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Advancement and Challenges of Biosensing Using Field Effect Transistors
Field-effect transistors (FETs) have become eminent electronic devices for biosensing applications owing to their high sensitivity, faster response and availability of advanced fabrication techniques for their production. The device physics of this sensor is now well understood due to the emergence of several numerical modelling and simulation papers over the years. The pace of advancement along with the knowhow of theoretical concepts proved to be highly effective in detecting deadly pathogens, especially the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein of the coronavirus with the onset of the (coronavirus disease of 2019) COVID-19 pandemic. However, the advancement in the sensing system is also accompanied by various hurdles that degrade the performance. In this review, we have explored all these challenges and how these are tackled with innovative approaches, techniques and device modifications that have also raised the detection sensitivity and specificity. The functional materials of the device are also structurally modified towards improving the surface area and minimizing power dissipation for developing miniaturized microarrays applicable in ultra large scale integration (ULSI) technology. Several theoretical models and simulations have also been carried out in this domain which have given a deeper insight on the electron transport mechanism in these devices and provided the direction for optimizing performance. 2022 by the authors. -
Multifunctional biosensor activities in food technology, microbes and toxins A systematic mini review
Biosensors have its significant applications in various fields, its use in food processing, food safety and food technology has helped to enhance the overall health of the society as it can successfully determine the presence and concentration of different microorganisms including Escheichia coli, Vibrio cholera, Clostridium spp. etc., and also determination of various toxins present in food like acrylamides, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, nitrosamines, Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) which are carcinogenic. The preface of biosensors has assisted food industries for monitoring and verification of raw materials, food processing, and composition of the food and assessment of product freshness. Symbolic biosensors have been developed in recent years and yet there is much immediate need for the development of more reliable, cost-effective, sensitive and novel biosensors for rapid detection and identification of food borne pathogens and toxins. Extensive review recapitulates overall food-pathogen testing research market trends, as well as commercialization of biosensors for the food safety industry as legislation creates novel standards for microbial monitoring. Furthermore, the world's concern about the food safety and human's healthcare, the one and only biosensor's exclusive demand is nothing but an alternative in real time diagnosis of diseases causing pathogens. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
The Puzzle of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: From Epidemiology to Treatment
Inherited neurodegenerative pathology characterized by lower muscle tone and increasing spasticity in the lower limbs is termed hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). HSP is associated with changes in about 80 genes and their products involved in various biochemical pathways, such as lipid droplet formation, endoplasmic reticulum shaping, axon transport, endosome trafficking, and mitochondrial function. With the inheritance patterns of autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked recessive, and mitochondrial inheritance, HSP is prevalent around the globe at a rate of 15 cases in every 100,000 individuals. Recent technology and medical interventions somewhat aid in recognizing and managing the malaise. However, HSP still lacks an appropriate and adequate therapeutic approach. Current therapies are based on the clinical manifestations observed in the patients, for example, smoothing the relaxant spastic muscle and physiotherapies. The limited clinical trial studies contribute to the absence of specific pharmaceuticals for HSPs. Our current work briefly explains the causative genes, epidemiology, underlying mechanism, and the management approach undertaken to date. We have also mentioned the latest approved drugs to summarise the available knowledge on therapeutic strategies for HSP. 2022 by the authors. -
Carbon Dots from Natural Sources for Biomedical Applications
Carbon dots (CD), a class of 0D nanomaterials, have gained much research attention over the years due to their uniqueness in properties such as tunable photoluminescence, biocompatibility, low toxicity, water-solubility, and chemical stability. Converting inexpensive biomass to valuable materials highlights the synthesis and applications of biomass-derived CDs. This review summarizes the research and development related to the synthesis, properties, and applications of biomass-derived CDs, furnishing a comprehensive list of biomass-derived CDs with their properties and potential applications. This review's discussions and references span the properties that equip CDs for their diverse biomedical applications, such as bioimaging, sensing, drug delivery, phototherapy, and nanomedicine. 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH. -
Nitrogen-doped carbonized polymer dots (CPDs) and their optical and antibacterial characteristics: A short review
Substantial advancements in the field of Carbon Dots (CDs) and their derivatives in recent years can be accredited to their tunable properties. Recently Carbonized Polymer Dots (CPDs) are the emerging form in the CDs family, which possesses a typical polymer/Carbon hybrid structure and properties due to its incomplete carbonization. Alteration of various parameters during the synthesis process suggested that the properties of CPDs depend on temperature and pH. It was found that doping of CPDs using nitrogen enhanced its optical properties, thereby being used as biomarkers. CPDs generally hold a strong green and blue emission, while intense red luminescence was observed doping with nitrogen. Photoluminescence Quantum Yield (PLQY) was also found to increase with the increase in doping and temperature. Doped CPDs find several applications, including bio-imaging, LEDs, etc. In this review, we focus on analyzing the increase in efficiency of CPDs with the process of doping considering optical and antibacterial applications. 2021 by the authors. -
A road map on nanostructured surface tuning strategies of carbon fiber paper electrode: Enhanced electrocatalytic applications
Impressive characteristics of carbon fiber paper (CFP) electrodes propound greater demand in electrochemical applications. CFP has a network structure composed of interwoven carbon fibers (CFs). The macroporous structure, chemical inertness, high conductivity, low cost, corrosion resistance, good electrical properties, mechanical strength, and self-standing capabilities have led to the large-scale acceptance of CFP. This review appraises the current progress of CFP based electrodes for electrocatalytic applications in the field of electrochemical sensors, electrochemical capacitors, batteries, electro Fenton oxidation, electrooxidation of alcohols, water splitting, hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) together with the different fabrication strategies on the CFP substrate in an organized manner. The different modifiers used for surface tuning of CFP addressed in this review are the conducting polymers, carbon-based nanomaterials, transition metal dichalcogenides/phosphides/carbides, and nanostructured metal oxides. 2022 Vietnam National University, Hanoi -
Fungal Mushrooms: A Natural Compound With Therapeutic Applications
Fungi are extremely diverse in terms of morphology, ecology, metabolism, and phylogeny. Approximately, 130 medicinal activities like antitumor, immunomodulation, antioxidant, radical scavenging, cardioprotective and antiviral actions are assumed to be produced by the various varieties of medicinal mushrooms. The polysaccharides, present in mushrooms like ?-glucans, micronutrients, antioxidants like glycoproteins, triterpenoids, flavonoids, and ergosterols can help establish natural resistance against infections and toxins. Clinical trials have been performed on mushrooms like Agaricus blazei Murrill Kyowa for their anticancer effect, A. blazei Murrill for its antihypertensive and cardioprotective effects, and some other mushrooms had also been evaluated for their neurological effects. The human evaluation dose studies had been also performed and the toxicity dose was evaluated from the literature for number of mushrooms. All the mushrooms were found to be safe at a dose of 2000mg/kg but some with mild side effects. The safety and therapeutic effectiveness of the fungal mushrooms had shifted the interest of biotechnologists toward fungal nanobiotechnology as the drug delivery system due to the vast advantages of nanotechnology systems. In complement to the vital nutritional significance of medicinal mushrooms, numerous species have been identified as sources of bioactive chemicals. Moreover, there are unanswered queries regarding its safety, efficacy, critical issues that affect the future mushroom medicine development, that could jeopardize its usage in the twenty-first century. Copyright 2022 Chugh, Mittal, MP, Arora, Bhattacharya, Chopra, Cavalu and Gautam. -
Synthetic Approaches to Diospongins: A Two Decade Journey
Tetrahydropyran units having multiple stereogenic centers serve as excellent building blocks for various active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). In particular, the presence of the unique molecular architecture of the trisubstituted tetrahydropyran (THP) unit in diospongins enhances their biological activity due to multiple stereogenic centers and has attracted attention from the synthetic community over the last two decades. In this review, we discuss synthetic approaches to chiral and racemic forms of diospongins during the period 2006 2020 in chronological order. 2022 by the authors. -
Medicinal potential of the Cape-pondweed family (Aponogetonaceae): A review
Aponogeton (Aponogetonaceae) is an aquatic genus comprising 60 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World. The species of the genus are traditionally used to treat a wide variety of diseases including cuts and wounds, stomach disorders and reviving digestive system, fungal infections, cough, tuberculosis, acne, cancer, diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, snake bite, etc. A total of 50 compounds have been isolated from Aponogeton species. Essential oils, fatty acids and waxes, ester, quinones, steroids, terpenes and terpenoids, phenols and phenolics are the important compounds present in this genus. In this review, we provide an overview of the taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, biogeography, traditional medicinal uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological activities and tissue culture of Aponogeton. Other aspects such as the use of some species as model plant for studying programmed cell death (PCD) are also discussed. This review on the medicinal potential of the genus aims at attracting the attention of biologists to this phytochemically less explored plant group. The knowledge gaps in different areas of research and future perspectives are also discussed. 2022 SAAB -
Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis: A Review
Early detection and treatment is a successful method to fight against cancer. The use of conventional methods often limits the early-stage detection of the same. Nanotechnology, especially nanomedicine, has become an evolving field in research today. Nanoparticles, with their diverse application in medicine, have grown tremendously. Despite their physicochemical properties, the toxicity of nanoparticles in living organisms has helped the scientific community develop these nanoparticles for cancer treatment. In this review, we highlight the two different types of synthesis of nanoparticles: Top-down and Bottom-up approaches, many instances of various techniques and other inorganic nanoparticles that are good platforms for bioimaging and biosensing applications, drug delivery nanocarriers for specific tumor targeting, thereby reducing the toxicity to healthy tissues and Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and Photo Thermal Therapy (PTT), their mechanism and nanoparticles and examples of their surface functionalization used in cancer treatment. 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH. -
Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of MoS2-Based Materials for Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Dye
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDCs) having versatile properties and plays a great role in the photodegradation of organic dyes. MoS2 also finds applications in diverse fields such as catalysis, electronics, and nanomedicine transportation. MoS2 can be prepared by using chemical and physical methods such as hydrothermal, solvothermal, and chemical vapour deposition methods. The preparation method employed can produce subtle but significant changes in the morphology. To increase the efficiency of MoS2, it can be combined with different materials to produce composites that improve the photodegradation efficiency of MoS2. The various methods of preparation, the morphology of MoS2, and photodegradation activity of the MoS2-based nanocomposites are briefly discussed in this review. 2022 by the authors. -
Current scenario of Gastric cancer (GC): A systematic review
Gastric cancer (GC) is amongst the most difficult cancers to treat and, hence, has to be studied from the roots to be properly analysed. The disease starts as precancerous lesions which have to be observed. This includes dysplasia, atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. This is effective for detecting the prognosis of GC so that it can be resolved in early stages. This is dependent on a variety of risk factors which include blood type, gender, age, geography, gene polymorphisms, acid secretion, pernicious anemia, oxidative damage, previous gastric surgery, etc. Probably the most important, however, is infection by H. Pylori. With respect to virulence factors and host factors, both are significant players in the development of several cases of malignancies. Other genetic factors and lifestyle choices including alcohol use, tobacco usage and obesity, will also be analysed. There are also several genetic conditions that cause high risk of development into a malignancy including Menetrier s disease, hereditary diffuse GC, Lynch syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Li Fraumani syndrome etc. Several diagnostic procedures such as lab tests, physical examinations and biopsy are used. The current review analysed the factors which are involved in the prognosis and causative agents in the development of GC. This is to better understand how GC can be diagnosed and confirmed. This may include molecular testing, including genes, which can be of high risk followed by modern treatment methods discussing surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy. Chemotherapy includes discussion of several drugs and how they target the malignancy in question. By understanding the disease in detail, through causes, prognosis, detection and treatment, we can go one step closer to find the cure for GC. 2022 World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
Emerging challenges for the agro-industrial food waste utilization: A review on food waste biorefinery
Modernization and industrialization has undoubtedly revolutionized the food and agro-industrial sector leading to the drastic increase in their productivity and marketing thereby accelerating the amount of agro-industrial food waste generated. In the past few decades the potential of these agro-industrial food waste to serve as bio refineries for the extraction of commercially viable products like organic acids, biochemical and biofuels was largely discussed and explored over the conventional method of disposing in landfills. The sustainable development of such strategies largely depends on understanding the techno economic challenges and planning for future strategies to overcome these hurdles. This review work presents a comprehensive outlook on the complex nature of agro-industrial food waste and pretreatment methods for their valorization into commercially viable products along with the challenges in the commercialization of food waste bio refineries that need critical attention to popularize the concept of circular bio economy. 2022 -
Integrated biorefinery development for pomegranate peel: Prospects for the production of fuel, chemicals and bioactive molecules
Current experimental evidence has revealed that pomegranate peel is a significant source of essential bio compounds, and many of them can be transformed into valorized products. Pomegranate peel can also be used as feedstock to produce fuels and biochemicals. We herein review this pomegranate peel conversion technology and the prospective valorized product that can be synthesized from this frequently disposed fruit waste. The review also discusses its usage as a carbon substrate to synthesize bioactive compounds like phenolics, flavonoids and its use in enzyme biosynthesis. Based on reported experimental evidence, it is apparent that pomegranate peel has a large number of applications, and therefore, the development of an integrated biorefinery concept to use pomegranate peel will aid in effectively utilizing its significant advantages. The biorefinery method displays a promising approach for efficiently using pomegranate peel; nevertheless, further studies should be needed in this area. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Therapeutic potential of marine macrolides: An overview from 1990 to 2022
The sea is a vast ecosystem that has remained primarily unexploited and untapped, resulting in numerous organisms. Consequently, marine organisms have piqued the interest of scientists as an abundant source of natural resources with unique structural features and fascinating biological activities. Marine macrolide is a top-class natural product with a heavily oxygenated polyene backbone containing macrocyclic lactone. In the last few decades, significant efforts have been made to isolate and characterize macrolides' chemical and biological properties. Numerous macrolides are extracted from different marine organisms such as marine microorganisms, sponges, zooplankton, molluscs, cnidarians, red algae, tunicates, and bryozoans. Notably, the prominent macrolide sources are fungi, dinoflagellates, and sponges. Marine macrolides have several bioactive characteristics such as antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial, antiviral), anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, and neuroprotective activities. In brief, marine organisms are plentiful in naturally occurring macrolides, which can become the source of efficient and effective therapeutics for many diseases. This current review summarizes these exciting and promising novel marine macrolides in biological activities and possible therapeutic applications. 2022 The Authors -
Keratin as a sustainable biopolymer for waste water treatment
Keratin is one of the most abundant natural polymers with potential application in various fields but is usually seen discarded as waste generated from poultry farms along roadsides and landfills. These are indeed the cheapest source of keratin protein which could be used for various applications. Owing to the structural properties, keratinous materials are now being exploited in wastewater treatment systems as adsorbents. The rich amino acid content having hydroxyl, carboxyl and amino groups has been found to be beneficial in removing contaminants from waste waters like heavy metals and dyes. Research based on this idea has received peak attention to a point where formulations of different adsorbent materials like nanofibre, biofilms and biocomposite from keratinous raw materials are now available for commercial use. This review summarises the application of keratin as an efficient adsorbent for waste water treatment providing an insight into its structure, forms of keratin used for treatments and mechanism of adsorption of different components in waste water. 2022 World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
Surface modulation and structural engineering of graphitic carbon nitride for electrochemical sensing applications
The rediscovery of the old-age material graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), a 2D conducting polymer, has given rise to a tide of articles exploring its diverse applications. Recently, owing to its excellent physicochemical stability and tunable electronic structure, the material has proven to be an eminent candidate for improving the sensing quality of electrodes. Excellent properties of g-C3N4 such as exposed surface area, metal-free characteristics, and low-cost synthesis have attracted facile and economical designing of sensors for a variety of analyte molecules. Herein, the readers are introduced to the historical development of g-C3N4 and escorted to the present findings of its electrochemical sensing applications. Along with its sensing utilities, the review shares some exciting insights into the synthesis, structural, and surface chemistry modulations of g-C3N4. A great many approaches for overcoming the inherent limitations have also been critically discussed, starting with the precursor in use. This review article aims to provide a concise perspective and direction to future researchers for enabling them to fabricate smart and eco-friendly sensors using g-C3N4. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Islamic Azad University. -
Betulinic acid: A natural promising anticancer drug, current situation, and future perspectives
Natural products serve as the single most productive source for the discovery of drugs and pharmaceutical leads. Among the various chemicals derived from microbes, plants, and animals, phytochemicals have emerged as potential candidates for the development of anticancer drugs due to their structural diversities, complexities, and pleiotropic effects. Herein, we discuss betulinic acid (BA), a ubiquitously distributed lupane structured pentacyclic triterpenoid, scrutinized as a promising natural agent for the prevention, suppression, and management of various human malignancies. Ease of availability, common occurrences, cell-specific cytotoxicity, and astonishing selectivity are the important factors that contribute to the development of BA as an anticancer agent. The current review delineates the mechanistic framework of BA-mediated cancer suppression through the modulation of multiple signaling pathways and also summarizes the key outcomes of BA in preclinical investigations. 2022 Wiley Periodicals LLC. -
Perovskites: Emergence of highly efficient third-generation solar cells
For decades, human beings have been trying to plug into the sun to satisfy our energy requirements. Solar energy harvesting technology is, at present, in its third generation. Among the emerging photovoltaics, perovskite solar cells, which are fast advancing, have great future scope as solar energy harvesters. Rapid technological growth within the decade makes it the most potent among third-generation photovoltaics. Since its introduction in 2009, photoconversion efficiencies (PCE) of perovskite solar cells has hiked from 3.9% to 25.8% by 2021. Despite the swift increase in PCE, perovskite photovoltaics have to cross many hurdles to reach the stage of commercialization. Issues like low stability and lead toxicity are matters of great concern. The choice of material in each layer and the interfacial engineering to create matching between surfaces play a significant role in enhancing device performance. This review focuses on the materials and functions of four different layers of perovskite solar cells: light-absorbing, electron transport, hole transport, and counter electrodes. A brief discussion of perovskite-silicon tandem and 2D/3D multidimensional solar cells is also included in the review. The emergence of environment-friendly, economically feasible, and efficient solar cell materials turns out to be milestones in the path toward the commercialization of perovskite solar energy harvesters. Highlights: This review discusses the emergence of perovskite solar cells, which are of great importance in the rapidly growing photovoltaic technology. An overview of materials, structure, and working of different perovskite solar cell layers- active layer, hole transport layer, electron transport layer, and counter electrode, is given in the review. The evolution of different solar cell materials is discussed, and their performance is compared qualitatively and quantitatively. 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -
A Review of Comprehension and Operation of DC/DC Converters Precisely Voltage Multiplier and Voltage Lift Converters
Converters in power electronics play a significant part in the power conversion of distributed generation and grid-connected systems. This paper gives comprehension analysis and operation of various non-isolated step-up DC/DC converters for renewable energy applications using voltage multiplier or/and voltage lift techniques to attain higher voltage gain. An isolated converter structure mainly comprises a transformer which is associated with high cost, complexity, leakage inductance, losses and EMI problems with the decrease in the efficiency of the converter, hence the operation of several DC/DC converters precisely voltage multiplier and voltage lift converters are discussed with relative simulation results obtained. 2022 Seventh Sense Research Group.