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The ethics of collaborating with social media influencers: Influencers and psychological well-being
This study highlights the importance of placing influencers' psychological well-being as a top priority in influencer marketing. In light of the growing influencers' impact on brand perceptions and consumer behavior, addressing their obstacles is crucial to promoting an ethical and sustainable ecosystem. The demands of upholding genuineness and regulating personal limits can profoundly affect the psychological well-being of influencers. Acknowledging and giving precedence to the welfare of others is an ethical obligation and a critical factor in ensuring sustained success in collaborative endeavors. Suggested ideas for a genuine brand-influencer partnership encompass advocating for mental well-being and fostering open and honest communication. These suggestions can cultivate a more accountable, enduring, and genuine influencer marketing ecosystem. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The Employees Demographic Profile of Startups in India with Special Reference to Bangalore City: A Case Study
In the current scenario, startups play a pivotal role and exert a significant influence on the promotion of economic growth. Authorities perceive their substantial impact, considering factors such as job creation, economic development, and contributions to technological upgrading (Thornton and Assocham in Startups Indiaan overview, 2016; Jain in Int J Appl Res 2:152154, 2016; Sarangi in Why do most Indian startups fail? Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 2015). There has been a noteworthy effort to promote entrepreneurship through the establishment and support of various incubation centers. Despite the positive reception and development initiatives, the alarming startup failure rates in India persist due to various reasons. Available data indicates that 12 states in India have 1000 recognized startups each, with Karnataka being particularly well-recognized for progress and brand creation, especially in the city of Bangalore. In light of this, the study aims to identify the demographic profile of employees in startups in India, with a special focus on Bangalore city. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
The Empirical Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches for Enhancing the Cyber security for better Quality
In recent years, there have been significant advances in both technologies tactics so in area of cyber security, with (ML) machine learning at the forefront of the transformation. It is the ability to obtain security event characteristics or findings from cyber security information and then develop a matching information model that will allow a security system to become autonomous and smart. The widespread proliferation and the usage of Web and Smartphone applications has increased the size of cyber world as a consequence. When a computerized assault takes too long to complete, the internet becomes vulnerable. Security measures may be improved by recognizing and reacting to cyber-attacks, thanks to cyber security techniques. Security measures that were previously used aren't any longer appropriate because scammers have learned how to evade them. It is getting more difficult to detect formerly unknown and unpredictable security breaches, which are growing more widespread. Cyber security is becoming more dependent on machine learning (ML) techniques. Machine learning algorithms' dependability remains a major challenge, given its continual advancement. It is possible to find malicious hackers in internet that are ready to exploit ML defects that have been made public. A thorough review of machine learning techniques safeguarding cyberspace against attacks is provided in this paper, which presents a literature review on Cyber security using machine learning methods, such as vulnerability scanning, spam filtering, or threat detection on desktop networks as well as smart phone networks. Among other things, this paper provides brief descriptions of each machine-learning technique and security info, essential machine-learning technology, and evaluation parameters for a classification method. 2022 IEEE. -
The emerging role of innovative teaching practices in tourism education in the post-COVID-19 era
The education sector has undergone a tremendous transformation during the last few decades with the advancement of information and communication technology. Traditional methods of teaching and learning are replaced with modern technology enabled methods such as virtual reality, 3D images and videos, augmented reality, and gamification. Tourism education involves learning about geographic regions, destinations, and sightseeing. The shift from offline mode of teaching to a completely online and digital platform during the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the need to include such innovative practices in teaching and learning. This chapter focuses on the potential benefits of enabling technology infused teaching and learning methods and their implications on improving student motivation and engagement. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The Emerald Handbook of Destination Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality
Featuring a broad geographical range of examples and pan-disciplinary perspectives, The Emerald Handbook of Destination Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality is an essential reference and illuminating guide on developments in the theory and practice of tourism development post-pandemic. 2023 Priyakrushna Mohanty, Anukrati Sharma, James Kennell and Azizul Hassan. -
The elements of culture and their effectiveness in advertising /
Advertisements are considered to be one of the most effective ways of promoting a product or a service. Though it has a high impact on people on its own, it uses different techniques to attract its viewers. One of the effective ways of penetrating a consumer's mind has been through his/her culture. Culture has been present in all advertisements since years. Cultures in advertisements were either set to change the audiences' or the local culture was incorporated in advertisements for a better impact. -
The efficient fractional order based approach to analyze chemical reaction associated with pattern formation
The investigation of the nonlinear models and their complex nature with generalized theory associated to material and history-based properties is a motivation for the present work. The mathematical model describing the chemical reaction, namely BelousovZhabotinsky (BZ) reaction is examined in the present work using the efficient numerical method. For the obtained numerical results, the change of color and patterns formation is presented in a different order. The impact of the rate change is presented for the diverse associated parameters. For the considered system, the boundedness, stability, existence, and other dynamical conditions are derived. The consequences of generalizing the model within the fractional order are derived. The present study helps researchers to investigate complex real world problems and predict the corresponding plans to be made using the efficient approach. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
The Efficiency of Ensemble Machine Learning Models on Network Intrusion Detection using KDDCup 99 Dataset
With the advent of data communication the increased usage of the technologies results in network intrusions and associated attacks. Consequently, the data violation rates are increased abundantly and that sacrifices Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. This article focused on the network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that detects various attacks and types. Machine learning (ML) has the potential to spot known-experience and Zero-day attacks. Consequently, the article has considered ML and ensembled models for the various attack classification. The major contributions of the current article are 3-fold. Initially, to understand the relevance and sufficiency of the dataset through exploratory data analysis. Second, the comprehensive understanding of the various attacks, its nature, various types and classifications and finally, the empirical analysis of the dataset through the potential of various ML models. The article utilized various discriminative models for the execution and all of the models have shown better accuracy. The tree-based ensemble model, Random Forest has outperformed the rest of the models with higher accuracy in the training and testing samples of 99.997 % and 99.969 % respectively. 2023 IEEE. -
The Efficacy of Multi-Component Intervention for Adolescents with Problematic Video Gaming in a Community-Based Setting
Video gaming is a popular leisure activity enjoyed by millions globally, helping with socialisation, interaction, and relieving stress. It may also become a maladaptive coping mechanism to evade distress and negative emotions, leading to problematic usage. Research evidence shows that problematic gaming is associated with different psychosocial issues. Video games can be a way of negative coping and escaping reality, and problematic usage can hide other problems of players in real life. Adolescents are vulnerable to problematic use due to their developmental stages, and those with specific vulnerabilities and disabilities are at greater risk. No one psychotherapy has all the answers, and the multi-component intervention technique might have better treatment utility than a solitary behaviour intervention. The research aims to show the effectiveness of the intervention for problematic video game usage in a community-based setting. The study focuses on adolescents in seventh through ninth grade who were identified as problematic video gamers (not addictive users) from a selected group of schools in Kerala. The study employed an experimental design, encompassing both intervention and control groups, to systematically assess the effects of the experimental manipulation and establish a baseline measurement. The paired t-test results showed no significant decrease in the intervention groups Gaming Addiction Scale at the post-test, but it did lower the addiction scores. By conducting the research, we provide psychological care for adolescents and help them identify and prevent problematic gaming experiences. The research underscores the significance of early identification and prevention of problematic video game usage among adolescents, advocating for a holistic approach incorporating diverse components. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Dr. Sundeep Katevarapu, Dr. Anand Pratap Singh, Dr. Priyanka Tiwari, Ms. Akriti Varshney, Ms. Priya Lanka, Ms. Aankur Pradhan, Dr. Neeraj Panwar, Dr. Kumud Sapru Wangnue; individual chapters, the contributors. -
The effects on the financialand economic status of the country in covid pandemic @ its damages on human health /
Patent Number: 202241013748, Applicant: Dr. Ravikumar T.
The enhanced chi-square goodness of fit for the COVID-19 pandemic scenario is developed, and the proposed method is used to assess the increased testing rates in India and significant improvement in the COVID-19 medical sector. India has a population of approximately 1.39 billion people and is extremely densely inhabited in contrast to other countries. The current male population of 51.6 percent and the male population of 48.4 percent in areas with an overall low economic status have all posed significant challenges to India's first campaign against the COVID-19 hotspot. -
The Effectiveness of Micro Finance Institutions on Socio-Economic Development of Women in Karnataka
International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, Vol-2 (11), pp. 74-77. ISSN-2231-4245 -
The Effect of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) on the Financial Performance of Listed Companies
The corporate sector is emerging as a significant stakeholder in this transformative journey asnations throughout the world work to align their policies and practices with the SDGs. Theincorporation of SDGs into financial planning has made tremendous headway in India, acountry with a rapidly expanding economy and a diverse corporate landscape. The 50companies that made up the Nifty 50 at the end of 2023 are examined in this study. Twosources provided the financial data on these companies: the Bloomberg platform andSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports. Only thirty of the NIFTY 50 companieswere putting the SDGs into practise on the previously indicated date. There are fourconfigurations in the successful FP model that describe how the SDGs and FP relate to oneanother. The lack of SDGs, when combined with other variables, explains a high ROE in twoof these four configurations. The examination of the data concludes that businesses who havetraditionally attained higher FP (i.e., higher ROE) have not included SDGs into their strategy.Furthermore, the inclusion of SDGs in strategies results in a lower return on equity (ROE).The paper however takes into consideration only size and risk as the main variables tocalculate the ROE. We recommend the future researchers to consider the other financialvariables while doing the analysis to get a more insightful analysis on the effect of SDGs. Grenze Scientific Society, 2024. -
The Effect of Short-Term Training of Vipassanas Body-Scan on Select Cognitive Functions
This experiment examined the effect of a short-term body-scan meditation technique of vipassana practice on select cognitive functions. Participants (n = 77) were randomly divided into an experimental group (n = 37) and an active control group (n = 40). The average age of participants in the experimental group and the active control group was 21.67 1.16 and 21.40 3.14years, respectively. The experimental group practiced body-scan mindfulness, one session per day for 6 days with each session lasting for 25min. Participants in the active control group spent an equal amount of time reading fiction of their choice and listening to soothing music. Variables that were studied included five cognitive functions, namely reaction time, attention, learning, working memory, and social-emotional cognition. Results showed that short-term mindfulness meditation decreased reaction time and increased attention, with mild effect size. It may be concluded that short-term mindfulness practice might be an alternative for individuals who, due to various reasons, cannot practice long-term courses. 2018, National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India. -
The Effect of short format body-scan mindfulness meditation on cognitive function and affect
Studies of mindfulness are consistent in their finding indicating that mindfulness can serve as a therapy model to deal with many psychological and physical problems, and improve wellbeing. Further, mindfulness is also found to enhance the moment to moment experience of individuals with better clarity of phenomenon. Interestingly, most of these studies have been conducted among seasoned practitioners or as long-format courses. Although long-format can be an ideal practice, it often proves to be expensive for many. Also, some people may not be able to practice in long-format due to several reasons. Thereby, it is imperative to investigate the benefits of short-format mindfulness exploring its utility and scalability. This experimental study examined the effect of short format mindfulness especially on affect and cognitive function. Participants (N=72; F=40, M=32) were randomly divided into an experimental group (N=35; M=15, F=20) and an active control group (N=37; M=17, F=20). The average age of participants in the experimental group and the active control group was 21.79 and 21.59 respectively. The experimental group practiced body-scan mindfulness, one session per day for six days, each session lasting for 25 minutes. Participants in the active control group spent an equal amount of time while reading fiction of their choice and listening to soothing music. Variables that were considered include positive and negative affects, and five cognitive functions namely psychomotor function, attention, learning, working memory-simple, and social-emotional cognition. Results showed an increase in positive affect and a decrease in negative affect, and an increase in performance in all five cognitive functions in the experimental group with an effect size ranging from mild to moderate, in comparison to active control. The study concluded that short format mindfulness practice, although may not be ideal, might be an alternative for individuals who due to various reasons cannot practice long format courses. -
The effect of servant leadership on ad hoc schoolteachers affective commitment and psychological well-being: The mediating role of psychological capital
Progress on the fourth United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4), which strives to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, can only be made with teachers whose levels of job satisfaction and dedication to teaching are high. The authors of this article conducted a survey among ad hoc teachers (also referred to as para teachers) in rural India. The purpose of their study was to find out the extent to which being led by principals who practised a management style termed servant leadership positively impacted respondents affective commitment and psychological well-being. A servant leader seeks to serve by developing the followers selfhood in various relational, ethical, emotional and spiritual contexts. This has the effect of encouraging the followers to become the best version of themselves. Data collection involved the completion of a questionnaire by a sample of 1,120 (840 female, 280 male) para teachers from 17 non-formal community learning centres and 10 schools in the Indian state of Jharkhand. The results of the survey revealed that there is an indirect effect of servant leadership on affective commitment and psychological well-being through a set of three elements, hope, efficacy and resilience, which together amount to a para teachers personal resource of psychological capital. Relying on the findings of their research, the authors suggest that it will be beneficial for Jharkhands Department of Education to implement interventional teacher training programmes which nurture servant leadership among school principals and educational officers and thereby foster psychological capital among para teachers. 2020, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and Springer Nature B.V. -
The Effect of Prediction on Employee Engagement Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance Using Denoised Auto Encoder and SVM Based Model
The purpose of human resources is to ensure that the appropriate people are hired for open positions at appropriate times, that the system receive the necessary training, and that their performance is monitored and their perspective skills are secure through the use of evaluation methods. Despite the importance of this data to decision-makers, it can be difficult to glean useful insights from large datasets. Data mining has made it possible for human resources experts to automate the hitherto tedious task of manually processing enormous data sets. Finding almost perfect outcomes is the main goal of data mining, which is to discover hidden knowledge in data patterns and trends. The proposed method goes as follows: preprocessing is done by data cleaning and data normalization, feature selection using correlation and information theoretic ranking criteria. The last step in training and evaluating the model is using AE-SVM, which stands for Auto Encoder Support Vector Machine. The suggested model is more effective and performs better than two existing models: Support Vector Machine and AE-CNN. The suggested approach attains an accuracy rate of 94%. 2024 IEEE.