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The topic Social Media and Crisis communication ?? The new age mantra? is indeed one where immense amount of research is possible. Simply because social media today has become one of the most rapidly growing means of communication. The researcher through this research aims to find out if Public relations professionals use this medium extensively while communicating crisis. The theory used behind this research is ??uses and gratification theory??. The research begins with the theoretical aspect of social media and crisis communication. The researcher has taken examples of a few ground breaking crisis that have taken place in the consumer world and cited their examples where in prominent use of social media has made people aware of the crisis and it is the same social media that has eventually regained people??s faith back into the brand. By the end of the research conducted with the help of the questionnaire that was administered to the target audience, the researcher aims to arrive at the conclusion, whether social media indeed is the new age mantra for crisis communication or not.Through this study the researcher aims to study if social media has become the new age mantra for crisis communication. -
The language we use to communicate with one another is like a knife. In the hands of a careful and skilled surgeon, a knife can work to do great good. But in the hands of a careless or ignorant person, a knife can cause great harm. Exactly as it is with our words- Anonymous. For the news media, particularly the newspaper, the greatest weapon is the power of words. The success or failure of a newspaper depends largely on the way its headlines appear to the readers. A well thought out headline does half the job of conveying the message. And consequently, a poorly written one can lead to misinterpretation. This research is an effort to delve into a complete understanding of the structuring of headlines in English newspapers and analyzing it against the use of phrases and words that are misleading and ambiguous. Through a thorough analysis of the textual presentation in the headlines, the researcher intends to study how the interplay of words in headlines works in grabbing attention of the readers through creation of curiosity and ambiguity. Furthermore, this study tries to understand the strategies employed by juggling of words in the headlines and the meaning creation of the same in the readers. -
In India the ICT trend is in boom and as seen as hugely beneficial, and India is also been considered as the most preferred global destination foe outsourcing of IT and IT related activities after having said so it becomes important to use the benefits of IT to solve the prominent problem of India that is Rural development. Will the application of IT on this sector have the similar results? This study is based on the growing trend of information communication technology (ICT) based projects for development which is popularly known as ITCD. India being the hub for ICTD projects this paper attempts to evaluate the pros and cons of this developing system. It has been stated by many authors that most of the ICT projects are non-sustainable. This paper tries to examine the reasons for adopting this technology for rural development which is largely illiterate and the risks and reasons which lead to failure of such projects. Various organization like the government of India, International organizations and non-profit organizations have been investing largely in terms of finance as well as human resource. Is this investment worth the outcome is one major issue which the study looks into. In order to conduct this research qualitative tools have been employed. Interviews with experts were conducted and a case study was deeply analyzed. This paper presents a brief review of the technologies, the rural ICT projects and the issues associated with the use of ICT for rural development. -
The paper deals with the television commercial of Incredible India. It studies whether these advertisements can be used to generate goodwill for the country. Incredible India advertisements are a rare combination of extraordinary words, music and visual. It is an initiative by the Government of India to promote tourism. They are small snippets capturing India at its best. The advertisement frequency is low. But if strategically used can prove beneficial in creating benevolence towards the country. The paper throws light on the negative treatment given to news by todays broadcast media. It analyzes whether the effect of it can be countered by the portrayal of beautiful India in the ??Incredible India advertisements. It studies if the result of viewing this advertisement can lead to overlooking of the flaws of our country. It specially tries to look into the effect that it might have on the youth. The methodology used for this study is experiment based. The researcher initially showed the respondents five television commercials and then followed it by distributing questionnaires which would help learn the consequences of viewing the advertisement. The limitation of the paper was the lack of journals, articles or related materials on the concerned topic. Nevertheless, considering all materials that were present, the research gave a holistic prospective to the advertising campaigns and its effect on the youth. -
This dissertation aims at studying the social networking site??s impact on people and relationships. There are different reasons why people use social networking sites like Facebook. The study aims to check whether it is the loneliness or the need for socialization that encourages networking on such sites. Study looks into Facebook and other social networking sites have changed the youngsters?? lives and lifestyles. This research tries to find out how this new media trend has affected peoples attitude towards life and also their attitude towards relationships. A questionnaire has been used to find the opinion of the people regarding the social networking concept. 75-100 people were researched to find out the exact need for social networking. The ability of networks to introduce new actors and new contents in the process of social organization, with relative independence to the power centres, increased over time with technological change, and more precisely, with the evolution of communication technologies. This is the reason that social networks has encouraged creating strong bonds. Through this study I want to understand if these ties are actually as effective as they seem to be. Internet does have both positive and negative impacts on the youth but the relations that are formed or maintained cannot be used to replace the real world actual relations. -
Media has always been pro-active about disseminating information. But it is no longer limiting itself to information. The concept of infotainment and sensationalism has taken over. Whether it is news channels or entertainment channels, all believe in the concept of garnering number one slots. The concept of ??media has evolved over a period of time. Unlike before, it is not limited to newspapers, radio and pamphlets. Recently, an upcoming Kannada singer committed suicide as he was not allowed to participate in one of the reality shows. This is a clear example to show the importance and the kind of recognition one gives to this medium. This research paper tries to understand the role of media in propagating welfare schemes. Various committees are formed across the country to provide a fair chance for the common man to access better facilities and fruits of development. If information about the same development or welfare schemes is not disseminated widely, how can one try to bring better standards of living? Running behind scams or 24 hours news coverage does not guarantee high quality news. The media is no longer a mediator between the government and public, but more of a commercial entity. Freedom to design program content has meant that the private TV channels, especially 24x7 news channels, do not have any special interest in propagating information about social welfare schemes. Government-owned broadcast media entities, on the other hand, follow government guidelines on media content, with specialized content to meet social development objectives. However, government-owned broadcast media is far behind in terms of catching up with latest technology and following best practices, when compared to private channels. Bureaucracy, red-tapism and lack of agility have meant that the government-owned channels have lost out to the private channels in presentation and holding the attention of viewers. -
Children grow up watching cartoons. Animated characters live in our minds, entertaining us as well as creating a fictional world in our minds. Various cartoons have been made in India based on Indian cultural background such as Amar Chitra Katha, Shri Krishna, Vikram Betal and so on. The aim of this study is to find out whether it is possible to educate children regarding culture through the medium of cartoons. This study also attempts to find out which cartoon based on Indian culture is most preferred by children and why. In addition, this study tries to analyze the benefits that children gain by watching cartoons based on Indian culture, the effects they create on children studying in second, third and fourth standard and also tries the kind of image of Indian culture generated through these cartoons. The preferred method for research is Quantitative analysis including questionnaires and the preferred sample size is 120 children from Bangalore. -
This research study entitled-??Current popularity of Assamese Cinema is a study on the status and recent growth of the Assamese film Industry and to explore the present scenario after a lots of bottlenecks. The prime focus is on the current level of popularity of the Assamese films and the paper is also directed towards the understanding of how the industry is rising and trying to achieve the position despite its long history, and its artistic successes, for a state (Assam) that has always taken its cinema seriously and after making a mark various prestigious Awards over the years. The methodology was devised with surveys, which was followed by a predominantly qualitative and quantitative data analysis to help to verify the objective of the research. The research was based mainly on audience survey and Experts?? opinion. After analyzing the survey results, it can be concluded that people still watch Assamese films but it is not as popular like earlier days. The condition of Assamese film industry is not so great but if people take initiatives then there is a hope of a bright future, whereas one cannot ignore the developments which has been taking place in the recent place. -
The research paper was aimed to look into the portrayal of women in media especially those who do item numbers. The paper also looked into the matter that how due to the lack of relevance of item numbers in movies today, the portrayal is negative. Whether this in turn has led to a negative stereotypical representation of women in general was also a concern of the study. The researcher focussed on this matter as she is strongly against any kind of stereotypical representations. As a media student she wanted to inform people about the rights and wrongs in the society and how this leads to framing of stereotypes which is often regarded derogatory. The research was done using both primary and secondary sources. Primary data collection included questionnaire method to general audience of sample size of 100 and a comparative analysis will be done. An extensive study was done of secondary sources too including books, journals, movies, short videos, internet and newspapers. The study revealed that item numbers have definietely lost its relevance in the movies and that has led to the negative portrayal of item girls. There were other reasons also found have an impact on the audiences?? mind which in turn influences his thinking towards the item girls, this was found by comprehending the study with Cultivation theory by Gerbner. -
The Internet has only about 6% penetration in India. These are words we repeatedly hear whenever there is a discussion about the power of social media and the Internet in general. Even though we say that the Internet penetration in India is very little, the figure in numbers is 100,000,000, as of 2010, which is a penetration of 8.5%. (Internet Usage and Population Statistics, 2010). In a country like India, even one percent is a few million people. That's not a discountable figure in a democracy. Therefore, the effect it has in the social context because of social media, cannot be undermined. This paper aims to study the effects of social media campaigns by doing a study on the socio- political campaigns in India. Some campaigns like the Pink Chaddi Campaign and the ??Support Anna Hazare Campaign?? have made extensive use of the social media. Social media activism today has come to be known as ??slacktivism?? as cited and explained in the further sections of this research paper. This research paper aims to find out if this term applies to activism on social media for socio-political campaigns in the Indian context. The aim is to understand if and how the social media has been effective in propagating different causes and how it has affected the new media users and sensitized them to issues. The implications of the findings, if proven that social media has a mass effect on the people of India, will be that using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other public information sharing sites will have to be integrated into every social message that circulates around in the media industry and the loss the campaign will incur if this isn??t fulfilled. -
This dissertation explores the one medium that the youth choose to get influenced by when it comes to watching popular fantasy book based movies. It is based on the assumption that the influencers may be many but ultimately the youth rely on one main medium to make their movie watching decision. The books which the movies are based on, advertising media and user generated word of mouth communication were considered as strong individual influencers. The researcher first aimed at finding out which medium motivated youngsters to watch the first fantasy book based movie of the series and consequently whether the same medium influenced the youngsters to watch the remaining movies in the series. The researcher went on further, to find out which advertising medium most motivated youngsters to watch the movie series irrespective of whether advertising proved to be the strongest influencer or not. The researcher chose the Harry Potter book based movie series, the Twilight book based movie series and the Lord of the Rings book based movie series and restricted the target audience to the age group of 18-25 years. 90 respondents were allotted questionnaires out of which 30 respondents each belonged to the Harry Potter, Twilight and Lord of the Rings category. They were further equally divided on the basis of gender to negate bias. The major conclusion was that user generated word of mouth communication proved to be the strongest influencer when it came to watching the chosen popular fantasy book based movies and brought about the importance of TV ads as the ones with the most potential when it came to influencing those respondents in the advertising category. However the researcher cautions the readers that these findings may be applicable to other popular fantasy book based movies only if they fall in the same category as the ones chosen for this research. -
The paper research??s about the potential of an advertisement strategy on a lower scale, where number of promotional activities and the use of certain strategies like; direct marketing, social networking sites, internet, word-of-mouth, guerrilla marketing are used as a channel for promoting and creating brand awareness unconventionally. The research paper is primarily incorporating few aspects which relate to market study. The paper is in context of the upcoming trend of advertising. Not every client has a big business, not every client is a opulent person, and such people need to spend money carefully as they do not have sufficient investment. One of the major reasons why this research is conducted is to plan clients a lucrative marketing scenario within the budget, as well provide them a good promotion scale. The communication is indirect to the mass audience but direct to the niche audience. The research is on how low cost advertisement i.e. strategies like below the line advertising, guerrilla marketing which is capturing the target market. The paper also researches about how various new mediums can club together and make it possible to advertise on a low cost channel, meant for clients with low budget as well as high budget and create more awareness in a way of unconventional media when compare to the conventional media. It is also becoming a cut throat marketing strategy for all the products. The researcher also believes that there is allot of potential in conducting this research, as it extracts allot of information and opinions of different people in today??s scenario based on daily observation. Also helps the research gather relevant information about the use of medium??s and their potential. -
For the past few words, newspaper campaigns have become the buzz word in the field of print media, which major media houses starting various campaigns targeting social issues. The campaigns of The Times of India, especially Lead India, Teach India and Aman Ki Asha, are some of the most prominent among them. These campaigns dealt with pertinent issues in today??s society like illiteracy, corruption, accountability among citizens and Indo-Pak relations. However, in the light of recent controversies involving the media and excessive importance being given by them to advertising, the role of newspapers as watchdogs of the society is being questioned. The researcher, thus, seeks to understand whether these campaigns are genuine initiatives for social changes or a tool by the newspaper to increase readership. This study will analyze the impact of the campaigns on the readers of The Times of India. Through quantitative research using questionnaire, this study will also gauge the opinion of the readers on whether newspapers of today are capable of being agents of social change. The methods of research will include quantitative analysis by questionnaire method to understand how people perceive the newspaper campaigns of The Times of India and in general, the potential of newspapers to bring about social change. A sample size of 100 Times of India readers was selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The study revealed the intentions of the campaigns of The Times of India as well as potential of newspapers in bringing about social change as perceived by the readers of The Times of India. -
The dissertation aims to find whether the features of sports celebrity endorsements such as- credibility, ensured attention, high degree of recall of the product or service, psychographic connect, associative benefit, motivate a fan specifically, in this case, in their purchase decisions. It is an attempt to understand whether fan clubs, fans and fan cultures are unreceptive to the propagation of celebrity endorsements of products and services through conventional and unconventional advertising. The research aims to identify whether fandom of any kind influences their buying decisions. The theory employed in this research is the Two Step Flow theory of communication, wherein sports stars act as opinion leaders in advertising influence.The research is an attempt to understand if the growing sports celebrity brand endorsements actually have an effect on the buyer to the extent of buying decisions. By the end of the research conducted with the help of questionnaires that were administered to the target audience, the researcher aims to arrive at the conclusion, whether sports fandom indeed affects consumer buying patterns. -
Data Encryption Algorithm for Local Area Network (LAN)
The volume of traffic moving over the Internet is expanding exponentially every day due to increase in communication through Emails, branch offices remotely connect to their corporate network and commercial transactions. Hence protection of networks and their services from unauthorized modification and destruction is very much needed. TCPIP is the most commonly used communication protocol in the Internet domain. IP packets are exchanged between the end hosts as plain text (without any encryption). As Internet uses PSDN (Packet Switching Data Network) anybody who has access to PSDN can access/modify the data. Hence securing data over the network is difficult. The goal of network security is to provide, authenticity, confidentiality and integrity. Confidentiality is making sure that no body other than the receiver will be able to read the data. Integrity is making sure that the data didnt get modified by intruder or by some other means while it is getting transmitted. Authenticity is making sure that the data is coming from the right sender. In this paper we propose a new data encryption algorithm based on private key (symmetric key) cryptography method. Keys are shared between two end hosts using simple algorithm. Cyber block chaining method is used while encrypting/decrypting the data. Large prime numbers are generated well in advance and kept for further key refreshments. The keys were refreshed periodically, so it gives very minimal time for the hackers to attack the system. As simple operations are used, we will be able to achieve fast and secure data encryption/decryption using this method. The behavior of the proposed approach is verified through various tests. -
Cartoons are the most popular form of entertainment for children. There are very few children who do not watch cartoons. Cartoons are animated figures which carry a story along with it. Every child is exposed to cartoons in some way or the other and whether we except it or not cartoons do have an impact on the minds of the viewers. That??s why most of the cartoons for children are sweet and innocent. But there are a few cartoons that have violence in them. This violence at times can affect the minds and the thinking process of the child. Over the past two decades violence in cartoons has increased. So this study compares the cartoons in the two decades and the increase and the effect it has on the minds. The study to a certain extent proved that the sample population believes that the violence that they view affects them in some way or the other. -
For years newspapers have sold papers through racks on the streets. With change in consumer behaviour, the sales and purchases of newspapers have also transformed. Technological advancement brought in a demand to be innovative and to suit the changing behaviour of the consumer. Newspaper like any other commodity has to fight for its survival and make an impact on the consumer??s mind. The days of ??Plan Buy?? have taken a backseat because of availability of many options for the product of the same kind. There comes a need to draw all the attention of the consumer to the devices of innovation in order to make a purchase. Newspapers therefore, have adopted different elements of the marketing communication mix of the integrated marketing communications to smartly market themselves at every level to reach and appeal to ever changing readers. The research will aim at studying the changes by the newspaper organization in order to market their newspaper through ??An Analysis of Marketing and Advertising Strategies of Deccan Herald, Bangalore.?? The research is aimed at studying the steps and procedures that are taken by the newspaper organization to position their newspaper to the target readers to get the desired market share. The research will also try and gauge the impact of the marketing and advertising strategies adopted. If there is an impact what might be the possible reasons and till what extent. The research will make a detailed analysis by interviewing people from Deccan Herald, Bangalore to get in-depth knowledge about the steps and procedures taken by the newspaper organization. Also, in addition a sample survey was conducted with a total sample size of 85 to gauge the impact. -
A Study on Critical Success Factors for Successful ERP Implementation at Indian SMEs
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning ) comprises of a commercial software package that promises the seamless integration of all the information flowing through the company??financial, accounting, human resources, supply chain and customer information (Davenport, 1998). Much has been written on implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in organizations of various sizes. The literature is replete with many cases studies of both successful and unsuccessful ERP implementations. Research on the implementation of ERP in certain European countries shows that, the job of implementing an ERP is a riskier business for Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) than for Large Enterprises (LEs), still SMEs have been receiving lesser focus from the software vendors and consultants than LEs (Shanks et al.,2000). There have been very few empirical studies that attempt to delineate the critical success and failure factors that drive the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Much of the time, ERP software vendors and consultants are the targets for blame when anticipated results do not materialize. Are the ERP vendors and consultants that sold the software the real culprits for the lack of business performance improvement? (Rao, 2000).The failure rates of ERP implementations have been publicized widely but, this has not distracted companies from investing large sums of money on ERP implementation. Many companies in developing countries have implemented ERP to capture its benefits still there is a lack of examining Critical Factors (CFs) that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs(Ranganathan and Kannabiran, 2004). In this dissertation, a framework has been adopted to cover both the national (Indian) and the organization size (SMEs) aspects to identify and rank the CFs that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Four models (ERP model, ERP Implementation Success Model, ERP Implementation Failure Model and ERP Gap (Strategic ERP) Model) were developed to explore and rank the thirty Critical Success Factors (CSFs) along with the twenty Critical Failure Factors (CFFs) that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Key Critical Success Factors (KCSFs) and Key Critical Failure Factors (KCFFs) were identified by ranking of these CSFs and CFFs according to their importance to decide their priorities during the ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Quantitative survey based method was used to explore what are the possible critical success and failure factors that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at India SMEs .Three close ended questionnaire were used to collect the data from the 500 Indian ERP consultants those who are having experience of ERP implementation in India for almost all types of Indian industries including Indian SMEs. Sample was drawn from ten national and international well known IT (ERP) sector companies which are involve in world wide ERP implementation including Indian SMEs. The Indian ERP consultants have been selected for the data collection using non probabilistic sampling method. The data collected were analyzed using statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, reliability tests, validity tests, exploratory factor analysis and non parametric tests. In order to explore thirty CSFs and twenty CFFs along with the KCSFs and KCFFs, three close ended questionnaires were customized with the help of literature reviews and experts opinions. Later on it has been standardized for this research with the help of Cronbachs Alpha readability and validity test (Guilfords formula) supported by exploratory factor analysis. Based on the Indian ERP consultants perceptions, literature review, and secondary data review it was found that an ERP implementation at Indian SMEs is not exactly same from the ERP implementations found in the existing literature for the worldwide Large Enterprises (LEs). When discussing the CSFs and CFFs for an ERP implementation at Indian SMEs, it was found that although the factors are more or less same but the importance of factors in term of their priorities (importance) are defiantly different from the ERP implementation of the LEs. -
The dissertation aims at going deeper than what meets the eyes, in terms of design and creativity with the help of semiotic analysis. The researcher conducted semiotic analysis of eight issues of Bloomberg Businessweek and Wired magazine??s cover pages, in an attempt to decode and deconstruct the nuances of the cover page. Stylistically all the cover pages considered for the semiotic analysis are covers that have several connotations and denotations. These aspects are generally neglected by the readers and there has been a constant need to decipher the underlying meaning. A lot of creative thought that goes into the creation of these cover pages as it involves a combined effort of the editorial and the design team with best of creative minds coming together. Here the attempt by the researcher is too look into that aspect of the cover which goes beyond the obvious. -
The approach towards the use of substances in western music videos has been thoroughly investigated by a lot of medical researchers. The main objectives were to produce evidence of the effect of television or any visual medium on the young minds. Most of these studies have come to conclusions that these mediums have enormous effect on the youth. This particular study compares four genres of music videos from the year 1991 till present. Each of these videos qualifies to be taken as subjects of research by their popularity in their particular time period. The four genres are hard rock, country, hip-hop and rap music videos. The main objectives are to find which medium carries such videos the most, which substances are mainly used in each genre and has it increase or decrease over the decade. There are various conclusions made from the findings of the study. New media has indeed made its presence in todays generation. Also, increase in promotion of new illegal substances over television and new media like YouTube is taking place with the increase of new cultures coming out of age.