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Attitude and perception of tourists in Karnataka towards Climate Change
Climate change has a strong relationship with the tourism industry. According to the United Nation's World Tourism Organization???s Davos Declaration (2007) tourism industry contributes on an average about 5% of the global Carbon di Oxide emission in terms of radioactive forcing. Studies pertaining to the state of Karnataka, India indicate that most parts of the state could experience 1.5oC to 2oC warming relative to the level during the pre-industrial period of the 1880s by as early as 2030s under the likely high emission scenario (Kelkar et al, 2004; Dwarakish et al, 2009'; Kumar et al, 2015). Travel decisions to a large extent are influenced by the destination???s images of Sun, Sand, Sea, availability of snow and perceptions of other such climatic variables such as temperature, precipitation and humidity (De Freitas, 2001). Therefore, studying tourist???s perceptions of these environmental changes are crucial for the survival of the tourism industry especially in these climate-sensitive regions (Gossling & Hall, 2006a). Besides, understanding the attitudes and perceptions of different segments of the tourists towards their role in climate change adaptation and mitigation is a fundamental step in designing educational and communication campaigns which could be successfully implemented in this industry (Becken, 2010; Gossling & Hall, 2006; Saarinen et al, 2006; Scott et al, 2008; Martin & Lopez, 2014). Therefore, this study aims to boost our understanding of the relationship between tourism and climate change issues among tourists in Karnataka, India. The study consists of five chapters, namely Introduction, Review of Literature, Report on present investigation, Results and Discussion, Summary and Conclusion. The first chapter Introduces the relationship between tourism and climate change issues and brings out the significance of the role of travel decisions the environment. The second chapter analyses earlier studies conducted on the area of climate change, environment and tourism to gain a better understanding of the existing knowledge and to identify research gaps. The third chapter focuses on the research design of this study. It covers sampling plans, questionnaire design, constructs measurement, plan of analysis and Pilot study. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of data which were collected for the study followed by the discussion of results. The fifth chapter summarizes the entire study and explains the findings and limitations of the study, Suggestions and conclusion. -
Attitude of generations: Does it matter online?
Generational examinations are turning out to be necessary with the characteristics they exhibit. This research work aimed at establishing the interceding relationship of disposition of three distinctive generations-Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z. In complete, 1200 responses were acquired from both male and female respondents of each generational class dependent on online purchase data collected by employing Google Forms. For the investigation, the model utilized the SOR framework. The results indicated that attitude does not play a vital role in the purchase intention of Generation X followed by the partial mediation of attitude for Generation Y and full mediation effect for Generation Z. This steady increment of attitudinal change underpins the examination by setting up proof that every age shifts in their mentality and purchasing conduct. Online retailers must concentrate on showcasing systems and create online visual merchandising cues which outwardly advance and make a feeling of stimulating attitude for generations. The current study also added value to the existing literature by classifying the customer base not merely on age, but also on their technological perspective of distinguishing web atmospheric cues and catering to their needs from a generational outlook. The study also took into account the importance of the organism's role played by attitude in the S-O-R framework. In this manner, the study helps marketers to design methodologies and plan online visual marketing space for better generational reaction and benefit. 2021, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Attitude of public towards higher education: Conceptual analysis /
Scholedge International Journal Of Multidisciplinary And Allied Studies, Vol.2, Issue 12, pp.19-28, ISSN No: 2394-336X. -
Attitude towards the medical profession among higher secondary students in relation to medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations
Attitude towards the Medical Profession includes concepts, motives or beliefs associated with the profession of medical science. Medical science is a profession that challenges the intellectual competency of the aspirant owing to the strenuous demands of the career. It is essential that possession of an appropriate attitude and a realistic understanding of the demands of medical science be a pre-requisite, especially if the higher secondary adolescent aspires this as his or her vocation for life. As theformation of attitude is based on several intrinsic and extrinsic factors, a profession like medical science faces stiff competition among candidates to qualify with high expectations from family and society. The current study throws light on the attitude of higher secondary students towards the profession of medical science in relation to medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations, as the independent variables. It aimed to explore the role played by medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations in the formation of attitude towards the medical profession and the differences in the formation of this attitude among higher secondary students based on their gender and type of pre-university college that they belonged to. The study adopted was a descriptive study-cum-survey that employed a quantitative approach using the paradigm of post-positivism. The participants for the study comprised of 396 second-year higher secondary students from pre-university colleges of Bangalore South, who were
selected by convenience sampling method. -
Attitude towards the medical profession among higher secondary students in relation to medical aptitude, parental innfluene, peer influence and perceived social expectations
Attitude towards the medical profession includes concepts, motives or beliefs associated with the profession of medical science. A profession that challenges the intellectual competency of the aspirant to qualify- with soaring expectations from family and society- the demands of the career entail the individual to possess an appropriate attitude and a realistic understanding of it. The current study explores the role of medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations in the formation of attitude towards the medical profession and their differences among higher secondary students based on their gender and type of pre-university college. The study-cum-survey employed a quantitative approach using the paradigm of post-positivism. The participants comprised of 396 second-year pre-university students from colleges of Bangalore South, who were selected by convenience sampling, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as their core subjects. The findings reveal peer influence to be essential in the development of professionalism and a sense of service mindedness. Parental influence and the higher secondary adolescent s perceived social expectations act as significant predictors in the formation of favourable attitude. However, gender and the type of pre-university colleges bear no significant difference with respect to their attitude towards the profession. The study has set a base on what needs to be focussed in our country on the next generation of medical professionals. It is hoped that educational and medical institutions, policy and curriculum drafters, parents and teachers realise that a combination of sound medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations resonates in the formation of a favourable attitude towards medical science. Assessing those higher secondary students qualifying into medical science would enable to analyse differences that existed, if any, in their entry-level and post-qualifying attitude towards the medical profession. -
Infomercials are one of the most effective tools for communication . Infomercials bring out the importance of content and presentation of various products. Infomercials whether international or Indian / Hindi infomercials try to identify consumers behaviour and attitude towards the product . The study aims to analyse the perception of audience of television infomercials by applying qualitative and quantitative ( survey and in depth interview ) methodology. -
Audience perception on movies related to social issues: A case study on Ranjith movies /
Film alludes to an arrangement of pictures moving constantly, in a steady progression which makes an illusionary impact of development. Ranjith is a Malayalam screenwriter, filmmaker, producer and actor. The researcher here aims to analyse four films by Director Ranjith and study the audience perception or understanding on films related social issues. -
Audit Tenure, Audit Fee, and Audit Quality: Evidence from India
This paper examined the relationship between the tenure of the auditor and the audit quality of Indian companies, particularly in the wake of two significant regulations in the financial reporting, the implementation of Ind AS (the IFRS compliant accounting standards) and mandatory auditor rotation. Using Discretionary Accruals as a proxy for audit quality, the study took the data of all the companies listed on the NSE for 11 financial years, from 2009 2019 (totaling 8,171 firm-year observations). It deployed panel data regression with a random-effects model. The results showed that audit quality improved up to specific auditors tenure, particularly with the IFRS compliance and Big 4 auditors. The higher audit fee is positively significantly associated with lower earnings quality. The study suggested that mandatory auditor rotation might provide the full benefit only along with other regulations on IFRS, auditor reputation, and audit fee. The study provided an impetus to the regulators, audit fraternity, and companies to improve the relevance of financial statements. This is one of the first longitudinal studies examining the interaction effects of different audit regulations. Robustness checks with other proxies of audit quality provided the same results. 2022, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Augmentation of the energy storage potential by harnessing the defects of charcoal for supercapacitor application
The depletion of fossil fuel reserves coupled with an avalanche in the global energy demand has driven the need for developing facile techniques for energy storage devices to a large extent. Supercapacitors, has emerged as one of the most promising energy storage devices to address the demands of providing high energy density, quick charge discharge cycles and long cyclic stability. Although carbon based materials play an imperative role in the fabrication of electrode material of this device, the inherent defects are known to hinder the performance of the system. Even so, these defects can be engineered in a way to improve its overall functionality. The present work reports the tuning of the inherent defects of wood charcoal by surface functionalisation and doping via thermal annealing in order to incorporate substitutional impurities such as Nitrogen and Sulfur resulting in the improvement of the surface area and porosity of the system. The specific surface area of the system is observed to increase significantly from 4.2 m2/g of the bare material to 411.19 m2/g and 865.36 m2/g with the addition of Nitrogen and Sulfur respectively at a pyrolysis temperature of 900 C. Furthermore, the incorporation of Nitrogen exhibits a remarkable specific capacitance of 567 F/g and 193.24 F/g, and the addition of Sulfur exhibits 644 F/g and 255.1 F/g in the three-electrode and two-electrode systems respectively at a current density of 1 A/g. They also exhibit an energy density of 26.83 Whkg?1 and 17.36 Whkg?1 respectively with a capacitance retention of 88.5 % and 86.1 % for 5000 cycles. 2024 Elsevier Ltd -
Augmented intelligent water drops optimisation model for virtual machine placement in cloud environment
Virtual machine placement in cloud computing is to allocate the virtual machines (VMs) (user request) to suitable physical machines (PMs) so that the wastage of resources is reduced. Allocation of appropriate VMs to suitable and effective PMs will lead the service provider to be a better competitor with more available resources for affording a greater number of VMs simultaneously which in turn reflects with the growth in the economy. In this research work, an augmented intelligent water drop (IWD) algorithm is used for effectively placing VMs. The preliminary goal of this proposed work is to reduce the overall resource utilisation by packing the VMs to appropriate PMs effectively. The proposed IWD model is tested under the standard simulation process as it is given in the literature. Performance of IWD is compared with the existing techniques first fit decreasing, least loaded and ant colony optimisation algorithm. Performance analysis shows the significance of the proposed method over existing techniques. The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020. -
Augmented Reality Based Medical Education
The education in medical field requires both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. It is important for medical student to acquire effective practical skills. Since the students apply the theoretical knowledge in practical manner in human body. Human body is very volatile, gentle, and difficult system. If a student apply trial in the humans for practical knowledge, there may cause the human error which leads to death of the person. To avoid this, the proposed system 'Augmented Reality Based Medical Education' is useful. Augmented reality makes the learning process more interactive and interesting. It can reproduce specific circumstances that assist students to rehearse with virtual objects that look like the human body and organ. Like traditional learning, it does not require real patients. By this way, augmented reality prevents risk of human life. Medical education with augmented reality extensively provides real time experiences. It has low risks and also affordable. When any human error occurs, there is no human loss. So the human life can be prevented by the system. The proposed system is developed using tools like Unity which is the complete platform for the developing our application, Vuforia-developer portal, a tool to create image target and Blender which is used to create 3D objects. 2023 IEEE. -
Augmented Reality based Navigation for Indoor Environment using Unity Platform
This paper proposes an augmented reality (AR) navigation system developed for indoor environment. The proposed navigation system is developed using Unity platform which is usually used for developing gaming applications. The proposed navigation system without the aid of Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks users position and orientation accurately by making use of computer vision and image processing techniques. The user can navigate to the desired location using its user friendly and intuitive interface. The proposed system can be extended further to provide indoor navigational guidance within lager buildings such as malls, airports, universities and medical facilities. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Augmented reality for history education
Augmented Reality is live, direct or indirect view of a physical real world environment whose elements are augmented by personal computers (PC) that produces the information such as sound, video, designs or GPS data. This paper shows an instructive mobi le application based system model on Augmented Reality which is used to learn subjects like history through augmented videos. The objective of development of this system model is to make the learning interesting for the young generation. Unity 3D and Vufo ria Augmented Reality Software Development Kit (SDK) is used for the development of this model. The prime purpose of this application model is to enhance the learning process with digital technologies. This paper has step by step implementation instructions for the development of augmented reality modeling that can supplement the current teaching-learning environment to generate interest among young generation in less interesting subjects such as History, Geography, etc. 2018 Authors. -
Augmented Reality-Enabled Education for Middle Schools
Augmented reality acts as an add-on to teachers while teaching students, and this helps the teachers and students to have an interactive session. Augmented realitys usage in education is cited as one of the major changes in the educational sector. Thus, the work carried out makes a positive impact in the educational industry. Augmented reality provides features like image recogntion, motion tracking, facial recognition, plane detection, etc., to provide interactive sessions. Simultaneous localization and mapping and concurrent odometry and mapping have proved to be efficient algorithms for augmented reality on mobile devices. The work carried out allows students to view interactive newspapers while reading a specific article. It also allows them to view a dynamic three-dimensional model of the solar system on their smartphone using augmented reality. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Augmented Reality-Enabled Instagram Game Filters: Key to Engaging Customers
The gamification concept is rapidly grabbing attention of different sectors in the current competitive business ecosystem. Companies are amalgamating game elements to enrich customer enhancement. However, empirical studies incorporating Augmented Reality (AR) elements in the same are lacking. Therefore, main objective of this research is to inspect elements of AR, impacting the customer brand engagement in game filters of Instagram. Drawing on S-D Logic the authors aim to explore the impact of gameful experience on creating customer engagement. The capability of Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) to influence Brand Satisfaction (BS) and Brand loyalty (BL) is also explored in the study. Convenient sampling method was adopted to gather 458 responses from Gen Z in India. Responses were gathered using self-administered questionnaire. Findings of the study expand CBE literature to a new technology and refines knowledge of relationship between AR and preexisting CBE dimensions (affective, cognitive and activation), leading to BS and BL. This study has some implications for managerial decision making in creating resilient and long-term relations with customers. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Augmented Reality-Enabled IoT Devices for Wireless Communication
[No abstract available] -
Augmented Reality: New Future of Social Media Influencer Marketing
The advent of social media as a marketing tool has transformed how businesses connect and share information about their brands with their consumers. Amplified consumer engagement has created novel relationships between consumers and companies. Peoples reliance on seeking information from other online users and reviews has increased, and this is where social media influencers play an important role in shaping consumers opinions. Augmented reality will revolutionize the influencer marketing environment due to its ability to engage consumers. This research involved an online survey with questions established on a 7-point Likert scale. Later, exploratory factor analysis was used to summarize data better to understand associations between dependent and independent variables. Later principal component analysis was espoused for the extraction process. Varimax rotation congregated 39 items into various factors. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test was administered to justify the adequacy of the sample. The findings suggest that augmented reality moderates user engagement and is the future of influencer marketing. 2023 MDI. -
Authentic leadership in a pandemic world: an exploratory study in the Indian context
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the strategies that helps leaders be authentic in order to be able to respond proactively and become effective in helping their organisations they lead in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: Using a qualitative approach, 25 business leaders from diverse sectors were interviewed to understand what sustained them in an adverse context. Findings: Results reveal various dimensions of authentic leadership in a disruptive environment. Authentic leaders have to exhibit distinct behaviours that stems from re-examining oneself to reaffirming organisational purpose. Reimagining the work is emerged as the newer dimension to the authentic leadership considering the context of COVID-19. Practical implications: The results of the study provides insights for anyone leading organisations in today's disruptive business environment. The findings of this study can be used further to undertake quantitative studies to test professional relationships and understand the leadership strategies at different time frames. Originality/value: This paper addresses the strategies that leaders successfully follow to withstand the COVID crisis and highlights the different roles and behaviours that helped leaders to address the crisis confidently. 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Authentic Pride versus Hubristic Pride: Mediating Role of FoMO-directed Consumer Conformity Consumption Behaviour in Young Adults
Purpose-Sustainability is a word that has carried fame and prominence in the global conversation for the pro-environmental movement to protect the environment. Even making sustainable buying choices has been associated with individuals sense of identity in the socio-cultural sphere, especially when brands worldwide strongly promote them. This cross-sectional study aims to inquire if sustainability consciousness could impact consumers pride and, if yes, can fear of missing out (FoMO)-directed conformity consumption mediate the relationship between them or not. Method-Three standardised scales: the Sustainability Consciousness Questionnaire, 14-item Hubristic and Authentic Pride Scale and Consumer Consumption-FoMO Questionnaire, were administered to 18 to 35-year-old Indian young adults (N=204) recruited online to identify their levels of sustainability consciousness, hubristic and authentic pride and FoMO-directed consumer conformity consumption behaviour. Thus, convenient sampling was employed to collect the data for the study. The analysis involved Pearsons product-moment correlation followed by regression using SPSS software. Further, Sobels tests were conducted to verify the mediating roles of FoMO-directed consumer conformity consumption behaviour in relationships across sustainability consciousness and pride. Results Statistical analyses revealed that sustainable behaviours positively related to authentic pride with no mediating effects by FoMO-directed consumption behaviour. Similarly, sustainability attitudes are inversely associated with hubristic pride, but no mediating effects results were significant. On the other hand, sustainability knowingness was negatively related to hubristic pride, and the relationship was mediated significantly by certain but not all dimensions of FoMO. Conclusion-The study instilled empirical evidence for adaptive and maladaptive types of pride derived from sustainable orientation and the significant role of FoMO in strengthening hubristic pride. 2024 RJ4All. -
Authentication of symmetric cryptosystem using anti-aging controller-based true random number generator
In todays digital world, data protection is extremely important. Every companys data is a valuable asset, so its important to ensure that it's secured from outside threats. Information security is not only an effective but also a necessary element to protect data from unauthorized access. The confidentiality of any communication system is strengthening with the help of random number generators along with some analog circuitry. This type of analog models demands more power and area. So analog circuit-based hardware Random Number Generators (RNG) are least preferred over digital RNGs. To improve the security every industry depends on the one-time password (OTP). Which gives the security but generation of the OTP is very easy. Random number generator is used for the generation of OTP. Similarly, hacking such OTP is easier than creating them. This paper introduces the Anti-Aging controller TRNG, a highly stable high-performance random number generator Anti-Aging Cryptographically Secured True Random Number Generator (AACTRNG). Implementation of this work can be done by using TANNER EDA Tools and ModelSim-Altera 6.4a (Quartus-II 9.0) used for the simulation to retrieve random numbers. 2021, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.