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Spectroscopic Studies of Galactic Field Be Stars
Be stars provide excellent opportunity to study circumstellar disks. But the disc formation mechanism of classical Be (CBe) stars- the Be phenomenon- is still poorly understood. This can be understood by studying CBe stars in various locations like clusters and fields. Spectra of Be stars show interesting emission lines of different elements like hydrogen, helium, iron, oxygen calcium, etc. These emission lines are valuable indicators in providing information about the circumstellar disks of Be stars. In the past several decades various aspects of Be stars have been studied. But literature review clearly indicates the need of further studies to frame a consolidated picture about Be phenomenon in CBe stars. It is found that especially, the region ?????? 7500 - 8800 ??? is a less studied, and thus poorly understood area in Be star research. But this area shows some interesting features like emission lines calcium, iron, oxygen and Paschen series. So, here we have studied a sample of 118 field CBe stars taken from the catalogue of Jaschek & Egret (1982) and whose medium resolution spectra were obtained in ?????? 3800 ?? 9000 ??? region during December, 2007 to January, 2009 with the 2.1-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT), located at Hanle, Ladakh, India and operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bangalore. In this thesis, we present three works which investigate the disc properties of our 118 program Be stars by studying their spectral line features, focussing primarily on the less explored ?????? 7500 - 8800 ??? region. Firstly, we have analyzed the less studied Fe II 7712 ??? emission line for our stars to understand the possible Fe II line excitation mechanism in CBe stars. Our work predicts that Ly???fluorescence may be the possible Fe II line excitation mechanism in CBe stars. Secondly, we have studied the Ca II triplet emission lines for our stars and have developed a new technique for deblending Ca II components from their counterpart Paschen lines, thus providing a more efficient way to analyze Ca II lines. Analyzing Ca II lines through this technique, we suggest that the gas producing these lines is optically thick. This leads us to predict that Ca II lines may be an indicator of binarity in Be stars. Lastly, we have estimated the Balmer decrement values, D34 and D54 for 81 of our sample stars to shed light on opacity effects in Be star disks. Our work confirms the disc transient nature of Be stars through epoch-wise D34 and D54 variation study and also suggests that Be star disks are optically thick. -
Spectroscopic Study Of Selected Be Stars In Our Galaxy
The optical spectroscopic monitoring observation of two Be stars namely 4 Hercules and 88 Hercules was observed with 1.02m telescope at the VBO, Tamil Nadu, India over a period of six months. The spectra were reduced using standard routines in IRAF. The equivalent width of the lines were identified have been measured. The line profile variability exhibited by H? H?and HeI lines are studied to understand the emission mechanism in the Classical Be-stars. The properties of the process can be well constrained, leaving only few options, most importantly, but not exclusively, non-radial pulsation and small scale magnetic fields. In different stars different processes may be acting. This is not only true for the disk structure, but as well for its variability, both cyclic and secular. Be stars, at lower metallicities, seem more common and more rapidly rotating. The Be phenomenon, linked with one or more mass ejection processes, acts on top of a rotation rate of about 75% of critical or above. In this work, first the definition of Be-stars is contrasted to similar classes, and common observables obtaind for Be-stars are introduced and the respective formation mechanism explained. The current state of knowledge concerning the central stars as non-radially pulsating objects and non-magnetic stars, as far as it concerns large scale. The weak magnetic fields remain possible, but are of yet unproven. In this dissertation Chapter 1 discusses the features of Be- stars and reviewed the progress made in understanding Be-stars in the recent past. Chapter 2 discusses the literature review. Chapter 3 describes the methodology carried out to study the objective. Chapter 4 explains the result and analysis part of the research. Chapter 5 is about the conclusions. -
The dissertation aims to find whether the features of sports celebrity endorsements such as- credibility, ensured attention, high degree of recall of the product or service, psychographic connect, associative benefit, motivate a fan specifically, in this case, in their purchase decisions. It is an attempt to understand whether fan clubs, fans and fan cultures are unreceptive to the propagation of celebrity endorsements of products and services through conventional and unconventional advertising. The research aims to identify whether fandom of any kind influences their buying decisions. The theory employed in this research is the Two Step Flow theory of communication, wherein sports stars act as opinion leaders in advertising influence.The research is an attempt to understand if the growing sports celebrity brand endorsements actually have an effect on the buyer to the extent of buying decisions. By the end of the research conducted with the help of questionnaires that were administered to the target audience, the researcher aims to arrive at the conclusion, whether sports fandom indeed affects consumer buying patterns. -
This is a study conducted amongst working women of the Organised and Unorganised sector in Urban Bangalore. It is an attempt to understand the status of working women within their family by looking at their involvement in key decision making areas. The key areas that have been identified are distribution of household duties and money related decisions. Patriarchal traditions divide household into two domains the female and male domains. The female domain includes household responsibilities like child care, cooking and cleaning that belong to the woman of the house while the male domain includes money related issues where men are the primary breadwinners and decision makers at home. The study looks at the aspect that despite contributing to the family income, working women have very little involvement in the key decisions of the family. The topic of the study has been crystallised after conducting informal discussions with working women of Organised and Unorganised sectors. During the discussions women stated that even though they are working and making contribution to the household income, they do not feel a part of the key decision making areas within the household. The topic of this study has been chosen to clearly understand the role of working women in decision making at home. The two sectors have been chosen to understand the difference in the attitudes of women working in both sectors given the disparity in the level of their income. Random sampling method has been used to select the samples. The total sample size is 129, 66 from Organised sector and 63 from Unorganised sector. The area chosen for data collection from the Organised sector is software firms, apparel firm, educational institutions, insurance firms and banks. In the Unorganised sector the area chosen for the study is Rajendra Nagar, Koramangala in close vicinity to National Games Village, a residential complex. The respondents work as domestic cleaners and housekeeping staff in National Games Village. Primary data has been collected using questionnaire method substantiated by the case study method. The questionnaire had 58 questions along with four case studies. There are four case studies which focus on the involvement of working women from Organised and Unorganised sectors in decision making within the family to get a better understanding of their day to day lives. The findings of the study are discussed in this dissertation. -
This dissertation aims at studying the social networking site??s impact on people and relationships. There are different reasons why people use social networking sites like Facebook. The study aims to check whether it is the loneliness or the need for socialization that encourages networking on such sites. Study looks into Facebook and other social networking sites have changed the youngsters?? lives and lifestyles. This research tries to find out how this new media trend has affected peoples attitude towards life and also their attitude towards relationships. A questionnaire has been used to find the opinion of the people regarding the social networking concept. 75-100 people were researched to find out the exact need for social networking. The ability of networks to introduce new actors and new contents in the process of social organization, with relative independence to the power centres, increased over time with technological change, and more precisely, with the evolution of communication technologies. This is the reason that social networks has encouraged creating strong bonds. Through this study I want to understand if these ties are actually as effective as they seem to be. Internet does have both positive and negative impacts on the youth but the relations that are formed or maintained cannot be used to replace the real world actual relations. -
Student-Teacher Relationship Patterns in Undergraduate College
The student-teacher relationship has always been important at all levels of formal education, including undergraduate level. Positive student-teacher relationship plays direct role in facilitating students experience, and ultimately enhancing the academic outcomes. Furthermore, such relationship, especially at undergraduate level, becomes crucial since it also helps to facilitate the change and transformation process of adolescents who are stepping out from kindergraten-12th grade (K-12) system of education and venturing into college life. Given such importance and closeness in the relationship, this study attempted to examine the attachment patterns of the student-teacher relationship at undergraduate level. The research was guided by two broad questions. First, is student-teacher relationship at undergraduate level an attachment relationship? Second, if it is an attachment relationship, do distinct patterns exist? Drawing on two-dimensional internal working model of adult attachment postulated by Bartholomew (1980) as conceptual framework, the study explored the perception of 216 undergraduate students on student-teacher relationship from a university in Bangalore by using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). From the result two distinct dimensions, first related to students self and second associated to their view about availability of teachers and how they would reciprocate in the interactions, were observed which was later confirmed by CFA. The finding could help in future research to find the aspects of the relationship that promote the sense of security and supportiveness to enhance the academic outcomes of the students. Keywords: adult attachment patterns, student-teacher relationship -
Beta decay is one of the most widely studied research problems in nuclear physics. There has been a growing interest in understanding the dynamics of beta decay transitions for many decades. Many research groups have invested a lot of time, money and effort in experiments as well as developing the theory for the same. Lot of work was done using Fermis theory and huge amount of data is available in that domain of nuclear physics. But recently, standard model has gained a lot of attention in the eyes of theoretical nuclear physicists and particle physicists to understand nuclear transitions with more importance to gluons mixing and quark mixing by incorporating CKM matrix and PMNS matrix elements. Subsequently, the standard model theory is applied to beta decay to gain a better insight with the application of standard weak interaction Hamiltonian to compute decay rates. The half life and stability of these nuclei depends on decay rates. Also, it gives us an idea about the kind of transitions which happen and which dont. Recent interest in comparison of two modes of beta decay namely, continuum and bound state for same mother and daughter set, paved way for a lot of interesting calculations by various research groups. It is exciting to understand as to how their differences are compared. The aim of this work is to predict continuum and bound state beta decay rates using approach incorporating standard weak theory for some new transitions, which has not been done so far and also compare few decay rates with existing experimental values done by various groups all over the globe. -
The effects of non-linear temperature gradients and rotation on the onset of Rayleigh ?? Benard ?? Marangoni magneto ?? convection in an electric conducting Newtonian fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh-Benard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic temperature conditions on the boundaries. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The four non-linear temperature profiles are considered and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. -
Study of Nanolayered Structure of Commercially Available Carbon Materials and Soot
Developments in the modern world periodically call for the discovery or invention of new and exotic materials. In the present situation, to develop unique and novel materials, which move beyond the barriers of the physical limits of the amount of micro- miniaturization possible as well as the current technology and take advantage of the opportunities not yet imagined, is not at all a need but a necessity. The advent of Nano technology of carbon allotropes is a giant leap towards this goal. The starting of the era of carbon nanomaterials traces back to 1985 when the fullerenes with a foot ball structure were accidently discovered. From then on, the field of carbon nanotechnology was in the constant limelight on account of the amazing properties displayed by the various allotropes of carbon. These properties are dependent mainly on the type of hybridization present in the nanostructures, which categorizes them to amorphous or crystalline. Also, there exist some structures which are the combination of these two and are termed as nanocrystalline or turbostratic structures. The discovery of graphene, which has a turbostratic structure and is the thinnest material known and the strongest ever measured, with outstanding properties such as highest room temperature electrical conductivity; high mechanical robustness etc was a ground breaking one. These remarkable properties open up a wide range of potential applications ranging from clean energy to nano-electronics to bio-medical devices. Thus, it is a necessity to explore and characterize various effective sources of these nanomaterials. The present study is an attempt to investigate such efficient, easily available and cost-effective precursors. Soot, also known as black carbon, is a fine-grained solid residue that results from incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons and is a widely used precursor for the production of carbon nanomaterials. Carbon soot is a major component of smoke from the combustion of carbon-rich organic fuels and hydrocarbons and hence has a vast number of sources. In the study presented here soot obtained from the thermal decomposition of commercially available kerosene, diesel oil, paraffin wax and lubricant oil is investigated. Nanostructure of the commercially available carbon black is also studied. Various techniques such as Micro Raman spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy (HR-SEM), Electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and elemental analysis are employed for the structural and morphological characterization of the samples. Raman scattering is used as a probe to study the disorder in the carbon skeleton materials. The intensity ratio of the D and G modes occurring in the spectra is proportional to the number of rings at the edge of the grain and also indicates the quality of the sample. FT-IR spectroscopy is used to characterize qualitatively the functional groups of carbon materials. XRD is the most common analytical technique used for determining the structure of ordered and disordered carbons from the positions of the diffraction peaks at 2?? angle. The structural parameters like the size of the ordered grains along c and a axis (Lc and La), the average spacing of the crystallographic (002) planes (d002) can be determined through Scherrer equations. SEM micrographs give the surface morphology of the nanomaterials present and the EDS analysis gives the abundance of the microscopic constituents. Elemental composition of the samples can be derived from the elemental analysis using CHNS (Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur) analyser. The present study shows that all the samples investigated obeys the Tuinstra-Koening relation and posses a nanocrystalline structure. The ratio of the defect and graphite bands is found to be very low, especially in the case of diesel soot which has a value very much lower than those reported in the earlier studies, indicating high quality and a low amount of disorder in the samples. HR-SEM micrographs clearly indicate that the carbon nanostructured present in the samples are in the form of non-uniform nanospheres with diameter varying between 26-100 nm. The characteristic diffraction peak of graphene corresponding to (100) diffraction is observed in the x-ray diffraction profiles of all the samples. The interlayer spacing determined in all the samples lies very close to that of graphite. The H/C atomic ratio from the CHNS analysis is found to be very low and confirms the nanocrystalline structure of the materials. The graphite band position in the IR spectra indicates that the nanospheres formed are to be composed more of crystalline graphitic carbon. From the EDS analysis it is evident that all the samples have very high carbon content and are free from impurities and thus concludes that the materials and methods used in the present study for the synthesis of carbon nanospheres possessing a nanocrystalline structure are efficient and cost effective and are good precursors for graphene. -
Study of suction and injection combination on the onset of double-diffusive convection in a micropolar fluid
The effect of suction and injection combination (SIC) on the onset of double-diffusive convection in a micropolar fluid is studied us- ing linear stability theory. The eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free, rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isother- mal or adiabatic on the spin-vanishing boundaries numerically using Galerkin Technique. The influence of various micropolar fluid param- eters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. It is found that by adjusting SIC it is possible to control the double-diffusive convection in a micropolar fluid. It is also observed that the effect of Prandtl number on the stability of the system is dependent on the SIC being pro-gravity or anti-gravity. -
Study of two-dimensional, all-time dispersion of a solute in a fluid-saturated porous medium
The effect of interphase mass transfer on dispersion in a unidirectional flow through a horizontally extent of infinite porous channel is examined using the generalized dispersion model of Sankarasubramanian and Gill [91]. The model brings into focus three important coefficients namely the exchange coefficient, the convection coefficient and the dispersion coefficient. The exchange co- efficient exists due to interphase mass transfer. The effects of reaction rate parameter, ? porous parameter, ? and Brinkman number, ??, on the veloc- ity and thereby the convective and dispersion coefficients are discussed. The time-dependent dispersion coefficient and mean concentration distribution are computed and results are represented graphically for various values of ? ? and ??. The results have applications in heat exchangers, petroleum and chemical engineering problems, chromatography and bio-mechanical problems. -
Study on Effect of Overdraft facility on market liquidity and income of private banks in Bangalore
This Dissertation depicts about the use of overdraft facility by the business men/women as customers of the private banks and how it affects the liquidity status and income of those private banks in Bangalore. This study helps the private bankers to identify the financial changes in the annual reports supported by statistical tools depicting the significant changes in relation to market liquidity and the income of the private banks. An overdraft allows an individual to continue withdrawing money even if the account has no funds in it and the bank will cover the checks which would otherwise bounce. The interest on the outstanding balance of an overdraft loan often is lower than credit cards. Market Liquidity is an asset's ability to be sold without causing a significant movement in the price and with minimum loss of value. Referring this meaning to the banks, overdraft plays a small part in changing the interest rates and also incurring a very minimal expense to maintain the OD account for the customers among the banks compared to cash credits and loan repayable on demand which are the major reasons for the influence on bank rates. In order to provide for the overdraft facility to the customers, even though for period of 22 days up to 45 days depending on the respective banks policies, banks must maintain a ready source to compensate the customers demand to withdraw beyond a nil balance. Thus Total Deposits are considered to represent the market liquidity of the banks. Income of private banks mainly in connection to the topic of the study considers only the interest earned on the overdraft for approximate comparison between the overdraft balance and interest earned on it. Thus giving no grounds for confusions as to why net profit or income earned through other sources is not considered. Reason for taking the liquidity and income to compare it with overdraft is that all three factors are of shorts terms in nature. It gives a common ground for significant comparison. It also provides appropriate data for correct statistical analysis giving accurate result. While increase in overdraft balance increases the interest amount earned on it or the banks have to increase the deposits to provide for the increasing overdraft balances. Other than the problem of the study, smooth or turbulent financial periods, behaviour of funds rate in response to declining required reserves, political scandals, bad cheques etc. are the various factors practically influencing the overdraft to affect the private banks market liquidity and income The scope of the study reckons to give the results as an answer for various queries of not only to the selected sample private banks but also to other banks that are providing the overdraft facility. It also helps the other researchers to carry on the further study. The hypothesis is to prove whether or not the overdraft affects the market liquidity and income. Sample size N=20 taken for data analysis includes the five years of the three variables of the study from 17 NSE Listed and 3 non listed private banks located in Bangalore which are available from annual reports the websites of sample banks, pay sites like report junction and CMIE-business beacon. This sample size is accumulated through convenient sampling of non-probabilistic sampling technique. Mainly Correlation is used as Statistical Technique for analysis and other than that, financial analytical tools are also employed i.e. Growth analysis, Peer group comparison and Industrial benchmarking. Through correlation analysis, findings are drawn that the effect of overdraft on market liquidity and as well as the effect of overdraft on income of the 20 banks are highly significant (p<0.01). Thus, the null hypothesis 1 and 2which shows that overdraft does not affect the market liquidity and income is proved otherwise. Increase in overdraft does affect the market liquidity and income positively. -
Study On Impact of Employee Retention Strategies on Employee Turnover in IT IndustryAn Exploratory Study in Bangalore
Employee Turnover is a major challenge faced by the companies globally. Employee Turnover is predominant not only in IT sector, but in other sectors as well. This study has focused in IT sector. Employees are the assets of any organization. Organizations are striving to retain their talents by implementing effective retention strategies. High Employee Turnover would subsequently have an impact on productivity and sustainability of the organization. There are two types of Employee Turnover ?? functional and dysfunctional. When productive employees leave the organization, it is said to be dysfunctional turnover and when the poor performers leave, it is called functional turnover. The focus of this study was dysfunctional turnover. Dysfunctional turnover is the concern of HR managers. When an employee leaves, it takes approximately eight weeks for this position to be replaced and in the meantime, productivity suffers. Causes and consequences of the Employee Turnover is mentioned in detail in Chapter 2. This study is an attempt to understand the impact of Retention Strategies on Employee Turnover in IT sector in India. Bangalore, being the IT hub of India, was chosen as the location of the study. Results of the study showed that Retention Strategies has an impact on Employee Turnover. Other variables such as Welfare Benefits, Personal Satisfaction and Organization Culture, which are said to be associated with the Employee Turnover were also investigated as a part of this study. -
This research focuses and examines the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in hotel industry in Bangalore. Organizational culture is palpable in any organization which has a diversified work force. Hotel industry is built with employees with various values and beliefs. These factors reflect in the culture and are related with the various human resource management practices. There is a significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry in Bangalore. There were eleven dimensions of organizational culture and thirteen dimensions of human resource management practices that were considered for examining the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices. The sample for the study was 135 mid-level managers of different category of hotels in the geographical location of Bangalore. Organizational culture survey scale developed by Pareek, U. (2003) and human resource management practices scale developed by Sebastian, S., & Patrick, H. A. (2010) was administered for this study. This research concludes by the finding fact that there is significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry. The study also shows that the culture in hotel industry is narcissistic. Keywords: Organizational culture, Human resource management practices, hotel industry -
This research focuses two fundamental aspects of sense of humor and work culture in a hotel setting. Work culture is a complex construct in hotels, consisting of different attitudes, perceptions, values and beliefs and plays a significant role in moderating the relationship between sense of humor and work culture. The present investigation was carried out on 156 employees (managers, middle and front line staff)of different private sector hotels in Bangalore. Participants age range was 21 years to 50 years. The major objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between sense of humor and work culture among in hotel industry. Work opinion survey scale developed by Zeynep Aycan (2000) and for sense of humor a seven point scale developed by Paul Mc Ghee was administered. This research concludes that even though the interest in sense of humor by employees has been sporadic, sense of humor remains a pervasive and important topic and has potential of providing significant insights into management and work culture. Keywords: sense of humor, work culture, hotel industry -
The study analyses the Narration techniques that were used in the Hollywood movies, which were taken from the Tamizh cinema, which is known as Kollywood. The researcher used content analysis to find out the similarities and common similarities from the four films, two from Tamizh and two from English. Through the content analysis and qualitative research we can find out that the plot or the ways of stories were moving in the same direction and the techniques in the narrative that makes the plot looks same.