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A Critical analysis of the law relationg to elementary education in india Viz-A-Viz Minimum level of learning
The demand for free and compulsory education started in the British period. newlineThe framers directed that the object of Article 45 must be achieved within ten years newlineof the commencement of the constitution. After several judicial strictures the newlineConstitutional (Eighty Sixth) Amendment Act 2002 (Amendment Act, 2002) declared education as a fundamental right. To execute this mandate the Children Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 (RTE Act, 2009) was passed. However, the government has failed to fulfil the mandate of giving quality education in terms of minimum level of learning under the RTE Act. One of the newlineparameters of the Quality Monitoring Tool under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is newlineto give quality education in terms of minimum level of learning. But, when it was newlinerealized that the children from Government schools are completing their primary newlineeducation without minimum level of learning, three amendments had been made to the RTE Act 2009, i.e., during 2012, 2015 and 2019. Yet, the latest Annual Survey on Education Report shows that there is poor minimum level of learning among children who have completed their primary education in government primary newlineschools. Thus, the purpose of this research is to critically analyse the RTE Act 2009 newlineand the subsequent amendments to the Act of 2009 and to study various policies and schemes under SSA, to explore the reasons for low level of learning in government primary school and to make suggestion to improve the minimum level of learning. -
Impact of Social Network Sites on Perception of Sociability and Academic Performance of College Students in Bangalore
The Revolution in ICT has transformed the life and life style, outlook and approach, conditions and quality of life. No sphere of social life is spared from the all pervasive impact and influence of ICT, more so in case of young generation, especially in urban setting owing to their access to internet and online communication and interaction, influencing the patterns of interaction, transactions, exchange and participation. Since the transformation has been overwhelming, swift and all pervasive empirical understanding of the social realities and implications of this development for the social milieu and institutional fabric is rather imperative and indispensable in gaining insights into the intricate and complex aspects of contemporary society. newlineThe thesis probe empirically into the impact of SNS on the perception and performance of youth in pre-university education in an urban setting has contemporary, sociological and applied relevance. The manuscript provides empirical insights into institutional bonds and synergies, circuits and networks that bind the people, especially the youth of today and shape their identity as well as ideologies. newlineThe Thesis organization divided into five major sections. Chapter one introduces the concept, origin, theoretical framework and other related essence of the topic. The second chapter presents a review of literature against the concepts addressed. The third chapter focuses methods, tools and techniques adopted in the study. The fourth chapter presents analysis and presentation of primary data. The fifth chapter gives summery and conclusion to the whole study. Thus, the impact of social network sites and its effect on pre-university student, especially, social and academic activities is indeed worth the research for the future relevance. -
Mathematical models in waste management
Waste management is a major issue faced by municipalities all over the world. The major problem associated with the waste managements newlineis its high cost and main part of the cost comes from its collection and transportation. This problem can be effectively overcome by the application of mathematical models. newlineAn important aspect of waste management is locating facilities like truck locations, transfer stations, compost units etc. The location of facilities when collection of waste happens at multiple time periods is newlineconsidered for cost minimization. The rapid increase in the population of cities as a result of vast urbanization and the corresponding shrinking of land has given rise to increase in apartment complexes in newlineall the cities. The waste management practices here have to be planned carefully as they are sources of large quantities of waste. They are also potential sites for recycling and composting as waste management newlinepractices can be introduced at apartment level itself, so that transportation burden is less. Components like fixed cost /maintenance cost and operational costs are considered for the study in cities as well newlineas in apartments. Testing the mathematical model is done using different scenarios and the results are used to draw conclusions. These results showed that the model works best when processing facilities are nearer to the transfer stations so that there is no additional cost incurred at that point for transportation. In addition, it was clear that the cost of the transportation is brought down using the model, as the newlineamount transported to landfills decreases. newlineScheduling a set of resources to a set of jobs can be done using resource calendar, which shows the availability of resources and the various time periods at which it a particular resource is available. There are different types of jobs and various types of resources. -
Development and Implementation of Algorithm for Image Preprocessing of Microorganism
The digital revolution has changed most aspects of modern life. Nowhere has the change been more fundamental than in the field of microscopy. Researchers who use the microscope in their investigations have been newlineamong the pioneers who applied digital processing techniques to images. Vision is most powerful of the five senses of human being. Digitized visual information provides high impact on the subject. Digital image processing is concerned with the extraction of useful information from images. Visual newlineinformation from microscopic images of microorganisms is analyzed regularly. This has resulted in a need to understand and implement digital processing on microscopic images. The purpose of this thesis is to bring new digital image processing techniques for the noise removal of microscopic image of microorganisms. The digitized image processing includes image representation; improving image quality by removing noise; newlineand enhancing the quality of microscopic images. At the outset, the thesis elaborates on the concepts around microscopic images and their digital image processing. Various existing algorithms are studied for their efficacy. This thesis gives three different techniques of image processing based on the noise level in microscopic images. The thesis newlinedevelops the techniques of image processing through Simulation , which is well accepted tool in the field of engineering. MATLAB has been used in this study to simulate the image processing algorithms. The algorithms developed in the study will be helpful in everyday life through better analysis of microscopic images of microorganisms. The thesis is a contribution to the medical field with better analytical techniques. This research work overviews different image processing techniques used in the analysis of microscopic images and other type of images. After reviewing, use of microscopic imaging is presented. Special emphasis is on two types of noise called Gaussian noise and Impulsive noise is given. -
The Development and Feasibility of A Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem Based Intervention on Music Performance Anxiety Among Majors
Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) has been seen to adversely affect a student s goal-setting with respect to careers in music. Two variables that are closely related to the development and maintenance of MPA are self-efficacy and self-esteem of the student. The aim of this research is to present the experiences of students with MPA and the feasibility of an intervention to help reduce MPA among music majors while focusing on building their self-esteem and self-efficacy. The study followed a mixed method, exploratory sequential design. Ten participants were recruited for the newlinequalitative phase and were interviewed using a phenomenological approach. Data from these interviews were analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Themes that were found in the qualitative phase such as blocks growth of performer , Fear of judgment , lacking confidence in skills , comparison with peers , need for appreciation , pointed toward the need to build self-efficacy and self-esteem among the performers. The themes from this analysis were then used, along with previous research evidence to develop a self-esteem and self-efficacy based intervention. A quasi-experimental design was used to carry out and assess the feasibility of this intervention. The intervention lasted for eight sessions, where the experimental group took part in these sessions that consisted of both theoretical and practical components, which lasted for one hour each. The control group on the other hand did not receive any treatment and were not a part of any of these sessions either. The experimental group that consisted of 13 participants and the control group that consisted of 12 participants were assessed on their MPA, Musical Self-Efficacy and Musical Self-Esteem levels at the start of eight weeks and then at the end of eight newlineweeks. The scale used to assess these variable were the K-MPAI (Kenny, 2009), the newlineMusical Self-efficacy scale (Ritchie and Williamon, 2010), and the Self-esteem of newlinemusic ability scale (Schmitt, 1979) respectively. -
Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters Optimization By Taguchi Analysis and Validating The Mathematical Model Using RSM For AA6101-C11000 Alloy Joints
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a well-established joining method that offers newlinesignificant advantages over traditional methods, including improved mechanical newlinecharacteristics, less distortion, and environmental friendliness. Due to its solid-state nature, the heat produced through the welding mainly influences the features of joints in FSW. In this investigation, 2D and 3D models of the base metals and welding tool newlinewith different pin profiles were designed using SOLIDWORKS. Fixture was designed and manufactured in accordance with the specifications of the welding machine. ANSYS software was used to investigate the temperature distributions near the weld newlinezones. The base metals AA6101 and C11000 of each 5 mm thickness with butt weld newlinepositioned, were joined by FSW mechanism with the help of OHNS steel tool with circular pin profile. Taguchi analysis was employed to optimize the FSW welding input process parameters, including tool rotational speed (rpm), feed rate (mm/min), and tool offset (mm), to determine their respective contribution (%) to the output response, namely ultimate tensile strength (UTS), hardness, impact load, and electrical newlineconductivity to achieve the high joint strength. During experimental work using the newlineTaguchi s design matrix, the maximum output response values were obtained when the input parameters were set to 1000 rpm, 50 mm/min and -1 mm. Taguchi analysis revealed that the tool rotational speed encounters high significance effects, followed by feed rate and least tool offset upon output response. The X-ray diffractometer (XRD) test was employed to specifically determine the existence of Al-Cu intermetallic compounds (IMCs) generated within the FSW of Al (AA6101) and Cu (C11000) joints. At medium 40 mm/min, 1000 rpm, and -1.68 mm, the IMCs newlinedeveloped were Al4Cu9 and Al1Cu3 giving a high UTS value of about 142.69 MPa. newlineMathematical model was developed utilizing the Response Surface Method (RSM) to newlinepredict the output response. -
Spatio temporal crime analysis and forecasting using social media data
Now a days, people communicate, share ideas, and interact through social media platforms. It has given us an ability to talk about career interests, post videos, and pictures for sharing with others. The data present in social media enables the analysis of various human aspects. The social media data and domain is used for crime analysis, customer behaviour analysis, and healthcare analysis provides much information useful to predict human behaviours. Crime is the most common social problem faced in a developing country. In developing countries like India, crime plays a detrimental role in economic growth and prosperity. With the increase in delinquencies, law enforcement needs to deploy limited resources optimally to protect citizens. Crime affects the reputation of a nation and the quality of life of its citizens. Crime also affects the economy of the country, increasing the financial burden of the government due to the need for expenditure in the police force and judicial system. Various initiatives are taken by law enforcement to reduce the crime rate. An example of these initiatives includes an accurate and real-time prediction of crime occurrences. Crime analytics and prediction have lengthily studied among research analytics communities. In recent years, crime knowledge from one of a kind heterogeneous source (Twitter, News Feeds, Facebook, Instagram and so forth.) have given enormous opportunities to the research group to comfortably study crime pattern and prediction duties in specific real knowledge. Data mining and predictive analytics provide the best options for the same. Law enforcement organizations are increasingly looking to use data from social media such as Facebook, Newsfeeds, Twitter, etc. investing in research in this area. Using the intelligence gained through these data, the agencies can identify future incidents and plan for active patrolling. -
Role of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Sustainable Performance of the Service Sector Organizations
The prominence revolution took place in the 1980s, and then the Green HRM practises movement blew over the sustainable development literature in the 1990s. This represents an excellent practice because it newlineincorporates sustainable development principles into the operational processes newlineof the human resources department. According to Mishra (2017), Green HRM is a tactical instrument for arranging human resource competences and promoting ideas that motivate businesses to embrace sustainable strategies. newlineThe term human resource management (HRM) is used to describe a set of practices, procedures, and methods that are focused on managing and optimizing the performance of personnel within a business, thereby providing the organization with a competitive advantage. Despite the fact that green human resource management has grown to be a major source of concern, India has only relatively handful of first-hand studies done in this area. While conventional HRM concentrates on functions to provide an organisation a competitive edge, green HRM places an emphasis on the capture and retention of green efforts to meet corporate objectives. newlineGreen HRM in India is plagued by a variety of issues. The study has chosen a few traits from the research at hand that may be utilised to create Green HRM practices for sustainable development. It stands to reason for contemporary businesses to take environmental responsibility seriously (Jackson, Renwick, Jabbour and Camen, 2011). Numerous studies show that environmental newlineinitiatives increase production and provide companies a competitive edge (Bombiak and Marciniuk-Kluska, 2018). Although organizational solutions quotmoved beyond pollution control and the mitigation of environmental degradationquot, Saeed, Jun, Nubuor, Priyankara and Jayasuriya (2018) have highlighted its significance in the New Millennium Era. -
Dynamic Offloading Technique for Latency Sensitive Iot Applications Using Fog Computing
The Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved as one of the most popular technological newlineinnovations that offers processing power to different types of entities connected to it. IoT has made traditional applications smarter and easier to use. IoT offers reliable service to different sectors such as healthcare, industrial control, agriculture, autonomous vehicles, traffic management etc. IoT nodes are generally energy-constrained and hence depend on cloud platforms for storage and analytics of generated data. The cloud provides required services for the newlineconnected applications based on pay per use policy. But cloud datacenter being at remote location fails to accommodate the time requirements of delay-sensitive IoT newlineapplications. Edge/fog computing was designed to address the demands of timesensitive IoT applications. The IoT-Fog-Cloud architecture reduces the delay and response time incurred by the IoT-Cloud model. The fog layer in the three-tier architecture is distributed in nature. Hence the latency depends on how well the underlying offloading algorithms distribute the tasks among available fog nodes. Different offloading policies are mentioned in the literature to address this issue. This work initially tries to solve the offloading problem using one of the novel newlineoffloading approaches Flamingo Search Algorithm (FSA). Later, the results obtained from FSA are fine-tuned using another metaheuristic algorithm, the Honey Badger Algorithm (HBA). Finally, both FSA and HBA are hybridized to generate the HB-FS algorithm which effectively solves the task offloading problem. The performance evaluation of the proposed approach is done with different existing metaheuristic algorithms and the evaluations show that the newlineproposed work outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of latency, average newlineresponse time and execution time. The methodology also offers a lesser degree of newlineimbalance and standard deviation than the compared approaches. -
Online Higher Education : A Mixed Method Study of Delhi NCR, India
The education system in the new era displays extensive adaptability, as proven by presentday realities. In ancient India, the Gurukul system prevailed during the Vedic period, where Gurus guided students in an ashram or hermitage. This is quite different from the contemporary education system we have today. The modern education system involves structured classrooms, where teachers guide students in an institutional setting. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in the contemporary education system worldwide. This and the emergence of Digital India and the internet led to a structural change in the modern education system, from physical classrooms to online and remote classrooms. That means a paradigm shift happened in the educational system where Gurus are replaced by e-gadgets, books are being replaced by eBooks and traditional classrooms are being replaced by smart classrooms and online classes. The shift to remote learning has brought forth several challenges to the educational system which includes lack of meaningful teacher-student interaction, lack of motivation and engagement and its impact on mental health. This opens the scope for understanding the pros and cons of different modes of educational practices followed in the Indian online higher education system. Therefore, newlinethe present research captured experiences of teachers and students from Delhi NCR region newlineabout online higher education and the learning environment to understand the effectiveness of online learning. This research also focuses on social and psychological behavior along with the perceptions of teachers and students about online learning. The study explored the newlinechallenges and problems faced by them in online learning. A mixed method approach was newlineused for understanding the changing structure of the digital classroom. Along with the newlinedigital participatory approach, structured interviewing was used to have a better and in-depth understanding of online learning. -
Access to Justice Through Law Schools Legal AID Activities in India : An Empirical Study with Special Reference to Kerala
The provision of legal services is a fundamental human right and is integral to the maintenance of the rule of law. Ensuring Justice and the rule of law are unique sustainable development goals in the 2030 Agenda. Law school clinics provide a novel way to reach SDG-16. The legal aid system has been influenced by both international and national legislation, which has contributed to the establishment of its framework. The judiciary plays a pivotal role in ensuring the provision of free legal assistance to indigent people. Access to formal and informal justice institutions must be improved so that people can seek and get justice. Law school clinics provide potential and challenges as informal justice nstitutions, yet they are mostly ignored. Under CLE, law schools LACs engage in a variety of legal aid initiatives. Through this, students acquire professional skills while clients get legal services. That is the beauty of law school LACs. In the end, this "laboratory of lawyering" helps individuals find justice. In the Indian context, this thesis answered three research questions. 1) How do the legal aid programmes undertaken by law schools clinics promote SDG-16 and improve access to justice? 2) What are the current practices being undertaken by law schools LACs to guarantee access to justice? 3) What are the shortcomings that law schools LACs face in delivering appropriate legal services in Kerala? Two methodologies were used in answering these three questions: the doctrinal method for the first two research questions and the empirical method for the third. The doctrinal study examines the operation of LACs in general. The purpose of this empirical research on law school clinics in Kerala is to investigate the numerous legal aid activities and barriers to law school clinic operations in Kerala. No meticulous study was conducted in Kerala to evaluate how law schools LACs worked. National and international law school clinics' best practises and case studies were incorporated. The study examined the relationship between BCI, NALSA, SLSAs as well as CLE requirements along with law school performance. The LACs' commitment will be assessed based on their legal aid operations pre- and post-Covid-19, including legal representation, legal awareness, legal advice, paralegal services, PIL and ADR services to beneficiaries, and the effective implementation of BCI and NALSA's CLE requirements. This study explores the relationship between dependent and independent variables, such as how the improper implementation of BCI and NALSA regulations on CLE hindered law school LACs' commitments. The prevailing policy has restricted law school LACs' activity and is not enough to achieve access to justice (ATJ). Due to multiple factors, law school LACs failed to ensure effective service learning and did not reach the needy. This gap in the current CLE and its insufficient attention to promoting access to justice have been addressed. The empirical investigation demonstrates that while the number of law schools increased, legal aid activities decreased during the past decade. Current legal aid practices of law school LACs in Kerala are unsatisfactory and inconsistent in providing access to justice. BCI and LSAs ineffective control over LACs in law schools has contributed to a decline in legal aid activities and services. BCI and NALSA must reform their CLE rules and establish mandatory legal services to foster inclusive and effective LACs that give meaningful justice to the disadvantaged. -
Antimagic labeling and its variations in graphs
Graph theory is a branch of discrete Mathematics with its results having significant applications in many areas of computing, social, and natural sciences. Graph labeling is one of the fascinating areas of graph theory with wide-ranging applications. The concept was first introduced in the 1960s where the vertices and edges are assigned real values or newlinesubsets of a set subject to certain conditions. The labeling dealt in the thesis is edge labeling basically, that is, assigning a label to the edges of the graph. Depending on the conditions applied in labeling give way to magic, super-magic, antimagic labelings. Hartsfield and Ringel introduced the notion of antimagic labeling in the year 1990. In this thesis, three variations in graph labeling are dealt namely, equitable antimagic labeling, equitable difference labeling and extension of equitable irregular labeling with an introduction of k-equitable irregular labeling. For a given graph G = (V,E), an equitable antimagic labeling (EAL) of G is a bijective edge-labeling f: E(G) and#8594; {1,2,3,...,m = |E(G)|} such that |W_f (u)-W_f (v)| and#8804; 1 for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v of G, where W_f (v) is the sum of the labels of the edges incident with the vertex v. A graph admitting an EAL is called an equitable antimagic graph (EAG). In Chapter 2, we initiate a study of this new edge labeling of graphs. A diand#64256;erence labeling of a graph G is realized by assigning distinct integer values to each vertex and then associating with each edge, the absolute diand#64256;erence of those values assigned to its end vertices. That is, it is an injective function f: V(G) and#8594; N together with function f^*: E(G) and#8594; N deand#64257;ned by f^* (uv)=|f(u)-f(v)|for any edge uv in G. The function f^* is called the weight function induced by f. An irregular labeling f: E(G) and#8594; N with the property that S_f (u) and#8800; S_f (v) for any two vertices u and v of G, where S_f (u) denotes the sum of the labels of the edges incident with the vertex u. The sum S_f (u) is called the vertex sum of u under f. -
Synthesis of Benzothiazinones Benzothiazines and Their Selenium Analogues Through Novel Synthetic Routes
Benzo fused N-heterocyclic scaffolds containing oxygen, sulphur or selenium have found wide interest in the field of drug-discovery. Among these N-heterocycles, benzothiazine, benzoxazine, benzoselenazine and benzothiazinone derivatives are a unique class of compounds and have a larger scope towards the development of efficient and simple synthetic methodologies for their synthesis with readily available substrates. newlineDuring the course of the present thesis a convenient and simple synthetic procedures were developed for the synthesis of benzothiazines, benzoxazines, benzoselenazines and benzothiazinones in an onepot methodology. 2-aryl/alkyl substituted 1,3-benzothiazines and selenazines were synthesized by reacting 2-amino benzyl alcohols and thio or seleno benzamides in the presence of T3P.A reagent controlled methodology was developed for the synthesis of 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzothiazines and oxazines. Initially, various 2-amino benzylalcohols are reacted with newlineisothiocyanates to form the corresponding thioureas. The formed thioureas undergo newlinecyclodehydration in the presence of T3P to yield 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzothiazines newlineand on the other hand molecular iodine facilitates desulfurization of the thiourea to yield 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzoxazines. 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzothiazinones were synthesized by reacting anthranilic acids and isothiocyanates in the presence of EDC.HCl. 2-aryl substituted 1,3-benzothiazinones were synthesized by employing thiobenzamides in the presence of T3P. All the compounds synthesized were characterized by 1HNMR, 13C, Mass spectroscopic (LCMS, HRMS) analysis. Docking studies against TANKYRASE-1 enzyme for colorectal cancer (CRC) and antibacterial studies were also discussed. -
Design and Development of Adaptive Authentication Model to Detect User Behavior Anomalies
The password-based authentication system has recently become more secure as the riskbased authentication system(RBA) is indentured. Recent research in the area has shown the significant use of 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) and Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA) in many commercial applications using Risk Based newlineAuthentication(RBA). The RBA system monitors the parameters extracted during the user login process, and based on the proposed model, the system raises a multi-factor newlineauthentication to the user. As the vulnerability has increased concerning passwords, fingerprints easy access to any web application may result in a security flow; the reason can be the existing methodology of the RBA system and also the unavailability of the data of the users during the initial login process, which hinders the authentication system during the initial login process as there is no standard method to incorporate RBA in the authentication system. Few researchers have proposed novel approaches to improve the authentication system. Still, to the best of our knowledge, no research has suggested methods to address the authentication system during the initial login process and also provide a robust way, a combination of Machine Learning (ML) and statistical newlineapproaches. Hence, a novel method is proposed for the RBA system during the initial newlinelogin phase using a Hierarchical Sub-Feature Based Model -(HSFBM) for different user newlinecategories. The FAR is comparatively better in our proposed model against the standard newlinemodel, with minimal re-authentication requests for the user. -
Web User Access Log Analytics Using Neural Learning, Regression and Logit Boost Clustering Techniques for Accurate User Behavioural Pattern Identification
Web Usage Mining (WUM), is the process of mining user behaviour patterns from huge log fles. Weblogs provide substantial input to learning the identity of an online user. Analysis of these patterns extracted from the weblog datasets is currently being explored by various researchers. Due to the recent advent of automation, mining patterns from weblogs are automated. These automated mining processes focus on browsing habits and usage patterns. To make this process of gathering better, there are many ways to look at how users act and put them into relevant groups.Identifying, detecting, and classifying features that demarcate specifc traits that are related is an important task. Conventional research is designed to discover web usage mining strategies through clustering and classifcation methods. However, there is a need to focus on and improve the accuracy of the prediction systems that classify acquired features to fgure out the patterns of web users. Deep learning methods are used to mine weblog data to improve accuracy and precision. To improve user behaviour pattern mining, a two-level clustering process is introduced as Ensemble Fuzzy K-Means with Logit Boost Clustering (EFK-LBC) technique to extract the weblog. In this technique, a preprocessing step is included to remove redundant data and choose reliable log fles. The Fuzzy-K means clustering technique is used to identify behavioural patterns exhibited by recurrent users. Finally, the Logit Boost Clustering method is introduced to the data,that help in generating a strong cluster. Clustering of web users frequent behavioural patterns using the Logit Boost ensemble technique helps the proposed EFK-LBC method to improve newlinethe accuracy up to 88% and reduce the clustering time by 20% compared with existing approaches. Though the proposed EFK-LBC technique performs better for user identifcation, the different initialization of clusters provides various fnal clustering results. -
Artificial Intelligence - Based Steganography Model for Social Media Data Set
Steganography, one of the data security mechanisms under our investigation, shields legitimate messages from hackers and spies by employing data hiding. Data protection is newlinecurrently the top priority due to the signifcant advancements in information technology due to high-security concerns. Traditional techniques for maintaining data confdentiality include steganography and cryptography; the distinction is that steganography does not naturally arouse suspicion, whereas cryptography does. Traditional linguistic steganographic methods suffer from limitations in automation, accuracy, and the volume of concealed text. The robustness and undetectability properties of these approaches also require improvement. Third-party vulnerability is often too high for conventional techniques to handle. Artifcial intelligence is increasingly replacing traditional model creation in steganography. Despite the fact that steganography ensures security, information sent over online social networks (OSN) is plainly not safe. Steganography along newlinewith encryption can make a difference with regard to privacy of information in transit. newlineThe research study aims to build algorithms or models and assess steganography s robustness, security, undetectability, and embedding ability. Two distinct types of data newlineconcealing employed for investigation: text and image. The results were encouraging newlinewhen we initially tested our Laplacian model using image steganography and compared newlinewith benchmark methods. The second experiment, which is based on AI, generates the cover text using secret information, examines the security and robustness of steganography. The study compared suggested text steganography model, 3-bit data concealing, with other existing techniques in order to ascertain the undetectability factor. The frst experiment used MATLAB tools, and the second used the markovify python module, RNN (Recurrent Neural networks), and the Huffman tree. Further format-based steganography methods utilized in the following experiment. -
Passive control of four storied reinforced concrete structure subjected to blast loads
In the recent past in major cities all over the world, public structures are vulnerable to blast loads caused by explosions either accidentally or intentionally. The intentional causes are not on hardened military targets but on important civilian structures, like commercial, financial and civic centers. The study of reinforced concrete Ground + 3 Storied structure subjected to blast loads have gained importance, as conventionally the reinforced newlineconcrete structures are not designed for blast loads as many of the loading codes do not mandate for the same and also due to the fact that quantifying the magnitude of the blast load is difficult to estimate. However, the structures are susceptible to damage from the explosion. To protect the life of people and to minimize the damage to the structure, it has become imperative to consider the effect of blast loads too, in addition to newlinethe conventional loads, considered as per the prevailing codes, during the analysis and design of all public buildings. The charge weights of the explosive used on the structure are 8kg, 16 kg and 24kg. The equivalent blast pressure subjected on the structure is determined, to study its corresponding effects for stand-off distances of 3000 mm and 6000mm using surface blast load. The behavior of the structure is newlinestudied by varying the parameters and verified which of these parameters can newlinebe critical to the performance of the structure. The response of the ground floor + 3 upper storied reinforced concrete skeletal structure is studied for understanding the variation of the displacements, strains and stresses for the parameters considered. Using PTC CREO 3.0 the 3D modeling of structure and structural elements were generated. HYPERMESH was used for the discretization (meshing) of structure and its elements. Static analysis and blast load analysis was carried out using ANSYS. -
A study on operational efficiency of scheduled commercial banks in India
Banking institutions play an important role in the economic development of the entire nation. Financial services industry is dominated by banking sector. Performance of any economy largely depends on the efficiency of commercial banks. Efficiency of banks depends upon diversified banking system that attracts savings and channelizes them into productive investments to generate income. The strength of the bank depends on newlineefficiency of these operations. Banks need to convert its deposits into loans, advances and investments efficiently. Efficiency in operations results in productivity. Productivity brings in faster economic growth. The cost of these operations should be kept to the minimum in order that they are efficient. With stiff competition that characterises banking industry, the competitive advantage that one bank has over the other depends on various efficiencies. This research attempts to measure the various efficiencies of scheduled commercial banks in India and investigate the factors that influence the same. Review of related newlineLiterature has been carried out to identify the research gap. Scheduled commercial banks in India include public sector banks, private newlinesector banks, foreign banks and regional rural banks. Regional rural banks are excluded from the study. As per the RBI report, currently (as on 31 March 2014) there are 26 public sector banks, 22 private sector newlinebanks and 43 foreign banks. However, this study considers the banks which have existed before, during and after the study period in order to measure the technical and cost efficiency of each bank and compare those efficiencies within the group as well as across the group. Accordingly 25 PSBs, 18 PvSBs and 25 FBs have been considered for the present study. Operational efficiency in this study includes the banks with technical and newlinecost efficiency. Technical efficiency is measured using the primary operating variables like fixed assets, loanable funds, employees, loans and advances and investments. -
Outward Foreign Direct Investment From India ; A Sectoral Analysis
New opportunities have arisen as the global economy has been more integrated, with globalization and liberalization of government policies. As the world becomes more globalized, businesses boost their investments to keep up with demand. Trade and foreign investments are two notable paths to global integration, with trade being the traditional path. As an FDI pioneer and promoter, the FDI of the upper-middle-income countries became an essential source of integration with the low and middle-income countries. With globalization and liberalization policies India has become the most significant emerging economy. Economic policies urged Indian enterprises to compete internationally to keep up with fierce competitive environment and the adoption of new technology, such as expanding into new markets, acquiring assets and resources, and integrating their overseas operations. Outward FDI (OFDI) has been used by Indian enterprises to meet these strategic needs. India's overseas investments have increased significantly since the 1990s. The majority of empirical research has focused on FDI from upper-middle-income nations. As low- and middle-income nations like India become more important players in the FDI flow, it's necessary to understand the patterns, motivations, and factors that influence the location and impact of OFDI from these countries. Existing Studies focused on Inward FDI (IFDI), but this study focuses on Outward FDI (OFDI) from India. Earlier OFDI research has mostly focused on firm-specific advantages. This study examines India's OFDI trends, as well as changes in host country location determinants, sectoral composition, and their influence on both the home and host countries. In view of the changing direction of OFDI in India, this study compares investment motives and location factors between the upper-middle-income and low and middle-income countries complying with the international categorization established by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in its publication, the World Investment Report (WIR). This study analyzes the determinants and impact of India's OFDI in the home and host country during the period 1991-2020 in the context of Dunning's eclectic paradigm (OLI paradigm) and Investment Development Path (IDP) theory, using OFDI data from 1991 to 2020, which is longer than other studies by India's OFDI. This study employs panel data methodologies to identify crucial aspects and empirically test the nature of India's OFDI, which includes market seeking, resource seeking, technology and strategic asset seeking. The study uses a time series method to empirically test the relationship between India's OFDI, Trade and GDP. The results reveal that India's OFDI is motivated by market seeking, resource seeking, and technology seeking motives in upper-middle-income and low and middle-income countries. The results emphasize strategic assets as a significant motivation for investing in upper-middle-income countries rather than low and middle-income countries. India's OFDI is also actively linked to host country policies such as openness, corruption and market size. OFDI from India affects exports, as OFDI and exports are two means of internationalization. Theoretically, OFDI leads to further exports (positive or complements) or replaces exports with production (negative or substitution). Empirical testing of the OFDI-trade relationship shows a significant long-term positive relationship between the two. The study divided into five chapters. Chapter one comprises the introduction, backdrop of Global Outward FDI, India's FDI inflows and outflows, India's outward FDI, Need and Significance of the study. The second chapter consists of the literature review, theories of FDI, Statement of Problem. The third chapter deals with the methodology, research gap, research question, objectives of the study, and statistical tools used for the study. The fourth chapter focuses on the determinants of India's OFDI towards upper-middle and low and middle-income countries and the impact of India's OFDI on upper-middle and low and middle-income countries are analyzed in chapter three. It followed by a Geographical and sectoral analysis of India's OFDI in upper-middle and low and middle-income countries and a region-wise analysis in chapter five. Chapter six presents the study results, factors affecting India's Outward FDI among upper-middle and low and middle-income countries, followed by practical, theoretical and policy implications of the Study. -
Design And Development Of Artificial Intelligence Based Knowledge Management System For Managing Software Security Vulnerabilities
Software development practices play a signifcant role in building the world s future. It is the place where exciting technological evolution begins in the world. Exploration of critical challenges in the area of software development plays a signifcant role in fueling the pace of technological progression in the industry. This work focuses on exploring important areas of software development practices and problems faced by the industry. Understanding the critical parts of the software system development eco-system and the stakeholders associated with those will be important. Customers of software development teams, the software development industry and knowledge newlinesources, and the software development internal eco-system are the broad focus areas of study. Leveraging the data already spread across the eco-system and facilitating easy newlineaccess to practitioners as and when there is a need will be one of the primary focuses. newlineThe software development landscape module, customer landscape module, and industry landscape module are the key modules that will be explored in this work. The core aspiration of the work will be to integrate all the possible data across the industry newlineand process the same and make it easily accessible to the practitioners as and when they are needed. The process also makes the data smarter and more insightful over time.