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The Role of Nanoparticles in Response of Plants to Abiotic Stress at Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Levels
In recent years, the global agricultural system has been unfavorably impacted by adverse environmental changes. These changes in the climate, in turn, have altered the abiotic conditions of plants, affecting plant growth, physiology and production. Abiotic stress in plants is one of the main obstacles to global agricultural production and food security. Therefore, there is a need for the development of novel approaches to overcome these problems and achieve sustainability. Nanotechnology has emerged as one such novel approach to improve crop production, through the utilization of nanoscale products, such as nanofertilizer, nanofungicides, nanoherbicides and nanopesticides. Their ability to cross cellular barriers makes nanoparticles suitable for their application in agriculture. Since they are easily soluble, smaller, and effective for uptake by plants, nanoparticles are widely used as a modern agricultural tool. The implementation of nanoparticles has been found to be effective in improving the qualitative and quantitative aspects of crop production under various biotic and abiotic stress conditions. This review discusses various abiotic stresses to which plants are susceptible and highlights the importance of the application of nanoparticles in combating abiotic stress, in addition to the major physiological, biochemical and molecular-induced changes that can help plants tolerate stress conditions. It also addresses the potential environmental and health impacts as a result of the extensive use of nanoparticles. 2023 by the authors. -
The Role of Mega-events In Promoting Sustainable Behaviour: A Multi-group Analysis Using Micom
This study investigates the influence of participation in mega events, like Dubai Expo 2020, on factors related to environmentally responsible behavior. Data from 361 UAE respondents were collected, examining environmental concern, social and personal norms, ethical obligations, and perceived behavioral control. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Multi-Group Analysis tested the hypotheses. The results showed that environmental concern, ethical ideologies, and perceived behavioral control had stronger impacts on the intention for responsible behavior in event attendees than in non-attendees. Attendees also demonstrated a stronger positive impact on sustainable consumer behavior. These findings offer valuable insights into environmental psychology, sustainability, consumer behavior, and event management, and can inform strategies for promoting sustainable behavior in industries such as travel, tourism, and hospitality. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
The role of meditation and mindfulness in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a scoping review
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) presents multifaceted challenges affecting womens reproductive, metabolic, and psychological systems, consequently impacting their psychological and emotional well-being. The utilization of meditation and mindfulness interventions (MMIs) is found to be increasing for the management of PCOS. This scoping review systematically explored the current literature to identify the type and application of MMIs for PCOS management. A systematic search of literature was conducted using CINAHL, PsycINFO, Scopus, MEDLINE, and PubMed databases for identifying studies conducted on the usage of MMIs in women diagnosed with PCOS, irrespective of age. The comprehensive search identified 14 trials (comprising 17 citations) meeting inclusion criteria, involving 723 participants across various age groups. Among these, nine were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), while the remaining comprised non-RCTs. Several types of MMIs, including Rajayoga of Brahmakumaris, Yoga Nidra, OM cyclic meditation, unspecified forms of meditation, mindfulness-based stress reduction programs, mindful yoga, and mindfulness-based activities, were used. Outcomes were predominantly assessed in psychological domains (n=11), followed by anthropometric (n=9), quality of life (n=7), and metabolic metrics (n=7). The review findings suggest the integration of meditation with conventional treatment modalities. Preliminary data indicate that MMIs have the potential to improve psychosocial well-being and quality of life among PCOS-affected women. However, adequately powered studies with extended follow-up periods are required to investigate the mechanisms and therapeutic efficacy of MMIs, particularly concerning reproductive outcomes and weight management. Furthermore, diligent monitoring and reporting of adverse events and adherence are essential for a comprehensive understanding of MMI utilization in PCOS management. Copyright 2024 Rao, Pena, James, Phadke, Grover, Blendis, Choudhary and Kampegowda. -
The Role of Major-Sport Event Cricket with Respect to Consumer Perception and Attitude Towards Ambush Marketing
International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol-2 (10), pp. 76-81. ISSN-2319-801X -
The Role of Machine Learning Analysis and Metrics in Retailing Industry by using Progressive Analysis Pattern Technique
Analyzing customer purchasing data has been a challenging task for data analyzers. Even though lots of methods are introduced in this kind of research but still many barriers are there to finding the optimal pattern. Consider customer buying data is used to examine the types of parameters which is influence the customer. In this proposed work, Progressive Analysis Pattern Technique (PAPT) to predict future customer buying patterns in online shopping. We incorporated dynamic data handling prior to the proposed methodology. It will give ample purpose for the organization's perspective because the proposed work primarily focused on customer features related to the number of product quantities and product price variations of the previous purchase. Marketing strategies are most effective if they are focused to the exact client requirements. A Significant mission in campaign planning is deciding which customer to target. This research paper focusses on empirical targeting models. 2023 IEEE. -
The role of legal aid clinics in enhancing the employability, entrepreneurship and foundation skills for law students: A qualitative analysis
Access to justice is the basic postulate of a legal system. In this endeavour, universities have a unique institutional advantage to make a potential contribution to 100% access to justice by fostering a strong culture of social responsibility through innovative pro bono legal service initiatives and inculcating the professional value of legal service in the students and motivating them to develop a critical consciousness for social justice linked to the holistic development of law students. Consequently, the impact analysis of this training on global opportunities, both in terms of employability and higher education, formed the kernel of this chapter. Through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and perspectives of researchers as participants in statelevel Legal services clinics, data was collected. Several key indicators were identified to analyze the expanded and holistic role of legal aid clinical education to effectively prepare students for their future. The study crystallizes a model for legal aid clinical courses by which Universities can deliver cutting-edge life and employability skills and enhance the professional competence of law students through direct participation in legal aid services. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. -
The Role of IoT in Revolutionizing Payment Systems and Digital Transactions in Finance
The revolutionary impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on payment systems and digital transactions within the financial industry is investigated so as to better understand its implications. During this period of unparalleled digitalization in the financial environment, the Internet of Things has emerged as a crucial participant in the process of altering traditional payment paradigms. For the purpose of improving efficiency, security, and the overall user experience, this article analyzes the incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices into financial transactions. These devices include smart cards, wearables, and linked appliances. The paper elucidates how Internet of Things-driven innovations are expediting payment processes, reducing transaction costs, and mitigating fraud risks. This is accomplished through a comprehensive investigation of case Researches, technology breakthroughs, and regulatory frameworks. In addition to this, the article investigates the implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) in terms of promoting financial inclusion by providing digital payment services to groups that were previously underserved. This research gives useful insights for policymakers, financial institutions, and technologists who are looking to navigate and harness the potential of the Internet of Things in transforming payment systems. These insights are gained through an examination of the obstacles and opportunities related with the adoption of IoT in the financial sector. 2024 IEEE. -
The Role of IOT in Creating SC'S through Ultra Fast Updation of the Status for Accurate Action Plan
The idea of a smart city includes the merging of technologies and advances aimed at improving urban efficiency, scientific progress, the preservation of the environment, and social inclusion. Coined in the year 2000, the term became widely used in politics, business, management, and urban planning groups to drive tech-based changes in urban areas. It reacts to the difficulties posed by postindustrial communities handling problems such as pollution to the environment, demographic changes, population growth, health care monetary crises, and resource shortages. Beyond technical answers, the smart city idea includes non-technical innovations for healthy urban life. Particularly encouraging is the application that uses Internet of The circumstances (IoT)based sensors in healthcare, applying machine learning for effective data management. This paper discusses the application of AI-powered Ai and Wireless Sensor Networks, more commonly known as the field of health care, acting as a basic study to understand the impact of IoT in smart cities, especially in healthcare, for the sake of future research. 2024 IEEE. -
The role of internal control and firm specific characteristics on firm value
Firm value is considered as a vital aspect in analysing a company s financial health. It is the total value of a company. This study determines the role of firm-specific characteristics such as firm size, firm age, newlineliquidity, firm complexity, board independence, institutional ownership, newlinenon-performing assets, annual volatility of stock returns, leverage and internal control represented by Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Big4 auditor on the firm value measured using Tobin s Q, Return On Equity (ROE) and Return On Assets (ROA). This proposition was addressed with the sound statistical investigation of 127 companies listed in the NSE financial services and manufacturing sectors by utilising annual newlinepanel data for 11 years from 2007-17. Regression results indicated that in the financial services sector, the purchasers consider firm size, firm age, liquidity, the volatility of stock returns and non-performing assets. ROA shows that the management has to focus on firm size, firm age and volatility of stock returns. ROE informs that the investors will look into newlinefirm size, firm age, institutional ownership, non-performing assets, leverage, firm complexity and volatility of stock returns. Whereas in the manufacturing sector, the purchasers focus on adoption of ERM, firm size, firm age and liquidity. ROA showed that management has to give importance to ERM, firm size, firm age, firm complexity, liquidity, and leverage. ROE revealed that the investors look into firm size, firm newlinecomplexity, liquidity and leverage. These findings are of particular interest newlineto investors, researchers and practising managers in the financial services and manufacturing sector. -
The role of incentives in fostering green behaviour among the emerging workforce
Green behaviour refers to those behaviours that are pro-environmental in nature. Green behaviour is essential in an organization to ensure that the organization is meeting its organizational sustainability. Employees at all levels must support and participate in green behaviour. One way of encouraging employees to participate in green behaviour is by inducing them through incentives. This chapter dwells on why it is important to introduce green incentives in the workplace to encourage green behaviour. A short survey was conducted among employees in the Indian subcontinent to understand whether incentives can act as a catalyst in motivating green behaviour in the organization. It explores the advantages and disadvantages of bringing green incentives in the organization and the guidelines a company must keep in mind while designing an attractive green incentive system to motivate employees to engage in green behaviour 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The Role of Imposter Phenomenon on Self-Handicapping and Psychological Distress among Young Adults
The Imposter Phenomenon (IP), characterized by persistent self-doubt and a fear of being exposed as a fraud despite objective success, is a growing concern, particularly among young adults. This study explores the intricate relationships between the Imposter Phenomenon, Self-handicapping, and Psychological Distress in a sample of 242 young adults aged 1825. The data is analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression. Findings from a comprehensive survey, utilizing the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale, the Self-Handicapping Scale, and the Mental Health Inventory reveal a significant positive correlation and prediction between the Imposter Phenomenon and self-handicapping and a positive relationship between the Imposter phenomenon and psychological distress. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how the Imposter Phenomenon influences self-handicapping behaviours in young adults, shedding light on the psychological distress associated with these experiences. The study underscores the need for targeted interventions to address imposter feelings and their potential consequences on mental well-being in this vulnerable population, ultimately aiming to foster a healthier and more resilient generation. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
The role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals
Despite the advances in studies conducted among healthcare professionals to explore the impact of the pandemic on their mental health, a large population still continues to display COVID-19 related psychological complaints. There has been recent awareness of moral injury related guilt and shame among doctors and nurses. However, the factors associated with moral injury have not received much attention, due to which the issue still persists. This study aims to explore the role of guilt-shame proneness, and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals. MISS-HP, PGI Locus of Control, and GASP scales were administered to a sample of 806 healthcare professionals. Pearson correlation coefficient indicated a significant positive relationship between moral injury and guilt-shame proneness, as well as the locus of control. Regression analysis indicated a significant role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury. In conclusion, while studying moral injury, it becomes equally important to consider these factors to understand the concept better. 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The Role of Gratitude as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Belief in a Just World and Forgiveness Among Middle-Aged Adults in India
This research explores the relationship between personal belief in a just world (PBJW), gratitude, and forgiveness within the context of middle-aged adults in India. While prior research has established links between PBJW and forgiveness, this investigation delves deeper, examining how gratitude moderates these relationships. The primary objective is to unveil how gratitude moderates the connection between PBJW and forgiveness, filling a significant research gap within the Indian context. The researchers collected data from 386 middle-aged Indian adults through online and offline surveys. The study reveals a positive but weak correlation between PBJW and forgiveness. Gratitude significantly moderates this relationship, amplifying the impact of PBJW on forgiveness. These discoveries offer fresh insights into the complex dynamics underlying forgiveness processes among middle-aged adults in India, addressing a critical gap in the existing research landscape within this cultural context. Practical implications are drawn for counselors and formators that support efforts to promote forgiveness and enhance interpersonal harmony and psychological health. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
The Role of Gender in the Experience of Intimacy: Narratives of Young Married Couples
Intimacy is a phenomenon in human relationships that usually develops in the context most love relationships. Gender refers to the social categories of men and women. The two are interwoven with each other and influence each other. Gender roles dictate how men and women should experience and express intimacy. This research study focuses on the gender differences in the experience of intimacy. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview and the narratives of were analysed to identify themes that indicated commonalities in the experience of intimacy for men and women. However, differences in the experience of intimacy for men and women were also identified. Another focus of the study on the experience of intimacy is the gender differences after the birth of children. Gender differences were identified in the experience of intimacy after the birth of children. The findings also indicated that with the progression of time, marital relationships change from an emphasis on physical experience and expression of intimacy during the initial stages to an emotional emphasis with increase in familiarity between them and the birth of children. Keywords: Intimacy, Parenthood, Gender -
The role of financial inclusion in driving women's economic empowerment
The current chapter examines the impact of financial inclusion on women's economic empowerment. The data was gathered from 1,140 women in slums through a structured schedule on a five-point Likert scale. The schedule was pretested and validated using reliability and validity tests. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were performed to validate the questions. The impact was tested using linear regression, and results of regression model indicated women's financial inclusion significantly contributes to their economic empowerment. The findings of the study indicate that women in urban slums do not lack access to financial institutions. The results of the study have critical implications for policymakers and stakeholders involved in the financial inclusion process such as bankers, self-help groups, and others to reorient themselves towards financial inclusion practices. 2023, IGI Global. -
The Role of Financial Analytics in Decision-Making for Better Firm Performance
The need to make informed decisions has become a matter of survival for every organisation in the current unprecedented and dynamic business environment. The exponential growth in technology along with the internet has brought in enormous volume and variety of data access to all organisations irrespective of their industry. Organisations should consider their resources and industry environment to build their analytics capabilities, as it involves a tremendous investment. In this context, it is essential to understand the role of financial analytics in decision-making for better firm performance. Hence, this chapter proposes to throw light on the evolution of big data analytics, theoretical linkages, dimensions and benefits of using financial analytics, technological support for financial analytics along with use cases, and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges (SWOC) analysis. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023. -
The role of energy efficiency in income inequality dynamics in developing Asia: Evidence from artificial neural networks
This study investigates the drivers of income inequality trends in seven developing Asian countries between 1990 and 2022, exploring the effects of energy efficiency, government spending, economic growth, globalization, and human development. The study investigates how these variables affect income inequality using various statistical methods, including long-run machine learning and prediction models. The findings indicate a negative impact of energy efficiency on income inequality, highlighting the potential of energy-saving measures in narrowing the income gaps between the rich and poor. Government spending, economic growth, globalization, and human development are also crucial in alleviating income inequality in developing Asian countries. This study underscores the importance of tailored policies, advocating for investments in energy efficiency, targeted government spending, larger economic integration, and inclusive growth strategies to address income inequality in developing Asia. 2024 -
The Role of Corporations in Achieving Ecological Sustainability: Evaluating the Environmental Performance of Corporations
Industrial development of the past 200 years has brought immeasurable wealth and prosperity. However, it has also caused an unintended eco-logical degradation. Hence, the focus of environmental law has shifted from the creation of global frameworks to deal with environmental problems to comply with those frameworks. As a result, the primary actors in environmental law have shifted from the state and the global community to corporations. As a consequence, environmental policies must develop along legally holistic lines. The role corporations have had in achieving ecological sustainability is poorly understood. In the backdrop of the above issues, the chapter examines the implications of ecologically sustainable development for corporations. It articulates corporate ecological sustainability through the concepts of environmental management and ecologically sustainable competitive strategies. It further examines the implications that these concepts have for a corporation in the long run. 2020 by IGI Global. -
The Role of Cognitive Appraisal in Informed Decision-Making among Social Entrepreneurs: A Thematic Analysis
Social entrepreneurship (SE) is gaining momentum by providing innovative solutions to economic, social, and environmental problems by generating jobs and social inclusion. However, it involves different challenges that may lead to a negative appraisal. This study aimed to explore cognitive appraisal processes social entrepreneurs use to make informed decisions in their entrepreneurial journey. Interviews were conducted with 13 Indian social entrepreneurs, and the data were subjected to thematic analysis. The main themes were; appropriateness, implications, coping potential, and normative significance. The study proposes a cognitive model for the appraisal of SE. The study is important for aspiring social entrepreneurs to understand the evaluation components of appraisal to decide how appropriate SE is as a career for them. 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.