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Anti-vibrio effects of the precious Tibetan pill, Rinchen Drangjor Rilnag Chenmo (RDRC)
Tibetan precious pills are an integral part of TTM (Traditional Tibetan Medicine). Among them, Rinchen Drangjor Rilnag Chenmo (RDRC) has been named King of Precious Pills due to its efficacy in treating a multitude of human disorders. RDRC has a complex formulation with about 140 ingredients, mostly from medicinal plants and a few precious stones and metals. Not many studies have been done on the experimental validation of antimicrobial properties of this important pill. The current study investigated the antimicrobial activity of the extracts of RDRC. Both aqueous and chloroform extracts were evaluated for their antibacterial potential against a total of seven different bacterial species, which are pathogenic, including three species of Vibrio, viz. V. vulnificus, V. parahaemolyticus and V. harveyi using the well-diffusion method and also by assessing MIC and MBC values. Its antifungal potential was also studied against two fungal strains Aspergillus Niger and Talaromyces islandicus. It was found that the chloroform extract of RDRC exerted a positive antibacterial effect on all the Vibrio species tested, and the least MIC of 3.33 mg/ml was observed for V. parahaemolyticus. This is the first study of its kind on the anti-Vibrio effect of the Tibetan precious pill, Rinchen Drangjor Rilnag Chenmo. Dhargyal et al (2021). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited ( -
Antibacterial activity and spectroscopic characteristics of silver nanoparticles synthesized via plant and invitro leaf-derived callus extracts of Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC
In this paper, we describe the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using plant extracts, as well as their structural, optical, and antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli and Bacillus velezensis bacteria. For the study, several sections (root, leaves, and seed) of Mucuna pruriens, an immense medicinal herbal used to treat Parkinson's disease, were evaluated. Also, the seeds were grown in-vitro in the modified Murashige and Skoog's medium and the leaf derived callus supplemented by different phytohormones like picloram (pic), thidiazuron (TDZ), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 2-isopentenyl adenine (2-iP) were selected for this study. This is the first report of distinct callus obtained from M. pruriens and used for green nanoparticle synthesis. The prepared materials were thoroughly evaluated for structural and optical properties using XRD, FTIR, and UV-Visible spectroscopy. During synthesis, the colour changes from colourless to reddish brown, and the existence of an SPR peak in the absorption spectra confirms the formation of AgNPs. The FTIR spectra reveals the presence of phenolic group and alkyl ether groups, which were responsible for the reduction of silver ions during the green synthesis. The aqueous extracts of plant parts and callus obtained from different hormones showed very poor antibacterial activity. However, the green synthesized nanoparticles fabricated by different plant extracts showed good antimicrobial activity towards E. coli and B. velezensis bacteria. amongst the investigated results, highest antimicrobial activity against E. coli (84.8%) and B. velezensis (78.1%) was shown by AgNPs mediated by leaf extracts respectively followed by 0.5 mg/L pic and 2.0 mg/L BAP callus mediated silver nanoparticle solution. According to the findings, green produced AgNPs are promising candidates for antibacterial applications against E. coli and B. velezensis. 2022 SAAB -
Antibacterial composition against psuedomonas aeruginosa and method of preparation thereof /
Patent Number: 201941043986, Applicant: CHRIST (Deemed to be University).
Process for preparing an antibacterial composition against Pseudomonas aeruginosa is disclosed. The process includes carbonising dry leaves of Colocasia esculenta; developing graphene nanomaterials from the carbonized dry leaves of Colocasia esculenta via modified Hummers™ method; and integrating tin oxide (SnO2) nanoparticles with the graphene nanomaterials so as to enhance antibacterial activity against P. aeruginosa and obtain graphene-tin oxide nanocomposite as antibacterial composition. -
Antibacterial Effect of Phosphorous-Doped Carbon Nanomaterial Derived from Alstonia Venenata
Antibiotics have been widely used as fundamental medicine for several decades to treat various bacterial infections. However, bacteria develop different mechanisms to defeat the action of antibiotics, which has become a significant issue that endangers infectious therapy. To reduce the consumption of antibiotics and thus combat the increasing antibiotic resistance, it is necessary to implement safe and effective alternatives to conventional antibiotics. Though nanomaterials have become an emerging hope in infectious treatments, they have limited application due to aggregation, toxicity issues, and problems related to their dispersibility. However, carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) offer high solubility, biocompatibility, and minimum toxicity with their inherent antibacterial properties. The selection of natural precursors as the carbon source is an eco-friendly and economical route for synthesizing antibacterial carbon nanomaterials. In the present work, fluorescent CNMs have been synthesized by the hydrothermal treatment of Alstonia venenata leaf extract. The antibacterial capability of the bare extract (AVE), hydrothermally treated extract (AVH), AVH doped with nitrogen (N-AVH), and AVH doped with phosphorous (P-AVH) are tested against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and gram-negative Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Except for P-AVH, all other samples showed nontoxicity towards the tested bacterial species. In contrast, P-AVH inhibited bacterial growth with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 2.5 and 2mg/ml on S. aureus and E. coli, respectively. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Antibacterial efficiency of carbon dots against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria: A review
The nontoxic characteristics and inherent antibacterial potency of Carbon dots (CDs) have earned immense attention in the last few years. As the increasing antibiotic resistance of bacterial strains create critical health risks, replacement of conventional antibiotics with alternative antibacterial agents is highly encouraged. The light-driven antibacterial action CDs is a safe process with minimal side effects. Direct interaction of CDs with bacterial cells also contribute to the overall antibacterial activity. Unique and complex mechanisms of antibacterial activity of CDs involve ROS generation, degeneration of cell structure, and leakage of the cytoplasm because of DNA binding and modulation of gene expression. This review provides a systematic overview of the antibacterial potency of CDs to eradicate Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Various mechanisms of antibacterial activity and factors that contribute to antibacterial action of CDs also discussed. It also highlights the synergistic effects on the antibacterial performance of modified CDs and significant future research concerns. 2021 Elsevier Ltd -
Antibacterial performance of GOAg nanocomposite prepared via ecologically safe protocols
Control and extinction of the rising problem of antimicrobial resistance makes a multidisciplinary approach for the advancement of novel disinfectant agents imperative. Although graphene-based nanomaterials display high bacterial toxicity, their cytotoxicity to mammalian cells is found to be very low. Herein, a simple green approach for the synthesis of graphene oxidesilver composite using Syzgium cumini (Indian black plum) fruit extract was reported. Physicochemical properties and antibacterial activities of the composite were subsequently studied comparing with silver nanoparticles and pure graphene oxide. We demonstrate the influence of precursor materials in dictating the antibacterial properties of nanosystems. The antibacterial study conducted on selected gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria reveals that composite is more effective against gram-negative bacteria. The microbicidal activity of composite against bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli, was higher than the control drug cephalexin (CE control). Test compounds against L929 cell lines by MTT assay reveal the low cytotoxicity of samples. From the statistical analysis, it is inferred that the cell viability is dependent on the concentration. Fruit extract-based graphenesilver composite could be an excellent environment-friendly replacement for harsh disinfectants. 2020, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. -
Anticancer activity and other biomedical properties of ?-sitosterol: Bridging phytochemistry and current pharmacological evidence for future translational approaches
Sterols, including ?-sitosterol, are essential components of cellular membranes in both plant and animal cells. Despite being a major phytosterol in various plant materials, comprehensive scientific knowledge regarding the properties of ?-sitosterol and its potential applications is essential for scholarly pursuits and utilization purposes. ?-sitosterol shares similar chemical characteristics with cholesterol and exhibits several pharmacological activities without major toxicity. This study aims to bridge the gap between phytochemistry and current pharmacological evidence of ?-sitosterol, focusing on its anticancer activity and other biomedical properties. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of ?-sitosterol's potential for future translational approaches. A thorough examination of the literature was conducted to gather relevant information on the biological properties of ?-sitosterol, particularly its anticancer therapeutic potential. Various databases were searched, including PubMed/MedLine, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science using appropriate keywords. Studies investigating the effects of ?-sitosterol on different types of cancer were analyzed, focusing on mechanisms of action, pharmacological screening, and chemosensitizing properties. Modern pharmacological screening studies have revealed the potential anticancer therapeutic properties of ?-sitosterol against various types of cancer, including leukemia, lung, stomach, breast, colon, ovarian, and prostate cancer. ?-sitosterol has demonstrated chemosensitizing effects on cancer cells, interfering with multiple cell signaling pathways involved in proliferation, cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, survival, metastasis invasion, angiogenesis, and inflammation. Structural derivatives of ?-sitosterol have also shown anti-cancer effects. However, research in the field of drug delivery and the detailed mode of action of ?-sitosterol-mediated anticancer activities remains limited. ?-sitosterol, as a non-toxic compound with significant pharmacological potential, exhibits promising anticancer effects against various cancer types. Despite being relatively less potent than conventional cancer chemotherapeutics, ?-sitosterol holds potential as a safe and effective nutraceutical against cancer. Further comprehensive studies are recommended to explore the biological properties of ?-sitosterol, including its mode of action, and develop novel formulations for its potential use in cancer treatment. This review provides a foundation for future investigations and highlights the need for further research on ?-sitosterol as a potent superfood in combating cancer. 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -
Anticounterfeiting Method for Drugs Using Synthetic DNA Cryptography
Counterfeited products are a significant problem in both developed and developing countries and has become more critical as an aftermath of COVID-19, exclusively for drugs and medical equipment's. In this paper, an innovative approach is proposed to resist counterfeiting which is based on the principles of Synthetic DNA. The proposed encryption approach has employed the distinctive features of synthetic DNA in amalgamation with DNA encryption to provide information security and functions as an anticounterfeiting method that ensures usability. The scheme's security analysis and proof of concept are detailed. Scyther is used to carry out the formal analysis of the scheme, and all of the modeled assertions are verified without any attacks. 2022 IEEE. -
Antiferromagnetism of CoO-NiO bilayers studied by XMLD spectroscopy
CoO-NiO epitaxial bilayer system grown on MgO(001) substrate is investigated using x-ray magnetic linear dichroism (XMLD) spectroscopy with varying CoO overlayer thickness. An analysis of the Ni L 2 edge XMLD spectra using anisotropic XMLD formulation within a two-domain model reveals that the Ni moments undergo a spin reorientation with increasing CoO thickness. Such a spin reorientation is attributed to the competing magnetic interactions at both the NiO film interfaces, suggesting the existence of a sharp horizontal domain wall separating the in-plane and out-of-plane NiO domains. Our study also demonstrates a possible way to investigate the spin-structure along the thickness within the same chemical structure using a model-based approach, in a noninvasive manner. 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Antifouling Nanoparticle Coatings for Post-Harvest Food Preservation
The reports of the World Food Preservation Center exhibit that the entire number of inhabitants in the globe will reach 9.6 billion by the year 2050. With the increasing population, there is a growing pressure on agricultural produce which is further amplified by the losses between harvest and retail (~17%) and other wastages (~17%). Globally, this is a major concern, and thus, there is no surprise to look into current research developments in food preservation. This chapter provides comprehensive reports on the recent trends in various nanoparticle coatings for the aforementioned application. Silicon dioxide (SiO2), titanium dioxide (TiO2), and zinc oxide (ZnO) nano regime coatings on silicon substrate and polymer substrates have been discussed for antifouling applications. This chapter is categorized as follows: Section I delivers the introduction about the significance of food preservation in reference to the reported statistics. In section II, the discussion starts with the materials and methods for post-harvest food saving. Major recent advances in terms of materials or methods to increase the shelf life of cuisine are portrayed in the same section II. Section III entails the appropriate computational methods to envision the interaction of food residuals with coated nanolayers through sensing. The final section (IV) delivers a guideline on feasible research implications to address the shortcomings in food preservation from a broader perspective. 2024 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
Antimagic labeling and its variations in graphs
Graph theory is a branch of discrete Mathematics with its results having significant applications in many areas of computing, social, and natural sciences. Graph labeling is one of the fascinating areas of graph theory with wide-ranging applications. The concept was first introduced in the 1960s where the vertices and edges are assigned real values or newlinesubsets of a set subject to certain conditions. The labeling dealt in the thesis is edge labeling basically, that is, assigning a label to the edges of the graph. Depending on the conditions applied in labeling give way to magic, super-magic, antimagic labelings. Hartsfield and Ringel introduced the notion of antimagic labeling in the year 1990. In this thesis, three variations in graph labeling are dealt namely, equitable antimagic labeling, equitable difference labeling and extension of equitable irregular labeling with an introduction of k-equitable irregular labeling. For a given graph G = (V,E), an equitable antimagic labeling (EAL) of G is a bijective edge-labeling f: E(G) and#8594; {1,2,3,...,m = |E(G)|} such that |W_f (u)-W_f (v)| and#8804; 1 for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v of G, where W_f (v) is the sum of the labels of the edges incident with the vertex v. A graph admitting an EAL is called an equitable antimagic graph (EAG). In Chapter 2, we initiate a study of this new edge labeling of graphs. A diand#64256;erence labeling of a graph G is realized by assigning distinct integer values to each vertex and then associating with each edge, the absolute diand#64256;erence of those values assigned to its end vertices. That is, it is an injective function f: V(G) and#8594; N together with function f^*: E(G) and#8594; N deand#64257;ned by f^* (uv)=|f(u)-f(v)|for any edge uv in G. The function f^* is called the weight function induced by f. An irregular labeling f: E(G) and#8594; N with the property that S_f (u) and#8800; S_f (v) for any two vertices u and v of G, where S_f (u) denotes the sum of the labels of the edges incident with the vertex u. The sum S_f (u) is called the vertex sum of u under f. -
Antioxidant activities of leaves and fruits of piper nigrum and piper longum
Background and Objectives: Herbs and spices have been used to enhance flavors of food, as well as for their medicinal purposes. Herbs usually contain antioxidant properties. The present study was focused on the importance of the antioxidants present in Piper nigrum and Piper longum widely used by the people of India in their food. Materials and Methods: The methanolic extracts of the leaves and fruits of both Piper nigrum and Piper longum were prepared using soxhlet extraction method. The total phenolic content (TPC) of the plant samples were determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The total flavonoid content (TFC) of the plant was determined. The inhibitory effect of the plant against oxidation by peroxides was evaluated by ferric thiocyanate assay. Results: The highest concentration of phenol was obtained from Piper nigrum leaves. The highest flavonoid content was observed in the Piper nigrum leaves (0.15 mg). The higher reducing potency of the antioxidants was present in the leaves and fruit of Piper nigrum and Piper longum exhibiting their antioxidant properties. The ability of the plant extracts of Piper nigrum and Piper longum against lipid peroxidation was revealed through the efficiency of inhibiting the radicals at a percentage of 58.33, 77.77, 66.66 and 22.22, respectively. Conclusion: From the study it was concluded that leaves and fruits of Piper nigrum and Piper longum have shown high antioxidant properties. So, they are considered to be rich sources of natural antioxidants for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. 2020 Jobi Xavier and Seju Thomas. -
Antioxidant and antigenotoxic properties of Alpinia galanga, Curcuma amada, and Curcuma caesia
Objective: To compare the antioxidant and anti-genotoxic properties of Alpinia (A.) galanga, Curcuma (C.) amada, and C. caesia. Methods: Cytotoxicity of ethanolic extracts of A. galanga, C. amada, and C. caesia at selected doses was evaluated by trypan blue, MTT, and flow cytometry-based assays. Genotoxicity and anti-genotoxicity (against methyl methanesulfonate, 35 ?M and H2O2, 250 ?M) of these plants were studied by comet assay in human lymphocytes in vitro. Furthermore, DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, lipid peroxidation, and hydroxyl radical scavenging assays were performed to study the antioxidant potentials of the plants. Finally, anti-genotoxic potential of C. amada was validated in Swiss albino mice using comet assay. Phytochemical composition of C. amada was determined by GC/MS and HPLC. Results: The selected doses (2.5, 5, and 10 ?g/mL) of A. galanga, C. amada, and C. caesia were non-toxic by cytotoxicity tests. All three ethanolic extracts of plant rhizomes demonstrated antioxidant and anti-genotoxic properties against methyl methanesulfonate-and H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. Multivariate analysis revealed that various antioxidant properties of these extracts in DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays were strongly correlated with their total phenolic constituents. C. amada extract conferred protection against cyclophosphamide-induced DNA damage in the bone marrow cells of mice and DNA damage was significantly inhibited by 2.5 mg/kg C. amada extract. Conclusions: C. amada is rich in potentially bioactive molecules and exhibits potent antioxidant activities. Its anti-genotoxicity against cyclophosphamide-induced oxidative stress is also confirmed in this study. 2021 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Produced by Wolters Kluwer-Medknow. All rights reserved. -
Antioxidant Phenolics of Justicia adhatoda L. and Cordia dichotoma Frost. Promote Thrombolytic Activity through Binding to a Serine Protease, Tissue Plasminogen Activator Protein
Background: The tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) protein dissolutes fibrin clots and prevents the disease like thrombosis. The current study aimed to study the tPA-promoting activity of bioactive molecules of Justicia adhatoda L (JA) and Cordia dichotoma Frost (CD). Methods: The phytochemical characterization of methanolic and aqueous extracts of JA and CD stems was performed through qualitative analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and biochemical tests (total phenolic and total flavonoid content [TPC and TFC]). The bioactivity of the extracts was studied through total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and ferric-reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP) assays. Finally, forty phytocompounds from JA and CD were identified from the literature, and in silico molecular docking study was performed to target tPA protein (PDB id 1A5H, Chain A, X-ray diffraction, resolution 2.90 . Results: Various phytochemical classes were identified from extracts, through qualitative and FTIR analysis. TPC and TFC were estimated from the JA and CD extracts within the range of 9.3428.67 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g of extract weight (EW) and 2.4816.17 mg quercetin equivalent/100 g of EW, respectively. The aqueous extract of CD showed the highest TAC of 14.90 ascorbic acid equivalent (AAE)/100 g of EW, and the methanolic extract of JA had the highest FRAP activity of 27.77 mg AAE/100 g EW. The molecular docking study showed that apigenin 6,8-di-glucopyranoside had the highest binding potential toward the tPA (?9.380 kcal/mol). Conclusion: It can be concluded that antioxidant phytochemicals of JA and CD could promote the tPA activity, thereby promoting thrombolytic activity. Copyright: 2023 Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal (BBRJ) -
Antiwear performance evaluation of halloysite nanotube (HNT) filled polymer nanocomposites
Polymer nanocomposites containing various types of reinforcements and fillers are oftenly used in applications such as sliding elements in the machine and automotive parts, gear assemblies etc., in which tribological performance parameters viz. friction and wear are the major issues. In this work, the specific wear rate of HNT filler loading (0-4wt %) in Glass-Epoxy nanocomposites fabricated by vacuum bagging technique are evaluated experimentally. For this purpose, the specimens are prepared and tests are conducted as per the ASTM G-99 standard for a number of trials with the assistance of a pin-on-disc machine by varying load and speed values, keeping time and track diameter constant. The results obtained from experiments reveals that reduction in specific wear rate and the amount of material loss is quite significant for HNT loaded specimens when compared with neat sample even at higher operating conditions. This indicates that HNT comprises of hard ceramic elements viz. SiO2 and Al2O3 which eventually enhances the antiwear behaviour of prepared nanocomposites. Finally, a study on wear mechanisms and morphologies are carried out by analyzing the worn surfaces through SEM micrographs. BEIESP. -
Aplicaci obligatoria de las NIIF y relevancia del valor de la informaci contable en la India; [Mandatory IFRS enforcement and value relevance of accounting information in India]
This study investigates the influence of IFRS enforcement on the explanatory power of earnings and book value on the market price in an emerging economy, India over five years that is two years before mandatory IFRS enforcement for 2014-2015 and three years after IFRS enforcement for 2016- 2018. Total 3470 firm-year observations were examined by assembling data from the BSE website and the annual reports of the firms for this purpose. The findings of the study conclude that the financial reporting environment has improved after introducing the IFRS, which was reflected through a strong and significant association between market price and its two dominating variables earnings and book values. However, the findings also suggest that earnings have been stronger and more significant predictors of market price post-IFRS enforcement than book values, which showed a negative association with market price and declined after IFRS enforcement. The study also suffers from diverse constraints similar to previous studies such as limited data sets and years coupled with only two variables and suggests future scope for research in diverse angles where researchers can employ the return model, and add more control variables such as cash flows, leverage, size, growth... 2019 Universidad Nacional Automa de Mico, -
Apparel shopping styles of young adult consumers in Bangalore
Apparels are one of the most frequently purchased product categories where young adults have the authority to make independent buying decisions, and they also become trendsetters and opinion leaders. Understanding this large segment appropriately is crucial for apparel manufacturers and marketers as they promise longevity of market and exert substantial influence on their parents, peers, as well as their own spending. The present study segmented young adult consumers based on their shopping styles towards purchase of apparels and explored the differences in the shopping styles across demographics such as gender, educational levels, and regional background. The respondents for the study were young adults who belonged to the age group of 18 - 25 years residing in Bangalore, India. The variables under study were eight shopping styles adapted from Sproles and Kendall Consumer Style Inventory- CSI (1986). The study revealed that all the eight shopping styles of the CSI were manifested among young adults in Bangalore; however, the predominant shopping style was the Perfectionist/ High Quality Conscious shopping style. Furthermore, significant differences in the shopping styles of young adults across gender, educational levels, and regional background were found. -
Apparel shopping styles of young adult consumers in Bangalore /
Indian Journal Of Marketing, Vol.46, Issue 2, pp.267-279, ISSN No: 0973-8703. -
Applicability of Search Engine Optimization for WordPress (WP) Website
91 percent of online experiences begin with a search, according to the Content Marketing Institute. That is the hunt for an explanation. As a result, search marketing is a critical practice for any businesses looking to grow and improve. Marketers and clients that paid for adverts began researching SEO and SEM at that time. This pursuit plans to give knowledge into the paid and unpaid procedures of search engine marketing (SEM) and what falls under its umbrella including search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC). So in this exploration work, we feel the most ideal approach to utilize a web search tool SEM, is such a method of Internet showcasing that incorporates the utilization of web crawler result pages to advance business sites. SEM was earlier used as a protective gadget for anything to be done with the online search marketing field and it was girdled along with SEO. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.