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A Brief Review of Intelligent Rule Extraction Techniques
Rule extraction is a process of extracting rules which helps in building domain knowledge. Rules plays an important role in reconciling financial transactions. This paper presents a brief study of intelligent methods for rule extraction. The paper touches upon heuristic, regression, fuzzy-based, evolutionary, and dynamic adaptive techniques for rule extraction. This paper also presents the state-of-the-art techniques used in dealing with numerical and linguistic data for rule extraction. The objective of the paper is to provide directional guidance to researchers working on rule extraction. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A brief review of portfolio optimization techniques
Portfolio optimization has always been a challenging proposition in finance and management. Portfolio optimization facilitates in selection of portfolios in a volatile market situation. In this paper, different classical, statistical and intelligent approaches employed for portfolio optimization and management are reviewed. A brief study is performed to understand why portfolio is important for any organization and how recent advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence can help portfolio managers to take right decisions regarding allotment of portfolios. A comparative study of different techniques, first of its kind, is presented in this paper. An effort is also made to compile classical, intelligent, and quantum-inspired techniques that can be employed in portfolio optimization. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. -
A Brief Review on the Role of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
Blockchain is a proficient technology when used in combination with other intelligent technologies which gives an opportunity to an organization to rethink about improvement of their supply chain internal and external processes. It helps in improvement of transparency and provenance by removing shortfalls and building a better organizational control overall. However, blockchain faces numerous challenges, e.g., transaction speed, decentralization, scalability, interoperability, and lack of standardization that could affect its adoption across organizations. However, a greater number of research are required to overcome the governance, standardization, and technological challenges involved within. Concisely, blockchain in supply chain is still in initial phase, many improvements are needed for better adaptation of blockchain using Machine Learning, Neural Network algorithms to make optimized computation decision of blockchain framework. In this paper, we studied and discussed about blockchain and its type, consensus mechanism, blockchain in supply chain, key issues of blockchain and supply chain and intelligence in blockchain. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Brief Review onDifferent Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Systems
In the contemporary cybersecurity landscape, the proliferation of complex and sophisticated cyber threats necessitates the development of robust Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) for safeguarding network infrastructures. These threats make it more challenging to maintain the communitys availability, integrity, and confidentiality. To ensure a secure network, community administrators should implement multiple intrusion detection systems (IDS) to monitor and detect unauthorized and malicious activities. An intrusion detection system examines the networks traffic by analyzing data flowing through computers to identify potential security threats or malicious activities. It alerts administrators when suspicious activities are detected. IDS generally performs two types of malicious activity detection: misuse or signature-based detection, which entails collecting and comparing information to a database of known attack signatures, and anomaly detection, which detects any behavior that differs from the standard activity and assumes it to be malicious. The proposed paper offers an overview of how different Machine Learning Algorithms like Random forest, k - Nearest Neighbor, Decision tree, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, and K- means are used for IDS and how these algorithms perform on different well-known datasets, and Their accuracy and performance are evaluated and compared, providing valuable insights for future work. kNN shows an accuracy of 90.925% for Denial of Service Attacks and 98.244% for User To Root attacks. The SVM algorithm shows an accuracy of 93.051% for Probe attacks and 80.385% accuracy for remote-to-local attacks. According to our implementation, these two algorithms work better than the others. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
A case study of "Parivarthana" - Towards zero waste /
International Journal For Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Vol.4, Issue 6, pp.463-466, ISSN: 2321-9653. -
A case study of the public relations strategy of Bengaluru football club 2013-14 season /
Public Relations has grown and evolved as a field over the past few decades. It has gained a sacred form of importance in terms of understanding and building effectiveness of each field. One of the fields that has been a great beneficiary of this field has been the domain of sports. Global sporting clubs and brands have been implementing public relations strategies to effective ends for a long time now. It has been a trend of note on a global scale as well as in India. -
A case study on a beacon of hope transition: India's renewable energy integration and the Ujwal DISCOM assurance Yojana (UDAY)
This case study examines the transformative impact of the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) on India's energy landscape, focusing on its role in facilitating renewable energy integration. India's energy sector faced daunting challenges, including financially distressed power distribution companies (DISCOMs) and high aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses. UDAY's financial restructuring and operational efficiency improvements led to remarkable reductions in DISCOMs' debt burdens and AT&C losses, respectively. The policy aligned with India's renewable energy goals, driving DISCOMs to procure renewable energy sources. Consequently, India witnessed significant growth in its renewable energy capacity, environmental benefits through reduced emissions, and economic growth via job creation. This case study offers insights into the challenges faced, technological advancements incentivized, and the long-term sustainability of these reforms. Moreover, it presents broader lessons for energy sector reform and renewable energy integration, both within India and globally. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
A Case Study on Zonal Analysis of Cybercrimes Over a Decade in India
Human intelligence has transformed the world through various innovative technologies. One such transformative technology is the internet. The world of the internet, known as cyberspace, though powerful, is also where most crimes occur. Cybercrime is one of the significant factors in cybersecurity, which plays a vital role in information technology and needs to be addressed with high priority. This chapter is a case study where we analyze cybercrimes in India. The data collected from NCRB for 2010 to 2020 are a primary source for the analysis. A detailed analysis of cybercrime across India is done by dividing locations into seven zones: central, east, west, north, south, northeast, and union territories. Cybercrimes reported in each zone are examined to identify which zone requires immediate measures to be taken to provide security. The work also identifies the top ten states which rank high in cybercrime. The main aim of this chapter is to provide a detailed analysis of crimes that occurred and the measures taken to curb them. Along with the primary data, secondary data from CERT-In are also used to provide an analysis of measures taken for handling cybercrime over a decade. The outcome facilitates various stakeholders to better bridge the gap in handling cybercrime incidences, thus helping in incidence prevention and response services as well as security quality management services. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Narasimha Rao Vajjhala and Kenneth David Strang; individual chapters, the contributors. -
A catalytic, one-pot and green synthesis of a-amino nitriles: Cu(BF4)2.x H2O an efficient catalyst
The Strecker reaction is a first reported multicomponent reaction for the preparation of a-aminonitriles. The a-aminonitriles are important intermediates for various aminoacids, 1,2-diazines, heterocycles and biologically active compounds like Saframycin A and Ecteinascidin 746. The preparation of a-aminonitriles by Strecker approach using MCR attracted many research groups owing atom economy to avoid multistep synthesis and to follow Green chemistry principles. Methods: A-aminonitriles have been synthesized using Strecker reaction by treatment of aldehydes, amines, with TMSCN in the presence of Cu(BF4)2.xH2O as a catalyst in one pot under neat conditions. Various aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes have been studied with different primary and secondary amines. Results: The reaction condition has been optimized by choosing a model reaction under various solvents and found good yields under neat conditions. Moreover, various catalytic amounts of Cu(BF4)2.xH2O has also been studied and found 3 mole% providing better yields. The reaction has been studied with different substrates of aldehydes and amines. Some of the products were characterized by comparison of their spectral data (1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR and MS) and physical properties with those of authentic samples reported in the literature. Conclusion: Afacile and efficient one-pot synthesis of a-amino nitriles at ambient temperature using copper(II)tetrafluoroborate as a novel catalyst under solvent-free conditions via Strecker reaction is reported. The process is simple and environmentally benign using the commercially available and inexpensive catalyst. 2017 Bentham Science Publishers. -
A catalytic, one-pot and green synthesis of α-amino nitriles : Cu(BF4)2.X H2O an efficient catalyst /
Letters In Organic Chemistry, Vol.14, Issue 6, pp.440 - 445, ISSN: 1570-1786. -
A catechism of pentecostal schisms and the efficacy of management in the stabilization of the church in zimbabwe
The Pentecostal church in Zimbabwe has of late experienced a rude awakening with the mushrooming of these incessant schisms which threaten the unity of purpose that should prevail in a religious set up. The current newlineincrease in schisms is of great concern to the Christian community. Are such schisms embedded in its original design, or are there other factors at play. The problem necessitated the commissioning of this study in order to explore the schism scourge with view to arresting it and bring stability to the splintering Pentecostal church. The conceptualization of the study began by identifying six hypothetical perspectives as the root hypothetical causes of church schisms, i.e., doctrinal, controversial relationship, secularization, institutionalism, leadership and management perspectives. Theoretical frameworks in the newlineexisting literature were reviewed to establish knowledge gaps that informed the newlinestudy approach. Using focus group discussion, document analysis, survey questionnaires, and interviews, the study sought causal and remedial validation on the problem at hand. To unveil the intricacies of the problem, an explorative mixed study framework was preferred. In order to generate a desired rich understanding and interpretation of schisms, a more qualitative catechism inquiry based on a combined ethno-methodology and hermeneutics paradigm was adopted. The study proposition was that church schisms are a result of management challenges in the Pentecostal church. The theoretical frame of the study was therefore modeled to explore newlinehow management protocols could be harnessed to induce real growth and stability. The Pentecostal church is renowned for shunning management, considering it secular and hence worldly. On one hand, the church is the most newlinecomplex institution, multifaceted and with multi-bottom lines, yet on the other hand, management is all about dealing with such complexities. -
A census of young stellar population associated with the Herbig Be star HD 200775
The region surrounding the well-known reflection nebula, NGC 7023, illuminated by a Herbig Be star, HD 200775, located in the dark cloud L1174 is studied in this work. Based on the distances and proper motion values from Gaia DR2 of 20 previously known young stellar object (YSO) candidates, we obtained a distance of 335 11 pc to the cloud complex L1172/1174. Using polarization measurements of the stars projected on the cloud complex, we show additional evidence for the cloud to be at ?335 pc distance. Using this distance and proper motion values of the YSO candidates, we searched for additional comoving sources in the vicinity of HD 200775 and found 20 new sources, which show low infrared excess emission and are of age ?1 Myr. Among these, 10 YSO candidates and 4 newly identified comoving sources are found to show X-ray emission. Three of the four new sources for which we have obtained optical spectra show H ? in emission. About 80 per cent of the total sources are found within ?1 pc distance from HD 200775. Spatial correlation of some of the YSO candidates with the Herschel dust column density peaks suggests that star formation is still active in the region and may have been triggered by HD 200775. 2020 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. -
A centralized ledger platform for secured real-time transactions /
Patent Number: 201931034199, Applicant: Antum Lab LLP.
The present invention relates to new centralized ledger technology with centralized validation process. It offers a single platform for all categories of realtime transactions and validations unlike existing conventional blockchain technology. It offers 3 levels of hashing placed at generator, server and validator ends for data security from data tampering and two levels of encryption for communication lines between generator-server and server-validator for packet security. -
A chaos control strategy for the fractional 3D LotkaVolterra like attractor
In this paper, we have considered a three-dimensional LotkaVolterra attractor in the frame of the Caputo fractional derivative to examine its dynamics. The theoretical concepts like existence and uniqueness and boundedness of the solution are analyzed. To regulate the chaos in this fractional-order system, we have developed a sliding mode controller and conditions for global stability of the controlled system with and without uncertainties and outside disruptions are derived. The ability of the designed controller is examined in terms of both commensurate and non-commensurate fractional order derivatives for all the aspects. The Lyapunov exponent is the novelty of this paper which is used to illustrate the behavior of the chaos and demonstrate the dissipativeness of the considered chaotic system. We have examined the effect of fractional order derivatives in this system. With the help of numerical simulations, the theoretical claims regarding the impact of the controller on the system are established. 2023 International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS) -
A characterization of star-perfect graphs
Motivated by Berge perfect graphs, we define star-perfect graphs and characterize them. For a finite simple graph G(V, E), let (Formula presented.) denote the minimum number of induced stars contained in G such that the union of their vertex sets is V(G), and let (Formula presented.) denote the maximum number of vertices in G such that no two of them are contained in the same induced star of G. We call a graph G star-perfect if (Formula presented.), for every induced subgraph H of G. A graph G is star-perfect if and only if G is (Formula presented.) -free, for every (Formula presented.). A bipartite graph G is star-perfect if and only if every induced cycle in G is of length (Formula presented.). The minimum parameter (Formula presented.) and the maximum parameter (Formula presented.) have been extensively studied in various contexts. 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
A Citation Recommendation System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Recommender systems have seen tremendous growth in the last few years due to the emergence of web services like YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon, etc. An excessive amount of data is being utilized to give proper recommendations to the users. The number of research articles getting published every day is increasing exponentially and thus an efficient model is required to provide accurate and relevant recommendations to the research scholars. The proposed Deep Reinforcement Recommender for Citations (DRRC) model uses reinforcement learning to train the available citation network to achieve the most relevant recommendations. The proposed DRRC model outperforms the state-of-the-art models. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A classified study on semantic analysis of video summarization
In today's world data represented in the form of a video are prolific and has increased the requisite of storage devices unconditionally. These video sets takes up a huge space for amassing data and takes a long time to ascertain the content that requires a higher cognitive process for content search and retrieval. The efficient method for storing video data is to remove high-degree redundancies and for creating an index of important events, objects and a preview video based on vital key-frames. These requirements imbibes the need to build algorithms that can concise the necessity of space and time for video and adequate approaches are to be developed to solve the needs of summarization. The three effective attributes for a semantic summarized video system are Un-supervision, efficient and dynamically scalable system that can help in reducing time and space complexities. Dimensionality reduction based on sub space analysis helps in plummeting the multidimensional data into a low-dimensional data to enable faster feature extraction and summarization. In this paper we have made a study and description related to several summarization methodologies for video's that are available. 2017 IEEE. -
A Clinic for the Past
In Time Shelter, Georgi Gospodinov asks whether there is an existence without memory. 2024 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
A clinical study of hepatitis B
The spread of Hepatitis B, which is a severe and enduring disease that origins from its virus is a vital universal issue. It is assessed that about 70 crore people around the globe are enduring HBV transporters. The medical range of HBV virus series starting with subclinical to severe suggestive hepatitis or, hardly, hazardous hepatitis during the severe point and from the quiet hepatitis B external antigen (HBsAg) transporter state, enduring hepatitis of numerous grades of histologic sternness to cirrhosis and its difficulties during the enduring point. In this research paper, we witness medication, signs, and consequence of Hepatitis B. 2019 by Advance Scientific Research.