can directly or indirectly be attributed to the government's vaccine communication strategy, perceived threats about the vaccine, and their trust in the healthcare sector. The dimensions of the vaccine acceptance scale (motivation factors) act as a mediator between these factors and COVID-19 vaccination uptake (the behavioral factor). Conclusion: The study demonstrates that the BeSD framework is an efficient model for predicting the COVID-19 vaccination uptake in India. 2022 The Authors -
The Role of Mega-events In Promoting Sustainable Behaviour: A Multi-group Analysis Using Micom
This study investigates the influence of participation in mega events, like Dubai Expo 2020, on factors related to environmentally responsible behavior. Data from 361 UAE respondents were collected, examining environmental concern, social and personal norms, ethical obligations, and perceived behavioral control. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Multi-Group Analysis tested the hypotheses. The results showed that environmental concern, ethical ideologies, and perceived behavioral control had stronger impacts on the intention for responsible behavior in event attendees than in non-attendees. Attendees also demonstrated a stronger positive impact on sustainable consumer behavior. These findings offer valuable insights into environmental psychology, sustainability, consumer behavior, and event management, and can inform strategies for promoting sustainable behavior in industries such as travel, tourism, and hospitality. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Mediating Effect of Brand Relationship Quality on Relational Bonds and Online Grocery Retailer Loyalty
The current study aims to identify how brand relationship quality mediates the relationship between different online relational bonds, and attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. A total of 316 valid questionnaires from respondents aged 2035 were collected using quota sampling from five different clusters in Bangalore, India. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. This study finds that convenience bonds and structural bond have no impact on brand trust and attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. All five relational bonds namely, convenience, structural, financial, empathy, and social bonds are seen to influence their sense of community and attitudinal attachment. Sense of community is the primary influencer of brand loyalty. This study reveals that brand dimensions of brand quality relationship mediate the effect of financial, empathy, and social bonds on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. It also illustrates the role of different relational bonds as a stimulus, and relationship quality dimensions as an organism that lead to improved customer loyalty in online grocery retailing. Managers of online grocery stores can consider these new relational bonds, along with the traditional bonds, to develop positive emotions and achieve competitive advantage. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Predicting Intention to Buy Organic Food during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A multi-group analysis based on the Health Belief Model
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected physical and psychological health of people. It also had a huge impact on their dietary choices. This study specifically attempts to determine the impact of the constructs of health belief model on consumer purchase intention of organic food in the pandemic scenario. A survey was conducted among 413 Indian organic food consumers. The proposed hypotheses are tested by employing structural equation modeling. The findings highlight those perceived benefits is an important predictor of consumers behavioral intention to buy organic food, followed by cues to action and perceived threats. It is also found that consumers age moderates the impact of perceived threat and perceived barrier on consumers purchase intention, with a 22% difference in model prediction. In conclusion, the health belief model is found to be one of the most suitable models to predict consumer intention toward organic food purchase during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
The importance of servicescapes in Maldivian higher education: application of the stimuli-organism-response(SOR) framework
Purpose: This study aims to use the servicescape model of higher education environments to measure the students perceptions of the learning environment (classroom) and the effect this has on students learning ability. Design/methodology/approach: The present study follows the stimulus-organism-response paradigm framework. A self-administered and well-structured survey questionnaire is used to collect data. The snowball sampling technique is used to collect samples of 403 students belonging to Maldivian higher education institutions. Findings: Findings show that the physical appearances of these higher education institutions greatly influenced the pleasure dimension. Furthermore, pleasure is found to have a significant and positive relationship with the approach behaviour and engagement/involvement of the students. Originality/value: The main contribution of the study is that it successfully tests the Eduscape model adopted from the servicescape model, and thus helps to extend existing knowledge on the critical elements in the Maldivian higher education learning environments and students behaviour within them. The findings have implications for higher education institutions to improve their learning environments and better engage with their students. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Managing coworker conflict: investigating the effect of workplace phubbing and mindfulness on employee deviant and negligent behavior
Purpose: This study aims to examine the influence of workplace phubbing on employee deviant behavior and negligence, while also investigating the mediating role of coworker conflict. Additionally, the study explores the moderating effect of workplace mindfulness on the relationship between workplace phubbing, the mediators and employee deviant behavior and negligence. Design/methodology/approach: Data were gathered from employees in the service sector in the UAE using an online survey questionnaire. A total of 374 participants submitted complete responses. The studys hypotheses were tested through regression-based moderated path analysis, incorporating conditional process modeling and nonlinear bootstrapping. Findings: The study indicates that experiencing phubbing at work contributes to feelings of coworker conflict, which subsequently leads to increased interpersonal deviance and employee negligence. Moreover, workplace mindfulness weakens the positive influence of being phubbed on coworker conflict, interpersonal deviance and employee negligence. Originality/value: To the best of the authors knowledge, no previous studies have examined the negative impact of being phubbed at the individual employee level within the service industry. This study aims to contribute to both theory and practice by elucidating the mediating mechanism of coworker conflict and exploring the moderating effects of workplace mindfulness. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Translation and validation of the Tamil version of depression anxiety stress scales-21
The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21) is a well-established scale designed to measure the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress. DASS-21 has been translated into various languages, and findings conclude that it is psychometrically sound, with good reliability and validity. This study adapts and validates the psychometric properties of DASS-21 in the Tamil language. The instrument was administered to 511 Tamil speaking students ranging between 18 and 35 of age with an average age of 21 years. Results reaffirm that DASS-21 three-factor model shows excellent validity and reliability on the entire sample and groups based on age, gender, and residential area. They also find support in different hierarchical variance measurement models (metric, scalar, strict models). This study concludes that Tamil DASS-21 can be used as a universal measure to map symptoms and screen for depression, anxiety, and stress in any circumstances. Our findings provide roadmap for future research on the Tamil version of DASS-21 with specific focus on its clinical use. 2022 -
Internet of Things and Machine Learning based Intelligent Irrigation System for Agriculture
Irrigated agriculture methods need a significant volume of water, and causes water waste. It is critically necessary to install an efficient watering system and lessen the volume of water wasted on this tiresome chore. It is a huge benefit of the computer vision (ML) - the Internet of Everything (Ot) era to construct expert machines that carry out this work successfully with little human endeavour. This work suggests an Embedded device Fluid ounces suggestion method for efficient water use with little farm involvement. In the agricultural field, IoT sensors are set up to capture important atmospheric and surface data. The obtained information is sent to and stored on a cloud-based server, where machine learning techniques are used to evaluate the information and recommend treatment to the farmers. This recommender system has an internal development process that makes the solution resilient and flexible. The test demonstrates that the suggested method operates admirably on the agricultural dataset from the National Institutes of Technology (Kit) Bhubaneswar as well as the information that we obtained. 2022 IEEE. -
Oppositional Glowworm Swarm based Vector Quantization Technique for Image Compression in Fiber Optic Communication
In recent times, fiber optic communication networks have become commonly applied for commercial as well as military applications. Fiber optic networks have gained popularity owing to the high data rate. At the same time, the generation of huge quantity of data at a faster rate poses a major challenge in the storing and transmission process. To resolve this issue, data compression approaches have been presented to reduce the quantity of transmitted data and thereby minimizes bandwidth utilization and memory. Vector quantization (VQ) is a commonly employed image compression technique and Linde Buzo Gray (LBG) is used to construct an optimum codebook to compress images. With this motivation, this paper presents a new oppositional glowworm swarm optimization based LBG (OGSO-LBG) technique for image compression in fiber optic communication. The OGSO algorithm involves the integration of oppositional based learning (OBL) concept into the GSO algorithm to boost its convergence rate. The OGSO-LBG algorithm produces the codebook at a faster rate with minimal computation complexity. In order to highlight the enhanced compression performance of the OGSO-LBG technique, a series of experiments were carried out and the results are examined under different dimensions. 2021 IEEE -
Dictionary-Based BPT Compression with Trimodal Encryption for Efficient Fiber-Optic Data Management and Security
Fiber-optic transmission systems are capable of carrying tens of terabits per second of traffic and thereby form the core infrastructure for all Internet-based services and applications. While fiber-optic communication provides rapid data transfer, it faces the challenge of managing the substantial data volumes generated, stored, or transmitted. In the realm of fiber-optic communication, data interception is straightforward, necessitating robust security measures. One effective solution is compression-based encryption, which combines security with data compression benefits. Encryption safeguards data by transforming it into ciphertext during transmission, rendering it unreadable to attackers without knowledge of the encryption method. Data compression enhances bandwidth efficiency, enabling the efficient transmission of large data volumes using limited bandwidth. In the event of data compromise, attackers must grasp both compression and encryption methods to decipher the information, adding an additional layer of security. In this paper, an encoding technique named the Bounded Probability-Based Textual Data Compression (BPT) algorithm is introduced with trimodal encryption method for securing the short textual data while transferring from source to the destination. The BPT algorithm creates a codeword using a dictionary that assigns binary codes according to character occurrence probabilities in the input data. To decompress, the coding table must be transmitted alongside the compressed data. The trimodal encryption is used as a second tier for securing the data that was compressed using BPT algorithm. The trimodal encryption employs three encryption methods, and data is encrypted using one of these methods during transmission to the destination. The BPT algorithms performance is evaluated using benchmark textual datasets from the Calgary Corpus and the Canterbury Corpus. The experimental results demonstrate the unique characteristics of the BPT algorithm, including compression ratio (CR), compression factor (CF), bits per character (BPC), and space savings. Additionally, the Trimodal encryption algorithm (TME) method is evaluated using end-to-end delay analysis, packet loss analysis, and packet delivery ratio assessment. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
The Effect of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) on the Financial Performance of Listed Companies
The corporate sector is emerging as a significant stakeholder in this transformative journey asnations throughout the world work to align their policies and practices with the SDGs. Theincorporation of SDGs into financial planning has made tremendous headway in India, acountry with a rapidly expanding economy and a diverse corporate landscape. The 50companies that made up the Nifty 50 at the end of 2023 are examined in this study. Twosources provided the financial data on these companies: the Bloomberg platform andSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports. Only thirty of the NIFTY 50 companieswere putting the SDGs into practise on the previously indicated date. There are fourconfigurations in the successful FP model that describe how the SDGs and FP relate to oneanother. The lack of SDGs, when combined with other variables, explains a high ROE in twoof these four configurations. The examination of the data concludes that businesses who havetraditionally attained higher FP (i.e., higher ROE) have not included SDGs into their strategy.Furthermore, the inclusion of SDGs in strategies results in a lower return on equity (ROE).The paper however takes into consideration only size and risk as the main variables tocalculate the ROE. We recommend the future researchers to consider the other financialvariables while doing the analysis to get a more insightful analysis on the effect of SDGs. Grenze Scientific Society, 2024. -
In this paper, we initiate the study of a new domination parameter: the secure equitable subdivision number of graphs. Moreover, we define the secure equitable subdivision critical graphs and the secure equitable subdivision stable graphs. Furthermore, we investigate how to construct a secure equitable subdivision critical graph. 2024, Canadian University of Dubai. All rights reserved. -
Cerium-doped Co3O4 spinel structures synthesized by modified combustion route as an excellent material for electrochemical applications
This work shed light on the impact of cerium doping on the structural and electrochemical features of Co3-xCexO4(x = 0, 0.02, 0.04) synthesized via a facile and cost-effective modified combustion route. The structural, morphological and compositional investigations unveiled the formation of nanocrystalline structures with promising morphologies. BET and XPS methodologies explored the materials' porosity and electronic state of the materials. The electrochemical performance of the synthesized materials was evaluated by Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) at various scan rates, Galvanostatic Charge-Discharge (GCD) at different current densities, and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic (EIS) techniques. GCD studies depicted an exquisite specific capacitance of 498 Fg-1 for Co2.98Ce0.02O4 at a current density of 1 Ag-1 and it displayed a capacitance retention of 95 % for over 2000 GCD cycles further it retains up to 90 % even after 3000 GCD cycles at a current density of 1Ag-1 juxtapose to other compositions. Our work emphasizes the importance of the material for energy storage applications. 2024 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. -
Empowering Kirana Shops through Digital Ecosystem and Physical Infrastructure for Unprecedented Efficiency and Elevated Customer Experience
In today's evolving retail environment, it is important to ensure the sustenance of unorganised small retailers. Efforts should be made to make these retailers innovative and competitive. This study focuses on the need to upgrade the digital and physical infrastructure of Kiranas. Initially, researchers examined store physical layouts. Primary data analysis from Indian consumers via online surveys confirms the significance of store design. The layout directly influences impulse purchases. Unlike in modern retail stores where consumers often shop with family and friends, prompting unplanned purchases due to product visibility and tactile engagement, Kirana shops can capitalise on these behaviours. The study proposes an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model for Kirana shops, illustrating its potential value. AI-driven data analysis offers invaluable insights into operational dynamics, leveraging advanced algorithms to process vast datasets encompassing sales, inventory, and customer interactions. This approach enables uncovering intricate patterns, accurate demand forecasting, and optimising inventory levels, enhancing operational efficiency. Additionally, AI-driven sentiment analysis of customer feedback facilitates personalised marketing strategies, improving customer satisfaction. By enhancing infrastructure and embracing AI-based data analysis, Kirana shops can stay competitive, adapt to market changes, and ensure sustained growth in the evolving retail landscape. 2024 IEEE. -
The role of personal harmony and organisational citizenship behaviour in enhancing job satisfaction of teachers working in Indian higher educational institutions during the COVID-19 catastrophe in the VUCA world
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a good example of a Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) world. Higher educational institutions (HEIs) have faced a massive hit because the jobs in this industry have become unexpected. Considering the most valuable assets 'Teachers' crunched in the VUCA crisis, the study intends to determine if personal harmony (PH) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) would enhance teachersjob satisfaction (JS). Design/methodology/approach: Data are collected from the teachers of Indian HEIs and teachers who have experienced the impact of the COVID-19 catastrophe (VUCA). Considering the pandemic restrictions, data have been collected through an online survey (N = 364). Practical Implications: PH is an individual's internal quality and attribute that cannot be developed on force or situational need. Even in an uncertain situation, teachers have tried their best to contribute through professional service. Hence, people who possess PH contribute their best even though unsatisfied with their jobs. Originality/value: This study has focused on finding the relationship between two different variables, PH and OCB (which has not been explored in Asian countries, majorly in India, where it has a vast cultural diversity and structure influencing the educational policies) that hinders the factors influencing JS, where these two variables are highly influenced by hygiene factors such as values, culture, ethical standards, personal belief, leadership styles, and fair treatment showcased by the organisations/institutions. 2024 The authors. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved. -
It is a critical question whether unrestricted freedom of religion is detrimental to the development of peace. Recently the religious dictate of wearing a hijab has come in conflict with the prescription of uniforms at educational institutions. This led to large-scale violence and unrest in society. It raised concerns about the scope of the right to freedom of expression, protection of religious expression, the overarching requirement of a need for public order, and reasonable accommodation of diversity in society. This research explores these issues in the context of educational institutions by critically analysing the laws and operative principles and the role of law and religion in promoting social cohesion and integrity. It addresses the counterarguments of reasonable accommodation and argues that the concept of reasonable accommodation fails to address deep-rooted structural inequalities, and in an education setup prescription of uniforms is justified as it portrays higher values of equality, development, and peace. 2022 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies (DVK, Bangalore),. -
Perovskite photosupercapacitors: Next generation powerpacks integrating solar cells and supercapacitors
As solar energy is intermittent, it must be stored in addition to being harvested, opening one of the most potential areas for powering future technology. The devices that have the ability to collect and store energy are called Photosupercapacitors. Owing to their dual purpose, photosupercapacitors are gaining increasing attention as potential components for emerging wearable and portable electronics. These devices have advanced significantly; among them, Perovskite-based Photosupercapacitors have reported greater efficiency so far. When required, this integrated device, which consists of a perovskite solar cell unit and a supercapacitor, can supply reliable off-grid power to external loads and charge itself in an illuminated space. This review primarily focuses on various types of Perovskite-based Photosupercapacitors that have emerged so far, significantly discussing the choice of material for each layer, the technique of connecting the solar cell and supercapacitor, the performance of each part, and the overall powerpack performance. The present review gives a broad outlook on challenges and future perspectives involved in the development of these devices. We believe that this review would provide a valid account of the current developments and future scopes for developing portable, highly efficient Perovskite-based Photosupercapacitors with less toxicity and admissible stability. 2024 Elsevier Ltd