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Advertising is one of the important types of communication in todays world and it has become an indispensable for both the consumer and the producer of it. Advertising plays an important role in the integrated marketing communication. In todays information age it is necessary for an organization or institution make the public aware of their goods and services and advertising acts as tool to serve this purpose. There are various types of advertising such as Out-door Advertising, In-door advertising, Non-product advertising, Radio advertising, Television advertising, National advertising, International advertising, Retail advertising, classified advertising and local advertising to name a few. Outdoor advertising is less touched subject within the field of advertising. Though there have been some research on the creative execution, improving attention to the billboards there is not much attention given to examine the effectiveness of billboard advertising. Billboards as a medium of advertising have been used by the advertisers in various parts of India. It is normally situated along the traffic prone roads, main streets, commercial centres, on flyovers and on highways. The purpose of it is to make people (pedestrians, drivers, and passengers) aware of the products and services which are available in the market and which intern leads to the buying and selling between consumer and manufacturer. In todays world the outdoor advertising, especially billboard advertisements are used extensively by the Real-estate and Automobile advertisers. It is important to know are people noticing these billboard advertisements and how it is influencing the people in their purchase decision making process of these Goods being advertised. It is also important to know why do Real-estate and Automobile advertisers prefer advertising on billboards rather than other media such as television, Radio and Print. -
A Study on Indian Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency
Information has always been a constant force for change and improvisation and this particular aspect of the information was study with reference to the stock markets by Prof. Eugene Fama at the university of Chicago booth school of business as part of his Ph.D. thesis work. Now as per his work the financial markets are "informationally efficient". And the resultant effect of this is that, one cannot consistently achieve returns in excess of average market returns on a risk-adjusted basis, given the information available at the time the investment is made. There are three major versions of the hypothesis: "weak", "semi-strong", and "strong". The weak-form EMH claims that prices on traded assets (e.g., stocks, bonds, or property) already reflect all past publicly available information. The semi-strong-form EMH claims both that prices reflect all publicly available information and that prices instantly change to reflect new public information. The strong-form EMH additionally claims that prices instantly reflect even hidden or "insider" information This main purpose behind this research study is to test for the weak form efficiency of the Indian foreign exchange market and for this purpose daily exchange rate of four nominal exchange rates which are US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and Pound Sterling from April 2004 to December 2011 are analyzed using unit root tests of Augmented Dickey Fuller Test and Phillip Perron test. As per the results all the exchange rate currencies such as US dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and Pound Sterling are found to be stationary in 1st difference. This implies that all exchange rate currencies support the hypothesis of weak form inefficiency and information of any nature that can have a impact on the market will take more time to reflect or create an impact on the prices or rates existing in the market, so this time gap and the constant movement of change between the data points can be used to create a pattern of movement or before the market could adjust, investors by assuming the future change will also be constant as it has been in the past can take advantage of the available information and therefore it becomes easy for the investors to forecast or predict the future exchange rates of respective currencies with the use of past data and thereby leading to super normal profits. -
Yahoo is looking forward to crack a deal with Cafe Mom , a social networking and community aimed at mothers .The website is very popular and doing extremely well. Many find that joining a social network for women can be a fantastic way to not only find support from other working females, but to also network with people that can become potential investors, employees, friends, vendors, and business partners. There is really no limit to the kinds of connections you can make within the social network for women. The statement of the problem is that women need an exclusive space for themselves wherein they can talk to each other and also increase their knowledge and wellbeing. The agenda is to know what applications and what ingredients will make it successful? Women are found more using face book then man and there is a need for the social networking website for women to share opinions exclusively related to them .Recent concerns over the privacy issues on some of the social networking websites is also one of the problem faced by users. The methodology adopted by researcher in order to collect data and analyze it will be through Questionnaire and Interview. Questionnaire will be targeted between age group of 18-40. The target sample will be women. After the research is being done it has been found that market is ready for an all women social networking websites. A little marketing will make it more successful than any women blog website. Therefore further work on it can be encouraged. -
The study is based on the analysis of the content of two videos in the popular British band - Coldplay. The two songs taken into account are ??Every Teardrop is a Waterfall and ??Hurts like Heaven. The visual content in these songs involves a lot of graffiti art which complement the wordings of the song and go along with the beats of the music. To gain more knowledge on the visual element used in videos and find out the reason for the use of the elements in these videos, to come to a conclusion which explains the audio and video of the song by the band and also to understand how it enhances the feel of the song in a better way, the researcher goes into detail and explains the significance and use of the elements (visuals, lyrics) in the songs ??Every Teardrop is a Waterfall and ??Hurts like Heaven by Coldplay with the aid of the required research methods. The method used to study Graffiti as an art form used in music videos of the popular band Coldplay is Qualitative method which helps in getting a detailed conclusion. The researcher adopts an in-depth analysis of the songs and their visual content (graffiti art). The study is validated with the help of experts opinions through interviews and secondary data like books, journals and online material. After the analysis of the music videos with the help of expert opinions, it is interpreted to come to specific findings. Use of journals, books and online material provide facts about the origin and development of the types of music, graffiti art and visuals. This leads to a better understanding of concepts involved in the study and bring in more credibility. -
Apart from the various factors contributing to the use and adoption of technologys newness, system usability has gained immense relevance. Here the usability is often identified as the satisfaction of the user from the particular system in use. The researcher intends to analyse and study the user-satisfaction of Christ University students, primarily, from the Christ University web portal. By drawing definitions from the International Standard Organisation, the meaning of user satisfaction is understood as the extent to which a specific user can use the product effectively to achieve specific goals. The researcher will search for answers among students of Christ University by confronting them with them questionnaires on its information quality, user-friendly nature and the availability of information and details. -
Today the first thing that we look for before moving out of our house is our cell phone. This gadget has made possible for us to keep in touch with the entire globe irrespective of where we are. The first ever mobile phone which was commercially available was DynaTAC 8000x but that was the era when not many people could afford it. Contrary to this, today is the time where every nine out of ten people have their personal cell phones. This to a certain limit was made possible by Reliance. It came out with affordable CDMA cell phones which even the lower class population of India could afford. Although these companies have created a benchmark for themselves, they have not really been the leading brands of the industry in terms of variation, style, preference, promotion etc. To a certain extent, it has been noticed that Nokia has been the preference of the people due to its variety, style and longitivity. Nokia has been the leading smart phone brand in the industry for several years. For long it has maintained its credibility, keeping itself connected with the clients. The loyalty that its customers had for the company was strong enough for them to not go in search for other brands. Samsung, on the contrary wasnt doing very well in the market. Its designs and applications were constantly failing. Therefore the fact that Samsung is now the leading brand in our country has a lot aspects attached to it. There have been uncompromising strategies put behind the success of Samsung. From a very nominal smart phone company, it has risen to the most popular smart phone company in India. Its has been noticed that with the incoming of new handsets and softwares, there has been a change even in its promotional activities. Nokia, which in the past was loaded with new launches like the N series or the E series, suddenly came to a halt. This was when the Samsung started coming up with its touch screen Corby phones. Therefore this study will be executed to mark the difference in the marketing strategies of Samsung at its stage of rival, also comparing it to the parallel Nokia Advertisements. -
The approach towards the use of substances in western music videos has been thoroughly investigated by a lot of medical researchers. The main objectives were to produce evidence of the effect of television or any visual medium on the young minds. Most of these studies have come to conclusions that these mediums have enormous effect on the youth. This particular study compares four genres of music videos from the year 1991 till present. Each of these videos qualifies to be taken as subjects of research by their popularity in their particular time period. The four genres are hard rock, country, hip-hop and rap music videos. The main objectives are to find which medium carries such videos the most, which substances are mainly used in each genre and has it increase or decrease over the decade. There are various conclusions made from the findings of the study. New media has indeed made its presence in todays generation. Also, increase in promotion of new illegal substances over television and new media like YouTube is taking place with the increase of new cultures coming out of age. -
A study to identify Critical Factors affecting Performance of Low Cost Airlines in India
The main objective of the study is to identify the critical factors affecting performance of low cost airlines in India For this purpose, the research focused on the low cost airline industry with regards to their macro environment, its strategic aspects and an analysis of the industry The study incorporated the Porters Five Forces Model to study the five forces having an impact on the industry and thus directing a firms strategic actions The study also conducted an industry analysis from the point of view of travel agents through questionnaire A customer satisfaction survey was also done to know their satisfaction levels and loyalty to a particular airline. This is achieved by the adoption of primary research techniques including surveys and interviews of the industry specialist and customers and secondary research including reading the existing literature on the subject, industry reports and articles published in journals A critical analysis of the industry highlighted the factors having an impact on the industry as a whole The porters five forces analysis revealed the current and future trends for the industry and provided an understanding for future survival strategies for the airlines. Industry professionals state that the Airline industry is in infancy stage They have a long way to go The factors such as airport infrastructure, massive expansion plans, aggressive growth strategies, demand and supply patterns and the exchange rate mechanism affects their performance But the highest factor restricting the growth of any airline is the high price of ATF All the three- industry professionals, travel agents and consumers believe that LCCs have benefited the industry providing low fares and making air travel affordable They are quite positive about the times ahead and hope that the industry will bounce back Consumers are quite satisfied and content with the offerings As suggested by a consumer that they should be named as ??value for money airlines and not LCCs The Porters Five Forces analysis revealed that there are high entry barriers as this is a highly capital intensive industry and that buyers and suppliers both have high bargaining power There is moderate threat of substitute like railways looking at the future potential of the aviation sector The analysis further revealed that the market is highly competitive with very few players and to reach the customers expectations the players have to cut their prices most often thus creating an imbalance in the cost and revenue Also, unhealthy competitive practices prevail in the industry which hamper the overall growth process and thus affect the performance The research provided insight on the future opportunities and the several future industry success and survival factors The research also gives further scope of the study and thereby concludes that there needs to be a consensus so that both the regulatory bodies and the airlines are benefited thus promoting growth and prosperity of the country. Dissertation Layout: The first chapter of the dissertation titled ??Introduction primarily covered a range of aspects from history to the LCC situation globally and then following it traces to India thus leading to the statement of the problem and the objectives of the study The second chapter ??Review of Literature covered the previous research on the factors impacting the performance of low cost airlines The third chapter ??Research Methodology covered the data collection process, sampling description and the methodology for data analysis The fourth chapter titled ??Data Analysis and Interpretation covered the customer satisfaction and industry analysis The fifth chapter ??Summary and Conclusion listed the major findings, implications and limitations, scope for further research and conclusion drawn from the research. Keywords: LCCs, critical factors, performance, airlines, low cost, ATF, aviation. -
Mapping Cityscapes : Interrogating the Cultural Spaces in the Select Novels of Bapsi Sidhwa
Bapsi Sidhwa (1939) a well-known Pakistani Zoroastrian novelist in English offers the cityscapes of Lahore that provide the settings for her fictional works. The select newlinenovels for the study include The Crow Eaters (1978), The Pakistani Bride (1983), IceCandy Man (1988) and An American Brat (1993). Fascinated by the cityscapes of Lahore, the novelist personalizes the cityscapes and the personalized cityscapes are fictionalized. The novelist is aided by imagination. However, the imagined cityscapes in the select novels become illegible with a growing sense of alienation from the city. The cityscapes are cityspaces that are shape shifting. The metaphorical cityscapes in newlinethe select novels are woven with imagination, memory and nostalgia. The thesis examines the fictional representation of the cityscapes of Lahore and the relationship between the novelist and the imagined cityscapes. The study adopts the method of qualitative textual analysis in an attempt to examine the cityscapes. This illumines the in-between status of the cityscapes connecting the factual and fictional images of the city. The study unveils a layered construction of heterogeneous cityscapes which are selective and subjective. The urban cultural spaces are interrogated through the fictional characters who experience the city like fleurs and contribute to the making of the spatial stories. The acts of walking in the city offer knowledge of the city which enables the fictional characters to attain self-awareness. The awareness helps in achieving autonomy in the movements of the fictional characters. However, only a few fictional characters are perfect fleurs and the others view the city as voyeurs. Since the imagined cityscapes of Lahore are guided by the sense of place, the legibility of the cityscapes declines with the acts of alienation from the city. However, the novelist attempts to recover the palimpsest cityscapes from memory through cognitive mapping. -
Effectiveness of Awareness Program in Raising Teachers Awareness about Learning Disabilities
??Learning Disabilities is a term associated with difficulties in reading, writing, doing Maths and motor coordination. Awareness about learning disabilities is required for early identification and further remediation. A learning disability in a child can be identified as early as in toddler stage. Teachers are the first ones , usually to suspect a learning disability in a child. For appropriate observation and referrals for further assessment , a teacher should be aware of the various characteristics of learning disabilities which differs from individual to individual. Literature says that there is need of raising the awareness of teachers about learning disabilities and its various etiological factors. Awareness program could help in enhancing the knowledge of teachers in this regard. The current study was organised with an aim of conducting an awareness program to raise teachers knowledge about learning disabilities. 20 teachers, teaching in a Government school in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala was selected for the study. A pre experimental study pre post without control was designed. The intervention package was framed with comprehensive information about the concept, characteristics, kinds, signs, symptoms, strategies and guidelines for early identification. The awareness of the teachers prior to and post intervention was assessed using a semi structured questionnaire. The effectiveness of the awareness program was gauged using statistical analysis. The findings of the study proved that the knowledge of the teachers about learning disabilities has significantly increased post intervention. The knowledge level was shifted from moderate level, prior to intervention to high level post intervention. The feedback from the teachers ascertained that the program was very useful and interesting. Awareness programs of similar kind are recommended in a broader spectrum. -
There are various aspects of the children influence on family purchase decision and it depends on a lot of parameters and situations. The children exercise various methods to influence parent??s decision. The children influence varies from products to products. It also depends on parent??s education, profession, income, single parent working or both parent working, number of working hours per week and type of family. The pocket money also contributes in the children??s influence. This research considers the children in the age group of 8-12. The Descriptive statistics is used to summarize variables in terms of central tendency and measure of dispersion. The Reliability test has been done using Cronbach??s alpha. Pearson??s Product correlation, one way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA has been done using SPSS for Windows (version 18.0). The Linear regression is used to prove the causality between Independent variables on Dependent variable. The strategy adopted by children is mostly persuasive. The children??s influence is maximum for products bicycle, Ice Creams/chocolates/Juice and CDs/DVDs. There are few products like CDs/DVDs, video games and hobby activities which are used by the whole family and still children influence is higher than their parents on family purchase decision. It is the unanimous opinion from both parents and children that the children influence depend on profession as well as on the products. The ANOVA analysis on parent??s perception on children influence indicates that parent??s income impacts the children??s influence. The ANOVA analysis on parent??s perception on children influence indicates that parent??s working hour impacts the children??s influence. The relation between children influence and How many hours a week do you work average, Total Family Income and Amount you get from your parent on spending is linear. The pocket money, children get, is having highest impact on children influence. The second most influential parameter is the number of hours the parents work per week. -
Synthesis, Characterization and Analytical Applications of Disubstituted urea/thiourea derivatives
Two Urea/Thiourea derivatives have been synthesized in good yields from Urea/Thiourea and aniline in dry media conditions by using p-TSA as catalyst under microwave assisted method and they are characterized by IR and NMR spectral analysis. There are several advantages of foresaid catalyst like rate enhancements, higher yields, easy work-up procedure and energy efficient. The reaction has been done under solvent free condition having short reaction time period, increased safety and economic advantages. This Thiourea derivatives reagent has been used for the spectrophotometric determination of palladium. The results obtained by the proposed method is accurate reproducible. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of palladium(II) in some synthetic mixtures of alloy samples and mineral. This dissertation contain five chapters Chapter 1 includes significance of Urea/Thiourea derivatives, green experimental protocol, heterogeneous catalysts. It also includes Objective of the study which is a develop a new methodology for the synthesis of Urea/Thiourea derivatives. Chapter 2 includes review of literature on the synthesis of Urea/Thiourea derivatives by different varieties of techniques. Different catalysts are used for that technique. Chapter 3 describes about materials and experimental procedures which are used in this synthesis . Chapter 4 deals with the various characterization results of Urea/Thiourea derivatives. It also describes the application of N,N??-diphenylthiourea in the trace level determination of palladium. Chapter 5 gives the summary and conclusion of the present study. It also gives the future scope of the present work. Furthermore, short reaction times, good yields of products, mild reaction conditions, and easy work-up/purification are the other noteworthy advantages which make this method a valid contribution to the existing methodologies is given in this chapter. Key works: Urea/Thiourea derivatives, p-TSA, MWI, IR, NMR, and Palladium. -
An Autonomic Systems approach to Online Retail Systems
In 2003, IBM released a document presenting its vision of autonomic computing. In this article, the author observes that the ever increasing complexity of computing systems will cross the borders of human capabilities, leading to systems that are too complex to be administrated by human beings. System administrators will no longer be able to install, configure, maintain and optimize these computing systems of the future. The solution to this problem is developing a technology that allows computing systems to manage themselves. This solution is referred to as autonomic computing. In today??s economic scenario, Online Retail Systems are gaining prominence and day by day increasing in size, leading to complexities difficult to be managed by human beings. E-Commerce Shops with thousands of articles are becoming the rule of the day. With hundreds of articles being added everyday, the administration required for efficient management of these articles, especially display selection, rejection etc are becoming a mind boggling task for human beings to manage. Parallel developments in study of buying behaviors based on various techniques like data mining, decision trees, neural networks etc are gaining significant practical ground, which also increases the complexity to be managed. The basic idea is lay foundation for creation of autonomic systems based on the outputs from behavioral study, inventory management, etc to autonomically handle management of display, inventory predictions etc. The efficiencies achieved should in turn result in higher revenue as well as profits. In short, the study intends to explore the feasibility of applying autonomic techniques for efficient display organization in online retail contexts by borrowing the intelligence from techniques evolving from data mining, artificial intelligence. This paper will address the development of a taxonomy, a model framework for ??autonomic online retail?? systems and the application of related standards. It will also delve into the theoretical background of specific techniques, which can be applied in this scenario. A basic model of the framework is also implemented. The complete implementation of the framework and measurement of the efficiency gains and other effects will be continued in the doctoral research. The design of the framework and also the measurement framework is being discussed in this document. -
Content suggestion in e-learning
Self ??directed e-learning focuses on the independent learner one who engages in education at his own space free from curricular obligation. In this research, user's access interests were introduced into the design of a recommendation framework by using web browsing behaviour of the user. According to the user's access interest the recommendation framework can provide users with personalised information. The research thesis is to determine if users access interest can be extracted and to associate users access interest with other attributes to design a recommendation framework that attempts to recommend the information items, here the research papers to a researcher searching for interesting topics of research in her field. The proposed system is very useful to the new researchers as initially they are not aware of the research areas where they can work on. This system assists the researcher in searching the papers they are interested to search. The documents of interest to the user are used to build the user profile and this profile is used to re-rank the web search results. The paper presents the overall architecture of the proposed system and its implementation via a prototype design. In this dissertation an attempt is made to design a system prototype which will recommend the information items to the user according to the user access interest, which is captured from the web browsing behaviour of the user. The content similarity of the information items is also taken into consideration. The information items are suggested to the user based on the relevance. The organization of the thesis is done into various chapters. Introduction contains the brief introduction about personalisation services in e-learning scenario, recommender systems in e-learning. Literature review discusses about the web-based self-directed e-learning and the works done in the field of recommender systems in e-learning. Chapter 3 discusses the methodology adopted to design the system. In chapter 4 results are being analysed and discussed. Chapter 5 gives the future enhancement that can be done to the system design. -
A Phenomenological Investigation of Mens Experiences of Depression and Gender Role Socialization in Early Family Relationships in urban South India
With the overwhelming suicide rate among men over women, and family problems and illness being the major causes of suicide in India, it is vitally important that we have a better understanding of how men struggle with depression in the context of family. Based on increasing studies on depression and family in the last two decades, a number of researchers have suggested that male depression is associated with early family life experiences. As few studies on the experiences of depression and gender role socialization in early family relationships are reported in India, the present study adds credence to the concept of male depression that may relate to early family life experiences. The aim of this study is to understand the subjective experiences of depression and gender role socialization in early family relationships among Indian men. A non-clinical sample of 9 men was selected using purposive sampling from a human service organization. Theoretical sampling of biographical accounts of a clinical group (1 male client with history of clinical depression) was used for triangulation of data. Consensual Qualitative Research methodology is adopted. The subjective experiences of participants are examined by open-ended, in-depth interviews. The interviews are taped and transcribed. Identification of domains and core ideas, and cross-analyses are conducted on transcripts. A research team of three and an external auditor are employed for data analysis. The findings have contributed to new understandings of depression in the light of gender role socialization in early family relationships among Indian men. Implications suggest further studies of male depression in the family context, the challenge of family life education in India, and the importance of gender sensitivity in counseling with men. Keywords: men, depression, gender role socialization, early family relationships, consensual qualitative research. -
This content analysis of a sample of advertisements of 20 print copies of various Indian products during the 1990s and 2000 examined the impact of the national economic conditions on advertising and its effect on 4 major aspects- text, visuals, typeface and layout. This study suggests that the impact of national economic conditions and the prevailing culture in the 1990s and 2000 on the use of advertisement elements in the different FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) product advertisements seemed visible. Advertising is part of the changing social, economic, and cultural environment, and its visuals might have been created in a way that could reflect those changes that people would want to adjust themselves to. Another way of linking advertising and its visuals to society and culture is the cultural approach to advertising. Cultural historians argue that advertising is an important window through which different aspects of society and culture can be explained. But also, the advertising itself can be explained to determine how it might have been shaped by society. While identifying the purpose of this study, more knowledge about the evolution in print advertisements is acquired. The research has given a better idea in recognizing the past advertisements which were during the beginning of the Globalization period and has compare it with print advertisements of the year 2000.