Cafes in India have become a major business activity. It’s demand has grown so much so that people no longer want to go for fine dining and eat their food in an enclosed space with sophisticated colored walls. Though cafes are a borrowed concept from West but in the last seven to eight years, cafes have become a booming sector in the gastronomic industry. Particularly, if we look at the metropolitan cities of India, they all are bustling with cafes and pulling crowd like never before.
This paper focuses on the strategies adopted by Volkswagen and Tata to rebuild the image of Skoda and Jaguar respectively. Through this paper, the researcher wants to find out how change in ownership and how change in PR strategies, can rebuild the image of a brand. Both Skoda and Jaguar were facing a downhill when it came to sales and were on the verge of shutting down. That is when the change in ownership took place.
Public Relations is fundamentally the process of managing how, when and in what way one communicates, so that one may ultimately influence the behaviour, attitude and perceptions of those important. Public relations were initially only used for corporate practices but with the passage of time it has clearly become very popular in other fields as well including that of fine arts. Arts with time has gone from an invaluable hobby into a commercial business.
A common question that arises in the minds of people with reference to advertising is: ‘in the near future, would any place be off-limits to advertising?’ Without much thought, a wellknown person would answer: ‘No’. The introduction of Ambient Advertising has increased the possibility of the answer to this question being affirmative. Ambient advertising is a new form of advertising tactic that has recently been introduced in India with a view of promoting and selling products/services, and brands.
Corporate Social Responsibility has been one of the primary importances given by companies. Every corporate/brand ensures proper identification, organized planning and effective implementation of a CSR activity. All these lead to one key goal, which is to create brand awareness or improve the image of a company/brand. The researcher has analysed the Corporate Social Responsibilities of two brands- Aircel and P&G. A qualitative approach has been taken by the researcher under which critical content analysis has been done to analyse the campaigns of the two brands. The two campaigns taken for the study are Aircel- Save our tigers and P&G Shiksha.
Media has always played a major role in depicting various sections of the society, various aspects of life and people and thus enabled the common man have various perspectives. Sometimes, media becomes selective and refuses to properly execute certain news. Media can play a useful role in dissemination of information, but it when it comes to the process of portraying the women who have stood up for something, is the efficiency same?
Press is the watchdog of the democracy. Unending search for truth and fair reporting are the hallmarks of true journalism. With an increasing trend of competition among the media organizations and the rush to break the latest to the world, depth research on the beat gets diluted. There are other factors like time constraint, nature of the story, language and the geographical barriers etc. limit the validity and the accuracy of the beats that are covered.
Indian Folk art is widely appreciated by the global audience because of its aesthetics and simplicity. The various folk art forms of India, have developed from the antiquities of the past centuries. The following research paper titled. The Charm Of Indian Folk Art‘ will analyse the traditional folk art of selected regions from across the country. And the modern adaptation of these traditional art forms by the contemporary designers.
Social media is often hailed as an instrument of digital democracy and social change. This perception is deeply rooted in the well acknowledged potential of ICT’s as ‘agents for development and empowerment .It has liberated people from the tyranny of the free flow of information and ideas. The Delhi elections held in 2013 and 2015 made a revolutionary change in India’s political equations. It shows the emergence of a new party Aam AadmiPart, Aam Aadmi Party and its victory.
The education systems in today’s world have greatly changed with the emergence of new technologies. With the advent of digital media, variety of applications are developed which aid the children to step into their primary education. This research paper aims at finding out the role of such academic web applications among children.
To understand how character could be understood by analysing the greatest works of the above artists. This research is to find a possible connection to show that the songs written by the artist is not just a form of expression but also to show the world who they are, and their ideologies and most importantly what they feel about themselves.