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Description:Education, in any form of media is an aspect for the audience and it is immensely newsworthy. When the broadcast media counterparts are dominating the print scene, it is important that the newspapers introduce new sections to attract the audience and increase readership. Times of India, the leading Indian English daily is known for its innovative features and stylish presentation. The researcher will look at the serious side of the newspaper and try to establish the efforts and the ideas gone behind covering the education subject and establishing a trust between its readers on education. The researcher will try to identify and analyze the different kinds of features and articles which are constantly placed for the education section and which are different from any other daily newspaper. The paper tries to find out how effective these segments on education can be on the readers. [show more]
Description:Film depicts various instances and situations pertaining to reality. The particular dissertation is a study to know about the representation of friendship in Hindi movies. The content of the film have been studied and analysed to the portrayal of friendship in the movies and also how it is associated with the people in reality. The study has also analysed the social and other issues prevailing in the society with relation to the friendship shown in the film. It tries to analyse different situations and issues which affects friends and their friendship, shown in the films [show more]
Description:Feluda or Prodosh Chandra Mitra is a fictional private investigator starring in a series of Bengali novels and short stories written by Indian Bengali film director and writer Satyajit Ray. Feluda first made his appearance in a Bengali children's magazine called Sandesh Subhas Mukhopadhyayin 1965, under the editorialship of Satyajit Ray and . His first adventure was Feludar Goendagiri. The researcher seeks to find out whether or not the books on Feluda have been done justice to when adapted into films by Satyajit Ray himself and his son Sandip Ray. This research will also throw light on the characters of Feluda series -whether they are lost or not. The researcher will conduct a qualitative research which includes an extensive study of the novels and the adapted films. [show more]
Rajendran, Madhuri Babu. - 1424036Content analysis of Shyamprasad films /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Shyamaprasad is a renowned Malayalam film maker popular for his unique and refreshing style of film making. He is well known for the themes he employs in his films which make them stand apart. This research consists of an in depth analysis of all twelve films made by the film maker using various parameters. The parameters that are considered are themes, characters, underlying ideas, setting, conflicts and emotions. [show more]
S, Shravana Kumar. - 1424019Content analysis on coverage of wildlife issues by popular english and kannada newspaper of Bengaluru /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:The ever increasing human population and unplanned developmental work across the globe has caused a major threat to the biodiversity. Poaching, loss of wild habitat due to encroachment of forestlands have put many animal and plantspecies in the verge of extinction, the most recent being the Western black rhinoceros, a subspecies of the black rhinoceros that was declared as extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in the year 2011.The current destruction of the remaining wild habitats across the globe seeks protection and effective conservation strategies. Print Media, especially newspaper play an important role in creating awareness about wildlife issues and also mitigating in problems. [show more]

Description:The study analyses the influence of new generation Malayalam cinema and the trend of new generation cinema in Malayalam film industry. In the new generation films, realism has been given preference. The preferred portrayals are of death, blood, conceit, adultery, jealousy, cunningness, unfaithfulness and sorrow. It aims to analyse how the new generation affects the Malayalam cinema and its pattern of story or plot used by the industry. The researcher used content analysis to find out the similarities and common similarities from the four films. Through the content analysis and qualitative research we can find out that the plot or the way of stories were moving in the same direction. [show more]
Description:Cinema is an ever growing industry. As new generations keep increasing the family tree, so does new celebrities emerge in this film fraternity. There is no end to cinema. But there is always a deadline that every celebrity meets. One wrinkle and out you go! That is precisely the formula applied in this industry. The whole research is analysed in terms of the South Indian-ness that is present in nineteen Bollywood Songs. According to the researcher, South Indian-ness means the south Indian factors that touched upon in the Bollywood movies. Those factors can be the languages, traditional attires, locations, music, etc. There are certain features that make a place unique from the others. That is the basic difference that is created which has lead to two terms ?? North India and South India. Without these differences we would have been called as ??India. [show more]
Kurian LathaContent suggestion in e-learning
Description:Self ??directed e-learning focuses on the independent learner one who engages in education at his own space free from curricular obligation. In this research, user's access interests were introduced into the design of a recommendation framework by using web browsing behaviour of the user. According to the user's access interest the recommendation framework can provide users with personalised information. The research thesis is to determine if users access interest can be extracted and to associate users access interest with other attributes to design a recommendation framework that attempts to recommend the information items, here the research papers to a researcher searching for interesting topics of research in her field. The proposed system is very useful to the new researchers as initially they are not aware of the research areas where they can work on. This system assists the researcher in searching the papers they are interested to search. The documents of interest to the user are used to build the user profile and this profile is used to re-rank the web search results. The paper presents the overall architecture of the proposed system and its implementation via a prototype design. In this dissertation an attempt is made to design a system prototype which will recommend the information items to the user according to the user access interest, which is captured from the web browsing behaviour of the user. The content similarity of the information items is also taken into consideration. The information items are suggested to the user based on the relevance. The organization of the thesis is done into various chapters. Introduction contains the brief introduction about personalisation services in e-learning scenario, recommender systems in e-learning. Literature review discusses about the web-based self-directed e-learning and the works done in the field of recommender systems in e-learning. Chapter 3 discusses the methodology adopted to design the system. In chapter 4 results are being analysed and discussed. Chapter 5 gives the future enhancement that can be done to the system design. [show more]
Description:This thesis tries to investigate the contrarian and momentum strategy can help the investors to lay down the major guidelines for undertaking any derivative transaction. Contrarian strategies are based on the reversal pattern in stock returns and imply buying past losers and selling past winners. On the contrary, Momentum strategies are based on the continuation pattern in stock returns and imply buying past winners and selling past losers. For the purpose of analysis, the stock returns for the Indian stock futures market segment for Indian banking sector for the period from July 1, 2005 to June 30 2011 by using the Fama and French multifactor model. The Fama-French model involves the use of three factors for explaining common stock returns: the market factor proposed by the CAPM, and factors relating to size and value. The company used in this research consists of 16 Banks which were ranked in an ascending order based on their average returns. The ranked securities are then used to form five equal portfolios. While portfolio P1 contains the bottom 20 per cent securities and is called "losers' portfolio," portfolio P5 contains the top 20 per cent securities and is termed as "winners' portfolio." The findings suggests that the stock-return behavior in banking sector for short-term momentum profits and long term contrarian profits exist in this case. Further, the contrarian trading strategy based on long term returns provides moderately positive payoffs and short-term returns show a continuation pattern and the investment strategy based on momentum effect provides significantly high returns. Finally, the study generally supportive of the Fama-French model applied to Indian futures stock market related to banking sector. Keywords: Contrarian, Momentum, Stock Returns, CAPM, Fama-French Model JEL Classification: C12, C22, E43, G11 [show more]
NAIR SWETAContribution of media towards body image dissatisfaction in men /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:The thesis tries to explore and find out how media has been a contributing factor in the phenomenon of body image dissatisfaction prevalent amongst the male population. With the advent of technology, advertising and promotion of male grooming products has become aggressive and relentless. The phenomenon of body image dissatisfaction has existed for a long time amongst the female population but with passing time it has caught onto the men also. [show more]
Nagouda, Smita S. and S. MaruthamanikandanConvective Heat Transfer in Maxwell- Cattaneo Dielectric FluidsMathematics
Description:International journal of Computational Engineering Research Vol.3, Issue 3,pp. 347-355 ISSN No. 2250-3005
Akbar, Syeda Khudeja - 1145302Convective instability in a horizontal porous layer saturated with a chemically reacting viscoelastic fluidPhDMathematics
Description:The thesis is concerned with Rayleigh-Benard convection in a horizontal porous layer saturated with a viscoelastic fluid subject to a zero order exothermic chemical reaction. Modified Darcy law is employed to describe the fluid motion. The effect of viscoelasticity, chemical reaction, and rotation on the onset of convection is considered. The findings of the problems investigated in the thesis may prove useful in heat transfer application situations with viscoelastic fluids as working medium. [show more]
Priyanshi Gupta and Sanjay SehgalConvergence of retail banking interest rates to households in euro area: Time-varying measurement and determinants /Journal ArticleEconomics
Type:Journal Article
Description:International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol.17, Issue 1, pp.25-65
Neetha Kurian - 1760074Corporate insolvency resolution process under insolvency and bankruptcy code a critical study /PhDLaw
Singh, Ankita. - 1537132Corporate social responsibility of Tata company - A public relations strategy /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Tata Group, a global enterprise was founded by Jamshedji Tata in the year 1868. The conglomerate is headquartered in India. The company comprises over 100 liberated functioning businesses. Tata Sons is the main parent and major investment stock company and also the promoter of various other Tata companies. Tata as a company believes in providing quality products and services to its customers. But at the same time they also maintain good employee relationship through loyalty programs and initiatives. [show more]
Ashlin M Raj - 1650076Cost effective synthesis of carbon nanoparticles and exploring the fluorescence and electrochemical applicationsPhDPhysics
FRANCIS CHRISTINA Counselors??? Experiences of Behavior Modification Techniques with Adolescents
Cover Image
Mathew, Anna. - 1324060Coverage of Kasthurirangan report by Major Kerala newspapers: A study based on two national and regional newspapers /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:This paper tries to evaluate the phenomenon of news-views coverageon Kasthurirangan Report in Print Media considering its peak discussed period that is, from November 2013 to January 2014. The time constraint made the researcher to restrict only to print media coverage in Kerala rather considering the other forms of media platform‟s coverage. [show more]
Basnett PoojaCoverage of Northeast India in the Indian Mainstream Media: A Study of the Perception of Northeast Indians Living in Bangalore
Description:The research is on Coverage of Northeast India in the Indian Mainstream Media: A Study of the Perception of Northeast Indians Living in Bangalore. Northeast refers to the eastern most region of India consisting of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim. The motivation to conduct this research has come from a viewable communication gap about the Northeast public in the mainstream or the national media. The hypothesis for this paper is media is not successful in giving the right picture of Northeast India to the rest of the country thereby making people from Northeast unsatisfied with the amount of media coverage or the kind of media coverage they receive. This study uses a quantitative method and data was collected with the help of the research tool, questionnaire. This study was conducted in Bangalore in the year 2009 - 2010. Through this research it has been found that Northeast Indians think that they are not given adequate space and time by the Indian mainstream media and they are covered mainly during insurgencies thereby giving a wrong image of their region. Northeast Indians are also using alternative media options like social networking sites and blogs to reach out to the masses in the absence of mainstream media interest. It has also been found that Northeast Indians feel that fellow Indians do not know much about them and their region and they are treated as foreigners in their own country. [show more]